NEWS ON 07/28 1.2 MORE BODIES FOUND IN SUBWAY TUNNEL AFTER ZHENGZHOU FLOOD 愿逝者安息!郑州地铁5号线遇难人数增至14人 2.FINANCIAL DATA PORT OPENS IN ZHANGJIANG 全国首个金融数据港在张江开港 3.SHANGHAI ATHLETES SHINE IN TOKYO 战奥运,夺金牌!上海小囡闪耀东京! -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.2 MORE BODIES FOUND IN SUBWAY TUNNEL AFTER ZHENGZHOU FLOOD 愿逝者安息!郑州地铁5号线遇难人数增至14人 Two more people were found dead over the weekend after flood-waters poured into a subway tunnel on July 20th in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. It brought the death toll up to 14. 7月20日,洪水涌入河南郑州地铁5号线。经搜救排查,上周末(7月26日前)又发现两名遇难者,遇难人数已升至14人。 Record precipitation【降水】prompted the flood control and drought relief headquarters in Zhengzhou to upgrade the flooding emergency response level to its highest on July 20th. 12 people were found dead that day. After the remaining water was drained, two more bodies were found over the weekend. Zhengzhou’s subway system remained closed as water was still being pumped from 24 stations, while mud and debris were being cleared from another 147 stations. Bus service was almost back to normal. Train service was also gradually resuming. The Zhengzhoudong Railway Station scheduled 267 trains today, but many were delayed due to technical failures. 郑州持续遭遇极端特大暴雨,郑州市防汛抗旱指挥部于7月20日将防汛应急响应提升至I级。“7·20事件”当天,有12名乘客确认遇难。经过抢险排水后,分别于24日下午、25日上午,又发现2名遇难者。目前,郑州地铁全线网停运,24个地铁站正在抽水,147个地铁站正在清淤。郑州市公交线路已几乎恢复正常,郑州局客运列车开行也在逐渐恢复。郑州东站今天(27日)计划开行列车增加至267列,但由于技术故障,不少列车晚点。 Rescue work continued in Weihui, Xinxiang City of Henan, where heavy rain caused severe flooding. Floodwaters exceeded depths of 2 meters in some areas of Weihui. At 6am, more than 300 soldiers from the 83rd Army of the PLA were ordered to evacuate residents in nine locations. The 1st Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University was still without water and electricity due to flooding. 暴雨后,河南新乡、卫辉内涝严重,救援工作仍在继续。卫辉部分地区积水超过2米。早晨6点,解放军第83集团军300多名士兵疏散了9个地点的居民。新乡医学院第一附属医院仍停水停电。 INTERVIEW: Sun Jianfeng, The 83rd Army, PLA 孙建锋第83****集团军某工程防化旅副政委 “We have been working since we arrived at the hospital. Some of the critical patients and medical workers are still waiting to be relocated. We will safely transfer all of the people as soon as possible.” 我们从今天(26日)中午不到十二点钟,来到这座医院,到目前为止,我们已经奋战了将近8个小时。截至目前,还有部分重病号和医护人员还没有完全转移出去。下一步,我们将按照计划,坚决完成上级赋予我们的任务,把所有的病号和医护人员安全有效的全部转移出去。 As of midnight today, all of the patients had been safely transferred. 截至今天(27日)24点,患者已全部安全转移。 2.FINANCIAL DATA PORT OPENS IN ZHANGJIANG 全国首个金融数据港在张江开港 As part of Pudong New Area’s pioneer projects to become a leading area for socialist modernization【现代化】, a financial data port opened today in Zhangjiang, a change from what was once Zhangjiang Bank Card Industrial Park. 作为贯彻落实《浦东引领区》文件的一个重大举措,金融数据港今天在张江正式开港。这一园区由银行卡产业园转型升级而来。 The park, established for 19 years, has gathered clearing data on domestic and cross-border【跨国的】yuan payments, personal and corporate credit and financial derivatives【金融衍生工具】trading data, along with operation and maintenance【维护】companies for banks, insurance and securities firms. The goal from now on is to have companies in the fintech【金融科技】sector complete the industrial chain. 经过19年的发展,全国所有的银行卡交易清算数据、人民币支付清算数据等,都在此产生;这里金融基础设施、银行、证券、保险等运维部门聚集。未来,这里将构建具有全球影响力的金融科技产业集群。 INTERVIEW: Min Hao, General ManagerShanghai Bank Card Industrial Park Development Co. 闵浩 上海市银行卡产业园开发有限公司总经理** “In the future, this will be the tech core for the bank card industry, with research and development teams from fintech firms and their subsidiaries.” 不仅仅是成本中心和后台,将来可能是开发、研究,和整个技术核心在这里,紧紧抓住金融机构的金融科技力量。他们在科技方面的团队和子公司在这里集聚。 INTERVIEW: Men Qingbing, Deputy Director Pudong New Area Financial Work Bureau 门庆兵****上海市浦东新区金融工作局副局长 “By the end of the year, a national level fintech RD center will land in this park.This will become the foundation for fintech development in China.” 国家级的金融科技研发中心,将来也将落户在金融数据港,计划年内开业。这也是进一步扎实我们金融科技的发展底座,打造国家级研发中心。 The port will also have payment, clearing, credit report, supervision, standard making and security functions. Also at the ceremony today, a list of fintech labs including UnionPay’s National Engineering Laboratory were unveiled. 11 financial institutions and three core projects including a digital finance program under the China Central Depository Clearing Company started operations today. 此外,金融数据港还将聚集支付、清算、征信、监管、安全、标准等六大功能。在今天的开港仪式上,包括中国银联国家工程实验室在内的一批金融科技创新实验室发布。11家机构以及中央国债登记结算有限公司中债数金等3个重点项目顺利落成。 3.SHANGHAI ATHLETES SHINE IN TOKYO 战奥运,夺金牌!上海小囡闪耀东京! China claimed two gold medals today -- one in women’s synchronized 10-meter platform diving and the other in the 10-meter air pistol mixed team event. Both events featured athletes from Shanghai. 今天,中国队斩获两枚金牌,一枚来自女子跳水双人10米台,另一枚来自10米气枪混合团体项目。上海运动员在这两个项目中表现出色,勇夺金牌。 China’s Pang Wei 庞伟 and Jiang Ranxin 姜冉馨 with stood the challenge from their Russian Olympic Committee rivals to win the10-meter air pistol mixed team gold medal 16-14.The Chinese pair trailed 4-0 inthe first two rounds, but managed to tie the contest 8-8 before establishing a14-10 advantage. The Russian pair later leveled the score at 14, before Pangand Jiang scored 10.1 and 10.7 points respectively【各自】in the deciding round to give China its second gold medal in shooting. 21-year-old Jiang Ranxin is Shanghai’s 14th Olympic champion. She has also won several medals at the World Championships and the National Games. 在东京奥运会10米气枪混合团体赛决赛中,中国组合庞伟/姜冉欣不负众望,在开局落后的情况下后来居上,以16-14的成绩战胜了俄罗斯选手,为中国队夺得本届奥运会的第7枚金牌。中国队在开局0-4落后的情况下,随后以8-8扳平比分,又以14-10取得优势。之后俄罗斯选手又将比分扳平至14-14。在最终的决胜局中,庞伟和姜冉馨分别打出10.1环和10.7环,为中国队夺得第二枚射击金牌。21岁的姜冉馨成为上海第14位奥运冠军。此前,她已在世界锦标赛和全运会上获得过几枚奖牌。 INTERVIEW**: Jiang Ranxin, Olympic Athlete **姜冉馨 **运动员 “I’m really happy to win the gold medal. But there’s still a long way to go and I will keep fighting.” 可能还处于懵懵懂懂的状态。开心是确实非常开心,但是我觉得以后还有很长的路要走吧,还要继续加油。 Here in Shanghai, Jiang’s family cheered and applauded the victory. 远在上海的姜冉馨家中,也是一片欢腾。 INTERVIEW: 姜冉馨妈妈、爸爸 Jiang’s Parents “Ican’t believe it! Our hearts went up and down while watching. Congratulations! We are waiting for your triumphant return.” 我说掐我一下是不是真的,起伏太大了,心脏受不了。我们恭喜你,我们就等你凯旋而归。 In the women’s synchronized【同步】10-meter platform diving event this afternoon, Chen Yux i陈芋汐 and Zhang Jiaqi 张家齐 dominated the competition and won the gold medal. The pair led from start to finish and ended with a total score of 363.78 points, more than 50 points ahead of the silver medalists【奖牌获得者】from the United States. Born in 2005 in Shanghai, Chen’s talent was discovered by adiving coach when she was only 3 years old and was being trained by her father, who was a gymnastics coach at the time. She has been diving ever since. 在今天(27日)下午的女子跳水双人10米台决赛中,陈芋汐和张家齐凭借出色发挥稳夺金牌。两人以总分363.78分遥遥领先,超获得银牌的美国选手50多分。2005年,陈芋汐出生于上海,父亲是一名体操教练。3岁时,陈芋汐跟着父亲在体操房训练,被一位跳水教练发现。自此开始练习跳水。 INTERVIEW: Dong Chunhua, Chen’s Mother **董春华 **陈芋汐妈妈 “I was very nervous when I saw my daughter on TV. I calmed down gradually when I saw her performance during the competition.” 非常非常紧张,但是到电视开始转播女儿出现在画面上时,看到她的表现,我就觉得好像我的心情就平复了很多。 INTERVIEW: Chen Jian, Chen’s Father **陈健 **陈芋汐爸爸 “It has been 13 years since she started her career as an athlete. Her dream has finally come true.” 期待了13年了,自从她开始练体育到现在,13年的梦想今天成功。 Chen’s predecessor Wu Minxia, who is a five-time Olympic champion in diving, also congratulated Chen on her victory and hoped she could win more honors for China. 国家跳水队原著名运动员、奥运“五金”冠军吴敏霞也对陈芋汐的胜利表示祝贺,并希望她能为中国赢得更多荣誉。 **#**热词加油站 precipitation【降水】 modernization【现代化】 cross-border【跨国的】 financial derivatives【金融衍生工具】 maintenance【维护】 fintech【金融科技】 respectively【各自】 synchronize【同步】 medalist【奖牌获得者】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~