cover of episode 08/13 TOP OF THE DAY 上海12-15岁人群疫苗接种/ 陆家嘴"十四五“规划/ 外交部回应

08/13 TOP OF THE DAY 上海12-15岁人群疫苗接种/ 陆家嘴"十四五“规划/ 外交部回应

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NEWS ON 8/13 **1.**VACCINATION RESERVATIONS OPEN FOR TEENS 15-17 **@**少年们,快来一起打苗苗 **2.**LUJIAZUI SETS COURSE TO BECOME WORLD-CLASS FINANCE HUB IN 5 YEARS 未来五年陆家嘴如何面向全球?陆家嘴“十四五”规划发布 *3.CHINA FIRMLY REJECTS U.S. SENATE’S APPROVAL OF TAIWAN RELATED BILL 美加紧操弄“台湾入世卫”,外交部回应来了! -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.VACCINATION RESERVATIONS OPEN FOR TEENS 15-17 **@少年们,快来一起打苗苗 Shanghai has unveiled its coronavirus vaccination plan for youths aged between 12 and 17. The first group of reservations【预约】 for teenagers aged between 15 and 17 opened today, attracting many parents. Song Wenjing has more. 上海将分步启动12至17岁人群新冠疫苗登记预约接种。今日(8.12日)首批开放预约接种的是15至17周岁青少年,不少家长已为孩子进行了登记预约。 At around 9 o’clock in the morning, Xu Ruofei, a grade 12 student made reservations for a coronavirus vaccination via the "jiankangyun" health cloud app with her mother. She is required to fill in her personal information, and choose "voluntarily vaccinate". 上午九点多,开学后即将升入高三的许同学,在家和妈妈一起在“健康云”App上预约疫苗接种,家长登录系统后,进入"未成年人登记"入口,填写基本身份信息,选择愿意接种,就能预约第一针接种。 INTERVIEW: Xv Ruofei, 12thGrader 许若菲上海高三学生** Today’s reservation went smoothly. I will feel safer when I go out later on. 今天约得还是挺顺利的。约完以后,感觉以后出去就更有安全感了。 Parents can make reservations for their teenagers via the health cloud app, Shanghai public service app Suishenban, or WeChat accounts of the city government and disease prevention and control center. Parents have to be authenticated【验证】 with their real names. An informed consent form provides information about the vaccine and contraindications. If schools arrange vaccinations for students, parents don’t need to make a reservation. 家长可以通过“健康云”app、上海市公共服务app“随申办”、市政府和疾病预防中心微信账号为孩子预约。父母必须用他们的真名进行认证。知情同意书上为父母和孩子提供关于疫苗和禁忌症的信息。但如果孩子学校通知将对登记学生统一安排后续接种,家长就无须再进行操作。 INTERVIEW: Huang Zhuoying, Immunization Dept., Shanghai CDC 黄卓英市疾控中心规划免疫所所长* Some districts or schools will arrange group vaccinations and parents will only need to follow school instructions. If schools don’t organize it, parents can choose a vaccination site near their home. 有些区,有些学校,是组织集体预约登记接种的,就是一个学校统一在一个接种点接种。那么在这种情况下,只要听学校的安排就可以了。有些学校学生是全市招生,居住地散在全市各个区,为了方便这部分学生接种,这类学校家长是要自己选择居住地就近的接种点。 If juveniles【青少年】 have health problems, they can cancel the reservation. Doctors say the side effects in children aged 12 to 17 is the same as adults. Some groups are advised not to take the vaccine, for example, individuals with a blood, nervous system or heart disease, as well as rare diseases. 如果孩子健康情况出现变化,需要暂缓接种,登记系统里可以一键取消预约。医生表示,12到17岁的儿童和成年人一样会有副作用。建议患有血液、神经系统疾病或心脏病以及罕见疾病的人群暂时不要接种新冠疫苗。 INTERVIEW: Cao Qing, Infectious Diseases Dept., Shanghai Children’s Medical Center 曹清上海儿童医学中心感染科主任* Doctors can determine whether a teen’s disease is stable enough for vaccination. Hematology and infectious disease specialists will make the decision together if a student has a blood disease. If one of them had chemotherapy【化疗】 after stem cell transplants, we will determine if their immune system is strong enough. 根据之前他做的实验室检查结果来判断他是不是在稳定期,再判断这一类慢性疾病患者能不能接种。如果血液系统疾病,其实我们这的评估门诊是有血液专科医生,感染科医生共同进行判断。在化疗后,移植后,他的免疫功能有没有重建,重建以后我们是可以进行疫苗接种的。 Cao said children with such diseases are at higher risk of being infected by the coronavirus, and could suffer from more severe symptoms if infected. So doctors recommend they be vaccinated if conditions permit. 曹清表示,患有此类疾病的儿童感染新冠病毒的风险更高,如果感染,症状可能会更严重。所以医生建议在条件允许的情况下进行疫苗接种。 *2.LUJIAZUI SETS COURSE TO BECOME WORLD-CLASS FINANCE HUB IN 5 YEARS 未来五年陆家嘴如何面向全球?陆家嘴“十四五”规划发布 Shanghai’s Lujiazui aims to become a world-class financial hub in the next 5 years, according to a plan released today by the Lujiazui Administration Bureau. The 14th Five-Year Plan for the Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone calls for the financial district to rival the world’s top financial hubs in the level of openness and internationalization. Sun Siqi has more. 《自贸试验区陆家嘴片区发展"十四五"规划》正式发布。《规划》明确,"十四五"时期,陆家嘴金融城将建设成为上海国际金融中心核心区和与中国国际地位相匹配的国际一流金融城。 According to today’s announcement, Lujiazui will accelerate the construction of a global renminbi financial asset allocation【分配】 center, a world-class base for corporate headquarters and a top demonstration area for first-class business environment during the 14th Five-year plan period. By 2025, Lujiazui is expected to have more than 10,000 financial institutions, and 200 regional headquarters of multinational companies. 根据规划,十四五期间,陆家嘴将加快建设全球人民币金融资产配置中心、世界级总部功能集聚高地和国际化一流营商环境示范区。到2025年,陆家嘴将累计集聚各类金融机构突破10000家;跨国公司地区总部数量实现翻番,达到200家。 INTERVIEW: Liang Qing, Deputy Director, Lujiazui Administrative Bureau 梁庆上海自贸区陆家嘴管理局副局长* With further internationalization of the renminbi, overseas institutional investors will look for opportunities in the Chinese currency, and we will arrange more channels for them to do so. 还有人民币国际化以后,境外的投资机构,怎么样更好地投资人民币的一些资产,这方面下一步也会有更多的通道来安排。 INTERVIEW: Xu Jing, Deputy Director, Finance & Shipping Office, Lujiazui Administrative Bureau 徐璟 上海自贸区陆家嘴管理局金航处副处长 Lujiazui has the best ecosystem for foreign investment. We hope that more leading investment banks from around the world will come to this financial city and establish their workplace. 陆家嘴有适合外资发展的最优的生态圈,期待着有更多的在全球各地领先的投资银行都会到我们金融城来,设立相关的机构。 The area will also provide a complete finance industrial chain and an unrivaled business environment, hoping to become a magnet for financial talents and employers. 陆家嘴将进一步打造完整的金融产业链与良好的营商环境,吸引更多金融人才及投资者。 **3.**CHINA FIRMLY REJECTS U.S. SENATE’S APPROVAL OF TAIWAN RELATED BILL 美加紧操弄“台湾入世卫”,外交部回应来了! The Chinese Foreign Ministry today voiced its strong dissatisfaction and firm rejection of the U.S. Senate’s recent approval of a bill, concerning Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Organization. 外交部今日(8.12日)表示,中方对美国国会参议院通过了“要求美国国务卿制定战略使台湾重获世界卫生组织观察员地位”议案的行径表示强烈不满和坚决反对。 Foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying today responded that China firmly rejects the U.S. Senate’s move, and has lodged solemn representations with the U.S. side. Hua said that according to resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and the World Health Assembly, the participation of China’s Taiwan region in WHO events must be handled following the one-China principle. Hua urged the U.S. Congress to fully recognize the highly sensitive nature of the Taiwan question, refrain from helping the Taiwan region expand so-called "international space" and stop sending signals to "Taiwan independence" forces. 外交部发言人华春莹今日(8.12日)表示,中方对美国国会参议院的行径表示强烈不满和坚决反对,已向美方提出严正交涉。根据联合国大会和世界卫生大会相关决议,中国台湾地区参与世卫组织活动必须按照一个中国原则来处理。中方敦促美国国会充分认清台湾问题的高度敏感性,恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,遵守国际法和国际关系基本准则,不助台拓展所谓“国际空间”,不要向“台独”势力发出任何错误信号。 #热词加油站 reservations【预约】 authenticate【验证】 juveniles【青少年】 chemotherapy【化疗】 allocation【分配】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~