cover of episode 08/05 TOP NEWS | 解放军重要军事演训行动/上海组合式税费政策/日本执意“排污入海”

08/05 TOP NEWS | 解放军重要军事演训行动/上海组合式税费政策/日本执意“排污入海”

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NEWS ON 08/04 1.PLA CONDUCTS LIVE-FIRE EXERCISES IN EASTERN TAIWAN STRAIT 解放军重要军事演训行动****8月4日12时开始 2.TAX REDUCTION & EXEMPTION HELPS SMALL BUSINESSES RECOVER 退、减、免、缓!组合式税费政策助小微渡难关 3.CONSTRUCTION FOR WATER RELEASE SYSTEM BEGINS AT FUKUSHIMA 日本政府执意“排污入海”害人害己 一意孤行推进核污染水排海计划 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.PLA CONDUCTS LIVE-FIRE EXERCISES IN EASTERN TAIWAN STRAIT 解放军重要军事演训行动****8月4日12时开始 The Chinese People’s Liberation Army has organized targeted drills【演习】 in the sea and airspace surrounding Taiwan Island, and carried out precision strikes on specific areas in the eastern part of the Taiwan Strait this afternoon. The Ministry of National Defense said the drills were a stern 【严厉的】deterrent【威慑】 against collusion【勾结】 and provocation between the United States and Taiwan. Zhang Hong brings us the details. 从今天(8/4)中午12时到7号12时,解放军重要军事演训行动进行,并组织实弹射击。今天(8/4)开展的实弹发射训练对台湾海峡东部特定区域进行了精确打击。国防部表示,此次军事演习是针对美国众议院议长佩洛西窜访台湾而开展的军事摄压行动。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 The live-fire exercises took place at 1pm and was carried out by the ground force of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command. Precision munitions were launched, and authorities said the operation achieved its planned goals. Military exercises and training activities will continue in six maritime areas and their air space until noon on Sunday. A professor from the National Defense University of the People’s Liberation Army said the drills are unprecedented as they cover a greater area, come closer to the island and involve more military elements. 4日下午1点多,解放军东部战区陆军部队,开展远程火力实弹射击训练。东部战区火箭军部队,对台岛东部外海预定海域,实施多区域、多型号常导火力突击,导弹全部精准命中目标,检验了精确打击和区域拒止能力,取得了预期效果。此次实战演训选择环岛六大区域,持续到周日(8/7)中午。国防大学教授孟祥青分析,此次实战演训相较于之前任何一次对台独威慑的军事行动,是前所未有的,这次演训的6大区域是最接近台湾岛的演训区域,范围广、靠岛近、力度大、要素全。 Meng Xiangqing, Professor, National Defense University, Major General 孟祥青 国防大学教授 少将 The exercises are taking place closer to Taiwan Island compared to previous drills. Among the six areas, the first one is the southeastern part of Pingtan, the narrowest part of the Taiwan Strait. Two northern areas are near Keelung Port. The port’s eastern area faces two key military bases in Hualien and Taitung. And the one in the south lies at the entrance to the Bashi Channel. Those can be very effective deterrents. 首先,这次演训的6大区域是最接近台湾岛的演训区域。划设的6个区域,第一个区域就是平潭岛的东南部,这个地方是台湾海峡最窄处。再看北边两个区域,正好是台湾基隆港的外海,也就是说可以封控基隆港。东边区域面对的是台军的花莲和台东两个军事基地,可以对两个军事基地形成打击之势;南边两个区域,一个是台湾所谓垦丁东南,垦丁东南正好扼守巴士海峡,等于封控了巴士海峡,西南靠近高雄海空域,等于对高雄的军事基地形成"关门打狗"之势。 Yesterday, the PLA organized joint combat training exercises in the northern, southwestern and south-eastern waters and airspace off Taiwan. The drills focused on a blockade, sea target assault, airspace control operations, and joint combat capabilities of soldiers. 8月3日,中国人民解放军东部战区位台岛北部、西南、东南海空域,组织了由战区海军、空军、火箭军、战略支援部队、联勤保障部队等兵力参加的实战化联合演训,重点演练了联合封控、对海突击、对陆打击、制空作战等科目,检验了战区部队联合作战能力。 2.TAX REDUCTION & EXEMPTION HELPS SMALL BUSINESSES RECOVER 退、减、免、缓!组合式税费政策助小微渡难关 The Shanghai government issued supportive measures to help individual business owners including 12 involving tax cuts, exemptions【豁免】 or deferred social security payments. Zhang Hong tells us more about how stores are benefitting from them. 经历疫情后,上海出台了《扶持个体工商户健康发展的若干政策举措》,其中,税费优惠政策就有12条。记者张泓将带我们了解个体工商户如何从中受益。 Zeng Meidi has been running a stationery store in Yangpu District for a decade. She was initially reluctant【不情愿的】 to reopen after the 2-month lockdown as profits dropped. 个体工商户曾美娣在杨浦区开了10年的小店,疫情后,她对继续经营这门生意有所顾虑。 Live Scenes 实况 In the past, profit on these spools of tape was 5 yuan. Due to the lockdown, I can now only earn 0.5 yuan of profit. Add in expenses like rent and tax, my costs would be more than my revenue. 以前进(货)进来,这一卷(胶带)可以赚5元,疫情一卷只好赚5角,去掉税,去掉房租费,跟我付出有很大很大距离,吓得不敢做。 In the past, she paid about 1,200 yuan in tax each month if her revenue was below 60,000 yuan. Additional tax would be charged if sales exceeded 60,000 yuan. With the new policies, more than 10,000 yuan worth of tax was waived in the second quarter. 曾美娣的小店每月核定营业额为6万,按1200元税款征收;超过6万就要额外纳税。 得知曾美娣的顾虑后,税务专员让她放心大胆经营,因为从二季度起,增值税小规模纳税人可以阶段性免征增值税;个体工商户年应纳税所得额不超过100万元部分,在现行优惠基础上,可再减半征收个人所得税。这么一来,二季度,曾美娣免掉了1万多的税款。 Zeng Mei Di, an Individual Business Owner 曾美娣 个体工商户 The tax exemption saves me a lot of money. With such good supportive measures, I want to keep my store open. 能够免掉这么多税,我想有这么好的政策,我为什么不好好做,有生意我还是要接的。 In Hongkou, a noodle restaurant reopened after two months. Its manager said revenue has returned to 70% of previous levels, but that cash flow is still a problem. The latest policy allows them the business to defer【延期】 payment of social security contributions for employees. 这家位于虹口区的老字号面馆的情况则略有不同,经理表示,两个月没有营业收入,重开堂食后,堂食和外卖的总营业额已恢复到封锁前的70%。然而,店里20名员工的工资得支付,加上采购等开销,资金流紧张。关键时刻,税务部门及时送上了适用政策:此轮阶段性社保费缓缴。 Manager Chai, Hongwan Restaurant 柴经理 鸿万饮食店 We get to delay payment of 20,000 yuan each month. This money can be used to cover salaries and other expenses. It’s a relief. 缓缴的2万块能够用于员工的工资支付、采购,填补一部分的空缺,让我们可以松一口气。 Ma Xiaopeng, Deputy Head of Comprehensive Coordination Group of Tax Refund and Tax Reduction Office of Municipal Taxation Bureau 马小朋 市税务局退税减税办综合协调组副组长 We rolled out temporary measures in line with systemic rules. We are offering detailed supportive measures to help stores in different sectors and at different business scales to solve their problems. 呈现出既有制度性安排,又有临时性举措,全面发力、多点着力,根据企业不同的行业类型、生产经营规模以及企业生产经营遇到的困难,都会有具体的、政策性的举措,来帮助企业渡过难关,实现更好的发展。 The municipal and district tax services have set up special teams to determine whether taxpayers are eligible for supportive measures and help them with the application process. 为了确保新的组合式税费政策实实在在落地,市区两级税务部门成立退税减税办,并依托大数据,主动甄别符合优惠条件的纳税人,并帮助他们办理申请手续。 3.CONSTRUCTION FOR WATER RELEASE SYSTEM BEGINS AT FUKUSHIMA 日本政府执意“排污入海”害人害己 一意孤行推进核污染水排海计划 Construction began today on facilities for the planned release of treated radioactive 【放射性】wastewater into the sea next year, despite opposition from many local residents. Stephen Rancourt has more. 尽管引发当地民众的不满,日本东京电力公司今天(8/4)正式启动福岛第一核电站核污染水排海计划主体工程。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多详细报道。 Dozens of protesters gathered at TEPCO headquarters last night, holding signs and banners 【横幅】to strongly oppose the release of the waste water. 昨天(8/3)晚上,负责福岛核电站运营的日本东京电力公司总部大楼附近,一些来自福岛的民众手举标语、大声抗议。 Two Japanese Protesters 日本抗议民众** 2人** The Tokyo Electric Power Company initiated the project of releasing the contaminated 【受污染的】water into the sea without the understanding and permission of the local people. It’s a terrible act. 在没有得到当地民众的理解和许可的情况下,东电就擅自开始了排海工程,这是非常差劲的行为。 The consequences will not show immediately. Something bad is being done now, when it comes to negative effects later, where will TEPCO and the Japanese government be, and who will be held accountable? (核污染水排海)后果不会马上显现,现在做了坏事,到产生不良影响的时候,东电和日本政府这些人在哪里?谁来为结果负责? Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority and the government of Fukushima both gave their official approval for TEPCO’s plan to discharge the water from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the sea. The construction of the pipeline and the digging of an undersea tunnel both began today. TEPCO says the construction will be completed in the summer of 2023. 近期,日本核监管机构原子能规制委员会和福岛地方政府先后同意了东电公司的福岛第一核电站核污染水排海计划。今天(8/4)上午,东电公司正式启动核污染水排海设备主体施工,包括挖掘海底隧道、铺设把处理水送至排放设备的管道等工程,计划最快于明年春季前后开始排放。 Japanese Protester 日本抗议民众 All parties from all walks of life have proposed many solutions, including storage on land. But TEPCO seems to have completely ignored these proposals. 社会各界提出了很多解决方案,包括将核污染水储存在陆地上,但东电公司似乎完全忽视了这些建议。 The contaminated water is being stored in about 1,000 tanks that require a lot of space in the plant complex. The tanks are expected to reach their capacity of 1.37 million tons in the autumn of 2023.TEPCO’s plan involves transporting treated and releasable water through a pipeline from the tanks to a coastal pool, where it will be diluted with seawater and then sent through an undersea tunnel with an outlet about 1 kilometre off shore. It is expected to take several decades to complete the discharge. A magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture in northeast Japan this morning. The Japan Meteorological Agency said the quake occurred at a depth of 60 kilometres. 据悉,污水被存储在大约1000个巨大的储水罐中,需要很大的空间,预计2023年秋季将储存137万吨核污水。东京电力表示,它计划通过管道将处理后、符合排放标准的污水从储存罐输送到沿海的水池,在那里用海水稀释,然后通过约1公里长的海底管道将污水排至海中,以尽量减少对当地渔业和环境的影响。目前的计划要求从明年春天开始逐步释放处理过的水,这个过程将需要几十年的时间。今天(8/4)上午,日本东北部的福岛县附近海域发生5.6级地震,日本气象厅称,震源深度60公里。 #热词加油站 Drills [drɪls]【演习】** Stern [stəːn**]【严厉的】 Deterrent [dɪˈtɛr(ə)nt**]【威慑】** Collusion [kəˈl(j)u**ːʒ(ə)n****]【勾结】** Exemptions [ɪɡˈzɛmpʃn****]【豁免】 Reluctant [rɪˈlʌkt(ə)nt**]【不情愿的】** Defer [dɪˈf**əː]【延期】** Radioactive [ˌreɪdɪəʊˈaktɪv****]【放射性】 Banners [ˈbanə]【横幅】 Contaminated [kənˈtamɪneɪtɪd**]【受污染的】** 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放精品大咖访谈 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~