NEWS ON 8/12 **1. **INOCULATION FOR CHILDREN 15-17 STARTS TOMORROW IN SH 青少年们苗苗苗!上海启动15至17岁人群登记预约接种 **2. **CHINA SMARTPHONE GIANT XIAOMI AIMS AT GLOBAL HANDSET TOP SPOT 三年内全球第一!雷军定了一个小目标 **3. **MESSI LANDS IN FRANCE TO JOIN PARIS SAINT-GERMAIN 泪别巴萨,重新出发!梅西正式加盟法国巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部 **-----------------**记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. INOCULATION FOR CHILDREN 15-17 STARTS TOMORROW IN SH 青少年们苗苗苗!上海启动15至17岁人群登记预约接种 Now Shanghai will begin inoculating children against the coronavirus tomorrow. Here’s Sun Siqi with the story. 根据国务院联防联控机制工作部署,上海近日将分步启动12至17岁人群新冠疫苗登记预约接种。 Local children between the ages of 15 and 17 can be registered for an appointment to get vaccinated. They will receive a two-dose inactivated vaccine from either Sinovac or Sinopharm. Both dosage and suggested interval【间隔】 are the same as for adults. Arrangements will be made later for local children aged 12 to 14, as well as 12 to 17 year-old children from outside the Chinese Mainland. A Shanghai CDC expert says most adverse reactions【不良反应】 are limited to soreness and swelling in the area of the shot. 8月12日起,将先行启动15至17岁人群登记预约接种。接种的疫苗为国药中生北京所和科兴中维新冠病毒灭活疫苗,全程接种2剂次。使用剂量、剂型和间隔时间上都与此前成人接种方案一致。12-14岁人群新冠疫苗登记预约接种时间另行通知。12-17岁外籍人士、港澳台同胞、华人华侨根据有关部署安排另外适时启动接种工作。上海疾控中心专家表示,青少年接种后的主要不良反应现象还是接种部位的红肿、硬结、疼痛等。 INTERVIEW Sun Xiaodong, Deputy Director Shanghai CDC 孙晓冬,上海市疾控该中心副主任、免疫规划专家 There are no significant differences in adverse reaction data in clinical trials versus in actual inoculations. Our clinical data support that this group of people can be safely inoculated. 从临床试验数据来看,跟已经接种过的这部分人群的副反应发生情况来看,并没有显示有明显差异,临床试验的数据足以支持我们对这部分人群开展接种。 Doctors say parents should follow the same inoculation guidelines as for adults, including who should not be getting the vaccine. Experts reminded parents that they should wait if their child is ill, and that they can call the 12320 health hotline or consult medical personnel at a vaccination clinic or pediatric【儿科的】 hospital for more information. 接种禁忌症方面,也与18岁及以上成人一致。若身体不适,则应等待恢复健康后再接种疫苗。家长如有新冠疫苗接种相关问题,可拨打12320上海卫生健康热线,也可向疫苗接种点的工作人员或儿童专科医院的"预防接种评估门诊"咨询。 INTERVIEW Sun Xiaodong, Deputy Director Shanghai CDC孙晓冬,上海市疾控该中心副主任、免疫规划专家 Our data increasingly show that adolescents are susceptible【易感的】 to the coronavirus. There are cases of hospitalization, severe infection and even death among this group. It is equally essential to inoculate these people. 现在有越来越多的数据表明,其实这部分(青少年、儿童)人群还是非常容易受到新冠病毒的侵袭的,也就是说他们同样是新冠病毒的易感人群。而且在这部分发病的人群当中,同样也会有重症,会有住院,甚至于会有死亡,所以对他们开展接种也是非常必要的。 Parents can make an appointment for their child on either the Suishenban or Healthcare Cloud app. As of yesterday, more than 1.8 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines had been administered across the mainland. 家长(监护人)可以通过"健康云"APP、"随申办"移动端等在线登记预约。截至昨天(10日),全国新冠疫苗接种已超18亿剂次。 2.CHINA SMARTPHONE GIANT XIAOMI AIMS AT GLOBAL HANDSET TOP SPOT 三年内全球第一!雷军定了一个小目标 Smartphone giant Xiaomi intends to become the world’s largest smartphone maker within three years, according to its CEO. 小米CEO雷军昨日(10日)表示,小米下一个目标是用三年时间做到全球手机份额第一。 According to researcher IDC, Xiaomi accounted for almost 17% of the global handset【手机】 market in the second quarter of this year, topping Apple’s 14.1%, but behind Samsung’s 18.8%. 国际数据调研公司IDC报告显示,2021年第二季度,小米以17%的份额超过苹果的14.1%,攀升至全球第二位,三星手机的市场份额为18.8%,继续位列全球第一。 Xiaomi launched its latest Mix 4 handset yesterday, saying it is now seriously eyeing high-end phones. Previously the company’s sales have come primarily from the middle- and low-end markets. 8月10日,小米正式发布小米 MIX4,争夺高端市场。小米从“出道”至今,销量主要依赖中低端市场。 3. MESSI LANDS IN FRANCE TO JOIN PARIS SAINT-GERMAIN 泪别巴萨,重新出发!梅西正式加盟法国巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部 Leo Messi’s departure from Barcelona is official. Following his tearful farewell to Barcelona on Sunday, the 34-year-old Argentine signed a two-year deal yesterday with Paris Saint Germain of France’s Ligue one with an option for a third year. Zhang Yue has the story. 周日(8日),34岁的阿根廷前锋梅西含泪挥别巴塞罗那俱乐部,正式加盟法国巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部。双方签约两年,并包含第三年的续约选项。 Messi arrived in Paris yesterday afternoon to finalize his signing with Ligue 1 giants PSG. 昨日(10日),梅西抵达巴黎,与"大巴黎"俱乐部正式签约。 INTERVIEW Lionel Messi PSG Player 梅西,巴黎圣日耳曼队球员 I want to carry on competing and I still harbour【心怀】 ambitions to win another Champions League trophy. I want to achieve that goal and that’s also the reason why I came here. Thanks again to Paris Saint-Germain for inviting me to join the club. 我希望不断前进,去赢得奖杯。这是我加盟"大巴黎"俱乐部的原因,我希望能实现这一目标,我要感谢"大巴黎"俱乐部的邀请。 Messi will wear the number 30 shirt. The arrival of Barcelona’s all-time record scorer is expected to boost PSG’s ambition to win the Champions League for the first time. 梅西将身披30号代表"大巴黎"出战新赛季。而对于"大巴黎"俱乐部,今夏成功签约巴萨第一人梅西,也是"大巴黎"向 队史首座欧冠奖杯发起冲击的最重要一步。 INTERVIEW Nasser Al-Khelaifi, CEO & President Paris St Germain 纳赛尔,巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部主席 Everyone knows that our goal is to win the championship of all competitions and I believe we’re getting closer to that goal with the arrival of Messi. 每个人都知道,我们的目标就是赢得所有比赛,赢得所有冠军。这一点没有改变,现在有了梅西,我们距离这一目标更近了。 Hundreds of fans had been waiting at the airport since Monday after Messi was linked with PSG after his shock departure from Barcelona was announced. 在得知梅西与巴萨解约,并加盟“大巴黎”后,上百名球迷从周一开始就聚集在机场,等待梅西的到来。 INTERVIEW Fans of Messi 巴黎球迷 It will be crazy, personally and with the matches, we’ll chant his name. A legend is coming. I hope he knows that it’s been three days that we have been waiting for him. 太疯狂了,我们喊着梅西的名字,我们迎来了一位传奇巨星。希望他知道,我们已经在这里等了三天了。 French media reported that he had passed his medical ahead of signing with PSG. He was staying at the posh Le Royal Monceau hotel, located a few blocks away from the Champs Elysees. The 34-year-old striker had spent has entire career at Barcelona, scoring 672 goals in 778 appearances. He won four Champions Leagues and 10 domestic league titles with Barcelona. 据法国媒体报道,梅西已完成了签约前的体检,目前下榻皇家蒙梭酒店,距香榭丽舍大街仅几个街区。34岁的梅西此前效力西甲巴塞罗那俱乐部长达21年,一共为巴萨一线队出战778场比赛,打进672粒进球,是队史最佳射手,并为巴萨赢得了10个西甲联赛冠军和4个欧洲冠军联赛冠军。 #热词加油站 interval【间隔】 adverse reaction【不良反应】 pediatric【儿科的】 susceptible【易感的】 handset【手机】 harbor【心怀】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~