NEWS ON 0726 1.DOMESTIC PILL APPROVED FOR COVID-19 TREATMENT 国家药监局应急附条件批准国产新冠肺炎适应症治疗药物 2.SHANGHAI RELEASES 34 MEASURES TO SUPPORT INDEPENDENT BUSINESSES 34条扶持政策为沪个体工商户“纾困” 惠及全市50余万群体 3.UKRAINE PLANS TO RESUME GRAIN EXPORTS THIS WEEK 俄乌签署外运农产品协议陆续“落地” 乌克兰方宣布启动首批粮食外运 俄拟减少"北溪-1"供气 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.DOMESTIC PILL APPROVED FOR COVID-19 TREATMENT 国家药监局应急附条件批准国产新冠肺炎适应症治疗药物 The National Medical Products Administration has granted conditional approval of a home-grown oral pill to treat COVID-19. 国家药监局昨天(7/25)发布通告,附条件批准河南真实生物科技有限公司阿兹夫定片,增加治疗新冠肺炎适应症注册申请。 Azvudine, developed by Henan-based ’Genuine Biotech Company, was conditionally 【有条件地】approved to treat adults with HIV-1 last summer. The administration said initially only adult COVID-19 patients with moderate【普通的】 symptoms will be given the medication. The company said that phase 3 clinical trials show the oral medication is safe, improves the clinical condition of patients and inhibits the virus within about five days. 国家药监局官网称,2021年7月20日,其已附条件批准阿兹夫定片与其他逆转录酶抑制剂联用治疗高病毒载量的成年HIV-1感染患者;此次为附条件批准新增适应症,用于治疗普通型新型冠状病毒肺炎成年患者;患者应在医师指导下严格按说明书用药。经真实生物科技有限公司的三期临床试验证明,阿兹夫定片在安全性方面,阿兹夫定片总体耐受性良好,可以显著缩短中度新冠患者症状改善时间,提高临床症状改善的患者比例,一般用药以后基本上5天,就能把病毒复制给抑制住。 2.SHANGHAI RELEASES 34 MEASURES TO SUPPORT INDEPENDENT BUSINESSES 34条扶持政策为沪个体工商户****“纾困” 惠及全市50余万群体 Shanghai market regulators and 19 government departments released 34 measures today. They cover tax reduction, financial support and improving the business environment. It’s all part of efforts to help more than 500 thousand independent businesses weather the negative impact stemming from the lockdown. Zhang Yue tells us more. 为帮助疫情期间遭受招工难、用工贵、成本上涨、资金短缺等冲击的50.77万个体工商户走出困境、重振信心、稳定经营,今天(7/26),由市市场监管局会同19个部门联合起草制定《上海市扶持个体工商户健康发展的若干政策措施》正式印发,涉及减税减费、强化保障、金融扶持、优化营商环境四个方面、共34项扶持措施,为个体工商户送来"及时雨"。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。 At Dapuqiao Subdistrict Community Service Center in Huangpu District, mom-and-pop maintenance and shoe repair businesses now have free rent here. 400-square-meters have been set aside for more than 20 small businesses. 位于打浦桥社区的便民服务中心里,维修煤气灶、修鞋修拉链,过去走街串巷的小商贩们,如今在租金免除的政策下,在这里"安了新家"。与此同时,该便民服务中心预留近400平方米空间可再容纳超过20家“手艺人”入驻。 Yuan Minchun, Resident 市民 袁民春 I don’t need to pay rent here because it is provided by the government. I’m happy to work here. 这里不要房租的,现在政府提供这个地方,在这里干活我也很开心的。 These businesses still need to pay a management fee totalling 5% of revenue【收入】, which usually equates to several hundred yuan per month. It’s a good trade-off since they currently don’t have to pay thousands of yuan in rent. Xu Wenlong, owner of Acid Coffee Shop, said he has benefited from the government’s tax reduction policy. 如今这些小商贩仍需支付他们总营业额收入的大概5%左右的管理费,通常相当于每月缴纳几百元左右。数千元租金的免除对于这些商贩来说是实实在在的优惠。ACID咖啡店法人许文龙表示,减税政策减轻了他的的负担。 Xu Wenlong, ACID Café Owner *许文龙 ACID咖啡店法人 The tax I need to pay has gradually decreased every year. Several years ago, I had 800 yuan in tax deducted. 基本上就是每年都在减少,就在我的印象中间,记忆最深的就是有一次是多少年忘记了,就是800元不到这个税,一下子就免掉了。 The measures also involve reduced utility costs, deferred payments for employee social welfare, loan extensions, and a lower tax rate. Mom-and-pop stores account for 15.7 percent of all businesses in Shanghai. 在降低个体工商户生产经营成本方面,这些政策还包括缓缴社保稳岗安岗、水电气及相关收费减免等政策。在税收优惠方面,围绕拓展小规模纳税人税收优惠、延续服务业增值税加计抵减等部分税费减免政策等。目前,这类小店在上海所有商户中占比15.7%左右。 3.UKRAINE PLANS TO RESUME GRAIN EXPORTS THIS WEEK 俄乌签署外运农产品协议陆续“落地” 乌克兰方宣布启动首批粮食外运 俄拟减少"北溪-1"供气 Ukrainian officials said yesterday that the country is preparing to resume grain exports. Ukraine and Russia *separately **【分开地】*signed a deal with Turkey and the United Nations in Istanbul last Friday to resume grain shipments via the Black Sea. Lei Shuran has the story. 昨天(7/25),乌克兰方面宣布,计划本周内启动首批粮食外运。在土耳其和联合国的斡旋下,俄乌签署从黑海港口外运农产品协议,目前相关内容正陆续"落地"。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 Deputy Infrastructure Minister of Ukraine Yurii Vaskov said the coordination center tasked with supervising and *coordinating **【协调】*the functions of the *humanitarian **【人道主义的】*corridor will begin operations tomorrow. All parties and the U.N. will have a presence in the Joint Coordination Center in Istanbul. 乌克兰基础设施部副部长尤里·瓦斯科夫表示,有关黑海港口农产品外运联合协调中心有望于明天(7/27)开始运行。联合国方面证实了相关消息,同时表示,俄罗斯、乌克兰、土耳其及联合国代表今天将进驻伊斯坦布尔的协调中心。协议"落地"稳步推进。 Vaskov, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine 瓦斯科夫 乌克兰基础设施部副部长 The port in Chornomorsk will be the first, then Odessa, then the port of Pivdennyi. Overall, in two weeks we will be technically ready to export from of all the terminals of the above-mentioned ports. 首批粮食将从切尔诺莫斯克港口发货,然后是敖德萨(港口)之后是皮夫登尼港。整体来说,两周内我们将做好技术准备,从上述三个黑海港口出口(农产品)。 However, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan expressed some concerns. 但作为斡旋方,土耳其总统埃尔多安似乎还有些担忧。 Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey 土耳其总统 埃尔多安* We can see how fragile the process is from the attack that was carried out on the port of Odessa on Saturday. Unfortunately, we didn’t want this but it happened. 从敖德萨港上周六遭遇袭击就能看出,整个进程是如此脆弱。不幸的是我们不希望发生的事情发生了。 The Kremlin yesterday insisted that the strike on Odessa would not affect grain shipments. As for the *ongoing **【持续的】*energy crisis, Gazprom said daily production capacity of Nord stream 1’s Portovaya compressor station will drop to 33 million cubic meters per day from tomorrow, that only about 20 percent of the pipeline’s capacity. The company cited technical difficulties as the reason for the cut to the flow. Germany’s gas network regulator has stated that The country will not meet its gas storage target of 95% by November, even if the Nord Stream 1 pipeline maintained its current flow at 40 percent capacity. In preparing for potential Russian supply cuts, the European Commission proposed emergency rules last week that would require each member country to cut its gas use by 15% from August to March. 俄总统新闻秘书佩斯科夫昨天(7/25)在克里姆林宫重申,俄武装力量对敖德萨港军事基础设施的打击,"不会也不应该"影响协议框架下的粮食运输。全球粮食危机出现重大转机。但欧洲因制裁反噬而遭遇的能源危机,恐怕仍将加剧。在结束检修,恢复供气仅4天后,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司昨天发表声明,称自明日起(7/27)号起,将"北溪-1"单日供气量较当前水平削减一半,降至3300万立方米,调至满负荷状态的20%,理由是一台使用中的涡轮机需要维修。眼下,欧洲各国正着急补充本国天然气储备,以便满足过冬取暖需求。在俄气发声前,德国天然气网络监管机构已表示,就算"北溪-1"维持眼下40%的输气量,11月前德国也无法实现95%的储气目标。因担忧俄罗斯天然气彻底"断供",欧盟委员会近日提出节省用气紧急方案,要求各成员国在今后8个月(8月-3月)内"自愿"将用气量削减15%,若形势没有好转,可能将采取强制节气措施。 **#热词加油站 *Conditionally [kə*n**ˈ*diSH(ə)n*ə*lē*]*【有条件地】* *Moderate [ˈmäd(ə)r*ə*t]【普通的】* *Revenue **[ˈrev**əˌn(y)o͞o]【收入】* Separately **[sep(ə)rə**tlē****]【分开地】 *Humanitarian [(h)yo*͞oˌmanəˈterēən]【人道主义的】 *Coordinating [kō*ˈôrdəˌnādiNG]【协调】** Ongoing **[ˈän**ˌɡōiNG]【持续的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟**~