cover of episode 07/30 TOP OF THE DAY 南京疫情传播链延长/游泳队再夺两金/新任驻美大使

07/30 TOP OF THE DAY 南京疫情传播链延长/游泳队再夺两金/新任驻美大使

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NEWS ON 07/30 **1.**NANJING COVID-19 CLUSTER SPREADS 南京疫情传播链再延长!全国打响防疫阻击战 **2.**CHINA CLAIMS 2 GOLD MEDALS IN THE POOL “霏”常精彩!中国游泳队再摘两金 **3.**NEW CHINESE AMBASSADOR TO U.S. DELIVERS REMARKS UPON ARRIVAL 抵美履新!秦刚任中国驻美国大使 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- **1.*NANJING COVID-19 CLUSTER SPREADS* 南京疫情传播链再延长!全国打响防疫阻击战 The National Health Commission reported 24 new local COVID-19 cases on the mainland, 20 of them in Jiangsu Province, 3 in Sichuan, and 1 in Beijing. Two asymptomatic【无症状的】 carriers were reported -- one each in Hunan and Sichuan. And earlier today, one case was confirmed in Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province. Here’s Chen Xuan with a look at the developing clusters that originated in Nanjing. 国家卫健委的消息,截至7月28日,内地报告新增新冠肺炎本土确诊病例24例,其中江苏20例,四川3例,北京1例。报告新增本土无症状感染者2例,分别来自湖南和四川。29日下午,张家界发现1例本土确诊病例。 Among Jiangsu’s 20 cases, 18 were in Nanjing, and the other 2 were in Yangzhou. Nanjing now has 171 confirmed cases and two asymptomatic carriers since the cluster emerged on July 20th. The entire Lukou community in Jiangning District is now high-risk. Another six residential compounds were lifted to medium-risk【中风险地区】. Multiple community clusters have sprouted. 江苏昨天新增的20例本土确诊病例中,南京市有18例,扬州市2例。自7月20日至7月29日,南京市已累计报告本土确诊病例171例及无症状感染者2例。根据相关防控规定,自29日起,南京市江宁区禄口街道全域调整为高风险地区,同时新增6个中风险地区。目前,多地出现散发疫情。 Interview: Yang Dasuo, Deputy Director, Nanjing Health Commision 杨大锁,南京市卫健委副主任 In this picture, you’ll see where 155 patients live --most of them are in or around Lukou. The second picture shows the venues the patients have frequented -- most of them are in Jiangning District and downtown. 大家可以看我带来的两张图,一张图是155个病例现住址街道的分布,大家可以看到基本上这些病例还是分布在禄口街道附近。还有一张图是病例的轨迹和现住址的图,主要是在江宁和主城区两块。 As the third round of tests began on the city’s entire population, swab samples【样本】 are tested at different concentrations according to the area’s risk level: 10 swabs taken from a low-risk area are mixed into one tube to speed up the process. Five samples from a medium-risk area are mixed into one. And samples taken in a high-risk area are tested individually. 目前,南京已经开展第三轮核酸检测,按照风险地区等级实行差异化采样检测——南京正在分区、分时段开展的第3轮全市全员核酸检测,将按照风险地区等级,实行差异化采样检测。高风险地区实行单检、中风险地区1:5混检、低风险地区1:10混检。 Clusters that have sprouted outside Nanjing are all related to Zhangjiajie. 多地出现无南京旅居史的感染者,而这些感染者都曾去往湖南张家界。 The chain of transmission【传播】 likely originated in Nanjing, then to the tourist city in Hunan Province after three infected people in Dalian had a two-hour layover at Nanjing’s Lukou Airport on July 17th before traveling to Zhangjiajie. 传播链的源头可能在南京,然后经来自大连的3名无症状感染者传播至湖南省,这3名旅客曾在南京禄口机场停留2小时,转机到达张家界。 Sichuan Province reported three cases and one a symptomatic carrier yesterday -- two patients had traveled to Zhangjiajie, one carrier worked at Chengdu’s Tianfu Airport and was on the same flight with a family of three from Chengdu that were confirmed infected on Tuesday. 7月28日,四川省上报3例确诊病例和1例无症状感染者——2例病例曾前往张家界,另一例病例在成都天府机场工作,曾与27日确诊的成都一家三口乘坐同一航班。 In Hunan, the city of Ningxiang had an asymptomatic carrier yesterday. The man was traveling to Changde city in that province, and had been on the same tour boat as the family from Chengdu. 湖南宁乡也于28日上报一例无症状感染者,该病患曾前往湖南常德,并与成都一家同乘一船。 In Beijing, two confirmed patients emerged between yesterday and noon today, a couple that had recently traveled to Zhangjiajie. 7月28日0时至7月29日12时,北京新增2例京外疫情关联新冠肺炎确诊病例,病例为夫妻关系,均为湖南张家界返京人员。 Interview: Pang Xinghuo, Deputy Director, Beijing CDC 庞星火,北京市疾控中心副主任 All districts and departments have taken control measures from contact tracing to lockdowns. Genetic sequencing tests and epidemiological【流行病学的】 investigations【调查】 are underway. We’ve found 654 contacts and put them in quarantine. We’re still locating more contacts. 目前,各相关区和部门已经采取密接追踪、封闭管控等疫情防控措施,相关流行病学调查基因测序及管控工作正有序展开。初步判断上述确诊病例密切接触者654人,已落实集中隔离医学观察措施,其他密接人员正在进一步核实中。 The two patients live in suburban Changping district -- their compound and nine others nearby have been locked down. Residents from the same compound and workplace as the couple are asked not to leave Beijing unless necessary, and will need to present a green health code and a negative test result in the past 48 hours to do so. 确诊病例现居北京市昌平区,目前病例所在小区及周边9个小区已实施封控管理。小区居民及这对夫妻的同事非必要情况下不能离京,如须离京则需出示绿色健康码和48小时内的阴性核酸检测结果。 Here in Shanghai, city authorities are tightening controls on people who arrived from a medium to high-risk area. All such individuals should report to their residential committee or hotel within 12 hours of arrival. 上海市防控办发布最新疫情防控有关要求,进一步加强对国内疫情中高风险地区来沪返沪人员健康管理的具体措施。所有来自或途经国内疫情中高风险地区的来沪返沪人员均需在到达12小时内上报居住地或酒店。 People arriving from a high-risk area will undergo 14 days of quarantine【隔离】 and two tests. Those from a medium-risk area need to observe at-home isolation and two tests. Residents are advised not to go to a medium or high-risk area or abroad unless necessary. 对来自高风险地区的访沪者实施14天集中隔离健康观察,和2次新冠病毒核酸检测。同时提醒广大市民,非必要不前往国内疫情中高风险地区,非必要不出境。 Now doctors say the most effective protection is still getting vaccinated【接种】. Wearing a mask in public, washing your hands frequently and avoiding large gatherings are also good ways to reduce the risk of infection. Shanghai has no new local cases as of 7 am today -- all individuals in Shanghai related to a case have been tested negative. 目前最有效的防疫措施依然是接种疫苗。在公共场所配戴口罩、勤洗手、避免聚众等也能有效降低感染危险。截至29日7时,上海市未出现本地确诊病例,所有密切接触者的核酸检测结果均为阴性。 Interview: Zhang Wenhong, Director, Dept. of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital 张文宏,复旦大学附属华山医院感染科主任 What we see here is a spreading model where the virus was introduced by flight and then quickly begins to spread in multiple cities. This has happened in multiple provinces within the past week. You might not have known the speed of this model in past clusters in China. 从模式上来讲,就呈现一个通过航空线路的传播,迅速地向各地进行传播的模式,几乎集中在一个星期内分布到全国多个省市,以前这种快速地通过航空模式可能大家没有这么切实地感觉到。 Infectious disease expert Zhang Wenhong adds that there’re not yet many cases with unknown source. This shows we have not yet entered a stage of widespread community infection. He says if more cases unrelated to Lukou Airport emerge in Nanjing, authorities may need to take tougher action. 张文宏表示,在南京本地,南京其他区域并未出现较多的没有源头的社区病例,说明疫情还处于大范围社区弥散前阶段。如果南京出现较多与禄口机场无直接相关的病例,则标志着疫情规模会扩大,可能需要采取更为果断的措施。 Zhang said the latest data from Chile showed China’s inactivated vaccines are close to 66 percent effective against an infection, 87.5 percent effective in preventing hospitalization and more than 90 percent effective at preventing ICU admissions. He says this demonstrates relatively high efficiency in preventing a severe coronavirus infection and even death. 张文宏透露,根据智利最新发布的数据,中国灭活疫苗对预防新冠感染的有效性约为66%,预防患者的住院率保护力为87.5% ,预防ICU入住率的保护力高于90%,这表明中国灭活疫苗对新冠的重症化、住院甚至是死亡的预防具有较高的有效率。 *2.CHINA CLAIMS 2 GOLD MEDALS IN THE POOL “霏”常精彩!中国游泳队再摘两金 China claimed two gold medals in swimming --- one in the women’s 200-meter butterfly and the other in women’s 4x200 meter freestyle relay【接力】. The country’s athletes have now won 14 gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics.  7月29日,中国游泳队在女子200米蝶泳和女子4x200米自由泳接力项目连获两金。截至当日12时,中国队已在本次东京奥运会赢得14枚金牌。 China’s Zhang Yufei had a convincing victory in women’s 200 meter butterfly to win her first gold at the Tokyo Olympics. Zhang led from the beginning, winning with a time of two minutes and 3.86 seconds, slicing 0.2 seconds off the Olympic record set by compatriot Jiao Liuyang at London 2012. 在女子200米自由泳项目中,中国选手张雨霏不负众望,取得个人首金。决赛开始,张雨霏没有给对手任何机会,一直遥遥领先,最终以2分03秒86的成绩夺冠,并打破焦刘洋保持的奥运会纪录,提升0.2秒。 Later in the day, China broke the world record in the women’s 4x200 meter freestyle relay. Team China clocked 7 minutes and 40.33 seconds, 1.17 seconds faster than the previous record held by the Australians. Yang Junxuan set an early lead for China and Tang Muhan recovered the advantage though Australian challenger Emma McKeon caught up in the middle. 随后,张雨霏和队友杨浚瑄、汤慕涵、李冰洁投入女子4200米自由泳接力决赛。中国队惊艳四座,以7分40秒33的成绩摘得金牌,比前世界纪录保持者澳大利亚队快1.17秒。杨浚瑄为中国队早早确立了领先优势,尽管澳大利亚挑战者Emma McKeon在中间追赶,汤慕涵还是追回了优势。 Zhang Yufei, fresh from her 200-meter butterfly gold just an hour earlier, maintained a 0.43 second advantage over second-place Australia before Li Bingjie jumped into the water. Li fended off the challenge from her American rival【竞争对手】 to win the gold for China. 张雨霏虽一个小时前刚进行完200米蝶泳决赛,但仍能以0.43秒领先澳大利亚第二棒选手,并将优势传递李冰洁。李冰洁不畏来自美国选手的压力,为中国赢回金牌。 Interview: Li Bingjie, Chinese Swimmer 李冰洁,中国游泳队队员 I want to challenge myself and show no fear for strong rivals when I saw them competing by my side. 看到旁边都是强敌,我也想体现出自己那种不畏强敌、迎难而上的精神。 Interview: Zhang Yufei, Chinese Swimmer 张雨霏,中国游泳队队员 The 200-meter freestyle is not my major training event. In the last 50 meters, I felt a strong power rising from the bottom of my heart, which pushed me to go all out to beat my rivals. 我不是200自(游泳)主项,结果游到最后50米,就那种中国力量从心底燃起来,就不服输!我一定要跟你拼了! This is Zhang’s third medal in Tokyo after taking a silver in the 100-meter butterfly competition earlier this week. Li Bingjie has now won two medals, with the first a bronze in women’s 400-meter freestyle. 继本周女子100米摘银后,张雨霏收获了她在东京奥运会的第三枚奖牌。李冰洁也收获了女子400米自由泳铜牌后的第二枚奖牌。 3.NEW CHINESE AMBASSADOR TO U.S. DELIVERS REMARKS UPON ARRIVAL 抵美履新!秦刚任中国驻美国大使 Upon his arrival, China’s new Ambassador【大使】 to the United States, Qin Gang said that he believes the door of China-U.S. relations, which is already open, cannot be closed.  中国新任驻美国大使秦刚于7月28日抵达美国履新。当晚,他在华盛顿向中美媒体发表讲话时强调,中美关系的大门已经打开,就不会关上。 Qin said fifty years ago, Dr. Henry Kissinger made a secret visit to China and opened the door to the normalization【正常化】 of China-U.S. relations during the Cold War. And now, China and the United States are entering a new round of mutual exploration and understanding, and are trying to find a way to get along with each other in the new era. 秦刚表示,50年前,正值冷战时期,中美相互隔绝,富有远见的基辛格博士,不得不取道他途,秘密访华。当前,中美正在进入新一轮相互发现、认知和调试中,寻求新时代彼此相处之道。 Interview: Qin Gang, Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. 秦刚,中国驻美国大使 Fifty years later today, as the 11th Chinese Ambassador to the United States, I can travel most openly and fly directly to this country. How the world has changed with the passage of time. I believe that the door of China-US relations, which is already open, cannot and should not be closed. This is the trend of the world, the call of the times, and the will of the people. 50年后的今天,作为第11任中国驻美大使,我可以公开踏上正途,直抵美国。时过境迁,令人感慨。我相信,中美关系的大门已经打开,就不会关上。这是时代潮流,大势所趋,民心所向。 The ambassador said he will follow through on the spirit of the phone call between the two presidents on the eve of the Chinese New Year, and seek to build bridges of communication and cooperation with all sectors of the United States. Qin also sent greetings to overseas Chinese and Chinese students in the United States, and said he looks forward to meeting and communicating with them soon. 秦刚表示,他将按照中美两国元首除夕通话精神,同美国各界架起沟通、合作的桥梁,共同推动中美关系重回正确发展轨道。当天,秦刚还向全美侨胞和在美中国留学生致问候信,期待早日与大家见面交流。 #热词加油站 asymptomatic【无症状的】 medium-risk【中风险地区】 sample【样本】 transmission【传播】 epidemiological【流行病学的】 investigation【调查】 quarantine【隔离】 vaccinate【接种】 relay【接力】 rival【竞争对手】 ambassador【大使】 normalization【正常化】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~