cover of episode 08/05 TOP OF THE DAY 上海密接阴性/东亚10+3合作/女篮告别东京

08/05 TOP OF THE DAY 上海密接阴性/东亚10+3合作/女篮告别东京

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NEWS ON 8/4 1. NO NEW LOCAL COVID-19 CASES REPORTED IN SH 最新通报!上海本土病例密接核酸检测均为阴性 2. WANG YI CALLS FOR 10+3 TO SET LONG TERMS GOALS 10+3**合作——王毅出席中日韩视频外长会 3. SERBIA ELIMINATES CHINA IN WOMEN’S BASKETBALL 巴黎再战!中国女篮惜败塞尔维亚,结束东京之旅 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. NO NEW LOCAL COVID-19 CASES REPORTED IN SH 最新通报!上海本土病例密接核酸检测均为阴性 The Shanghai government said that as of 2 p.m. today 67 close contacts, 377 secondary contacts of the COVID-19 patient found on Monday have been put in quarantine. All contacts twice tested negative for the virus. Genetic sequencing【基因序列】tests show the strain is the Delta variant, but unrelated to other active clusters in China. Nationwide, 71 new local COVID-19 infections were reported yesterday along with 25 imported cases. Another 27 asymptomatic carriers were reported with 15 of those being transmitted locally. Sun Siqi has more. 上海今天(4日)召开发布会,宣布基本完成8月2日新增本土病例的流行病学调查和基因测序工作。截至下午2点,排查到在沪密接者67人、次密接者377人,已全部落实集中隔离,两次核酸检测结果均为阴性。基因测序结果显示,该病例感染的新冠病毒属于德尔塔变异株,但与近期国内多地本土病例基因组无关联。8月3日,全国新增确诊病例96例,本土病例71例,无症状感染者27例,其中本土15例。 The nucleic acid test results of more than 68,000 people, comprising everyone in the patient’s living and work environments have come back negative. The patient had not traveled to a medium or high-risk area or had any known contact history with COVID-19 patients, asymptomatic carriers, close contacts or imported frozen food in the past two weeks.  同时,已排查到在沪的68517名筛查对象,核酸检测结果均为阴性。根据市疾控中心的流行病学调查和基因测序,该病例在发病前14天没有接触过外省市相关病例、无症状感染者和密切接触者,发病前14天内没有国内中高风险地区旅居史,也没有进口冷链物流接触史。 INTERVIEW Wu Huanyu, Deputy Director Shanghai CDC 吴寰宇,上海市疾控中心副主任 The man put himself at high-risk as he unzipped his protective clothing in a contaminated【污染的】environment between July 22nd and 23rd. The timeline fits the coronavirus incubation period. Genetic sequencing tests show the strain is the Delta variant. But we found it is unrelated to other active clusters in China.  病例在7月22-23日中曾有在污染环境中解开防护服等高风险行为。病例发病时间符合新冠肺炎发病的潜伏期特征。基因测序结果显示,该病例感染的新冠病毒属于德尔塔变异株。经比对,与近期国内多地本土病例基因组无关联。 With concerns mounting about whether vaccines are still effective against the variant, Dr. Zhang Wenhong said the best strategy is still to wear a mask, wash your hands frequently and get vaccinated. 对于国产疫苗面对变异毒株的效力问题,张文宏表示,一是要坚决贯彻疫苗接种的策略,二是要加强个人卫生。 INTERVIEW Zhang Wenhong, Head Panelist Shanghai COVID-19 Treatment Team 张文宏,上海市新冠肺炎临床救治专家组组长 Compared to other strains there’re more cases where the Delta variant broke through the vaccine’s protection. However, one has to admit that the vaccine greatly reduces the rate of severe illness or death. If the World Health Organization acknowledges that the mutant strain completely evades【逃避】the vaccines, researchers will start developing new vaccines against it.  但是大家无一例外可以看到,疫苗对于德尔塔毒株引起的重症化和死亡是出现急剧下降的,也就是说现在的疫苗对于德尔塔毒株的保护作用是毋庸置疑的。如果一旦世卫组织确认病毒变异已经完全逃避了疫苗对它的作用,也请大家放心,针对病毒的疫苗也会随之被研发出来。 Dr. Zhang still called for the public to reduce gatherings, protect themselves, go to the hospital as soon as they have a fever or cough, and never try to hold out with home medications.  张文宏同时表示,减缓社会流动对阻断病毒的二次传播有巨大作用。而一旦出现发热、咳嗽等症状,请佩戴医用口罩及时前往发热门诊就诊。 2. WANG YI CALLS FOR 10+3 TO SET LONG TERMS GOALS 10+3合作****——**王毅出席中日韩视频外长会 China has called on the Association of South-east Asian Nations as well as China, Japan and the Republic of Korea to make co-operative efforts to promote an overall economic recovery and improve East Asian countries’ crisis response capabilities. 中方呼吁,东盟与中日韩三国应合作推进疫后经济复苏,提升东亚国家的危机应对能力。 Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the remarks when attending a “10 plus 3” foreign ministers’ video meeting yesterday. He said that joint efforts should be made, in the long-term, to improve the mechanism【机制】, resilience【韧性】and vitality of the 10 plus 3 cooperation, in order to maintain the hard-won stability and prosperity that has lasted for many years in East Asia. Wang also mentioned that all parties should consider the 25th anniversary of the launch of 10 plus 3 cooperation next year as an opportunity to plan a road-map for future cooperation. He proposed all parties to jointly build a barrier against the pandemic in East Asia, promote East Asia economic integration【融合】, seek the transformation and development of East Asia, and build a foundation of common values in East Asia. 在昨天(3日)举行的东盟与中日韩视频外长会上,王毅表示,要从长远出发,合作提升10+3合作的机制体制、韧性与活力,维护东亚地区来之不易的稳定与繁荣。王毅还号召各国外长,以明年10+3合作启动25周年为契机,规划未来合作路线图,共筑东亚抗疫屏障,共推东亚经济融合,共谋东亚转型发展,共铸东亚价值基础。 3. SERBIA ELIMINATES CHINA IN WOMEN’S BASKETBALL 巴黎再战!中国女篮惜败塞尔维亚,结束东京之旅 Serbia defeated China 77-70 to reach the women’s basketball semi-finals【半决赛】at the Tokyo Olympics today. 今天(4日)上午进行的女篮淘汰赛中,中国女篮以7分之差,以70-77不敌塞尔维亚队,无缘四强。 Serbia started strong and led for most of the first half with China only managing a brief lead of 29-28 towards the end of the second quarter【节】. But Serbia quickly fought back to hold a slim 35-33 lead before the break. China looked good in the third quarter, using a 10-2 run to build a 58-49 lead. China, which ranked number one in the preliminary【初步的;预赛】round, struggled as a series of Serbian steals and fast breaks led to an 11-0 run and a two-point lead. The Serbians held-on to stun China 77-70. 比赛开场,塞尔维亚队更快进入状态,中国队虽手感不佳,但防守效果较好,连使对手失误、咬住比分,在接近半场结束时以29-28领先对手。半场结束时,中国队仅以33-35落后2分。易边再战,中国球员年轻的优势逐渐显现,最终手握9分优势进入末节。末节前2分半钟,塞尔维亚队完成3次抢断,打出11:0反超2分。小组第一出线的中国队几次外线试投未果,最终,以70:77落败。 #热词加油站 Genetic sequencing【基因序列】 contaminated【污染的】 evade【逃避】 mechanism【机制】 resilience【韧性】 integration【融合】 semi-final【半决赛】 quarter【(篮球)节】 preliminary【初步的;预赛】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~