NEWS ON 8/6 1.SUPERMARKETS, INTERCITY BUSES TIGHTEN PANDEMIC CONTROLS 测温口罩随申码,上海防疫再升级! *2.SINOVAC TO BUILD VACCINE PRODUCTION PLANT IN CHILE 科兴将在智利建疫苗工厂,年产量可达5000万剂 *3.CHINA URGES U.S. TO STOP SELLING ARMS TO TAIWAN 拜登拍板首笔对台军售“送礼”还是“埋雷” -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.SUPERMARKETS, INTERCITY BUSES TIGHTEN PANDEMIC CONTROLS 测温口罩*随申码,上海防疫再升级!* Supermarkets and malls in Shanghai are taking the temperature of customers and asking them to show their health code and wear a mask. Intercity【城际的】* buses in Shanghai are also investigating picking up passengers outside of bus stations. Sun Siqi takes a look. 上海的超市卖场加强了疫情防控措施,测温,随申码,口罩缺一不可。为了织密疫情防控网络,上海的省际巴士也开始严查站外载客的情况。 At a Century Mart in Putuo District, one-meter spacing is back at the checkout and weighing areas. The supermarket has supplied more pandemic prevention products. And all imported【进口】** frozen food has been removed from shelves. 在普陀区的世纪联华超市里,收银处,称重区等容易引起人员聚集的区域,恢复了一米线设置。同时卖场里还增加了防疫物品的备货量,所有的进口冷冻食品也都已下架。 INTERVIEW: Zhao Ling, Head of Marketing, Lianhua Supermarket Holdings 赵凌,联华超市股份公司市场营销中心部长 We removed imported beef and seafood from all of our Shanghai stores and replaced both with domestic products. 全上海的门店,进口冷链里面的牛肉制品和海产品类,做了一个下架,用国产品来替代。 Also, more people are consulting doctors online. Xuhui Central Hospital’s online prescription【处方】 center is getting 33 percent more inquiries. 受疫情影响,上海互联网医院线上就医人数明显上升。徐汇中心医院的“徐汇云医院“线上就诊患者量比以往增加了三分之一。 INTERVIEW: Zhou Zhiying, Deputy Chief Physician, Xvhui Central Hospital 周志英****上海市徐汇区中心医院副主任医师 I consult anywhere between 50 and 80 patients a day. 平均一天五十个左右(患者)肯定有的,多的时候七八十个。 People who don’t know how to use a smart phone can call the hospital’s hotline for help. Still, people are reminded to go in person if they have a fever or respiratory**【呼吸的】 symptoms. In the meantime, traffic police are checking intercity buses. At 9 am, a bus bound for Lu’an in Anhui was stopped on Jiaotong Road. The vehicle was supposed to have just three passengers after departing the term in Shanghai, but eight were on board. The driver said the other five boarded outside the station. 针对老年人使用智能手机不熟练的情况,医院也增加了热线电话指导服务。医院提醒市民,如果出现体温异常或有呼吸道症状,还是应该及时去发热门诊就诊。此外,上午九点(8.5日),执法人员在交通路上拦下了一辆由上海发往安徽六安的班车。执法人员登车检查发现乘客数量异常,出站人数显示为3人,车上却有8名乘客。司机承认,有5名乘客是在站外上车的。 INTERVIEW: Wang Xufeng, Spokesperson, Shanghai Transportation Comm. Law Enforcement 王旭峰****市交通委执法总队新闻发言人 These passengers didn’t get their temperature checked, plus their luggage didn’t go through the safety check and they could be carrying hazardous【危险的】 materials. 没有履行防疫的检查,会影响其他乘客的安全,行李没有安检的话,可能会涉及到一些危险品。 The driver was asked to go back to the terminal, register all passengers and ensured proper safety checks are followed. Shanghai Long-Distance Bus Terminal said more than 70 buses to and from counties and towns in Nanjing have been suspended since Monday. It also started disinfecting waiting halls and luggage cabins more frequently. 最终,大巴重新开回客运站,所有乘客进行实名登记和防疫检查,行李也全部落实安检措施。上海长途客运站表示,自周一以来,已有70余个往返南京地区下属县市的班次进行了停运。同时,客运站对行李舱和候车区域都进行了消毒。 2.SINOVAC TO BUILD VACCINE PRODUCTION IN CHILE 科兴将在智利建疫苗工厂,年产量可达5000万剂 Pharmaceutical company Sinovac said yesterday that it will invest 60 million US dollars for the construction of a vaccine【疫苗】 plant in Chile. Chile's Health officials say the country will help produce and export a variety of vaccines to other Latin American countries that have difficulties in acquiring them. 中国科兴制药公司昨日(8.4日)表示,将投资6000万美元在智利建立疫苗工厂。智利卫生部长表示,智利将帮助生产和出口多种疫苗至其它难以获得疫苗的拉美国家。 The plant will be built in the first quarter of 2022 in the Santiago region with an estimated annual production capacity of 50 million doses. Sinovac will also establish a research and development center in the northern region of Antofagasta. Chile has so far vaccinated 60 percent of its people, 19.6 million of those doses were CoronaVac vaccines, which was approved for emergency use in Chile in January. 该工厂预计于2022年第一季度在智利首都圣地亚哥建成,预计年生产能力为5000万剂。科兴还将在智利北部的安托法加斯塔地区建立一个研发中心。智利目前疫苗接种率为60%,其中1960万剂为科兴公司研发的CoronaVac疫苗,该疫苗于今年1月份在智利获准紧急使用。 According to statistics published by Chile Ministry of Health last month, CoronaVac is 65.9 percent effective against infection by the coronavirus, and 90.3 percent effective at preventing severe symptoms. 根据智利卫生部上月公布的数据,CoronaVac对冠状病毒感染的有效性为65.9%,对预防严重症状的有效性为90.3%。 3.CHINA URGES U.S. TO STOP SELLING ARMS TO TAIWAN 拜登拍板首笔对台军售“送礼”还是“埋雷” China urged the United States to stop selling arms to the Taiwan region and cease military contacts with the island, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said today. According to the Pentagon, the U.S. State Department has approved the potential sale of Medium Self-Propelled Howitzer artillery systems to Taiwan in a deal valued at 750 million US dollars. 中国外交部发言人今日(8.5日)表示,中方敦促美方停止售台武器和美台军事联系。据美国国防部国防合作安全局发布消息称,美国务院已批准向台出售总价为7.5亿美元的40套中型自行榴弹炮系统以及相关设备。 Stressing that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, the spokesperson accused the U.S. of interfering in China’s internal affairs and undermining China’s sovereignty and security interests by selling arms to the Taiwan region. The spokesperson also pointed out the US side is sending the wrong signal to “Taiwan independence” separatist forces and is severely jeopardizing China-US relations, as well as peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. 发言人强调,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,指责美国向台湾出售武器,干涉中国内政,损害中国主权和安全利益。发言人还表示,美方这是在向“台独”分裂势力发出错误信号,严重损害中美关系和台海和平稳定。 The spokesperson urged US side to honor its commitment, earnestly abide by the one China policy and the three China-US joint communiqués, and immediately revoke arms sales to Taiwan. China will take legitimates and necessary countermeasures in light of the development of the situation. 中方敦促美方重信守诺,切实恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,立即撤销有关对台军售计划。中方将根据形势发展坚决采取正当,必要反制措施。 #热词加油站 intercity【城际的】 import【进口】 prescription【处方】 respiratory**【呼吸的】** hazardous**【危险的】** vaccine【疫苗】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~