cover of episode 07/29 TOP NEWS | 国际经济组织汇聚前滩/外交部反对芯片和科学法案/俄乌局势

07/29 TOP NEWS | 国际经济组织汇聚前滩/外交部反对芯片和科学法案/俄乌局势

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NEWS ON 0728 1.** 4 INT’L ORGANIZATIONS SET UP A REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE IN SHANGHAI** 前滩国际经济组织聚集区正式揭牌 吸引4家国际组织与世博管理局签订意向入驻协议 2.CHINA OPPOSSES “CHIPS AND SCIENCE ACT” PASSESED BY U.S. SENATE 中国外交部坚决反对美参议院通过"芯片和科学法案" 3.UKRAINE MILITARY TARGETS BRIDGE TO DISRUPT RUSSIAN REINFORCEMENTS 乌克兰局势:赫尔松州大桥遭袭 俄军摧毁100多枚海马斯 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.** 4 INT’L ORGANIZATIONS SET UP A REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE IN SHANGHAI** 前滩国际经济组织聚集区正式揭牌 吸引4家国际组织与世博管理局签订意向入驻协议 Four organizations decided to set up a representative office at the New Bund Global Economic Organization Cluster【聚集区】. Located on Dongyu Road in Pudong, the area was set up last year to attract industry associations, trade unions and standard-setting organizations. Zhang Hong tells us more. 7月28日,国际电子工业联接协会(美国)上海代表处、消费品论坛(法国)上海代表处、克林顿健康发展组织(美国)上海代表处、材料性能与防护协会 (AMPP)等4家国际组织与世博管理局签订意向入驻前滩国际经济组织集聚区。"前滩国际经济组织集聚区"于去年落户浦东新区东育路,来吸引和培育与浦东功能优势和产业特色相关的国际商会、行业协会、同业公会、产业联盟、标准制定组织等高能级国际经济组织集聚。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 IPC, a global trade association for electronic equipment manufacturers【制造商】, is one of the four organizations that will set up a representative office in Shanghai. 国际电子工业联接协会(IPC)是一家全球性电子行业协会,同时也是在前滩国际经济组织集聚区设立上海代表处的四家国际组织之一。 Xiao Qian, Director-general of Asia, Association Connecting Electronics Industries 肖茜 国际电子工业联接协会亚洲区总裁 Setting up a representative office here will help us better reach companies across Asia. We can also get Chinese companies engaged in setting industry standards, giving them a larger influence worldwide. 在前滩设立一个代表处,能够辐射我们整个亚洲区,最终达到帮助中国企业更好地参与行业标准制定,提升他们在国际上的影响力和话语权。 The New Bund Global Economic Organization Cluster was created in 2021 in the Expo Area of Pudong. The building has been home to 12 organizations in the past year, including the International Chamber of Commerce, New Development Bank and the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. They are expected to help China set rules in line with international practices in various sectors and become more influential in forming global standards. The Free Trade Zone Administration is now recognized as a supervising body for overseas NGOs 【非政府组织】 in the fields of economy, science and technology in Shanghai. 前滩国际经济组织集聚区于2021年正式成立。一年来,已吸引12家国际经济组织落户,其中包括唯一在联合国代表全球工商界的国际商会(ICC)、总部位于世博片区的金砖国家新开发银行(NDB)、法国国际展览协会上海代表处(UFI)。这些组织将充分发挥其规则制定、资源链接功能,推动浦东实现制度型开放,为我国建立更高水平的、与国际通行规则相衔接的制度体系。目前自贸区管委会作为业务主管单位,将拥有更高一级直接管理权,为更多在上海的经济、科学和技术领域的境外非政府组织开展活动提供更好的环境,创造更加便利的条件。 Cao Lei, Deputy Director of Commission of Commerce, Pudong New Area 曹磊 浦东新区商务委副主任 In the past, some international economic organizations couldn’t register here because they didn’t have a superior body that manages its business. Now the free trade zone administration will be viewed as their supervisor and it will offer a better environment for those overseas NGOs. 此举解决了部分国际经济组织,因没有明确的业务主管单位而无法注册设立的问题,也意味着自贸区管委会作为业务主管单位,将拥有更高一级的直接管理权,为更多境外非政府组织开展活动提供更好的环境。 Eight new measures including rent subsidies were released today to support organizations. 此外,世博管理局还在当天(7/28)进一步推出了包括办公用房租金补贴等八条实施细则。 2.CHINA OPPOSSES “CHIPS AND SCIENCE ACT” PASSESED BY U.S. SENATE 中国外交部坚决反对美参议院通过"芯片和科学法案"****:阻挡不了中国科技发展产业进步 Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said today that China is firmly opposed to the "Chips and Science Act" passed by the U.S. Senate yesterday, saying the act contains provisions that restrict normal science and technology cooperation between China and the United States. Zhang Yue has more. 中国外交部发言人赵立坚今天(7/28)在例行记者会上表示,所谓“芯片和科学法案”宣称旨在提升美国科技和芯片业竞争力,但该法案包含一些限制中美正常科技合作的条款,中方对此表示坚决反对。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。 Zhao said China opposes the bill, as obstacles to normal science, technology, one-to-one exchanges and cooperation between the two countries should not be put in place. He also said China-US science and technology cooperation serves the common interests of both sides, and promotes the progress of humanity. Imposing restrictions and seeking decoupling【脱钩】 will only impede【阻碍】 this progress. 赵立坚表示,美国如何发展自己是美国自己的事,但不应为中美正常的科技人文交流合作设置障碍,更不应该剥夺和损害中方正当的发展权益。中美科技合作有利于双方共同利益和人类共同进步,搞限制脱钩,只会损人害己,相关法案充斥着冷战零和思维,与中美两国各界希望加强交流合作的普遍愿望背道而驰。 Zhao Lijian, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson 赵立坚 中国外交部发言人 The Chips and Science Act is claimed to be aimed at boosting the US’ competitive edge in the science and chip industry. However, the Act contains some provisions that would restrict normal science and technology cooperation between China and the US. China firmly opposes this. 所谓"芯片和科学法案",宣称旨在提升美国科技和芯片业竞争力,但该法案包含一些限制中美正常科技合作的条款,中方对此表示坚决反对。 The U.S. Senate passed the 280 billion "Chips and Science Act" yesterday, that act is aimed at helping the US compete with China by boosting its domestic semiconductor production. The legislation provides about 52 billion US dollars in government subsidies semiconductor 【半导体】production as well as an investment tax credit for chip plants estimated to be worth 24 billion US dollars. 美国参议院周三(7/27)批准了一项2,800亿美元的“芯片和科学法案“,该法案旨在增强美国芯片产业及科研实力以对抗中国。其将为美国半导体制造提供约520亿美元的政府补贴资金,并为芯片工厂提供价值240亿美元的投资税收抵免。 3.UKRAINE MILITARY TARGETS BRIDGE TO DISRUPT RUSSIAN REINFORCEMENTS 乌克兰局势:赫尔松州大桥遭袭俄军摧毁100多枚海马斯 As the Ukraine-Russia conflict continues, Ukraine’s counter-attack campaign in the southern area has virtually cut off the Russian-held city after striking its essential supply route. The military targeted a bridge across the Dnipro River leading into the city of Kherson on Tuesday, disrupting further Russian reinforcements【增援部队】. The attack used US-supplied HIMARS that created 4 holes through the bridge and disrupted traffic. Russia’s Defense Ministry said yesterday that its Aerospace Forces destroyed more than 100 HIMARS missiles on Sunday. Its high precision weapons also struck temporary deployment centers of the Ukrainian armed forces in the city of Mykolaiv. 眼下,乌克兰南部赫尔松地区激战持续,乌方官员表示,乌军正在为发起南部反攻做准备,开始实施初步火力打击,目标包括赫尔松州境内横跨第聂伯河的安东诺夫斯基大桥,希望借此阻断俄方战略物资补给。乌克兰部队自从上个月接获美国供应的海马斯多管火箭炮系统(HIMARS)之后,已经使用这一武器在第聂伯河的安东诺夫斯基大桥实施打击并炸出了四个洞,导致桥面严重受损、车辆通行受阻。同一天,俄罗斯国防部通报,俄军在此前一次空袭中,摧毁了100多枚"海马斯"多管火箭炮弹药,并使用高精度武器打击了乌军在乌南部尼古拉耶夫市的临时部署点。 **#热词加油站 *Cluster [ˈkl*əstər]【聚集区】 *Manufacturers [ˌmany*əˈfak(t)SHərər]【制造商】 *NGOs 【非政府组织】 *Decoupling [ˈ*k*əpəl]【脱钩】 *Impede [imˈ*pēd****]【阻碍】 *Semiconductor [ˈsemēk*ənˌdəktər,]【半导体】 *Reinforcements [ˌrēin*ˈfôrsmənt]【增援部队】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放精品大咖访谈”** 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~