NEWS ON 7/27 **1. **SH DEFENSES HOLD AS IN-FA PASSES 上海全员出动!“烟花”过境,他们筑起温暖屏障 **2. **CHINA CLAIMS 2 SILVER MEDALS IN SWIMMING AND DIVING 再添两银!中国游泳小将李冰洁打破亚洲纪录 **3. **CHINA VICE FM EXPRESSES STRONG DISSATISFACTION WITH U.S. 两份清单——中方敦促美方立即改弦易辙,纠正错误 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. *SH DEFENSES HOLD AS IN-FA PASSES 上海全员出动!“烟花”过境,他们筑起温暖屏障 Typhoon In-fa’s strength decreased as it made a second landfall this morning in the coastal area of Pinghu, Zhejiang Province. Shanghai’s weather bureau downgraded【降级】its typhoon alert from yellow to blue at 4 p.m. and water levels in the city’s major rivers and creeks were gradually receding【后退】. Zhang Hong tells us more. 今早(26日)台风"烟花"在平湖二次登陆浙江嘉兴,之后强度有所减弱。上海中心气象台上午4点更新台风黄色预警信号为台风蓝色预警信号,市内主要河水位有所下降。 The water level at Suzhou Creek dropped below 4.55 meters at 3 p.m. It had peaked at 5.5 meters early this morning. The typhoon, heavy rain and high tide pushed the water level to nearly 4.8 meters at the Mishidu Port of upstream Huangpu River tributary in Songjiang earlier today, the highest on record. The warning level is 4.6 meters.At 4a.m., a*dike【堤】burst near Mishidu Port. The breach measured 8-meters, while a secondary dike partially collapsed. 200 armed police were sent to make repairs. 上午苏州河水位最高达5.5米,下午3点降至4.55米以下。26日恰逢天文大潮,再叠加上台风“烟花”带来的狂风暴雨,黄浦江上游的米市渡水位一度超过4.6米的警戒线,接近4.8米,创下历史新高。凌晨4点,松江区车墩镇米市渡江段曾出现决堤险情,江边第一道防汛堤的缺口长达8米,江水倒灌造成部分二级防洪堤坝垮塌,武警上海总队机动第二支队200名官兵火速赶往处置。 INTERVIEW Xie Xiaohang, Armed Police 谢萧航,武警上海总队机动第二支队机动六中队指导员 We separated the area and repaired the breach from bottom to top. 我们通过分区划块方式,对缺口进行了从下往上分区封堵。 The flooding was under control in about 3 hours.Pudong Landscaping Management Center had employees on patrol 24-7 to report rising water levels and remove the debris after the typhoon destroyed a fence. 经过近3小时的连续作业,两处主要险情已基本排除。浦东新区绿化管理事务中心紧急动员,全面落实24小时值班制,确保通讯畅通,随时沟通水位情况,并及时清扫路面。 INTERVIEW Ye Qing, Deputy Director Pudong Landscaping Management Center 叶青,上海市浦东新区绿化管理事务中心副主任 Once there is a dangerous situation, people who are not on duty will be notified to be on standby. 一旦险情过来,原来休息的人随时待命。 Sinopec Shanghai Gaoqiao Petrochemical employees found water leaking from an 1,800-meter-long flood prevention wall this morning. 3,600 sandbags were piled up to reinforce【加固】the wall and prevent a collapse. 今早(26日)上海高桥石化有限公司员工报告1800米长的防汛墙存在漏水处,相关人员随后迅速垒起3600多个沙袋加固墙体,避免了墙体坍塌。 INTERVIEW Lu Wei, Sinopec Shanghai Gaoqiao Petrochemical Co. 陆伟,上海高桥石化有限公司储运部生产副经理 We’ll contact the department to check the design of the flood-prevention wall and work out a detailed plan to eliminate risks. 我们后期会结合专业部门对我们防汛墙的初始的设计制定详细的方案,消除安全隐患。 By 3 p.m., the tide level of the Suzhou Creek estuary had dropped below 4.55 meters and the blue tide alert for the Huangpu River was canceled. 88 mobile pump trucks and more than 2,000 rescue teams remain on duty. Preparation plans had been made for 178 pump stations. There was no serious flooding reported on main roads around Shanghai. 截至下午3点,苏州河潮位已回落至4.55米以下,随后上海解除黄浦江高潮位蓝色预警信号。88台移动泵车及2000多支救援队仍然随时待命,178座防汛泵站随时准备。目前,上海主路尚未受到洪水的严重影响。 **2. **CHINA CLAIMS 2 SILVER MEDALS IN SWIMMING AND DIVING 再添两银!中国游泳小将李冰洁打破亚洲纪录 The men’s artistic gymnastics【体操】competition just finished. And China’s team won a bronze medal, with team ROC and Japan ranking first and second. 在刚刚结束(26日)的男子体操团体决赛中,中国摘得一枚铜牌,金牌和银牌被俄罗斯奥运队和日本队分别收入囊中。 China has claimed silver medals in women’s 100-meter butterfly【蝶泳】and men’s 10-meter synchronized platform 【男子双人10米台】diving as well as a bronze medal in the 400-meter freestyle today. Zhang Ningben has more. 今日(26日),中国军团在女子100米蝶泳决赛、男子双人10米台各摘得一枚银牌,并在女子400米自由泳决赛中收获一枚铜牌。 Chinese swimmer Zhang Yufei won the silver medal in the women’s 100-meter butterflyevent in 55.64 seconds today. Zhang led through the 50-meter mark at 25.71 seconds, but Canadian Maggie MacNeil went all out over the final few meters and beat Zhang to win the gold medal by just five one hundredths of a second. Zhang will compete in the 200-meter Butterfly event on Thursday. 在女子100米蝶泳决赛中,张雨霏游出了55.64的好成绩,收获银牌。在前50米,张雨霏领先第二名25.71秒,但转身过后接近终点时,远端的7号加拿大选手麦克尼尔赶超上来,以0.05秒的微弱优势力压张雨霏获得金牌。本周四,张雨霏还将参加200米蝶泳比赛。 In the men’s 10-meter synchronized platform diving this afternoon, Chinese duo Cao Yuan and Chen Aisez won the silver medal while British divers Thomas Daley and Matty Lee claimed the gold. The British duo began to build their leading position after their fourth dive and tallied 471.81 points, beating China’s Cao and Chen who scored 470.58 points. The Chinese duo faltered in their fourth dive, scoring a sixth-placed 73.44 points, missing out on the chance to win the gold medal. 在下午的男子双人10米台的决赛中,中国选手陈艾森/曹缘组合不敌戴利/马修·李组合,以470.58的总分拿到银牌。比赛的第4跳,陈艾森/曹缘出现失误,只拿到73.44分,使得戴利/马修·李组合获得了领先优势,并保持到最后,以471.81的总分摘得金牌。 Also today, 19-year-old Li Bingjie claimed a bronze medal and broke the Asian record for the 400-meter freestyle【自由泳】with a time of 4 minutes and 1.08 seconds. Li shone at the 2017 World Championships in Budapest, winning the bronze in the 400-meter freestyle and silver in the 800-meter, she also set two more Asian records at the National Games later that year. Another bronze medal went to Wei Meng in women’s skeet shooting【双向飞碟】. 此外,在女子400米自由泳决赛中,19岁的小将李冰洁以4分01秒08的成绩,刷新亚洲纪录的成绩,摘得铜牌。李冰洁曾在布达佩斯游泳世锦赛上大放异彩,在400米与800米自由泳决赛中分获一铜一银,并在同年九月的全运会两破亚洲纪录。中国军团今日的另一枚铜牌由魏萌在射击女子双向飞碟决赛中摘得。 **3. **CHINA VICE FM EXPRESSES STRONG DISSATISFACTION WITH U.S. 两份清单——中方敦促美方立即改弦易辙,纠正错误 China has urged the U.S. to rectify【修正】mistakes on its China policy and actions, such as removing sanctions on Chinese officials and visa restrictions on students as well as stopping the suppression【打压】of the development of Chinese enterprises. Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng made the remarks during talks with visiting U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman in Tianjin Municipality today. Lei Shuran has more. 中国外交部副部长谢锋今天(26日)在天津同美国常务副国务卿舍曼举行会谈,敦促美方应该改弦易辙,纠正错误,撤销对中方领导人、官员、政府部门的制裁,取消对中国留学生的签证限制,停止打压中国企业。 Xie said the China-U.S. relationship is at a stalemate【僵局】, fundamentally because some Americans portray China as an "imagined enemy". He urged the United States to change this highly misguided mindset and dangerous policy. The vice foreign minister noted that the U.S. side’s so-called "rules-based international order" is designed to benefit itself at others’ expense, hold other countries back and introduce "the law of the jungle". This is an effort by the United States and a few other Western countries to frame their own rules as international rules and impose them on other countries. 谢峰在会谈中指出,中美关系目前陷入僵局,面临严重困难,根本原因就是美国一些人把中国当作“假想敌”,他敦促美国改变极其错误的对华认知和极其危险的对华政策。谢锋表示,美方抛弃国际社会广泛接受的国际法和国际秩序,破坏自己曾经参与构建的国际体系,另起炉灶抛出所谓“基于规则的国际秩序”,无非是想耍赖,想篡改规则限制别人、谋利自己,是想施行弱肉强食、以大欺小的“丛林法则”。 INTERVIEW Xie Feng, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister 谢锋,中国外交部副部长 We also expressed strong dissatisfaction with the U.S. regarding its wrong words and actions on issues such as COVID-19 origin tracing, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and the South China Sea. We demanded the U.S. immediately stop interfering in China’s internal affairs, stop damaging China’s interests, stop stepping on red lines and playing with fire or engaging in provocation. 中方重点就美方在新冠病毒溯源、台湾、涉疆、涉港及南海等问题上的错误言行,向美方再次表达了强烈的不满,要求美方立即停止干涉中国内政,停止损害中国利益,停止踩红线和玩火挑衅,停止打着价值观的幌子搞集团对抗。 Xie said the Chinese side proposed to the American side two lists specifying areas and cases where Beijing demands changes. One is of U.S. policies and allegations concerning China that Beijing says need correcting, and the other is a list of key cases concerning Chinese officials and people in the United States. In the first list, China has urged the U.S. to unconditionally remove visa restrictions on members of the Communist Party of China and their families, sanctions on Chinese leaders, officials and government agencies as well as visa restrictions on Chinese students. China has also urged the U.S. to stop suppressing Chinese enterprises, stop harassing Chinese students, stop suppressing Confucius Institutes, revoking【撤销】the designation of Chinese media outlets as "foreign agents" or "foreign missions," and to withdraw its extradition【引渡】request for Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou. In the second list, China has expressed concerns over cases about Washington’s rejection of some Chinese students’ visa applications, the unfair treatment of Chinese citizens in the U.S. as well as growing hatred against Asians and growing anti-China sentiments. It urges Washington to respect and protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and institutions in America. 谢锋表示,中方向美方提出了两份清单,一份是要求美方纠正其错误对华政策和言行的清单,一份是中方关切的重点个案清单。在纠错清单里,中方敦促美方无条件撤销对中共党员及家属的签证限制,撤销对中方领导人、官员、政府部门的制裁,取消对中国留学生的签证限制,停止打压中国企业,停止滋扰中国留学生,停止打压孔子学院,撤销将中国媒体登记为“外国代理人”或“外国使团”,撤销对孟晚舟的引渡等等。在中方关切的重点个案清单里,中方主要就中国部分留学生赴美签证遭拒,中国公民在美遭受不公正待遇,美不法分子滋扰、冲撞我驻美使领馆,美国国内仇亚、反华情绪滋长,中国公民遭暴力袭击等个案向美方表达严重关切,要求美方尽快解决,切实尊重、保护中国公民和机构在美的合法权益。 #热词加油站 recede【后退】 downgrade【降级】 dike【堤】 reinforce【加固】 rectify【修正】 suppression【打压】 stalemate【僵局】 revoke【撤销】 extradition【引渡】 【比赛名称】 butterfly【蝶泳】 men’s 10-meter synchronized platform【男子双人10米台】 freestyle【自由泳】 skeet shooting【双向飞碟】 artistic gymnastics【体操】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~