cover of episode 08/12 TOP NEWS | 东部战区成功完成各项任务/共享单车涨价/扎波罗热核电站局势

08/12 TOP NEWS | 东部战区成功完成各项任务/共享单车涨价/扎波罗热核电站局势

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NEWS ON 08/11 1.PLA EASTERN THEATER COMMAND COMPLETES TASKS AROUND TAIWAN 东部战区成功完成各项任务南部战区海军登陆舰编队展开全天候多课目实战**** 2.MEITUAN RAISES PRICES OF SHARED-BIKE PASSES 共享单车涨价 4.5元一次堪比地铁 3.I.A.E.A. CHIEF TO BRIEF UNITED NATIONS ON SITUATION AT ZAPORIZHZHIA 俄罗斯外交部:扎波罗热核电站局势“愈加危险”! -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.PLA EASTERN THEATER COMMAND COMPLETES TASKS AROUND TAIWAN 东部战区成功完成各项任务南部战区海军登陆舰编队展开全天候多课目实战 The People’s Liberation Army’s Eastern Theater Command successfully completed various tasks around Taiwan Island after days of unprecedented military operations, a PLA spokesman said yesterday. The drills were in response to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s stopover on the Chinese island last Tuesday. Lei Shuran has more. 昨天(8/11),东部战区新闻发言人表示,近期在台岛周边海空域组织诸军兵种部队系列联合军事行动,成功完成各项任务。一系列联合军事行动是对美国国会众议院议长佩洛西于8月2日窜访台湾的强力回应。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 The command staged joint navy and air force exercises off the northern, southwestern and south-eastern coasts of Taiwan Island, conducted long-range live-fire drills in the Taiwan Strait and conventional missile tests in the waters off the eastern coast of the island. The drills were focused on joint containment and control, sea assaults, land strikes, air control operations, anti-submarine operations, and resupply logistics【后勤】. New military hardware including stealth【隐形】** fighters, box-shaped rocket launchers and the YU-20 refuelling aircraft were involved in the exercises.** 东部战区在台岛北部、西南、东南海空域进行环台岛联合演训,对预定海域成功实施远程火力及常规导弹火力实弹射击。演训重点聚焦联合封控、对海突击、对陆打击、制空作战、联合反潜、联合保障等实战化科目,隐身战斗机、箱式火箭炮、运油-20等一批新装备成规模成体系运用。 Shi Yi, Eastern Theater of Operations Press Spokesman 施毅东部战区新闻发言人**** Theater forces will keep a close eye on the situation in the Taiwan Strait, continue to carry out training, and resolutely defend national sovereignty【主权】** and territorial integrity.** 战区部队将紧盯台海形势变化,持续开展练兵备战,坚决捍卫国家主权和领土完整。 An armada under the Southern Theater Command of the PLA also staged drills a couple of days ago. Upon receiving a warning about an "enemy" vessel, the command center immediately gave an order, with sailors swiftly taking their positions, and locating the target. The moment the target entered range, another order was given to open fire. After the "enemy" onshore fortification【强化】** was "destroyed", the measuring crew reached the beach to collect hydrologic data.** 近日,南部战区海军某登陆舰大队,组织舰艇编队全天候开展实战化训练。编队刚出港就遭遇"敌"情,编指迅速指挥舰艇疏散队形,舰员迅速奔赴各自站位,加强对海目标搜索。目标进入舰炮射击范围后,编指立即组织火力击退敌武装渔船。敌岸滩碉堡被成功摧毁后,测量组立即采集登陆场水文数据。 Zheng Huan Dai, Captain of Navy Ship Xueshan 郑环岱海军雪山舰舰长**** By collecting and analyzing the information, we will be able to ascertain the law of actual landing under different hydrologic and weather conditions, and improve our landing skills. 通过对数据采集分析,我们能够进一步摸索,不同水文气象条件下实际登陆规律,练强登陆舰的看家本领。 The fleet also practiced formation drills, leaving and approaching anchored warships, and light weapons shooting. 训练中,编队还先后进行了离靠锚泊舰、海上轻武器射击等多个课目的海上训练。 2.MEITUAN RAISES PRICES OF SHARED-BIKE PASSES 共享单车涨价 4.5元一次堪比地铁 Meituan Bike announced its three shared-bike passes will cost 40 to 50% more starting today, which means users will pay 4.5 yuan for one-hour. The company said it was due to rising maintenance 【维护】costs. Zhang Yue finds out how people responded to the price hike. 从今天(8/11)起,美团宣布其三种骑行卡的价格将会上涨40%到50%,也就是说骑行一小时的费用高达4.5元。美团单车称,本次涨价原因为“硬件和运维成本增加”。 记者张乐带来更多详细报道 A seven-day Meituan bike pass now costs 15 yuan, instead of 10 yuan. A one-month pass jumped in price from 25 to 35 yuan. And a 90-day subscription costs 90 yuan, up from 60 yuan. A single one-hour ride now costs 4.5 yuan, as the company charges 1.5 yuan for the first 15 minutes, and 1 yuan every additional 15 minutes. One person said it’s not worthwhile to spend 420 yuan per year on shared bikes. 美团单车骑行卡包周的价格由10元调整为15元;包月的价格由25元调整为35元;包季的价格由60元调整为90元。单次骑行起步价1.5元,包含骑行的前15分钟,之后每骑行十五分钟计价1元,也就是说骑行一小时的费用高达4.5元。一名网友表示,一年420元,共享单车不香了。 Resident 市民 I will definitely choose another shared-bike if the price of a monthly pass continues to rise. I would rather purchase my own bicycle. 月卡价格继续升高的话,肯定选择其他的,不会选择这一款,还不如自己买辆自行车。 Others don’t seem to care too much about the mark up as shared-bikes are a convenient way to get around and provide an alternative【替代】 to cabs and walking. 也有消费者表示可以接受涨价,考虑到共享单车可以随停随走的优势,无疑是一种有效快捷的出租车和步行替代方案,未来还是会继续使用。 Resident 市民 Walking is horrible in this heat, so I’d rather ride a bike. The price is a bit high, but everyone can do his or her own math. I can still accept the price based on average costs. 这么热的天走起来也蛮累的,还是骑自行车好一点。价格还是有点高的,但每个人都会算的嘛,平均下来的费用能承受的话还是可以接受的。 Other shared-bike brands like Ant-Group backed HelloBike, and Qingju Bike, which is operated by Didi Chuxing, have also raised prices of their passes from free to 4.5 yuan to 6.5 yuan per hour. One analyst said the business model of using a shared-bike for free or at a cheap price is not sustainable【可持续发展的】. 事实上,美团单车并不是这两年来首个宣布涨价的共享单车平台。包括哈啰单车、青桔单车等主流平台,骑行价格都逐步从推广期的免费骑,一直涨到了如今平均1小时4.5元至6.5元的水平。专家分析,整个共享单车行业早期低价甚至免费的经营模式已不再适用。 Zhang Xiang, Specially Appointed Expert of CABL Think Tank, Automotive Industry Innovation Research Center of North China University of Technology 张翔中博联智库特聘专家北方工业大学汽车产业创新研究中心 The price hike of shared bikes is reasonable as companies are not able to survive on financing. People are free to choose various forms of transportation. For sure, some of them will choose other ways since shared bikes cost more than before. 现在共享单车涨价也是一个合理趋势。因为企业不能一直靠融资来维持生存。(同时)社会的交通资源可以自我配置,涨价以后,肯定有一部分用户可能会转到其他的出行方式。 Mobike, which was acquired by Meituan, reported a loss of nearly 5 billion yuan from 2018 to 2020. Didi’s 2021 financial report stated that its Qingju Bike operation lost 30 billion yuan. 被美团收购的摩拜单车2018年至2020年累计亏损接近50亿元。滴滴2021年的财报数据显示,青桔共享单车亏损达300亿元。 3.I.A.E.A. CHIEF TO BRIEF UNITED NATIONS ON SITUATION AT ZAPORIZHZHIA 俄罗斯外交部:扎波罗热核电站局势“愈加危险” The shelling at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant sparked widespread alarm about potential risk of a nuclear accident. Director General of the I.A.E.A Rafael Mariano Grossi will brief the UN Security Council tomorrow via video link about the current situation at the plant. Grossi has also announced plans to lead a mission to the site to carry out essential safeguard activities. So far, no damage to the reactors was reported and radiation measurements have continued to be at normal levels at the site. 由于乌克兰武装部队不断炮击,扎波罗热核电站周边局势引发了人们对核事故潜在风险的广泛担忧。国际原子能机构机构总干事格罗西明天(8/12)将通过视频方式,向联合国安理会汇报扎波罗热核电站的安全和安保情况。格罗西还将亲率国际原子能机构专家团前往扎波罗热核电站,开展基本的安全保障活动。目前信息显示,核电站反应堆未受到损害,辐射水平依然正常。 **#热词加油站 logistics /ləˈdʒɪstɪks/【后勤】** stealth /stelθ/【隐形】**** sovereignty /ˈsɒvrɪnti/【主权】**** fortification /ˌfɔːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/【强化】**** *maintenance /ˈmeɪntənəns/ 【维护】 alternative /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv/【替代】* sustainable /səˈsteɪnəb(ə)l/【可持续发展的】**** 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放精品大咖访谈”**** 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~****