cover of episode 08/01 TOP NEWS | 恢复扩大消费20条措施发布/北京暴雨致2人遇难/上海发放“AI算力券”

08/01 TOP NEWS | 恢复扩大消费20条措施发布/北京暴雨致2人遇难/上海发放“AI算力券”

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NEWS ON 0**7/31 1.NDRC REPEATS CALLS FOR POLICIES AIMED AT BOOSTING CONSUMPTION 国家发改委发布恢复和扩大消费20条措施 2.2 PEOPLE KILLED IN RAINSTORMS IN BEIJING 北京暴雨致2人遇难 3.SHANGHAI BOOSTS AI POWER FOR SMALL & MEDIUM BUSINESSES 上海发放AI算力券”*助力中小微企业发展 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.NDRC REPEATS CALLS FOR POLICIES AIMED AT BOOSTING CONSUMPTION 国家发改委发布恢复和扩大消费20条措施 China's top economic planner today re-iterated calls for local governments to step up measures aimed at boosting consumption amid efforts to sustain an economic recovery.   国家发改委今天(07/31)再次呼吁地方政府采取措施恢复和扩大消费,维持经济复苏。 The National Development and Reform Commission announced 20 new measures in its notice today, covering a wide range of items and services. They included new energy vehicles, home appliances家用电器, electronics, catering, and cultural and tourism sectors, especially as those in rural areas. It also pledged to support family demands for housing and improved living conditions. The measures asked local governments to loosen any remaining restrictions on auto purchasing and to promote NEV usage, as well as rolling out trade-ins and the recycling of used home appliances. The measures followed NDRC statements at a meeting yesterday on China's economic performance in the first half of this year. Data show that China's gross domestic product grew 5.5 percent year-on-year to 59.3 trillion yuan in H1, and that of the country's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and cities, 13 reported GDP growth exceeding 6 percent during the period.    国家发改委在《关于恢复和扩大消费的措施》中发布 20 条新措施,涉及项目和服务范围广泛,其中包括新能源汽车、家电、电子、餐饮、文旅等行业,尤其是农村地区的此类行业。措施还承诺支持刚性和改善性住房需求,要求各地区不得新增汽车限购措施,扩大新能源汽车消费,并深入开展家电以旧换新,加强废旧家电回收。国家发改委昨天(07/30)在通报上半年发展改革形势的时候表示,上半年中国国内生产总值同比增长5.5%,达59.3万亿元。在全国31个省区市中,13个省区市GDP增速超6%。 2.2 PEOPLE KILLED IN RAINSTORMS IN BEIJING 北京暴雨致2人遇难 Thousands of people were forced to evacuate their homes in Beijing as the remnants*【残余部分 of Typhoon Doksuri dumped record rainfall on the city and grounded flights today. Two people were reported dead in Mentougou District, one of the hardest-hit areas. Lei Shuran has more. 今天(07/31),受台风“杜苏芮”残余环流北上影响,北京市出现创纪录的降雨量,导致航班停飞,数千人紧急撤离。在受灾最为严重的门头沟区,已经通报有2人死亡。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。 The suburban districts of Mentougou and Fangshan were hit with flooding and mudslides due to the heavy rain. Some cars were washed away in a mountainous area of Mentougou. About 5,000 residents were relocated before the storm arrived, but two bodies were found during rescue work today. 本次强降雨,位于北京市郊的门头沟和房山区受灾最为严重,发生塌方和小规模山洪灾情,门头沟多山地区的一些汽车也被冲走。在这场暴雨之前,门头沟区紧急转移群众5000人左右。但不幸的是,在今天(07/31)上午的抢险巡查时,当地工作人员在河道中发现2人,已经失去生命体征。 Many roads in central Beijing were flooded as the Yongding River, the capital's biggest, burst its banks. 作为北京市境内最大的河流,永定河今天水位暴涨,洪水倾泻而下。北京市中心的许多道路被洪水淹没。 Niu Sen Urban Sanitation Worker 牛森 北京环卫集团通州分公司城市清扫二中心 工作人员 “我们在这次强降雨期间,提前启动了防汛的预案,在雨前利用人工,把所有的雨篦子全部清理了一遍,确保雨水可以顺利排出。” “We launched a flood prevention emergency response. For example, our workers cleaned all the sewer grates before the storm to ensure  rainwater would drain properly.” Tourist attractions were closed across the capital and many companies told their employees to stay home. By noon, 40 flights had been canceled at Beijing Capital International Airport. Weather forecasters said the rain will taper off starting tomorrow. 首都各地的旅游景点都关闭了,许多公司通知员工居家办公。截至中午,北京首都国际机场已有40个航班取消。根据天气预报,雨势从明天(08/01)开始将逐渐减弱。 3.SHANGHAI BOOSTS AI POWER FOR SMALL & MEDIUM BUSINESSES 上海发放AI算力券”*助力中小微企业发展 China's top industry regulator says the government will step up its push to support the development of small and medium-sized companies that typically specialize in niche sectors such as electronics, software, new materials, and new energy. Many of them are closely connected to AI. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan finds out how Shanghai has been helping out the SMEs. 工信部表示,政府将加大力度支持电子、软件、新材料和新能源等细分领域中小型企业的发展,这些企业大多与人工智能密切相关。记者张诗旋为您揭秘上海如何助力中小型企业发展。 In the process of industrial digitalization, cabinets like this one are a frequent sight in China's manufacturing industries, helping collect production data. The ultimate aim is to optimize the production output through analyzing the data they collect. And that's what large generative language models are coming for - to make quicker decisions automatically. This Shanghai-based industrial data service provider has been in the market for 7 years now, but it was only since this April that it started to develop large language processing models. Within just 3 months, it has already signed contracts with more than 50 companies. 在工业数字化进程中,像这样的机柜在中国制造业中屡见不鲜。这些机柜帮助收集生产数据,分析收集到的数据,最终实现优化生产产量的目标。而这正是大型生成语言模型的目的——自动做出更快的决策。这家总部位于上海的工业数据服务供应商进入市场已有7年时间,但直到今年4月,才开始开发大型语言处理模型。在短短3个月内,这家供应商已与50多家公司签订了合同。 Wang Xufei, Product Director Zyllion Data 王旭飞 *中云数据产品总监 “我们主要服务新能源汽车、集成电路、生物医药和航空航天这些企业。最初,我们只是帮助客户收集数据,在辅助用户做决策的过程中通过人力去进行。目前我们有模型的辅助,把这些信息更汇聚,并能给出一定的建议和意见。” “We mainly serve companies in new energy vehicles, integrated circuits, biopharma,* aviation*【航空, and aerospace industries. Originally, we just helped our clients collect data. But when helping them make decisions, we had to rely on human beings. Now, with support from the AI model, we can easily gather information, and give suggestions at the same time.” And all these achievements wouldn't be possible without computing power from these Graphics Processing Unit servers at this data center in Shanghai's Lingang Special Area. The 100,000-square-meter area has more than 1,000 of them - the key to AI computing service. 80% of the users are small and medium sized companies, like Zyllion Data. 而所有这些成就的取得,都离不开上海临港特区数据中心的图形处理单元服务器的计算能力。这座占地10万平方米的数据中心拥有1000多台图形处理单元服务器,是人工智能计算服务的关键所在。这里80%都是像中云数据这样的中小型企业。 Zheng Hongfei, Marketing Director Yovole 郑鸿飞 上海有孚网络股份有限公司市场总监** “现在大概已经有大几十家的临港企业,在我们这里有做过一些关于算力需求方面的交流,甚至一些合作。在我们产品的交付层面上,真正已经交付的可能10家左右。” “Dozens of companies in Lingang have reached out to us to seek cooperation in computing power.  We're already delivering our products to around 10 companies.” The** surging激增】** inquiries this company is receiving are undoubtedly a result of the SMEs' emerging tech development. But an invisible driver behind their increasing volume has been preferential policies from the local government - a series of coupons for using computing services that help the companies save costs. 这家公司收到的咨询量激增,无疑是中小企业新兴技术发展的结果。但在其业务量不断增长的背后,还有一个无形的推动力,那就是当地政府的优惠政策——“AI算力券”帮助企业节约了大量成本。 Wang Xufei, Product Director Zyllion Data **王旭飞 **中云数据产品总监 “科创券,目前我们已经申领了,如果最后完成的话应该是补贴到50%。” “We have already applied for science and innovation coupons. And if we get the coupons, we can have a 50% discount.” Zheng Hongfei, Marketing Director Yovole *郑鸿飞 上海有孚网络股份有限公司市场总监* “对于中小的创业型企业来说,这是一个非常大的力度了。比如原来用5台机器的,那现在因为优惠可能会用8台、10台机器。产品可能原来开发需要一个月,现在只需两周就能完成,这大大加快了企业的发展。” “For small and medium sized startups, this is already a huge discount. For example, previously a company would book 5 of our servers, but now with the discount, it can book 8 or 10 servers. So their products which before would take a month for R&D will require just 2 weeks to complete the R&D process. That has accelerated the companies' development.” Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 张诗旋 记者 According to the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization, Shanghai is home to almost 3.3 million business entities, more than 93 percent of which are private companies or registered by individuals. The city's SMEs with annual revenues of more than 20 million yuan achieved an industrial output of 2 trillion yuan last year, accounting for almost half of the city's total. Vigorous as their businesses are, their demand for government support is pretty diverse. And so, Shanghai's newly released supportive policies for SMEs have been divided into 6 categories, covering finance, services and tech facilitation. 根据上海市经济和信息化委员会的数据,上海拥有近330万家企业实体,其中93%以上为私营企业或个人注册。去年,全市年营业收入在2000万元以上的中小企业实现了2万亿元的工业产值,占全市工业产值的近一半。企业蓬勃发展,但对政府扶持的需求却相当多样化。因此,上海最新出台的中小企业扶持政策分为六大类,涵盖金融、服务、科技促进等方面。 The plan includes provisions to distribute "AI algorithms coupons" to SMEs making use of the city's resources to innovate on core algorithms and model development by refunding up to 20 percent of the contract value. The Lingang Area has been well prepared and quick to respond to the plan.   其中包括,对利用城市资源进行核心算法创新和模型开发的中小企业,发放“AI算力券”,最高返还合同金额的20%。临港新片区对该政策准备充分、响应迅速。 **Ni Xiaojie, Deputy Director ** Data Department, Lingang Special Area Management Committee *倪晓杰 临港新片区管委会数据部副主任* “目前,临港新片区已经有八个算力中心,80%以上都是智能计算的布局。在AI for science等重点行业,包括智能网联汽车、智慧城市以及国际数据港的建设,我们正探索计算算法的更多应用。” “So far, the Lingang Special Area has 8 computing centers. More than 80% of the computing power is dedicated to intelligent computing. In areas emphasizing AI for science, including intelligent connected vehicles, smart city and global data harbor construction, we are now exploring more applications of the large models and data.” Just last month, the area established an industrial alliance for intelligent algorithms, gathering companies in the whole industrial chain, including tech developers and computing power providers. According to a newly released action plan, the area is expected toachieve a scale of its computing power industry topping 10 billion yuan by 2025.        就在上个月,临港新片区成立了智能算法产业联盟,聚集了包括技术开发商、算力供应商在内的全产业链企业。根据最新发布的行动计划,预计到2025年,临港新片区将实现算力产业规模突破100亿元。 #热词加油站 appliance/əˈplaɪəns/【家用电器】 remnant/ˈremnənt/【残余部分】 aviation/ˌeɪviˈeɪʃn/【航空】 surging/ˈsɜːrdʒɪŋ/【激增】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~