NEWS ON 08/08 1.PLA CONTINUES JOINT EXERCISES AROUND TAIWAN 东部战区实战化联合演训继续 2.SHANGHAI GETS A TOURISM BOOM 上海暑期本地旅游回暖 3.U.N. CHIEF WARNS AGAINST SUICIDAL ATTACKS ON NUCLEAR PLANT 俄乌互指对方再次炮击扎波罗热核电站 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.PLA CONTINUES JOINT EXERCISES AROUND TAIWAN 东部战区实战化联合演训继续 The Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army continued joint combat【战斗】 exercises around the waters and airspace of Taiwan today. Sun Siqi takes a look. 中国人民解放军东部战区今天(8/8)继续位台岛周边海空域进行实战化联合演训。记者孙思奇为您带来更多详细报道。 The drills【军事演习】 focused on the PLA’s capabilities in joint anti-submarine operations and sea strikes, while yesterday’s exercises tested the capabilities of striking land targets along with long-range air targets. The air force deployed early warning aircraft, bombers, jamming aircraft, fighter bombers and fighter jets to conduct reconnaissance【侦查】, airspace control operations, strikes on ground targets, and air support. 本次演习重点组织联合反潜和对海突击行动。而昨天(8/7),东部战区空军连续出动预警机、轰炸机、干扰机、歼轰机和歼击机等多型、多批战机,实施联合侦察、制空作战、对地突击、支援掩护等实战化演训,重点锤炼了联合对地打击和远距空中打击能力。 -Locked on target. Asking for permission to strike. -Permission granted. 目标已锁定,请示攻击。 可以攻击。 Supported by naval and air combat systems, the air strike forces, together with long-range multiple launch rocket systems and conventional missile troops, conducted drills of joint precision strikes on targets. 在海空体系支援下,空中打击兵力协同远箱火、常规导弹部队,区分多个方向,对预定目标实施联合精确打击演练。 Z**hang Zhi, Air Force Officer of PLA Eastern Theater Command** 张智 东部战区空军参谋部某处处长 The operation tested our** tactics****【战术】 in systems warfare under information-based conditions, and honed and improved our capabilities to destroy crucial island targets with precision strikes. 系统检验了信息化条件下体系进攻战役战法,锤炼提升了对岛屿要害目标的精确摧毁能力,确保空中力量打得快、打得准、打得狠。 Multiple bomber formations flew over the Taiwan Strait, while several fighter jets conducted exercises with destroyers and frigates. 多支轰炸机编队按照预设航线,贯通南北同时双向穿越台湾海峡,与此同时,数架战机和驱护舰成功展开联合演习。 2.SHANGHAI GETS A TOURISM BOOM 上海暑期本地旅游回暖 Tourism reservations in Shanghai increased about 40 percent in the first week of August, compared to early July. Popular destinations include the city’s various theme parks, museums and art galleries. Zhang Yue has more. 来自多家旅游平台的数据显示,进入8月份以后,上海本地游预定量较7月同期上涨约四成。其中,上海海昌海洋公园以及迪士尼、欢乐谷等主题乐园的热度也在持续上升,上海博物馆、上海自然博物馆等文博场馆也受到了学生和家长的青睐。记者张乐为您带来更多详细报道。 Although temperatures were forcast to be high once again today, thousands of people streamed into Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park as soon as it opened at 9 am. Most of them were local residents. 连日高温,依旧阻挡不住人们的出游热情。上午9点,上海海昌海洋公园刚开门,就迎来了大批游客,其中绝大部分都是上海本地游客。 Tourist 游客 We still want scenic spots in the city, as it’s convenient and we can stay longer. 我们还是选择本地的旅游景点.第一是比较方便,第二是玩起来比较畅快一点吧。 Tourist 游客 Schools will resume classes next month. I want to make full use of the free time now and take my son around the city. 后面的复学也非常重要。那么趁现在这个时间,大人小孩都有空,带他玩一玩,走一走。 During this year’s summer vacation, the park opened an Ultraman-themed pavilion with a 12-meter-tall model of the fictional superhero, there’s also a performance featuring 11 giant animal robots weighing more than 60 tons. The number of people visiting the park this year has already surpassed【超过】 the number recorded in 2019. To cool people down during times of extreme heat, the park installed thousands of sunshades and mist emitters【发射器】 in waiting areas. 今年暑假,上海海昌海洋公园特别推出奥特曼主题娱乐区。高达12米的巨型赛罗奥特曼雕塑以及总长近200米、总重超60吨的十余头机甲巨兽天团,结合IP互娱、沉浸演艺、主题巡游于一体,给现场游客带来前所未有的震撼与感官冲击。暑假开始至今,公园的游客接待量已经超过了2019年同期。为了让游客在高温中也能玩得惬意,园方加装了上千把遮阳伞,游客等候区内也有大型风扇喷雾降温。 Li Peng, Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park 李鹏 上海海昌海洋公园副总经理 We spray more than 20 tons of water every day in the park to cool things down. 第一我们在园区内每天会喷洒20多吨水,来给地面做物理降温。第二我们全天有7处旱喷。第三我们每天也会投放20吨冰块在户外区域。 According to data from, a travel agency website, the number of Shanghai residents go traveling in the city increased 81 percent in the first week of August, compared to the end of July. And data from shows the reservation volume of Shanghai tourist locations rose about 40 percent in the first week of August, compared to the same period in July. 据途牛网的数据显示,8月第一周,上海居民本地游的人数与七月底相比增长了81%。而来自驴妈妈旅游网的数据显示,与7月同期相比,8月第一周上海旅游景点预订量同比增长了约40%, 3.U.N. CHIEF WARNS AGAINST SUICIDAL ATTACKS ON NUCLEAR PLANT 俄乌互指对方再次炮击扎波罗热核电站 The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine has been hit by a series of rocket and missile strikes since last Friday, with both Russian and Ukrainian forces blaming one another for the attacks. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said today any attack on a nuclear plant is suicidal. Stephen Rancourt has more. 自上周五(8/5)以来,乌克兰南部扎波罗热亚核电站多次遭受火箭炮、火箭弹袭击。俄罗斯和乌克兰多次互相指控对方炮击乌南部的扎波罗热核电站,破坏核电站基础设施。联合国秘书长古特雷斯今天(8/8)表示,任何对核电站的袭击都“无异于自杀”。记者Stephen Rancourt为您带来更多详细报道。 The Russian Defense Ministry shared a video yesterday of what it says shows the results of Ukrainian night shelling of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station. However, Ukraine’s state nuclear power firm said Russian forces damaged three radiation sensors at the facility in renewed shelling on Saturday night, wounding a worker with shrapnel【弹片】. The International Atomic Energy Agency and the UN have both expressed strong condemnation of the attacks. 昨天(8/7),俄罗斯国防部公布了扎波罗热核电站遭袭后的视频。俄方称,当天凌晨,乌军使用"飓风"多管火箭炮袭击了扎波罗热核电站,电站行政大楼和仓储设施遭到损坏。然而,乌克兰国家核电公司则表示,是俄方发射火箭弹,击中了核电站乏燃料存储设施附近区域。袭击造成一人受伤,三个辐射监测传感器也因此受损。国际原子能机构和联合国均对此次袭击事件表示强烈谴责。 Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General 古特雷斯 联合国秘书长 Any attack to nuclear plants is a suicidal thing and I hope that those attacks will end. 对核电站的任何攻击都是自杀行为。我希望停止这种攻击。 The Russian Defense Ministry claimed yesterday the Russian military has taken out a depot in southern Ukraine that stored 45,000 tons of NATO-supplied ammunition【弹药】**. The Ukrainian military said that Russian troops are massing in the south in case Ukrainian forces launch an attack in the Kherson region. While on the southern coast, four ships carrying grain left from Ukrainian Black Sea ports yesterday. The four bulk carriers were loaded with almost 170,000 tons of corn and other foodstuffs and will be inspected by the Joint Coordination Center tomorrow. 俄罗斯国防部昨天(8/7)表示,俄军摧毁了乌克兰南部的一个军火库,里面存放着北约国家提供给乌军的4.5万吨弹药。乌克兰军方则通报称,除加强对顿涅茨克市的进攻外,俄军还在南部集结兵力,防备乌军在赫尔松地区发动反攻。昨日(8/7)在乌克兰南部海岸,四艘运粮船已从乌克兰黑海港口出发。这批运粮船装载了近17万吨的玉米和农产品,并于明天(8/9)接受联合协调中心的检查。 #热词加油站 combat /ˈkɒmbæt/【战斗】 drills/drɪlz/【军事演习】 reconnaissance/rɪˈkɒnɪsns/【侦查】 tactics/ˈtæktɪks/【战术】 surpassed/səˈpɑːst/【超过】 emitters/ɪˈmɪtəz/ 【发射器】 shrapnel/ˈʃræpnəl/ 【弹片】 ammunition/ˌæmjuˈnɪʃn/ 【弹药】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~