cover of episode 08/15 TOP NEWS 丨 上海保障性租赁住房 / 打造苏河示范区 / 美国司法部申请公开搜查令

08/15 TOP NEWS 丨 上海保障性租赁住房 / 打造苏河示范区 / 美国司法部申请公开搜查令

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NEWS ON 08/12 1.AFFORDABLE RENTAL APARTMENTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 从宜居到宜融 保障性租赁住房建设全面发力 2.RESIDENTS OFFER IDEAS TO IMPROVE SUZHOU CREEK PROMOTION 着力打造苏河慢行示范区 苏州河华政段滨河公共空间将再迎升级 3.U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SEEKS TO UNSEAL MAR-A-LAGO SEARCH WARRANT 美国:司法部首次发声 申请公开海湖庄园搜查令 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.AFFORDABLE RENTAL APARTMENTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 从宜居到宜融 保障性租赁住房建设全面发力 The Shanghai Housing Administration Bureau says close to 180,000 affordable rental housing units are coming to market as the city continues to address residential needs. Lei Shuran has more. 上海市房管局负责人表示,今年,全市将力争建设筹措保租房18万套,以满足住房需求。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 At 8am, construction was underway on three apartment buildings that will be rented out at affordable rates to talents working in Zhangjiang high-tech park and surrounding industrial parks in Pudong. A basement providing 231 parking spaces will be built by mid-September. Construction is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2024, providing a total of 416 apartments for rent. 80 percent of them are less than 70 square meters. The community will feature greenery coverage of 35 percent. 早上8点,正在建设中的张江科学之门北侧,这个保租房施工工地已是一派热火朝天。九月中旬,地下室空间就将完成,能提供231个地下车位。总施工预计将于2024年第一季度完工,共计416套房源。其中,70平米及以下的中小户型占比达84%,绿化率达35%。 Chen Chaojie, Project Manager, Shanghai Housing Development Co. 陈超杰 上海地产住房发展有限公司张江租赁住房项目经理 We use environmentally friendly materials in construction to ensure there is no pollution in the apartments. There’s also a canteen, an activity center for the elderly as well as a nursery in the community, which can meet residents’ daily needs. 整个项目我们基本上是采用环保的装配式装修,保证我们拎包入住后没有污染,我们有社区食堂,有老年活动室和幼托管点,在整个小区之内就可以完成所有的配套,满足平时日常生活的需求。 A project in Huangpu District covers an area of nearly 75,000 square meters and includes 750 affordable rental apartments. More than half of the apartments measure less than 55 square meters. The project is expected to be completed in the first half of next year. Canteens and wet markets will also be built in the community. 位于黄浦区世博滨江板块的这个保租房项目总建筑面积近7.5万平方米,四幢高层750套保租房中,45平米和55平米的一房户型占比超过50%,明年上半年可竣工交付。小区内还将建一些餐饮和菜场。 Wu Kanlun, Manager Assistant of Operation Dept. Shanghai Housing Development Co. 吴侃伦 上海地产住房发展有限公司运营管理部经理助理 This is the bathroom for our 45-square-meter rental apartments for young residents. The colors are vibrant【充满活力的】 and style. 这是我们45平青年公寓的卫生间,从整个设计风格来看,用色是非常年轻和有活力的。 More than 20,000 affordable housing units have already reached the market this year. Nearly 140,000 are still under construction. 今年已经有2万余套保租房入市,近14万套保租房正在加速建设中。 2.RESIDENTS OFFER IDEAS TO IMPROVE SUZHOU CREEK PROMOTION 着力打造苏河慢行示范区 苏州河华政段滨河公共空间将再迎升级 Some residents signed up to give suggestions today to improve a section of a Suzhou Creek** promenade【散步场所】** that opened last year. The scenic【风景优美的】 path snakes across a historical college campus. Sun Siqi tells more. 今天(8/12),一些市民将重走自去年全面建成开放的苏州河华政段,看风景、提建议。长廊蜿蜒穿过华东政法大学,形成更具魅力的公共空间慢行示范区。记者孙思奇带来更多详细报道。 8 people signed up and toured the 900-meter stretch of the promenade near the East China University of Political Science and Law campus. They’re nearby residents, high school teachers and civil servants. 8名报名的市民如约而至,其中有附近居民、教师等,加上长宁区建管委的相关人员,一行十余人走在苏州河华政段900米长的长廊上,边走边聊。 市民 赵女士 I’d like to see facilities like toilets, cafes, teahouses ... more of these.  都要按照人的需要,满足人的需要,比如说厕所啊,比如说咖啡啊,喝杯茶啊,可以适当增加一点。 WuXuan, Changning District Construction Committee 吴璇 上海市长宁区建管委交通科科员 We’ve been looking out for possible places for water fountains along the way. There’re only 2 at the moment.  近期的工作正在排摸沿线有哪些可以放直饮水的地方,现在我们苏州河步道上有两个直饮水点。 The promenade includes a dozen sightseeing spots with old ginkgo trees and historical campus buildings that date back to the 19th century. Although locals like what they see, they still have suggestions for improvement. 这条长廊包括十几个观光点,有古老的银杏树和可以追溯到19世纪的历史悠久的校园。此次体验活动,旨在让这些热爱苏州河的人们"挑挑刺"。 叶阿姨 I don’t think there’re enough benches. I’d like to sit for a while after taking a stroll【散步】. That’s what the promenade is missing.  凳子不够,我想坐一会儿也不太能坐。我希望走走歇歇,这样比较好,既然是步道就以休闲为主。 庄先生 Some of the facilities are not suitable for the disabled. That plaza【广场】 we just passed only has a staircase. If a ramp was added, that’d benefit people with disabilities. 有些设施不适合残疾人使用。我们刚刚经过的那个广场只有楼梯。如果增加一个坡道,他就可以在上面看到更好的风景。 More expansion work is underway. By October, the promenade will have direct access to the century-old Zhongshan Park. In the future, this strip will become an area where people can walk or ride a bike from the Huangpu River all the way along Suzhou Creek to Zhongshan Park. 更多的扩建工作正在进行中。到今年10月份,这条全长900米的苏州河华政段将与我身后的中山公园连成一片更加开阔的滨河公共空间。未来,人们可以通过这条长廊,从黄浦江边沿苏州河一路步行或骑车到达中山公园。 3.U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SEEKS TO UNSEAL MAR-A-LAGO SEARCH WARRANT 美国:司法部首次发声 申请公开海湖庄园搜查令 The U.S. Department of Justice filed a** motion【提议】 **yesterday to unseal the search warrant for former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence. Attorney General Merrick Garland made the announcement days after Federal Bureau of Investigation agents raided【突击搜查】 the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. Zhang Yue has the story. 几天前美国联邦调查局突击搜查前总统特朗普的湖海庄园。昨天(8/11),美国司法部部长加兰首度表态,证实是他亲自批准了对特朗普住所海湖庄园的搜查。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。 Garland said he personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant in this matter. He added that copies of the warrant and the warrant receipt were provided to the Trump lawyers who were on site during the search. 加兰称,他个人批准了在这件事上寻求搜查令的决定。同时,他补充道,搜查令以及获取物品清单的复印件都给了特朗普的律师,搜查时特朗普的律师也在场。 加兰 美国司法部长 The department filed the motion to make public the warrant and receipt in light of the former president’s public confirmation of the search, the surrounding circumstances and the substantial public interest in this matter. 司法部决定申请公开搜查令和搜查所得物品的清单,因为前总统已公开了这次搜查,公众也对此事抱有极大的兴趣。 Some US media earlier reported the raid involved classified【机密的】 materials that Trump allegedly took with him from the White House to Mar-a-Lago, when he left office in January 2021. The Washington Post reported yesterday that classified documents related to nuclear weapons were among the items that FBI agents sought when executing the Mar-a-Lago search warrant. There are no other additional details about what type of information the agents were looking for or whether any such documents were recovered. 有美媒早些时候报道称,这项搜查与特朗普2021年1月卸任时,将一些机密文件带回海湖庄园有关。据《华盛顿邮报》7日报道,与核武器有关的"最高机密级别文件"是此次搜查的目标之一。由于调查仍在进行,消息人士并未提供更多细节,也没有说明这些文件是否被找到。 里特 美国洛杉矶刑事辩护律师 It’s pretty remarkable in what’s already a remarkable story because it’s fairly unprecedented for the DOJ to release a warrant or an affidavit with a case that is still, quote unquote, pending. 这是十分不同寻常的事情,因为在未结案的情况下,司法部公开逮捕令或者口供的情况是前所未有的。 The court had instructed the Justice Department to confer with Trump about its request to unseal certain warrant documents from the FBI search and to tell the court by 3 pm if he opposes their release. Trump responded yesterday that he would not oppose the release of documents, adding that he is going a step further by encouraging the immediate release of those documents. Garland, FBI Director Chris Wray and some of the other investigators involved in the search at Mar-a-Lage have become the target of violent threats online since the search. 法院曾指示司法部与特朗普就相关文件能否公开进行协商。如果特朗普反对公开这些文件,需要在下午3点前告知法院。特朗普昨天(8/11)回应称,他不反对公开搜查令,并补充说,他将进一步鼓励立即公开这些文件。自从搜查开始以来,包括司法部长加兰 和 联邦调查局局长 雷伊在内的调查人员、检察官都遭受了网暴。 #热词加油站 vibrant [ˈvaɪbrənt]【充满活力的】 promenade [ˌprɒməˈnɑːd]【散步场所】 scenic [ˈsiːnɪk]【风景优美的】 stroll [strəʊl]【散步】 plaza [ˈplɑːzə]【广场】 motion [ˈməʊʃn]【提议】 raid [reɪd]【突击搜查】 classified [ˈklæsɪfaɪd]【机密的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~