NEWS ON 08/05 1.CHINA IMPOSES SANCTIONS ON NANCY PELOSI 中方对美国会众议长佩洛西实施制裁 2.SHANGHAI MAKES PROGRESS IN SETTING UP GREEN BUILDINGS “绿建”9年上海大力推广绿色建筑领跑全国 3.NUCLEAR TALKS RESUME IN VIENNA AFTER 5-MONTH HIATUS 维也纳:时隔近5个月伊核协议恢复履约谈判重启** -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHINA IMPOSES SANCTIONS ON NANCY PELOSI 外交部:宣布中方对美国国会众议长佩洛西实施制裁 A Foreign Ministry spokesperson announced today that in response to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s egregious provocation, China had placed sanctions on her and her immediate family members in accordance with laws of the People’s Republic of China. The spokesperson added in disregard of China’s grave concerns and firm opposition, Pelosi insisted on visiting Taiwan. This constituted gross interference in China’s internal affairs. It gravely undermined China’s sovereignty【主权】 and territorial integrity【领土完整】, seriously trampled on the one-China principle, and severely threatened peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. 外交部发言人今天(8/5)宣布,美国国会众议长佩洛西,不顾中方严重关切和坚决反对执意窜台,严重干涉中国内政,严重损害中国主权和领土完整,严重践踏一个中国原则,严重威胁台海和平稳定。针对佩洛西恶劣挑衅行径,中方决定,根据中华人民共和国有关法律,对佩洛西及其直系亲属采取制裁措施。 2.SHANGHAI MAKES PROGRESS IN SETTING UP GREEN BUILDINGS “绿建”9年上海大力推广绿色建筑领跑全国 Shanghai has made progress in developing green buildings as part of efforts to reach peak carbon emissions【碳达峰】 by 2030. Zhang Hong tells us more. 为确保在2030年前实现碳达峰,上海大力发展绿色建筑。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 A serviced apartment building in Xuhui can have an indoor temperature of 25 degrees with the curtains down when the outdoor temperature is 38 without any air conditioning. The building uses only one-fifth to one-third of the electricity of a regular residential building. 这里是徐汇区的X8服务式公寓,在户外的这一面玻璃温度大约在38-39度左右时,拉上窗帘,在不使用空调的情况下,室内温度可以降到25度左右。从节能来看,这里的用电量只有普通住宅的1/3甚至1/5。 Gu Yunyu,** Chief Engineer, Shanghai CITI-RAISE Construction Group 顾韵宇上海城建建设实业(集团)有限公司总工程师 First, we use an effective thermal insulation【保温节能】 technique. Second, we have developed a new air-conditioning system with integrated functions including cooling, heating, air and heat recovery, and ventilation. It can also filter carbon dioxide and PM 2.5. Heat recovery efficiency in the building has reached 84%. 我们主要通过两点技术来实现的。第一个,我们采用了高效的外围护保温节能技术。第二个,采用了我们自行研发的新型空调系统,这个空调系统把整个制冷、制热、空气回收、热回收、新风,包括二氧化碳、PM2.5的处理结合在一起,我们这个项目的热回收效率达到了84%。 The construction process of a green building also focuses on environmental protection. At a construction site in Gucun顾村 Town of Baoshan, little dust and mud was seen as the construction company adopted a new technique. 绿色建筑一方面使用时要节能当先,另一方面,是建造时低碳环保。这里是位于宝山区顾村镇的一处建筑工地。施工环境清洁,建筑物的核心部件都由工人们现场吊装完成,由于建筑公司采用了新节能环保技术,现场几乎看不到任何灰尘和泥土。 Guo Chao, Project Manager of Flanders Transportation and Management R&D Center, China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp., LTD 郭超中建八局科技建设有限公司福然德运管研发中心项目****项目经理 We used an innovative technique for prefabricated tall buildings to replace the traditional one that requires partial support racks. We only need to assemble the pieces at the site, reducing noise and pollution by at least 80%.: 采取了国内首创的高层装配式的纯免撑的支撑形式。取消了在前几年装配式可能还要局部支撑架的传统施工工艺,我们现场仅需要从事装配式构件的吊装作业,不需要从事传统的模架、模板的支设过程,我们至少是节省了80%以上的噪音、环境影响。 This is the ninth year since Shanghai started promoting green buildings. More green buildings were set up after Shanghai rolled out detailed criteria in 2014. 今年是上海开始推广绿色建筑以来的第九个年头。2014年之后,上海率先在全市落地绿色建筑要求,更多绿色建筑拔地而起。 Chen Ning,** Second-class Inspector of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development, Director of Energy-saving Building Materials Department** 陈宁上海市住房和城乡建设管理委员会二级巡视员****节能建材处处长 We’ve been working with developers to explore ways of green construction. In general, our trial projects are working well. Developers also believe with more policy support it can be a future development trend. 我们和相关的开发单位,一起探索、一起研究。总的看下来试点的成效还是非常好,从开发商的新的增长点来看,他们也认为国家政策的推动这方面是个发展的方向。 So far, green buildings in Shanghai account for 305 million square meters, an increase from 14 million square meters in 2015. Landmark green structures include Shanghai Tower and the National Exhibition and Convention Center. 迄今为止,从全球最高的标志性绿色建筑:上海中心大厦到中国体量最大的绿色建筑:国家会展中心,上海绿建规模已由2015年的1400万平方米猛增至3.05亿平方米,绿色建筑随处可见,理念深入人心。 3.NUCLEAR TALKS RESUME IN VIENNA AFTER 5-MONTH HIATUS 维也纳:时隔近5个月****伊核协议恢复履约谈判重启 A new round of talks on the revival of a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers began in the Austrian capital of Vienna yesterday. 2015年7月,伊朗与美国、英国、法国、俄罗斯、中国和德国达成伊朗核问题全面协议,昨天(8/4)新一轮恢复履约谈判在奥地利首都维也纳再度重启。 This latest event was restarted after a nearly 5-month hiatus. Iran’s top negotiator, Ali Bagheri Kani, negotiated indirectly with the U.S. Special Representative for Iran through an EU mediator. According to an EU diplomat’s statement, the negotiation【谈判】was developed related to the Plan’s latest draft. Additionally, Iran insisted that the United States to delist its para-military Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization. In April of last year, the talks on reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action began in Vienna, but were suspended【暂停】 in March this year due to political differences between Tehran and Washington. 这是时隔近5个月,相关谈判再度重启。伊朗副外长兼伊核问题首席谈判代表巴盖里通过欧盟代表与美国伊朗问题特使交换意见。德新社援引欧盟外交官的话报道称,谈判围绕最新草案展开。此外,伊方坚持要求美国政府把伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队从恐怖组织名单中删除。去年4月起,伊朗与伊核协议其他相关方已在维也纳举行多轮会谈,讨论美伊恢复履约问题,但由于德黑兰和华盛顿之间的政治分歧,今年3月以来,谈判一直处于暂停状态。 #热词加油站 *Sovereignty **[ˈs**ɒ*vrɪnti****]【主权】** Territorial*Integrity [ˌt*ɛrɪˈtɔːrɪəl, ɪnˈtɛɡrɪti****]****【领土完整】 peak carbon emissions [ɪˈmɪʃ(ə)n**]【碳达峰】 *thermal insulation [ɪnsj*ʊˈleɪʃ****(ə)n****]****【保温节能】 negotiation [nɪɡəʊʃɪˈeɪʃ****(ə)n**]【谈判】 *suspended [səˈ*spɛndɪd****]【暂停】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”** 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~