*NEWS ON 08/10 1.BEIJING OPPOSES U.S. RESTRICTIONS ON INVESTMENTS IN CHINA 中方坚决反对拜登将签令限制美企对华关键领域投资 *2.TRAVELERS NOW HAVE MORE OPTIONS FOR TRIPS ABROAD 中国公民出境跟团游国家和地区*已由60个扩展至138个* 3.MODERN INSURANCE TECH HELPS WITH DISASTER RELIEF EFFORTS 推动保险成为防灾减灾与应急管理的重要支撑力量 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1**.BEIJING OPPOSES U.S. RESTRICTIONS ON INVESTMENTS IN CHINA 中方坚决反对拜登将签令限制美企对华关键领域投资 The Foreign Ministry said today that China strongly deplores and firmly opposes the single-minded roll-out of restrictions on investments in China by the United States. The remarks came after US President Joe Biden yesterday signed an executive order that would block U.S. high-tech investments in China. Zhang Yue has more. 外交部今天(08/10)表示,中方强烈谴责并坚决反对美方一意孤行地限制在华投资。美国总统拜登昨天(08/09)签署了一项行政命令,阻止美国对华高科技投资。记者张乐带来更多报道。 Designating【指定】China as a "country of concern", the order aims to limit U.S. investments in three categories of national security technologies: semiconductors and microelectronics,quantum【量子】*information technologies and some artificial intelligence systems, according to the US Treasury Department. The order is expected to go into effect following a 45-day comment period. 美国财政部称,该命令将中国指定为“受关注国家”,旨在禁止或限制美国在三个领域对中国实体的投资,包括半导体和微电子、量子信息技术、部分人工智能系统。该措施预计将在45天的评估期后生效。 A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that restricting US investments in China, with national security concerns as a front, is a clear act of overstretching the concept of security and politicizing business engagement. The spokesperson said that is deglobalization and a move to phase China out. 美方打着国家安全的幌子,限制美国企业对华投资,大搞泛安全化、泛政治化。美方此举的实质是搞逆全球化和去中国化。 The spokesperson added President Biden has made a commitment to not "decouple" from China, urging his administration to follow through on that commitment. In addition, the spokesperson said the United States needs to stop politicizing, instrumentalizing, and weaponizing technology and trade issues, adding that China will monitor developments closely and safeguard its rights. 中方敦促美方切实履行拜登总统无意对华“脱钩”、无意阻挠中国经济发展的承诺,停止将经贸科技问题政治化、工具化、武器化,立即撤销错误决定。中方将密切关注有关动向,坚决维护自身权益。 The Ministry of Commerce also said the move was a complete departure from the principles of a market economy and fair competition that the United States has long claimed to champion. 中国商务部表示,此举完全背离了美国长期以来宣称捍卫的市场经济和公平竞争原则。 *2.TRAVELERS NOW HAVE MORE OPTIONS FOR TRIPS ABROAD 中国公民出境跟团游国家和地区**已由60个扩展至138个 TheMinistry of Culture and Tourism announced today thatthey had increasedthe list of countries and regions available for** outbound****【出境的】 grouptours from 60 to 138. The list now includes the UK, US and Japan. Zhang Hong tells us more about how some travel agencies in Shanghai reacted. 文化和旅游部今天(08/10)宣布,出境跟团游国家和地区由60个扩展至138个,包括英国、美国和日本。记者张泓带来上海旅行社的最新动态。 After the announcement was made, searches for outbound travels surged over 20 times onTrip.com. Many are planning tojust before or after the National Day holiday.Travel agency Spring Tour received its first group of tailor-made trip orders to Japan this afternoon. The agency said more outbound trip packageswill be offeredsoon. 携程数据显示,文旅部消息发出后,出境游产品瞬时搜索增长超过20倍,其中国庆出发时段最受关注。今天(08/10)下午,春秋旅游接到了第一批赴日定制游订单。该旅行社表示,他们将在近期推出更多出境游套餐。 Zhou Weihong, Deputy General Manager Shanghai Spring Tour **周卫红 **春秋旅游副总经理 “因为三年过去了,有的资源它的价格和接待的要求也不一样了,所以我们要把这些整理出来,另外一个很重要的就是签证的问题,我们要和很多领馆进行沟通,我们也会把市场的需求传导给他们,也希望他们在政策上有所考虑。” “Over the past three years, ticket prices and rulesatcertainattractions have changed so we need to sort them out. Another issue is visa applications. We need tocontact consulates and update them the market demand in the hope that they will make some adjustmentstotheir visa application rules.” Trip.com saidhighprices this summer haven’t deterred travelers asoverseas tourbookingsincreased 44%in July compared toJune. 携程数据显示,夏季出境游价格仍居高不下,但游客出行热情不减,7月份的海外旅游订单比6月份增长了44%。 Voice of Wang Yiming, PR Director Trip.com Group **汪怡明 **携程公关总监 “我们也会随着跟团游覆盖地区的增长,产品丰富度的提升,跟团游的各项成本也会有一定的摊薄,价格也会变得更加划算。” “We will offer more choices for customerssincethe list of countries and regions available for outbound group travel increased.Prices will drop.” A recent China Tourism Academyreport said thattravelersfromtheChinese mainland made more than 40 million trips to overseas destinations in the first half of this year with 90% ofthem taken in Asia. 根据中国旅游研究院近日发布的《2023年上半年出境旅游大数据报告》,上半年出境游目的地共计接待大陆游客超4000万人次。短距离的出境游率先恢复,超90%的游客集中在亚洲地区。 **3.**MODERN INSURANCE TECH HELPS WITH DISASTER RELIEF EFFORTS 推动保险成为防灾减灾与应急管理的重要支撑力量 The government has enhanced rescue and relief efforts in flood-stricken regions after heavy rainfall brought by Typhoon Doksuri hit north China. At the same time, China's insurance companies have received a large number of claims from flood-hit areas, and Zhang Shixuan explains how the modernized firms are helping support relief work. 台风“杜苏芮”带来的强降雨袭击中国华北地区后,政府加强对洪涝灾区的救援和赈灾工作。与此同时,中国的保险公司也收到了大量来自洪水灾区的理赔申请。记者张诗旋带大家了解现代化的保险公司是如何帮助支持救济工作的。 In recent days flooding in North China has stranded residents, washed away bridges and highways, and forced tens of thousands of people out of their homes. China's insurance firms have received a flood of claims from people and companies affected by the flooding and the geological disasters it has triggered. The National Financial Regulatory Administration says that as of 10 am Tuesday, insurance companies in Hebei, Beijing, Heilongjianag, Jilin, and Tianjin have received 117,600 claims, mainly related to automobiles, company property, and agriculture. Fortunately, the insurance companies were ready. 最近几天,华北地区的洪水导致居民被困,桥梁和高速公路被冲毁,数万人被迫离开家园。中国的保险公司收到了大量来自受洪水及其引发的地质灾害影响的居民和公司的理赔申请。国家金融监督管理局表示,截至周二上午10点,河北、北京、黑龙江、吉林和天津的保险公司已收到11.76万份理赔,主要涉及汽车、公司财产和农业。所幸,对此,保险公司已做好准备。 Li Chao, General Manager Assistant China Pacific Property Insurance Company **李超 *中国太平洋财产保险公司总经理助理 “以往我们其实对于巨灾的一些理赔还是比较复杂的,我们是通过技术手段,通过跟气象部门的合作,我们去研究这些畜牧养殖,包括农林与我们实际的这些自然灾害之间的关系,同时设定一个触发条件,一旦触发之后就自动启动理赔,同时有一个整体的赔付基准,根据灾害的情况直接进行赔付。” “Previously, the insurance claims processes for huge catastrophes were complicated. Now with tech support and cooperation with meteorology departments, we have been studying the relationship between the breeding and agricultural sectors and natural disasters. We have set up trigger conditions which, once triggered, will automatically initiate claims.” For agricultural businesses, the company now offers what is called parametric insurance - policies with premiums set according to the magnitude of an event, rather than by the amount of losses actually incurred. That makes payouts faster, and more flexible. The insurance companies are also introducing technologies to alert clients to the need for risk prevention, and alerting them before huge potential losses take place. 该公司现在为农业企业提供所谓的参数保险——保费根据事件的严重程度,而不是实际发生的损失金额来确定。这使得赔付更快、更灵活。保险公司也在引进技术,提醒客户防范风险,并在发生巨大的潜在损失前对客户发出预警。 Li Chao, General Manager Assistant China Pacific Property Insurance Company *李超 中国太平洋财产保险公司总经理助理 “我们的地理空间技术包括结合我们历史赔付的情况、属地的风险状况标的信息。比如这次这个杜苏芮,我们其实一共锁定了63978个客户,那么提前已经向客户发送了如何来进行抗灾的这种模式,紧接着又锁定了大概有3740个重点客户,是我们属地的工程师亲自到现场。我们可以提供一个相对远期一点的预报,比如说1到10天的一个可视化的一个预报,大概2小时有个临前的一个预报,这样的话就更精准,帮助客户在临前进行相关的防损。” “We combine our geospatial technology with information on the history of our claims and risk situations in different regions. For Doksuri this time, we sent instructions on disaster preparation to 63,978 clients. And we sent our engineers to support 3,740 key clients. We can also offer a visual forecast 1 to 10 days ahead, and a 2-hour short-term forecast, to help clients avoid risks.” The company also utilizes internet of things devices at clients' warehouses, so as to send alerts when the water level exceeds a safety limit. Foreign insurance firms have also been launching similar products. Swiss-Re this year launched parametric insurance coverage for typhoons in China. 该公司还利用客户仓库中的物联网设备,在水位超过安全限值时发出警报。外国保险公司也在推出类似产品。瑞士再保险公司今年在中国推出了针对台风的参数保险。 Jeffrey Pan, CEO Greater China Swiss Re Corporate Solutions *Jeffrey Pan 瑞士再保险集团*大中华区首席执行官* “We have issued a few policies to large corporates and we are in talk with some small and medium sized enterprises in China, and also in talk with certain some government into in order to promote this business in China. From the recent trend we see the corporates and the government in the coastal area, in the east coast areas more interested with those. I thinkprobably because they are more exposed to natural catastrophe events and most concentrating the assets in the development area.” “我们已经针对大型企业出台了一些政策,我们正在与中国的一些中小企业洽谈,也在与某些政府部门洽谈,以便在中国推广这项业务。从最近的趋势来看,沿海地区和东部沿海地区的企业和政府对这些更感兴趣,可能是因为他们更容易受到自然灾害的影响,而且大部分资产都集中在开发区。” Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 张诗旋 记者 According to Swiss Re's latest report, natural disasters last year brought global economic losses of 275 billion US dollars, of which insurance covered 45%, or 125 billion dollars.Much of that is attributed to climate change, economic distortion, and inflation, putting more pressure on risk pricing. The report predicts that higher premiums and tighter terms and conditions will likely continue. Experts say, however, that China's catastrophe insurance is still at a lower coverage level compared with the global markets, and so there is still room for growth. 据瑞士再保险公司的最新报告,去年自然灾害给全球造成2750亿美元的经济损失,其中保险损失占45%,即1250亿美元。这主要与气候变化、经济扭曲和通货膨胀有关,这些因素给风险定价带来了更大压力。报告预测,保费上涨和条款收紧的势头可能会持续下去。然而,专家表示,与全球市场相比,中国的巨灾保险覆盖水平仍然较低,因此仍有增长空间。 Edward Zhou, Senior Partner Mingya Insurance Brokers Edward Zhou *明亚保险经纪公司高级合伙人 “基本上大部分的保险公司还是可以去做那个财产一切险的,但是可能像个别的,像这种台风指数等一些比较具体一个风险的一个产品可能是还并不是非常多。就是在海外应该相对比较会比中国更加普遍一些,因为国外的这块的一个保险的一个发展,还是相对于中国是比较发展时间会更长,他们的一个产品也会更加丰富。” “The majority of insurance companies are offering property all risks coverage, but not many companies are offering detailed products like typhoon*parametric*【参数的】** insurance. Such products are more common overseas, where development time has been longer and so there are more diversified products.” China’s National Financial Regulatory Administration has instructed insurance companies to offer efficient services through accurate predictions, solid preparations, smooth communication, simple procedures, faster payment. And specialized services are necessary. 国家金融监督管理局要求保险公司着力做到预判要准、准备要实、沟通要顺、程序要简、赔付要快、服务要专,高效开展保险服务工作。 #热词加油站 designate/ˈdezɪɡneɪt/【指定】 quantum/ˈkwɑːntəm/【量子】 outbound/ˈaʊtbaʊnd/【出境的】 parametric/ˌpærəˈmetrɪk/【参数的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~