cover of episode 07/26 TOP NEWS | 五座新城建设全面发力/上海新型夜经济崛起/旅法大熊猫启程回国

07/26 TOP NEWS | 五座新城建设全面发力/上海新型夜经济崛起/旅法大熊猫启程回国

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NEWS ON 0**7/25 *1.MORE PROGRESS INSUBURBAN NEW TOWNS* 重大功能性事项助力上海五新城发展 2.NEW SHANGHAI STREET MARKETS BOOST THE NIGHTLIFE AND THE ECONOMY 上海街头市场点亮城市夜经济** 3.GIANT PANDA YUAN MENG BIDS "ADIEU" TO PARIS 旅法大熊猫****“圆梦启程回国民众前来告别 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.MORE PROGRESS INSUBURBAN NEW TOWNS* 重大功能性事项助力上海五新城发展 Things are shaping-up in the five new su-burban towns in the districts of Jiading, Lingang, Qingpu, Songjiang, and Fengxian as more companies set-up and public facilities open. Sun Siqi takes a look. 随着更多的企业落户和公共设施投入使用,嘉定、临港、青浦、松江、奉贤五个上海新城建设已进入全面发力、功能提升的关键阶段。记者孙思奇带您一探究竟。 In Jiading, where an automotive industry cluster already exists, an engineering center for car chips opened last month as a home base for the R&D and certification services for companies that manufacture semiconductors半导体 for automakers. By 2035, Jiading officials hope to complete what they call a world-class innovation center for chips for smart cars.   在已经形成汽车产业集群的嘉定,一家汽车芯片工程中心于上月挂牌。工程中心将建设汽车芯片研发平台,为服务于汽车制造商的半导体制造商提供全方位测试认证服务。到2035年,嘉定争取基本建成全球智能汽车芯片创新中心。 Dong Yemin, GM Shanghai Automotive Chip Engineering Center 董业民 上海汽车芯片工程中心有限公司总经理 “作为一家综合服务提供商,我们提供认证和制定标准,为汽车制造商服务,帮助他们在开发新车型的过程中缩短时间节点。” “We're a comprehensive service provider. We certify, we draw standards. We serve automakers and help them save time in the process of developing new models.” Down south in Lingang, leading lithium-ion battery maker CATL just opened an R&D center for 600 employees. 在临港南部,业内领先的锂离子电池制造商“宁德时代”刚刚开设了一个可容纳600名员工的研发中心。 Jing Yuan, Deputy Director of Development Lingang New Area Administration 井源 临港新片区管委会发改处副处长 “这家企业的入驻能够提升整个区域的自主研发的水平,有效形成智能新能源产业的生态圈。” “This firm elevates R&D capabilities in Lingang. It creates a strong supply chain for new energy vehicles.” In Qingpu, the Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange has opened a branch office to trade assets, shares, and management rights in both the public and private sectors. 在青浦,上海联合产权交易所开设了一家分支机构,从事公有私有资产、股权和管理权的交易。 Wu Lieyi, GM Shanghai United Assets & Equity Exchange 吴烈忆 上海联合产权交易所上海交易总部总经理 “我们也整合了平台外部的合作资源,尤其是我们央国企的资源,为青浦的整体的产业导入去做助力。” “We've put together resources from our partners including at central and regional state-owned enterprises so businesses that are moving in can easily find what they need.” In Fengxian, a new boarding school affiliated with Donghua University will open in September. The Shanghai government's vision is for each new town to function as a mini city. 在奉贤,东华大学附属的一所新寄宿学校将于9月开学。上海政府的愿景是让每座新城都能发挥微型城市的功能。 2.NEW SHANGHAI STREET MARKETS BOOST THE NIGHTLIFE AND THE ECONOMY 上海街头市场****点亮城市夜经济 For lovers of night-life, the city of Shanghai has provided several new hang-out destinations this summer.Five districts in the downtown area have been running street fairs exclusively on weekends. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan visited one in Pudong to check things out. 今年夏天,上海为夜生活爱好者提供了几个新的好去处。市中心的5个区举办了周末限定街头集市。记者张诗旋来到位于浦东的一家街市一探究竟。 As the weekend night falls, this 230-meter-long road turns into a neon-lit pedestrian street - an exclusive summer weekend night market. Barbecue, fruit, drinks, accessories配饰 and makeup... The market has them all. 随着周末夜幕降临,这条长达230米的马路变成了霓虹闪烁的步行街——夏日周末夜市的专场。烧烤、水果、饮料、配饰、化妆品…… 这里应有尽有。 Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 张诗旋 记者 “One of the most interesting things about walking in cities like Shanghai these days is that you can often run into surprises, day or night. This street, for example, during a weekday daytime, it can be full of commuters通勤者 and vehicles. But now, on a weekend evening, it's turned into a street bazaar. The charm of this is that you can always see new changes at the same place from time to time.” “如今,在上海这样的城市行走,最有趣的事情之一就是,无论白天还是晚上,你都能经常遇到惊喜。比如这条街,平日里可能挤满了上班族和车辆,但现在,在周末的傍晚,它变成了街头集市。这样的魅力在于总能在同一个地方看到新的变化。” Local Visitor 当地游客 “边走边逛,也许能逛到喜欢的东西,转角的惊喜也是蛮喜欢的。” “I enjoy a casual walk. I can run into my favourite things - I like the unexpected surprises.”  US Visitor 美国游客 “Just trying to explore the city while we're here for the summer, and so it looks like there's always something festive going on and we thought we'd check out the little street fair here. We're from美国. And the Chinese food in America is nothing like the authentic Chinese food here.” “我们趁着夏天来探索这座城市,这里看起来总是有一些节日气氛,我们想看看这里的小街市。我们来自美国。美国的中餐和这里正宗的中餐完全不一样。” US Visitor 美国游客 “I've been loving the Chinese food. It's been amazing. I love little markets like this, walking around at night. It's too hot during the day to walk around so much, so it's nice to walk around at night and just explore and see what's going on.” “我一直很喜欢中国菜。太好吃了。我喜欢这样的小市场,喜欢在夜里散步。白天太热了,走不了多少路,所以晚上逛逛很好,可以探索一下,看看发生了什么。” Located in Shanghai's Lujiazui Financial City, the number of shoppers is attracting different businesses from both home and abroad. 位于上海陆家嘴金融城的集市吸引了来自国内外的不同企业。 **Satoru Fujita ** SIDEKICK Brand Developer, Shiseido Company **Satoru Fujita 资生堂公司SIDEKICK品牌开发人员 “This kind of night market not happening in Japan so much. It's very awesome. I decided to come here from Tokyo. Especially when we sell the skincare product that was a department store, or a supermarket, or that kind of closed space, but this kind of area is really open. So that everyone feel the change their mind, no standard way.” “这种夜市在日本并不多见。我觉得非常棒。我决定从东京来到这里。特别是销售护肤品时,以前都是在百货商店、超市或类似的封闭的空间里,但这种区域是真正开放的,每个人都能感受到自己的想法在改变,没有标准的方式。” *Yu Chengzhe, Popup Store Supervisor ** LOTUS Shanghai *于承哲 上海乐天Popup主管 “在商超里,局限性会比较多,但现在在外场就更加灵活,或者宣传的热闹氛围会更加强烈。成单率会比商场里稍微要高一点。” “There are limitations when selling our products in a supermarket, but now, with the outdoor market, it's more flexible, with better an atmosphere. The purchase rate is better than that in a supermarket.” The 5-week long weekend night market is the first of its kind in Shanghai's Pudong New Area - a new attempt to boost the city's nighttime economy. It's already proved a magnet for businesses, gathering more than 100 companies anxious to appeal to the crowds it draws.   这个为期5周的周末夜市是上海浦东新区的首个此类夜市,这是推动上海夜间经济发展的一项新尝试。事实证明,夜市吸引了众多商家,聚集了100多家急于吸引人气的公司。 3.GIANT PANDA YUAN MENG BIDS "ADIEU" TO PARIS 旅法大熊猫**“圆梦启程回国民众前来告别 Yuan Meng, a 6-year-old male giant panda born in France, left Beauval Zoo in Paris this morning. He will be flown to the Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan province. Sun Siqi has more. 今天(07/25)上午,出生于法国的6岁雄性大熊猫“圆梦”离开法国博瓦勒动物园,并将于当天返回中国成都大熊猫繁育研究基地。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。 Many visitors went to Beauval Zoo to bid farewell送别】** to Yuan Meng yesterday and took pictures. 昨天(07/24),众多游客前往博瓦勒动物园送别“圆梦”并拍照留念。 Visitor 游客 “We saw him for the last time today. He'll leave tomorrow. He'll be in a cage, so we won't see him.”  “今天(07/24)是我们和它的最后一次见面了,明天我们就要和它告别了,它会待在卡车的笼子里,我们看不到它。” The 6 year-old male is the first Giant Panda to be born in France, his parents Yuan Zai and Huan Huan were sent to France in 2012. Yuan Meng was born around 5 years later on August 4, 2017. 6岁雄性大熊猫“圆梦”是首只出生在法国的大熊猫,它的父母是2012年从成都大熊猫繁育研究基地到法国的“圆仔”和“欢欢”。5年后的2017年8月4日,“圆梦”在法国博瓦勒野生动物园出生。 Brigitte Macron, the first lady of France, is the patron of Sino-French panda cooperation. During the naming ceremony, she expressed her gratitude for China's willingness to entrust the precious animals to France. 法国第一夫人布丽吉特·马克龙是中法熊猫合作的赞助商。在命名仪式上,她对中国愿意将珍贵的熊猫托付给法国表示感谢。  Brigitte Macron First Lady of France 布丽吉特·**马克龙 法国总统夫人 “‘圆梦’和它的父母成为了我们两国之间的纽带,它们是两国人民对话卓有成效的象征。” “Yuan Meng and his parents have helped strengthen ties between the two countries and this kind of cooperation is an effective form of people-to-people exchanges.” On May 17, she visited the zoo to bid farewell to Yuan Meng and took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of protecting endangered species. 5月17日,布丽吉特专程来到动物园与“圆梦”告别,并借此机会强调了保护濒危物种的重要性。 In 2012, the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens and Beauval Zoo launched a 10-year international giant panda cooperation and research project, opening a new chapter in Sino-French giant panda cooperation. The agreement was later extended to 2027. 2012年,中国动物园协会与博瓦勒动物园开启为期10年的中法大熊猫繁育合作计划,揭开了中法大熊猫合作的新篇章。该计划后来被延长至2027年。 #热词加油站 semiconductor/ˈsemikəndʌktər/【半导体】 accessory/əkˈsesəri/【配饰】 commuter/kəˈmjuːtər/【通勤者】 farewell/ˌferˈwel/【送别】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~