NEWS ON 08/04 1.CLOSE CONTACTS OF SH COVID-19 PATIENT TEST NEGATIVE 全部阴性!上海确诊病例密接人群核酸检测结果公布 2.FIRST TRANSGENDER ATHLETE COMPETES IN OLYMPICS 新西兰举重选手成奥运史上首位变性运动员 3. OODLES OF NOODLES AT AI COMMUNITY CANTEEN *帮你照顾好爸爸妈妈的胃~上海首家AI社区智能食堂来了!* -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- **1.**CLOSE CONTACTS OF SH COVID-19 PATIENT TEST NEGATIVE 全部阴性!上海确诊病例密接人群核酸检测结果公布 The Shanghai Health Commission said today that all close contacts of Shanghai’s newly confirmed COVID-19 case have tested negative so far. The patient, a 53-year-old driver at Pudong International Airport’s cargo terminal, tested positive for the coronavirus yesterday. 上海市卫健委今天(3日)表示,到目前为止,上海新确诊新冠肺炎病例的所有密切接触者的核酸检测结果均为阴性。该确诊病例为浦东机场货运区一名外航货机服务人员,男性,53岁,于8月2日检测出新冠病毒阳性。 The man tested negative on July 21st and 28th, but tested positive yesterday. He is being treated at Shanghai Public Health Clinic Center. The commission said that medical workers are doing a genetic sequencing test【基因测序】to determine whether the man has the Delta variant. 该确诊病例在7月21日和28日的例行核酸检测中,结果均为阴性,而8月2日的检测结果呈阳性。目前,该男子正在复旦大学附属公共卫生临床中心接受治疗。上海卫健委表示,医务人员正在进行基因测序,以确定该男子是否感染德尔塔毒株。 INTERVIEW: Wu Jinglei, Director Shanghai Health Commission **邬惊雷 **上海市卫健委主任 “According to our epidemiological research,the patient had not left Shanghai in the past 14 days. He has no travel history either. We haven’t found any connection between this case and others in the country.” 到目前为止做的流行病学调查来看,这个患者近两周从没有离开过上海,也没有外出旅居史。到目前为止,我们没有发现这个病例与国内其他地方的疫情有关联,至少到目前为止。疾控部门正在抓紧开展基因的测序工作。 The areas that the patient had frequented have been closed and disinfected【消毒】. 对病例曾活动过的场所已进行终末消毒。 INTERVIEW: Li Guohua, Deputy Director Pudong District **李国华 **浦东新区副区长 “After the case was reported, we immediately locked the residential compound where he resides. All the residents at the compound are required to quarantine for 14 days, and report their health status twice a day. All of them will be tested for the virus on the first, 7th, and 14th days of quarantine.” 立即对相关小区实行封闭管理,对实行管控小区的居民进行为期14天的健康观测,要求每天两次向小区管理人员报告体温和健康状况。严格实施发热日报告制度,健康监测的第一天、第七天、第十四天将做三次全员核酸检测。 Nearly 65,000 people, including about 50,000 Pudong Airport employees, have been tested as of 9am today. More than 27,000 had tested negative, while the remaining results hadn’t come back. 截至今天(3日)上午9点,近6万5千人(包括大约5万名浦东机场员工)已经接受了核酸检测。超过2万7千人的检测结果呈阴性,后续情况将及时向社会公布。 The National Health Commission reported 61 new local COVID-19 cases yesterday on the Chinese mainland along with 29 imported ones. Another 41 asymptomatic carriers were discovered -- among them, 23 were local. Among local patients, 45 were in Jiangsu, with five from Nanjing and 40 from Yangzhou, which is about 100 kilometers east of Shanghai. 据国家卫健委官网消息,8月2日0—24时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增本土病例61例,境外输入病例29例。新增无症状感染者41例,其中本土23例。在本土病例中,江苏45例(其中南京5例,扬州40例)。扬州位于上海以东约100公里。 All five cases in Nanjing were discovered during quarantine. The new case count in the city has declined daily for the past few days. In the cluster that started on July 20th, the city has reported 220 infections, with six in severe condition. In the same province, Yangzhou has become the focus as it has reported 94 cases so far. Many of them had frequented a card game-room. 南京的5例病例都是在隔离期间被发现的。过去几天,南京新增确诊数量呈下降趋势。在7月20日开始的本次疫情中,南京共报告确诊病例220例,其中重型6例。目前,扬州市累计报告本土确诊病例94例,成为本轮疫情的又一个传播中心。许多感染者频繁活动于棋牌室等地。 INTERVIEW: Zhou Minghao, Deputy Director Jiangsu Province Health Commission **周明浩 **江苏省卫健委副主任 “The largest case of community infection involves 33 secondary infections with five generations of spreading. They involved 9 families and 2 game rooms.” 规模最大的一起聚集性事件,共涉及33名续发病例,共传播5代,涉及9个家庭 2个棋牌室。 Jiangsu officials say all 45,000 game and Majiang rooms in the province have been closed. Yangzhou reported its first patient was 64-year-old Ms. Mao, who arrived on July 21st from a Nanjing community already under travel restrictions. Mao did not report to her community as required, and went to multiple restaurants, game-rooms and stores. She has been detained oncharges of impeding【阻碍】the prevention of infectious diseases. Yangzhou has now tested all residents for the virus twice. More than 3,200 primary and secondary contacts have been identified. 江苏省卫健委表示,目前江苏4万5千家棋牌室和麻将室已全部停业。扬州首例患者是64岁的女子毛某宁。7月21日,毛某宁擅自离开南京已采取封控管理措施的居住地,乘大巴抵达扬州。毛某宁没有按要求向她所在社区汇报,而是去了多家餐厅、棋牌室和商店。因涉嫌妨害传染病防治罪,毛某宁已被警方刑拘。目前,扬州市所有居民已进行了两次核酸检测,已发现3200多名密接和次密接。 INTERVIEW: Wang Jinsong, Deputy Director Yangzhou Health Commission **王劲松 **扬州市卫健委副主任 “We’ve engaged national and provincial health experts, specialty teams in the city and community workers. We don’t want to miss a single contact.” 组建包括国家和省级专家专业技术力量、市级流调专班力量和各类社会力量,深入细致开展流调和排查,力争找全密切接触者和次密接。 As of 3pm today, Nanjing’s infections have not spread to additional cities outside the 27 cities in 12 provinces reported yesterday. Multiple relay points in the transmission chain have surfaced, including game rooms in Yangzhou, Zhangjiajie’s attractions in Hunan and tour boats in Changde in the same province. Zhangjiajie today ordered all residents and tourists to stay in the city until further notice. In Hubei Province, a railway station in Jingzhou was also discovered as a transmission link. Multiple cases in the same city and Wuhan and cities in Hunan and Hainan were found to have been at the same station. A tour group from Huai’an, Jiangsu had passed through the station. 10 people in the group were later found to have COVID-19. In Henan Province, Zhengzhou’s health officials say most of their 63 cases were linked to Sixth People’s Hospital. 截至今天(3日)下午3点,南京本轮疫情扩散范围仍为此前报道的12个省份的27个城市。本轮疫情传播链中,已出现多个传播中心,包括扬州棋牌室、湖南张家界景区以及常德游船。张家界已下令所有人员不得离开本市,如有情况另行通知。此外,湖北荆州火车站传染链或已形成。荆州、武汉以及湖南和海南的多个城市发现的多个病例均与该火车站有关。其中,一个来自江苏淮安的旅游团也曾经过该车站。河南郑州有关部门表示,确诊的63例患者中,大多数都与郑州第六人民医院有关。 INTERVIEW: Li Huifang, Deputy Secretary-General Zhengzhou City Government **李慧芳 **河南省郑州市政府副秘书长 “The first two local patients shared the same strain -- the Delta variant -- with the infected individual in the Sixth Hospital that arrived from Myanmar.” 此轮疫情导致我市新增本土确诊病例13例,无症状感染者50例。经基因测序,最初2名感染者与缅甸入境并在市六院进行治疗的确诊患者的毒株高度同源,均为德尔塔变异毒株。 Zhengzhou has put 857 contacts in quarantine, and suspended ticket sales for Beijing-bound trains and buses.Travelers can get a full refund for trips already purchased. 目前,郑州已隔离857名相关人员,并暂停发售进京火车票和公共汽车票,相关乘客可进行全额退款。 2.FIRST TRANSGENDER ATHLETE COMPETES IN OLYMPICS 新西兰举重选手成奥运史上首位变性运动员 Weight-lifter Laurel Hubbard of New Zealand made history by becoming the first openly transgender athlete to compete at an Olympic Games last night, but she suffered a disappointing early exit from the women’s over-87-kilogram final after three no lifts in the snatch【抓,夺】. 昨天(3日),新西兰选手哈伯德亮相女子87公斤以上级别的赛场,成为奥运会史上首个公开参赛的跨性别女性运动员。遗憾的是,她的三次抓举都没能成功,提前告别了东京奥运会赛场。 Despite not reaching the final round, Hubbard smiled and cupped her hands together in a heart gesture before walking off the stage. She thanked International Olympic Committee for living up to the Olympic values and showing that sport is for all. 尽管没有进入最后一轮,哈伯德还是微笑着比了个心,然后结束了此次奥运征程。她表示,体育运动属于所有人,国际奥林匹克委员会没有辜负奥林匹克价值观。 INTERVIEW: Laurel Hubbard New Zealand Weight-lifter **哈伯德 **新西兰举重运动员 “I’m just so grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to come here and be me. I don’t think it should be historic. I think that, as we move into a sort of new and more understanding world, people are starting to realize that people like me are just people.” 我很感谢有这个机会可以参赛,可以做我自己。我不认为这应该是历史性的时刻,我觉得当我们进入一个全新且更加包容的世界,人们会开始意识到,像我这样的也只是一个人。 Hubbard was born male and competed in weightlifting at junior level. She transitioned eight years ago, resumed weightlifting and became eligible for the Games under a 2015 IOC consensus allowing transgender athletes to compete in women’s events. There have been fierce disputes on the issue. Some have argued that relatively little research has been conducted on transgender athletes, making it hard to gauge the extent of physical advantages that could remain after transitioning. In other news,the IOC decided to launch an investigation to clarify the facts around the case of Krystsina Tsimanouskaya, the Belarusian athlete who was granted sanctuary in Poland after she feared for her safety when her team’s officials tried to force her to fly home. 哈伯德曾是男性,是一名初级举重运动员。八年前,她完成了性别转变。2015年,国际奥委会达成共识,允许变性运动员参加女子项目。这一举动在当时的国际舆论上引发巨大争议。一些人认为,对变性运动员的研究相对较少,因此很难衡量变性后身体所占的优势。此外,国际奥委会决定展开调查,以弄清有关白俄罗斯奥运选手齐马努斯卡娅拒绝回国一事。这位白俄罗斯运动员因担心自己的安全拒绝登机,波兰方面当天向齐马努斯卡娅发放了签证。此前,白俄罗斯奥运代表团试图将其强行遣送回国。 *2.OODLES OF NOODLES AT AI COMMUNITY CANTEEN *帮你照顾好爸爸妈妈的胃~上海首家AI社区智能食堂来了!* The city’s first AI community canteen is now officially open to the public at Hongqiao Community in Changning District. It features an unmanned cooking system to supply meals and an intelligent program as cashiers. 在长宁区虹桥社区,上海首家AI社区智能食堂现已正式向公众开放。智能烹饪系统完成菜品烹饪,智能结算台则负责收银。 Early in the morning, the Hongqiao community canteen fills with hungry diners. One menu favorite is noodles made by a robot. When an empty bowl is put on the plate, the robot starts cooking. Soup is added after the noodles are placed in the bowl. It takes less than two minutes. People can then choose toppings*【浇头】and pay for it by putting the plate under a camera, which scans the food and shows the price. 一大早,虹桥社区食堂就挤满了饥肠辘辘的食客,机器人煮的面条是其中最受欢迎的菜品之一。机器人先将一个空碗放在盘子上,然后开始烹饪。之后将煮好的面条放入碗中,浇上汤汁。这一过程不到两分钟。人们选择浇头之后,将盘子放在摄像头下,摄像头会自动扫描食物并显示价格。 INTERVIEW: Ms. Xu, Resident 徐女士,社区居民 “Children loved seeing a yellow robot cooking noodles. I also brought my father here and he also enjoyed the noodles as they are well-cooked. It’s important to serve something that the elderly can chew easily.” 请"小黄"来做的面条,小孩觉得很新奇,很喜欢吃,老人觉得面条做得很软,我父亲说咬得动,这点对老人家很重要。 INTERVIEW: Ms. Liu, Resident 刘女士,社区居民 “I think the food here is better because it is clean. I can choose what I like and it tastes okay.” 质量比外面好一点,主要是干净。味道的话,反正是自己选的菜,也不错的。 The canteen offers about 20 options for breakfast, with prices ranging from 2 to 4 yuan. Steamed, fried or baked, all food is prepared by the unmanned cooking system. Li Ming, CEO of the company, said the system reduces labor by about 50 to 80 percent. For the canteen that is 130 square meters, only 2 staff are needed. It’s also designed to be user friendly, especially seniors. 该食堂提供约20种早餐,价格从2元到4元不等。不管是蒸、炸,还是烤,所有食物都由智能烹饪系统自动烹饪。该公司首席执行官李明表示,该系统将劳动力减少约50%至80%,130平方米大的食堂只需要2名员工。该食堂对老年人来说更为友好。 INTERVIEW: Li Ming, CEO Shanghai Xixiang Yixiang E-Commerce Co. **李明 **首席执行官 上海熙香艺享电子商务有限公司 “People don’t need to register for a membership or use a smart phone. Seniors can pay with their senior card. Our recipes are also designed for the elderly, including those with diabetes and high blood pressure.” 在整个过程中,不需要办卡、注册会员,不需要使用手机,老年人在这里消费,只需要拿菜,最后视觉识别结算,刷老年卡就可以。针对老年人,我们还做了一些菜品上的设计,比如很多菜会做得比较软糯,有糖尿病、高血压的,我们也会在食谱上进行一些考虑。 The AI system also monitors the supply and demand of each dish and will command the robots to prepare more if certain dishes are popular. The canteen has seen more than 200 people each day since opening on a trial basis last month. The canteen is part of Hongqiao community’s effort to retired folks as there are about 19,000 residents over 60 years old, accounting for around 38% of the neighborhood’s population. The community now has at least 5 canteens for seniors. 人工智能系统还会监测每道菜的供应量和需求量。如果某些菜很受欢迎,机器人就会准备更多食材。自上个月试营业以来,食堂每天接待200多人。该食堂是虹桥社区专为退休人员提供的服务。虹桥社区60岁以上居民约有19000人,约占社区人口的38%。该社区现在至少有5个老年食堂。 **#**热词加油站 genetic sequencing test【基因测序】 disinfect【消毒】 impede【阻碍】 snatch【抓,夺】 toppings【浇头】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~