cover of episode 07/29 TOP OF THE DAY 南京疫情/IMF经济预测/杨倩的“小黄鸭”发卡火啦

07/29 TOP OF THE DAY 南京疫情/IMF经济预测/杨倩的“小黄鸭”发卡火啦

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NEWS ON 7/29 1. NANJING REPORTS ANOTHER 47 LOCAL COVID-19 CASES 南京疫情已扩散至5 2. IMF SEES 6% GROWTH, WARNS OF UNEVEN GLOBAL RECOVERY** 喜忧参半**——IMF****预测全球经济复苏步伐日益分化 3. YANG QIAN’S HAIR CLIPS ARE SELLING OUT IN YIWU 新晋带货王”****!杨倩同款发卡成今夏新爆款 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1. NANJING REPORTS ANOTHER 47 LOCAL COVID-19 CASES 南京疫情已扩散至5 The National Health Commission reported 55 new local COVID-19 cases on the Chinese mainland yesterday, with 47 in Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Province. Here’s Chen Xuan with the details on this developing cluster【聚集】. 国家卫健委28日通报,7月27日0-24时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增新冠肺炎确诊本土病例55例,其中南京47例。 As of midnight today, Nanjing has reported two asymptomatic【无症状的】carriers and 153 confirmed cases in the current outbreak. 81 of them have light symptoms, 68 have moderate illness, and four are in a severe condition. Suqian City has reported two cases, both have moderate symptoms. Nanjing officials said most of the new cases were found through testing of key contact groups. Lukou Community, where the airport is, has started a fourth round of nucleic acid testing.  截至今日(28日)24点,此轮疫情南京市已累计报告无症状感染者2例、本土确诊病例153例,其中轻型81例、普通型68例、重型4例;宿迁市累计报告本土确诊病例2例,均为普通型。据南京相关负责人介绍,大部分新增病例为密集排查、重点人群筛查发现。目前,南京禄口机场所在的禄口街道已全面启动第四轮全员核酸检测。 INTERVIEW Yang Dasuo, Deputy Director Nanjing Health Commission 杨大锁南京市卫健委副主任 We found most of the new cases were from the airport or surrounding areas. We have also discovered multiple community clusters passing around.  流调发现,近期新增病例主要还是集中在机场及周边地区,而且在报告的病例中已发现有多起聚集性疫情。 Nanjing’s health commission asked people to avoid gatherings and protect themselves. More than 2,300 pharmacies in the city were asked to stop selling antibiotics【抗生素】, fever, and cough medications. The city now has four high-risk and 42 medium-risk areas. Gulou District suspended【暂停】the operation of public venues including 11 cinemas, 54 internet cafes and 43 sports venues. Tutoring and summer day care services have also been suspended. Supermarkets and farmer’s markets will stay open with limits on the number of people allowed in at one time, and similar measures were put in place in Qinhuai District and Jiangbei New Area earlier this week. Doctors say the cluster is the Delta variant -- a mutant strain that spreads faster and generates higher viral loads in a patient. People had milder symptoms at the onset of infection, leading to delays in hospitalization.  南京现有高风险地区4个,中风险地区42个。南京市卫健委特别提醒市民:务必不扎堆不聚集,做好个人防护。全市2300多家零售药店已暂停向市民销售(含网络销售)退热、止咳、抗病毒和抗生素等“四类药品”。鼓楼区已暂停11家电影院、54家网吧及43家体育场所营业,同时暂停培训机构(含托管)线下服务。农贸(集贸)市场、批发市场、商场超市等重点场所要落实限流等管控措施。早前,秦淮区及江北新区也已采取类似疫情防控措施。专家指出,引起此次疫情的是"德尔塔"变异株,传播速度更快,病毒载量更高,但因感染初期症状更轻,导致了就医不及时。 INTERVIEW Qiu Haibo, Jiangsu Team Panelist State Council Joint Prevention & Control Mechanism 邱海波国务院联防联控机制综合组江苏工作组医疗救治组专家 A smaller percentage of people had fever at the onset of infection with the Delta variant. Some had minor muscle soreness【酸痛】, fatigue or loss of smell. Others had no symptoms at all. Based on that, we ask people to get checked if they have a sore throat, fatigue, minor digestive tract symptoms or loss of smell or taste. 这次德尔塔株感染以后发烧的比例更低了,尤其早期,发烧的病人更低了。他的症状可能就仅仅表现为乏力或者表现为嗅觉障碍,或者表现为轻度的肌肉酸痛,所以还有相对一部分病人是没有症状的。轻微的咽痛,轻微的乏力,或者出现了比如说一些轻微的胃肠道症状的时候,当然还包括一些比如说嗅觉障碍、味觉障碍的时候,我们应该去发热门诊或者是去看医生。 Outside Nanjing, the cluster has infected 170 people in nine cities from five provinces. The city of Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province found a positive individual last night through tests on people who had just arrived from Nanjing. All downtown entertainment venues, education businesses and spas have been closed. Three carriers in Dalian, Liaoning Province and another one diagnosed on a different day in the city were found to have been to the same theater on July 22nd in the city of Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province. Zhangjiajie has categorized everyone who was at the theater that night as high-risk contacts. In Sichuan, three new local cases emerged in Chengdu -- a family of three who had traveled to Hunan within the past 10 days. They returned to Chengdu on Sunday. Each one is now in a stable condition at a hospital. 除南京外,禄口机场疫情传播链条已蔓延至5省9地(11地,截至28日晚),感染病例数达170人。27日晚,一名南京抵扬人员在扬州友好医院就诊时新冠病毒核酸检测结果呈阳性,主城区娱乐场所、培训机构、洗浴中心等一律暂停开放。27日,大连再增1例本地确诊病例,该病例曾与大连26日通报的3例无症状感染者,同于7月22日晚在张家界观看魅力湘西剧场演出。经评估,7月22号晚第一场魅力湘西所有观众,均属于高风险人群。成都新增3例本土病例,为一家三口,曾在湖南旅游一周,于周日返回成都。目前三人均已接受隔离治疗,病情稳定。 2. IMF SEES 6% GROWTH, WARNS OF UNEVEN GLOBAL RECOVERY 喜忧参半——IMF预测全球经济复苏步伐日益分化* The International Monetary Fund announced yesterday that it was maintaining its global economic growth forecast【预测】of 6 percent for this year, but warned of an increasingly uneven recovery around the world as the gap between rich and poor countries widens amid the pandemic.  国际货币基金组织昨天(27日)发布《世界经济展望报告》更新内容,将2021年全球经济增长预期维持在6%不变,但警告称,疫情面前全球经济复苏步伐正日益分化。 The IMF puts China’s 20-21 growth at 8.4 percent, up 0.3 percentage points from its January forecast. Its projection for China’s economic expansion for 2022 remains unchanged at 5.6 percent. The fund said in its report that while the global economy is apparently on firmer ground, recovery would come across as divergent【分化的,不同的】amid high uncertainty caused by the pandemic. In China, effective containment measures, a forceful public investment response, and central bank liquidity【流动性】have led to a strong recovery. 国际货币基金组织预计2021年中国经济将增长8.4%,较1月份预测值上调0.3个百分点,并将2022年中国经济增长预测维持在5.6%不变。报告提到,虽然全球经济正在稳步复苏,但全球经济增长前景仍然具有高度不确定性,经济体间的差距继续拉大。得益于有效的疫情防控措施、强有力的公共政策应对以及央行的流动性支持,中国率先复苏、增长强劲。 3. YANG QIAN’S HAIR CLIPS ARE SELLING OUT IN YIWU 新晋带货王”****!杨倩同款发卡成今夏新爆款 China’s women’s three-on-three basketball team won a bronze medal tonight at the Tokyo Olympic games, defeating France 16 to 14. The sport is making its Olympic debut at the Tokyo games. 28日晚,中国女子三人篮球队以16-14战胜法国队,夺取铜牌,这也是该项目首次作为奥运会正式比赛项目。 Hair clips in the same style as those worn by Chinese shooter Yang Qian who claimed two gold medals at the ongoing Olympics have become extremely popular online. Our reporter Zhang Yue has learned that sales for the hair clip have doubled at the Yiwu International Trade City in Zhejiang Province. 拿下女子10米气步枪和混合团体10米气步枪两枚金牌之后,来自宁波的中国射击运动员杨倩成为了新晋的"带货王"。她头上佩戴的饰品在网上迅速走红,同款饰品在义乌国际商贸城的销量已翻了一翻。 Online shop owner Hu Jungang went to Yiwu this morning. As a center of international trade, the city is the world’s largest small commodity center. After hearing that a new batch of yellow duck hair clips had just arrived, Hu rushed over to restock his inventory. The sales for the hair clip have gone through the roof since they were spotted being worn by Chinese shooter Yang Qian when she claimed China’s first gold medal on Saturday at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.  义乌国际商贸城是世界最大的商品批发市场,一大早,开网店的胡俊听说又来了一批"小黄鸭发卡"新货,便立刻赶来义乌采购。就在上周六,杨倩为中国军团拿下首金后,她头上佩戴的小黄鸭发卡便迅速走红,日销量成百倍增长。 INTERVIEW Hu Jungang, Online Shop Owner 胡俊刚,网店店主 My store sold nearly 20,000 of them on Saturday, the yellow duck hair clip has been very popular since then.  由于前几天杨倩夺冠了,小黄鸭的发卡就火了,当天就卖了将近两万个。 Similar hair clips in the shape of carrot that Yang wore can also been seen in various online shops. A vendor in Yiwu said the two hair clips sold out every day this week.  她头上佩戴的胡萝卜头绳在商城也随处可见,有义乌商户就表示,这两款产品每天都被买断货。 INTERVIEW Mao Xuxia, Vendor Yiwu International Trade City 毛旭霞,义乌国际商贸城商户   In the past, only around 100 were sold each day. Now I can sell more than 10,000. Yesterday it was out of stock, and our workers had to work until 3 a.m. to make more for today.  之前一天只卖100多个,昨天还没货,现在日销售达到一万多个。昨天晚上工人加班到(半夜)两三点钟今天才有点现货。 Yang, who is from Ningbo, won another gold in the 10m air rifle mixed team event final yesterday with her partner Yang Haoran, making the clip even more popular. This has led to some vendors to begin developing derivative products【周边产品】of the yellow duck hair clips. 27日,杨倩又与搭档杨皓然联手摘下了10米气步枪混合团体金牌,这让她的头饰又引来一大批网友"种草",一些商家甚至纷纷卖起了小黄鸭发卡的新周边。 #热词加油站 cluster【聚集】 antibiotics【抗生素】 suspended【暂停】 soreness【酸痛】, forecast【预测】 divergent【分化的,不同的】 liquidity【流动性】 derivative product【周边产品】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~