NEWS ON 08/14 1.JUDICIAL INTERPRETATION DESIGNED TO PROTECT FOREST RESOURCES** 最高法发布司法解释明确破坏森林资源犯罪定罪量刑标准 2.RELIEF WORK CONTINUES INHEILONGJIANG, JILIN AND HEBEI** 华北东北:齐心协力恢复受灾地区生产生活秩序 3. STATE COUNCIL ISSUES SUPPORTIVE MEASURES FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENT 提振外商投资信心!国务院印发重磅《意见》 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------*1.JUDICIAL INTERPRETATION DESIGNED TO PROTECT FOREST RESOURCES* 最高法发布司法解释明确破坏森林资源犯罪定罪量刑标准 As tomorrow marks the country’s first National Ecology Day, the Supreme People’s Court today issued a judicial【司法的】 interpretation involving cases of illegally occupied forest land to promote environmental conservation. Chen Xuan tells us more details. 明天(08/15)是我国首个“全国生态日”,最高人民法院今天(08/14)发布了涉及非法占用林地等森林资源民事纠纷的司法解释,以促进环境保护。陈璇为我们带来详细解读。 The interpretation takes effect tomorrow. It states a crime has been committed when one-third of a hectare【公顷】 in a public welfare forest is illegally occupied or destroyed. For a commercial forest, the same applies if more than two-thirds of a hectare is illegally occupied or destroyed. 该解释将于明天生效。其中规定,非法占用并毁坏公益林地五亩以上构成犯罪。非法占用并毁坏商品林地十亩以上,同样构成犯罪。 It specifies that stealing trees, no matter where they are, will be theft cases under the law. 解释明确了在任何地方偷盗树木,都将被依法定为盗伐林木罪。 The court document also specifies conviction【定罪】 and sentencing standards for crimes that harm national protected plants. If one or more plants of a first-level protected wild plant, or 1 cubic meter or more of standing timber**【木材】 of a first-level protected wild plant is harmed, it constitutes the crime of damaging nationally protected plants. The same crime applies if two or more plants of a second-level protected wild plant or 2 cubic meters or more of standing timber of a second-level protected wild plant are damaged. 解释也明确了危害国家重点保护植物罪的定罪量刑标准。危害国家一级保护野生植物一株以上或者立木蓄积一立方米以上,或者危害国家二级保护野生植物二株以上或者立木蓄积二立方米以上的,即构成危害国家重点保护植物罪。 According to the Supreme People’s Court, between 2018 and 2022, courts across the nation sentenced more than 80,000 people involved in 60,000 criminal cases related to damaging forest resources. 据最高人民法院统计,2018年至2022年,全国法院共判处破坏森林资源刑事案件6万余件,涉案人员8万余人。 With better judicial protection of forest resources, the country’s forest coverage and forest stock volume have increased in the past few years. Since 2000, about 25 percent of the world’s newly added green space comes from China. 随着森林保护的司法保护力度加大,过去几年,全国森林覆盖率和森林蓄积量不断增加。自2000年以来,全球新增绿地中约有25%来自中国。 As a result, the average concentration of PM2.5 in major cities has declined nearly 60 percent in the past 10 years. The number of heavy polluted days reduced significantly, making China become the country with the fastest improvement speed in global air quality. 因此,近10年来,主要城市PM2.5平均浓度下降了近60%。重污染天数大幅减少,使中国成为全球空气质量改善速度最快的国家。 2.RELIEF WORK CONTINUES IN****HEILONGJIANG, JILIN AND HEBEI 华北东北:齐心协力恢复受灾地区生产生活秩序 As flood waters have receded, reconstruction has begun in the provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Hebei. Sun Siqi takes a look. 随着洪水退去,黑龙江、吉林和河北等省的灾后重建工作已经开始。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。 Road and communications equipment repairs are ongoing in the city of Shangzhi in Heilongjiang. A 3-meter-deep hole on one road has been filled. The local government is giving out supplies to people who have returned. 黑龙江尚志市正在进行道路和通信设备的维修。公路上一处三米的深坑已被填平。当地政府正在向返回归家的人们发放物资。 villager 村民 “(他们给我们)送行李(被褥)、大米、白面、油。” “They gave us blankets, rice, flour and oil.” The province has downgraded its flood emergency response to level three. 黑龙江省已将防汛应急响应降为三级。 In Jilin, the water levels of major rivers have dropped to normal, allowing authorities to end a level-2 emergency response. More than 500 soldiers helped restore a 172-meter section of road in Jinma Town in the hard-hit city of Shulan. The also repaired a 60-meter breach in a dam. 在吉林,主要河流的水位已降至正常,当地解除了二级应急响应。500多名士兵帮助重灾区舒兰市金马镇修复了长达172米的道路,还修复了一个60米长的堤坝缺口。 In Tianjin, water levels have returned to safe levels after flooding and dam breach alerts were raised last week. 天津于上周提级洪水和溃坝警报,目前水位已降至安全水平。 In Hebei, businesses are re-opening. Work has resumed at major construction projects across Xiong'an New Area. Safety inspectors are checking eight schools in Laishui County, Baoding City. 在河北,商户正重新开业。雄安新区的主要建设项目已经复工。安全检查人员正在检查保定市涞水县的八所学校。 Yin Shengnan, Principal of** Sanpo Town Primary School 尹胜男三坡镇小学校长 “(专家)已经进行评定了,(建筑物)是没有危险的,然后我们接下来就是清淤工作结束以后,我们会对整体的环境进行一下消杀,保证9月1日我们如期开学。” The specialists say the buildings are safe. So now we'll disinfect the grounds after we've finished cleaning up. The school should open as scheduled on September 1st. In Gaobeidian, Baoding, disinfection and safety inspections have been completed in 129 of 154 villages. 保定市高碑店市154个村中有129个村已完成消毒和安全检查。 3.STATE COUNCIL ISSUES SUPPORTIVE MEASURES FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENT 提振外商投资信心!国务院印发重磅《意见》 China’s State Council has issued new guidelines regarding further optimizing the foreign investment environment and intensifying efforts to attract foreign investments. Lei Shuran has the details. 国务院发布了关于进一步优化外商投资环境,加大吸引外商投资力度的意见。本台记者雷舒然带来报道详情。 The State Council Information Office told a news conference today that the measures will include improving the quality of foreign capital utilization, guaranteeing the national standard treatment of foreign-invested enterprises, and strengthening the protection of foreign investments. Foreign investments and operations are to be made easier, and** fiscal****【财政的】 and tax supports increased. The State Council has called on all regions nationwide to adopt measures to support the effort. 国务院新闻办公室在今天(08/14)的新闻发布会上表示,这些措施将包括提高利用外资质量、保障外商投资企业的国民待遇标准、加强对外商投资的保护。外商投资和经营将更加便利,并加大财税支持力度。国务院要求全国各地区采取相关措施努力优化外商投资环境。。 Chen Chunjiang, **Assistant Minister of Commerce 陈春江商务部部长助理 “研究创新合作采购方式,通过首购订购等措施,支持外商投资企业在我国创新研发全球领先产品等。强化外商投资促进和服务保障工作,做好自由贸易协定原产地证书签证工作,为外商投资企业享受关税减免政策提供便利等。” “We will study innovative cooperative procurement methods and support foreign-invested enterprises through government procurement, so as they will be able to do innovative research and develop cutting-edge products in China. We will also strengthen foreign investment promotion and service guarantees, including the issuance of certificates of origin under free trade agreements, and the facilitation of tariff reductions and exemptions for foreign-invested enterprises.” The Ministry of Commerce reports that committed foreign direct investment in the Chinese mainland fell 2.7 percent in the first half of this year. Despite that decline, 24,000 new foreign-invested firms were established during the period, up 35.7 percent from a year earlier. The ministry said it will follow up implementation of the guidelines in four areas - coordination with local governments, strengthening public knowledge of the policies, tracking the results of the plans and evaluating problems encountered during the process. 商务部报告称,今年上半年,外商对中国大陆的直接投资下降了2.7%。虽然投资有所下降,但同期新设立外商投资企业2.4万家,同比增长35.7%。中国商务部表示,将从四个方面跟进指导方针的实施——与地方政府的协调、加强公众对政策的了解、跟踪计划的结果以及评估过程中遇到的问题。 #热词加油站 judicial/dʒuːˈdɪʃəl/【司法的】 hectare/ˈhekteə(r)/【公顷】 conviction/kənˈvɪkʃn/【定罪】 timber/ˈtɪmbə(r)/【木材】 fiscal/ˈfɪsk(ə)l/【财政的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~