NEWS ON 08/01 1.C919 COMPLETES AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATION TEST FLIGHT 国产大飞机C919完成取证试飞 2.SHANGHAI COMPANIES CHASE METAVERSE OPPORTUNITIES 上海布局新赛道,*在沪企业把握新机遇 3.FIRST SHIPMENT OF UKRAINIAN GRAIN LEAVES PORT OF ODESSA 第一艘乌克兰运粮船离开敖德萨港 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.C919 COMPLETES AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATION TEST FLIGHT 国产大飞机C919完成取证试飞 The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China announced today that C919 completed its airworthiness test flight certification. 中国商飞今天(8.1)宣布,国产大飞机C919完成取证试飞。 According to COMAC, all six C919 test planes had completed test flights as of July 19th. The flights occurred in Yanliang, Shaanxi Province; Nanchang, Jiangxi Province; Dongying, Shandong Province; Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region; Turpan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; and Dunhuang, Gansu Province. The C919 is the first trunk jetliner【大型喷气式客机】 to be developed and manufactured by a Chinese company. It comes with a seating configuration*【布局】 of 158 or 168 seats and has a range of more than 5,500 kilometers. The plane made its maiden flight on May 5th, 2017. COMAC has already received 815 orders for the C919 from 28 customers worldwide. 据中国商飞称,共有6架C919试飞飞机分别在陕西阎良、江西南昌、山东东营、内蒙古锡林浩特、新疆吐鲁番、甘肃敦煌等地,开展了不同科目的试飞取证,截至7月19日,圆满完成全部试飞任务。C919是我国首次自主研制的大型客机,座级158-168座,航程4075至5555公里。该飞机于2017年5月5日成功首飞。当前,中国商飞已和来自世界各地的28家客户签订了815架次订单。 2.SHANGHAI COMPANIES CHASE METAVERSE OPPORTUNITIES 上海布局新赛道,在沪企业把握新机遇 Companies in Shanghai are now developing new business models in the metaverse【元宇宙】 and smart devices as the government announced plans to promote the sectors in June. Zhang Hong tells us more. 今年6月,上海政府正式投资布局元宇宙、智能终端等四个“新赛道”。当前的在沪企业也随之努力开发新的商业模式。记者张泓为您带来更多详细报道。 A 4.1 square kilometer community that replicates Zhangjiang Science City was created in the metaverse. People can learn more about its real-world buildings while in the metaverse. 在张江科学城4.1平方公里范围内构建的“元宇宙城市空间”,当人们身处元宇宙,便可了解更多关于现实世界建筑物的内容。 T**ao Chuang, Founder of WAYZ.AI** 陶闯 维智科技创始人兼董事长 From chips and AI technologies to downstream, the entire industry is a new economy and it’s expected to keep growing. 从芯片技术、人工智能技术、硬件端的技术到下游,元宇宙拉开了一种完全崭新的经济形态,而且它是一个增量经济。 Companies see various applications in the metaverse and are moving to capitalize on the opportunities. 元宇宙的应用落地会给经济发展带来重大机遇,不少企业试图在“元宇宙”的浪潮中,抓住其中蕴含的商机。 H**an Mingyi, Manager of HiAR** 韩明裔 亮风台(上海)信息科技有限公司政企经理 With AR glasses, laborers will be able to see instruction manuals for machines on production lines. 老师傅们可以通过AR眼镜看到生产线上机器的说明书。这样就可以不断把老师傅的经验留在生产线上。 Shi Zhiru, Vice President of DGene 石志儒 叠境数字科技(上海)有限公司副总裁 We want to use cameras from various angles to show vehicles and pedestrians【行人】 in a twin virtual space so that we’ll be able to predict real world traffic conditions. 把多视角的相机进行联合感知,把每一辆车、每一个行人,都能映射在数字孪生的空间之中,形成对未来交通的预测能力。 Zhangjiang is now building an industry park in the real world to attract companies in the metaverse. In Minhang, a company is working on humanoid【仿真机器人】 robots. 目前,张江正在元宇宙产业链上进行密集布局。通过建设产业园、产业联盟,张江为区内企业提供元宇宙发展支持。而在闵行,一家公司正在研发人形的服务机器人。 W**ang Bing, Co-Founder of CloudMinds ** 汪兵 达闼科技公司联合创始人 We want to teach these robots to do laundry, cook meals and clean rooms so that they can take care of seniors. 人形的服务机器人,我们需要它做三件事:洗衣服、做饭、打扫卫生。这三件事做好了,它就可以去服务老人。 W**u Jincheng, Director of Shanghai Comm. of Economy & Informatization** 吴金城 上海市经济信息化委主任 We will build a business environment so that companies with leading technologies want to be in Shanghai. 打造有利于创新创业的营商环境,让英雄能够找到用武之地,让产业能够在上海发展。 According to the Shanghai government’s plan, the metaverse and related businesses are expected to be valued at 350 billion yuan by 2025, while the government’s target for smart devices is more than 700 billion yuan. 上海市人民政府网站7月8日公布的《上海市培育“元宇宙”新赛道行动方案(2022—2025年)》及《上海市促进智能终端产业高质量发展行动方案(2022—2025年)》提出,到2025年,“元宇宙”相关产业规模达到3500亿元,智能终端产业规模突破7000亿元。 3.FIRST SHIPMENT OF UKRAINIAN GRAIN LEAVES PORT OF ODESSA 第一艘乌克兰运粮船离开敖德萨港 The first ship carrying Ukrainian-grain left the port of Odessa this morning under an internationally brokered agreement. The deal is expected to release large stores of Ukrainian crops to foreign markets in an attempt to stymie a global food crisis. Stephen Rancourt has more. 当地时间今天(8/1)上午,根据国际协议,首艘装载乌克兰粮食的船只驶离黑海港口。该协议旨在向国外出口大量乌克兰谷物,以缓解全球粮食危机。记者Stephen Rancourt为您带来更多详细报道。 The Sierra Leone-flagged ship Razoni set off from Odessa to Lebanon with its cargo of over 26,000 tons of corn. It is expected to reach Istanbul tomorrow. On July 22, representatives from Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the UN signed agreements that enable the resumption of exports of grain from Ukraine, as well as providing Russia with a route to export its fertilizers【化肥】 to the international market. The governor of the southern Ukrainian port city of Mykolaiv yesterday said the city is being hit with heavy strikes from Russian forces, killing the owner of one of the country’s largest grain producing and exporting companies. 悬挂塞拉利昂国旗的 "拉佐尼 "号装载着超过26,000吨的玉米,从敖德萨出发前往黎巴嫩,预计明天(8/2)抵达第一站伊斯坦布尔。7月22日,经土耳其和联合国方面协调,俄乌两国在伊斯坦布尔签署协议,恢复乌克兰的粮食出口,也允许俄罗斯将农产品、化肥等外运出去。而此前一天,乌南部尼古拉耶夫州州长表示,该州首府尼古拉耶夫市当天凌晨遭到俄军轰炸。乌克兰最大的粮食出口商之一"尼布隆"公司总经理瓦达图尔斯基在家中遭炮弹袭击身亡。 Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukrainian President 泽连斯基 乌克兰总统 It is exactly such people, such companies, our Ukrainian south, that guaranteed the world’s food security. It has always been so and will be so again. 正是这些人和这些公司,正是乌克兰南部,保证了世界的粮食安全。一直以来都是如此,将来也是一样。 As for the energy crisis, the European Commission unveiled proposals for member states to reduce their gas consumption by 15 percent from today. German finance minister Christian Lindner called for a complete halt to natural gas-fired power generation yesterday, and suggested extending the operation time of the country’s remaining nuclear power plants. 关于能源危机,欧盟委员会上周出台"节气计划",提议欧盟成员国从今天起自愿将天然气用量缩减15%。德国财政部长林德纳昨日(7/31)公开呼吁全面停止天然气发电,并再次表态支持延长现有核电站的运营时间。 #热词加油站 jetliner /ˈdʒetlaɪnə(r)/【大型喷气式客机】 configuration/kənˌfɪɡəˈreɪʃn/【布局】 metaverse/metæ'vɜːs/【元宇宙】 pedestrians/pɪˈdɛstrɪənz/ 【行人】 humanoid/ˈhjuːmənɔɪd/【仿真机器人】 fertilizers/ˈfɜːtɪlaɪzəz/【化肥】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~