NEWS ON 7/26 1. HIGH-PERFORMANCE TECH FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE ATHLETES) 中国“黑科技”助力东京奥运会! 2.CITY DEPARTMENTS BRACE FOR INCOMING STORM 迎战台风“烟花”,上海准备好了! 3.FEWER FOREIGN LEADERS ATTENDING OLYMPICS OPENING CEREMONY 来宾寥寥,日本“奥运外交”计划落空! -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.HIGH-PERFORMANCE TECH FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE ATHLETES 中国“黑科技”助力东京奥运会! The long-awaited Tokyo Olympics opened today, and while concerns about Covid-19 mean that there won’t be fans in the stands, there will be a host of tech milestones【里程碑】 there that the organizers and broadcasters hope will keep the judges on track and the audiences cheering at home. For the first time the game’s broadcasts will be utilizing cloud technology, offered by China’s Alibaba. Other new high-tech like AI and AR is also coming into high demand for supporting international sports competitions, and the Chinese tech giants are doing pretty well at that, too. 期待已久的东京奥运会于今日(23日)开幕。在严格的防疫措施下,东京奥运会是历史上首次观众席接近“空场”的奥运赛事,但国际奥委会和奥林匹克广播服务公司希望通过引入多项创新科技,辅助裁判打分,并为在家收看奥运赛事的观众提供全新的体验。东京奥运会采用云上转播技术,实现首次“云上奥运”,由中国的阿里巴巴提供云上支持。此外,人工智能和增强现实等多项新技术也亮相赛场,其中不乏中国科技公司的身影。 Without wearing any sensors on your body, this screen can show just where you are and just what you’re doing, by recognizing the joints in your arms and legs. It’s even able to guess where joints like ankles are even if they’re covered up. 即便你的身上没有任何传感器,这个屏幕可以通过识别你的胳膊和腿上的关节来展示你身处何地、在做什么。即便像脚踝这样的关节被遮盖住了,屏幕依旧可以识别它的位置。 Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 张诗旋,记者 Just standing here, the system can detect my smallest movements, and you can see how it works with graphic arts. But actually the technology can be widely applied to international sports competitions as well, to help understand and analyze athletes’ gestures【手势】 and performance details. 仅仅是站在这里,这个系统就能检测到我最为微小的动作。你也可以看到这一技术如何与平面艺术相结合。这项技术也可以广泛应用于国际体育比赛,帮助理解和分析运动员的姿势和比赛细节。 Liao Hu, Senior Project Manager SenseTime 廖虎,商汤科技高级项目经理 Our system can capture the sports action of every angle and every moment, for real time shot cutting in broadcast. And it can create a collection of the most exciting moments in a very short period of time. For example, if you want a collection of one of the athlete’s’ highlights, the AI technology can assemble it with just a one click. That was one of its earliest applications to sports. 系统可以捕捉到每一个角度、每一个时刻的精彩,这样的话,可以完成实时镜头切换、转播、观赛,不放过每一个精彩的瞬间。可以在很短时间内,机器AI自动生成这些精彩集锦。AI更多的可以从大数据里面找到特征点,比如球场里面的一个运动员集锦,通过AI一键生成,去抓住特征、高光时刻、进球时刻,这是在体育比赛中最早的应用。 Developed by Chinese tech giant SenseTime for streaming sports broadcasts, this is just one of the applications of the SenseMars system. Based on 3D rendering, real time navigation inputs and fast map-building technology, the system can also help visitors navigate as they walk around unfamiliar locations. It’s already being used in some scenic spots across China, such as the West Lake area in Hangzhou. Next year, it will be used at the Winter Olympics in Beijing, helping both fans and athletes find their way around the massive area. 这只是中国科技巨头商汤科技研发的SenseMARS火星混合增强现实平台的一个应用场景。基于高精度三维数字化地图构建技术的导航导览功能,让观者更具身临其境的体验和参与感。近年来,商汤科技积极拓展多场景落地,“AR游西湖”就是一次成功的实践。明年,该平台还将助力北京冬奥会,为观众和运动员提供导航导览服务。 The system has already been tried out at Beijing’s National Aquatics Center, widely known as the Water Cube. The Beijing Winter Olympics will also be using an additional AI system, Xiaoice, as an aid to the judges. 商汤科技还携手国家游泳中心(水立方)打造了一款“水立方AR蓝海行动”。2022年北京冬奥会,小冰AI评分系统将作为助理裁判,辅助评判运动员表现。 2.CITY DEPARTMENTS BRACE FOR INCOMING STORM 迎战台风“烟花”,上海准备好了! And across Shanghai, city departments are bracing for the storm ... police, landscape and urban maintenance workers are unclogging drainage systems and calling ships in to port as suburban farmers are harvesting crops before In-fa destroys them. 在上海,市政部门正在为台风的到来进行翻遍。警察和市容环卫工人正在疏通排水系统,并召集船只进港,而郊区的农民则正赶在“烟花”到来前抢收庄稼。 As In-fa continues to approach the east coast, launched in June is getting its first test: In downtown Jing’an alone, 54 monitors send back accumulated rainfall data and trigger flood alerts. Fast response drills were run across city districts earlier today using the alarm system。 随着台风“烟花”持续向东海岸靠近,6月刚刚上线的上海城市运行数字体征1.0版,迎来首场大考:仅静安区,就有54套积水点感知器发回了积水量数据,并触发超水位警报。今天早些时候,依托该报警系统,各市区都开展了快速响应应急演练。 Pan Zhaorui, Staff on Duty Shanghai City Operations Center 潘朝锐,上海市城运中心值守组工作人员 With the data, an urban maintenance worker won’t have to make a thousand calls to get the most basic information. 由于这些数据来给我做一些强大的支撑以后,我已经不再需要去打无数个电话,然后问很多情况 来做一些进行一个深入的判断了。 Traffic police inspected sewage pipes for blockages【阻塞】 at more than 10 sections of elevated roads that are prone to flooding. At Zhongshan Park station on Metro Line 2, officers and subway operators ran an emergency response drill for flooding in the tunnel. 交警检查了10余处易引发水灾的高架路的排水管道,查看是否存在阻塞现象。在地铁2号线中山公园站,工作人员和地铁运营人员进行了一场针对“车站发生倒灌、积水进水”科目的应急演练。 Wang Jiyi Yishan Road Police Dispatch Station 王吉毅,轨道交通宜山路站派出所副所长 We made some improvements and reduced our response and communications times. 我们优化了一些应急预案,缩短了响应警情以及传递信息的时间。 Across town, 338 emergency road repair teams and 118 outdoor billboard maintenance teams are on call. Workers from the landscape department have trimmed close to 100,000 trees that line more than 1,600 city streets. At more than 1,000 construction sites, work on the higher floors has been suspended. Ground construction will be halted tonight. At the construction site for the S3 highway, the tower cranes have been folded and secured. 在全市范围内,338个道路抢修队和118个户外广告牌维修队随时待命。市容绿化部门的工人们已经修剪好了排列于1600多条城市道路上的近10万棵树木。在建的1000多个建筑工地上,高楼层施工已经全部暂停。今晚(23日晚)地面施工也将停止。在S3公路的施工现场,塔吊已被折叠固定。 Jia Leigang, Project Manager Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co. 贾雷刚 上海隧道工程股份有限公司项目经理 All beams【梁】, columns and landings at other high-rising machinery have been fortified. 现场大型设备的盖梁、立柱和承台都已经得到了有效固定。 In suburban farms, people are racing against time, trying to pick the fruit in orchards【果园】 so trees are less likely to fall and cause damage. Greenhouses are being fortified and drainage ditches unclogged. 在郊区的农场里,人们争分夺秒采摘果园里的水果,这样就可以尽量避免果树倒伏造成损失。我们正在加固大棚,排水沟也都疏通好了。 Ma Bingjie, Village Committee Member Hengzhao Village, Jinshan 马冰杰,金山区横召村村委会委员 Our workers are helping farmers pick pears, grapes and nectarines【油桃】, to try and cut losses. 我们在派人帮助农民采摘梨、葡萄和油桃,以减少损失。 At the mouth of the Yangtze River, close to 1,000 boats have been called in to safer waters. Maritime authorities have arranged tugs and rescue boats. The beach front area in Fengxian has been closed, and ferry services have been suspended to and from Chongming Island. 在长江入海口地区,近1000艘船只已被调往更安全的水域。海事部门已经安排了拖船和救援船。奉贤区的滨海区域已经关闭,往返崇明岛的渡轮服务也已经暂停。 3.FEWER FOREIGN LEADERS ATTENDING OLYMPICS OPENING CEREMONY 来宾寥寥,日本“奥运外交”计划落空! Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has started a series of meetings with foreign dignitaries visiting the country for the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics. Lei Shuran has the details. 日本首相菅义伟已经开始了与访问日本参加东京奥运会开幕式的外国政要们举行的一系列会晤。 Only about 15 countries and organizations have sent their representatives to Japan, partly due to the spread of the coronavirus. While more than 80 state leaders visited China in Beijing Olympics in 2008. 受新冠疫情的影响,只有大约15个国家和组织派遣代表前往日本。而在2008年北京奥运会期间,有超过80位国家领导人访问了中国。 French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan this morning and met with the head of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach. Macron will be the only head of state to attend the opening ceremony for the Tokyo 2020 Games. Paris will host the 2024 Summer Olympic Games following Tokyo. 法国总统马克龙今天上午抵达日本,并会见了国际奥委会主席巴赫。马克龙将是唯一一位出席2020年东京奥运会开幕式的国家元首。继东京之后,巴黎将举办2024年夏季奥运会。 Meanwhile, Suga and his wife had dinner with US first lady Jill Biden yesterday. The Japanese Prime Minister said Jill’s attendance at the Olympics opening ceremony will be of great significance for Japan-US relations. In addition, South Korean President Moon Jae-in has decided not to visit Japan for the Tokyo Summer Olympics due to some disputes between the two nations. Moon said on social media yesterday that he hoped Tokyo Olympics can overcome all difficulties and be a safe and successful global event. 与此同时,菅义伟夫妇昨日与美国第一夫人吉尔·拜登共进了晚餐。日本首相表示,吉尔出席奥运会开幕式将对日美关系具有重要意义,此外,由于韩日两国间的纠纷,韩国总统文在寅决定不赴日参加东京夏季奥运会。文在寅昨日在社交媒体上说,他希望东京奥运会能够克服一切困难,成为一场安全和成功的全球盛会。 #热词加油站 milestone【里程碑】 gesture【手势】 blockage【阻塞】 beam【梁、波】 orchard【滑的】 nectarines【油桃】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~