NEWS ON 08/02 1.CHINA’S UN ENVOY CALLS PELOSI’S POTENTIAL TAIWAN VIST PROVOCATIVE 中国常驻联合国代表:佩洛西访台是危险的挑衅行为****一个中国原则是红线 2.SHANGHAI PORT HITS RECORD, FURTHER EXPANSION PLANNED 上海港7月集装箱吞吐量创历史同期新高****前七月实现同比正增长 3.TREATMENT BREAKTHROUGH BRINGS COUPLE A HEALTHY BABY 世界首例低风险糖尿病试管婴儿在上海诞生 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHINA’S UN ENVOY CALLS PELOSI’S POTENTIAL TAIWAN VIST PROVOCATIVE 中国常驻联合国代表:佩洛西访台是危险的挑衅行为****一个中国原则是红线 China’s permanent representative to the United Nations Zhang Jun yesterday said US House Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s possible visit to Taiwan is dangerous and provocative【挑衅的】. He added that the one-China principle is a "red line" in China’s relations with other countries, and China allows no one to cross it. Sun Siqi has the story. 中国常驻联合国代表张军昨天(8/2)表示,佩洛西访台是危险的挑衅行为。一个中国原则是我们同任何国家发展关系的红线,决不允许"越线"行为。记者孙思奇带来更多详细报道。 Zhang said China has repeatedly made clear to the United States about its concerns and *firm **【坚定的】*opposition to the visit. He said such a visit would send the wrong signal to *secessionist **【分裂主义】*elements seeking Taiwan independence, undermine the one-China principle, China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the relationship between China and the United States. 张军大使指出,关于佩洛西访台计划,中方近期已多次向美方表明严重关切和坚决反对。这样的访问显然是危险的、挑衅性的,将向“台独”分裂势力发出严重错误信号,严重违反一个中国原则,严重侵犯中国主权和领土完整,严重破坏台海和平稳定,严重破坏中美关系。 Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations 张军中国常驻联合国代表* Our position and determination are firm. We will do whatever is required to defend our *sovereignty **【主权】*and territorial integrity. And I hope US government officials well understand that. 中方的立场明确、意志坚定,我们会尽己所能捍卫主权和领土完整,我希望美方对此能有清醒的认识。 In response to questions comparing Pelosi’s possible visit with the one by then-US House Speaker Newt Gingrich in 1997, Zhang said "a previous mistake does not make another mistake legitimate". Pelosi arrived in Malaysia this morning after wrapping up her visit in Singapore yesterday. Reuters reported that a US air force jet that flew her to Malaysia had left Kuala Lumpur, but it was not known if Pelosi was on the plane.US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Monday that a visit would be entirely Pelosi’s decision and called on China not to escalate tensions. In response, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said the United States is taking provocative actions that could lead to escalation, for which it should and must take full responsibility. She added that the United States will pay the price for undermining China’s sovereignty and security interests. 针对有记者将1997年时任美国众议长访台,同佩洛西访台相提并论,张军大使指出,美方曾经犯过的错误,不能成为另一个错误的借口。根据官方行程,佩洛西结束"首站"对新加坡的访问,今天(8/2)上午抵达马来西亚。据路透社报道,今天(8/2)下午,佩洛西的专机从吉隆坡起飞,但无法确定佩洛西本人及代表团成员是否在飞机上。美国国务卿布林肯星期一(8/1)表态称,众议院议长佩洛西是否进行可能的对台湾的访问将由她自行决定,但他呼吁中国不要因此加剧紧张局势。中国外交部发言人华春莹在周二(8/2)的例行记者会上回应称:“是美国在采取挑衅行动,导致台海局势紧张升级,美国应该也必须为此负全部的责任”。华春莹还在发言中称:“美方应该放弃任何‘打台湾牌’的企图,言行一致,不折不扣地恪守一个中国原则,履行中美三个联合公报。如果美方一意孤行,由此造成的一切严重后果将由美方负责。” 2.SHANGHAI PORT HITS RECORD, FURTHER EXPANSION PLANNED 上海港7*月集装箱吞吐量创历史同期新高*前七月实现同比正增长* Shanghai Port’s container throughput reached a record of more than 4.3 million 20-foot-equivalent-unit containers in July. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan finds out what’s behind the growth and what it means for Shanghai’s trade volume. 上海港7月集装箱吞吐量完成超430万个20英尺标准箱,创历史同期新高。记者张诗璇带你了解增长背后的原因以及集装箱吞吐量的增长对上海的贸易意味着什么。 The record high number for July was anything but a coincidence, especially given that the city was hit hard by the COVID *resurgence 【再起】during the second quarter. Despite that, the Shanghai Port has managed to keep up non-stop operations, by speeding up its digitalization【数字化】. As of today, the port operator has issued 4 million digital entry passes for container truck drivers, and that laid a solid foundation for the future smart development of the port operations, with a new service just launched based on the digital pass technology. 今年上半年,受到疫情影响,上海港集装箱累计吞吐量为2,254万标准箱左右,比去年同期下降1.7%。然而7月份却走出了"V字型",完成了超430万箱的吞吐量,创历史同期新高,这个创纪录数字绝非偶然。7月份吞吐量的逆势上扬,港口实现不间断运作,来自于上海港内挖潜力,积极推动数字化技术应用。为了加速集装箱提离,上港集团目前已累计发放400万张防疫通行证,实现四码合一,方便集卡司机在上海及在长三角地区的通行,也为港口未来的智能操作奠定了坚实的基础。 We have set up a data connection with the Shanghai Municipal Big Data Center, and also gotten connected with the transportation authorities in terms of transport certificate information, which means we have better technologies to ensure the safe and smooth operation in the container transport industry. In the past, we had people to check the personal information, and monitor the whole process. But now, we have stored the data on cloud or backstage systems, so that we don’t have to arrange to have people or equipment on site. 我们与市大数据中心进行了数据对接,包括这次和市交通委、道运局,都对接了运证信息,意味着以后集装箱物流行业在运证、货运链条的安全保障和畅行有了更好的技术。之前基本是人工检查个人具备这个功能,通过对流程的管控,与每个场所的交接过程中有保障的,我们现在都放在了云端和后端,不需要现场安排人或者立柱式哨兵,以前全都要检查记录,现在不需要了。 Sending out around 250,000 invoices every month, the digitalization of invoice distribution is also crucial. In May, the company started to implement a new form of invoice, fully-digitalized electronic invoices so as to speed up settlements for logistics firms. 每月分发约25万张发票,发票分发的数字化也至关重要。今年5月,上港集团开始实施一种全新发票形式————全面数字化电子发票,以加快物流公司的结算速度。 Previously, every month we had to spend more than 10 days working on invoice printing, basically just typing and stamping. But now, we don’t have to do any of that. We can invoice right after each order is completed, and give them to clients all at one time. 之前,我们一个月会有十几天的时间集中打印发票,按键盘、敲章作为主要工作内容,目前全部省掉了,每天业务完毕之后都能及时生成,并且集中给到客户手里,业务发生了就能拿到发票。 Last month, the container throughput of Shanghai Port topped more than 4.3 million 20-foot equivalent units, reaching the highest ever for a month of July. So far this year, the Shanghai Port has seen its overall container throughput return to positive growth from a year ago. 上海港7月集装箱吞吐量完成超430万20英尺标准箱,创历史同期新高。由此今年1-7月,全港累计完成集装箱吞吐量同比实现正增长。 The city’s foreign trade already showed signs of recovery in the first half of the year, with local firms’ foreign trade volume in June jumping almost 10% from the same period last year. Since the new wave of outbreaks, Shanghai Port has also been quick to optimize its container yard storage capability and resource allocation. 今年上半年,上海外贸走出“V”型修复态势外贸规模基本恢复到去年同期水平。6月份企业的对外贸交易额比去年同期增长了近10%。自新一轮疫情爆发以来,上海港也迅速优化了集装箱堆场仓储能力和资源配置。 Our container throughput recovered to normal in July, 140,000 TEUs a day. During the outbreak, the whole port added 3,000 electrical connections for frozen containers, which meant the whole storage capacity for frozen containers reached 34,000 TEUs, and the storage yard usage rate came down from the peak of 79% to the normal level of 30%. And we have also been actively following the new standards for hazardous containers. Their storage ratio has also come down from around 80% to 30% now. 7月份完全恢复正常14万标准箱。我们整个上海港在疫情期间新增了3000个冷冻箱的插头,整个堆存能力达到3.4万标准箱的堆存能力,场地利用率在疫情最高峰79%下降到目前正常水平30%左右。危险品集装箱这一块,也积极执行新的国标,8、9类相对于独立堆放到非危险品场地,危险品堆存也从最高峰79、80%降到了目前30%的水平。 Last year the Shanghai Port boasted the world’s largest container throughput for the 12th consecutive year, 47 million TEUs. And to expand on that record, the port is now planning to construct new docking areas, planning to increase annual operating capacity by another 18 million TEUs. 去年,上海港以4700万标准箱的吞吐量连续12年位居世界第一。而为了保持优势,上海港现在正计划建设新的码头,并将全年集装箱吞吐量再增加1800万标准箱。 3.TREATMENT BREAKTHROUGH BRINGS COUPLE A HEALTHY BABY 世界首例低风险糖尿病试管婴儿在上海诞生 Doctors from Fudan University’s Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital have helped a couple have a healthy baby. They used preimplantation【胚胎植入前】*genetic testing to look for polygenic disorders like Type 2 diabetes. Zhang Yue has more. 中国科学院院士、复旦大学附属妇产科医院生殖医学中心生殖医学家黄荷凤领衔团队成功实施PGT-P技术(胚胎植入前遗传学检测-多基因病技术),对胚胎进行2型糖尿病的多基因遗传风险评估,选择2型糖尿病风险最低的胚胎进行移植并成功临床妊娠。余先生的爱人在复旦大学附属妇产科医院成功诞下一名男婴。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。 Mr. Yu was waiting outside the delivery room at the hospital when he learned that his son was born. He and his wife were childless after six years of marriage. Since Yu has Type 2 diabetes and takes medication to control his condition, he and his wife were worried that their child would carry the same disorder, especially since his father, uncle and cousin also have Type 2 diabetes. 当余先生得知他的儿子出生时,他正在医院的产房外焦急等待。余先生因患有严重畸精症和2型糖尿病,婚后6年没有要孩子。余先生的父亲、叔伯及堂哥等多名家属也患有相同疾病,而且本人和堂哥的发病年龄都比父辈的提前,需长期口服药物治疗,家族受到疾病困扰已久。 Mr. Yu 余先生 I am so excited. The life of my son will definitely be better, because this genetic disorder in our family will finally end. I am really thankful that doctors here made this happen。 很激动很激动,从他这儿开始我们家遗传病应该可以结束了。太不容易了,至少他以后的人生会比我们更顺利一些。真的非常感谢黄院士她们这个团队,从头到尾很周到细心地帮我们去做这个事,真的很激动。 Yu and his wife came to Fudan University’s Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital three years ago for a consultation. Traditional preimplantation genetic testing wasn’t a good option for Yu, as Type 2 diabetes is a polygenic disease and cannot be screened effectively by PGT. So experts used PGT-P to screen out the embryos with the least risks. 三年前,余先生夫妻至黄荷凤院士门诊就诊。传统的PGT(胚胎植入前遗传学检测))对余先生来说并不是最优选择,因为2型糖尿病属于多基因遗传病,暂时无法通过常规的PGT进行阻断。黄荷凤院士提出胚胎植入前,通过多基因遗传风险评分方法对胚胎进行遗传风险评估,筛选疾病风险最低的胚胎移植,也就是PGT-P技术。 Huang Hefeng, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Director of the Institute of Reproduction and Development, Fudan University 中国科学院院士、复旦大学生殖与发育研究院院长*黄荷凤* In the past, we used PGT to identify chromosomal disorders and single gene disorders. However, PGT-P is a genetic test designed to screen many genetic disorders. This mainly targets polygenic diseases including diabetes and high blood pressure. 以往都是对一些染色体疾病、单基因疾病。我们又叫它罕见病,今天(8/02),PGT-P后面叫P,P实际上是PRS,叫多基因的风险因素的评估评分。这个主要是针对多基因疾病,我们大家比较常见的像慢病,高血压、糖尿病。这个评估不是评估人,是评估这个胚胎。 Doctor Huang said in the future, her team will study the prevention of chronic diseases such as breast cancer with research on the genetic technology. 未来,黄荷凤院士和团队将针对乳腺癌等与遗传高度相关的慢性疾病,努力建立中国自己的基因库,在慢病预防寻求新突破。 **#热词加油站 Provocative [prəˈvɒkətɪv]【挑衅的】** Firm [fəːm]【坚定的】* Secessionist [sɪˈsɛʃənɪst]【分裂主义】* Sovereignty [ˈsɒvrɪnti]****【主权】 Resurgence [rɪˈsəːdʒ(ə)ns]****【再起】 Digitalization [ˌdɪdʒɪt(ə)lʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]****【数字化】 Preimplantation [ˈpriːɪmplɑːnˈteɪʃn]****【胚胎植入前】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~