NEWS ON 0722 1.PRE-LAUNCH TESTING COMPLETED ON SPACE STATION LAB MODULE 中国空间站在轨建造进行时****问天实验舱完成发射前全区合练 2.JIADING VILLAGES DEVELOP NEW TOURISM ROUTES 嘉定打造农旅“深度游”新模式 “最偏僻”村庄焕发活力 3.EU IMPOSES MORE SANCTIONS ON RUSSIA 欧盟对俄新制裁乌克兰粮食出口运输协议今日签署** -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.PRE-LAUNCH TESTING COMPLETED ON SPACE STATION LAB MODULE 问天实验舱完成发射前合练 Scientists completed testing of the Wentian space laboratory**【实验室】 today ahead of launching it to attach to the country’s space station. The national space program is on track to complete assembly of the space station by year end. Song Wenjing has more. 今天(7/22),中国空间站问天实验舱任务组织发射前系统间全区合练,目前,问天实验舱任务各系统已经做好发射前的准备工作,计划在年底前完成实验舱发射并与空间站进行对接。记者宋雯婧带来更多报道。 The pre-launch test assessed the *functionality **【功能】*and performance of Wentian, its carrier rocket and the launch procedure. Wentian is scheduled to be sent into space this month. The Beijing Aerospace Control Center, Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site, Xi’an Satellite Control Center, and all monitoring stations and vessels related to the launch were involved in testing. 此次合练主要针对问天实验舱与长征五号B遥三运载火箭组合体发射入轨阶段各项工作进行检验。问天实验舱计划本月发射。北京航天飞行控制中心、文昌航天发射场、西安卫星测控中心以及任务各测控站、船实施联调联控。 Yang Yanbo, Deputy Chief Commander of the Qiantang Experiment Module Mission, Beijing Space Flight Control Center 杨彦波北京航天飞行控制中心问天实验舱任务副总指挥* Today’s test went quite smoothly. Next, we will launch the lab module as planned and control its subsequent docking with the space station. 今天整个合练过程非常顺利,后续我们将按计划实施问天实验舱的发射任务,控制问天实验舱与空间站组合体对接。 The Wentian will form the second part of the three-module space station known as Tiangong. The module and a Long March-5B Y3 carrier rocket have been transported to the launch pad at Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan. Today’s test focused on environmental *evaluations **【评估】such as wind direction and speed, as well as cloud cover. The final analysis was that weather conditions are suitable for the upcoming launch. Three astronauts are aboard the space station. They were sent into space on June 5th to continue assembling the station and have been busy sorting supplies delivered by a cargo spacecraft. They have also been training for docking operations when Wentian arrives. 中国空间站的基本配置由三个模块组成,问天实验舱是中国天宫空间站的第二个模块,所以问天模块的发射是中国空间站建设的关键一步。问天实验舱与长征五号B遥三运载火箭组合体自18日转运到发射区之后,发射场区进行了首区合练。由长征5B火箭于今天(7/22)下午2点22分(格林尼治标准时间6点22分)从热带岛屿海南(南部)的文昌发射中心推进升空。合练内容主要集中在针对台风多雨季,气象系统加大高空风状态测量频率、精度,密切关注空中电场以及积雨云发展演变。根据分析研判,近日气象条件符合发射基本环境要求。这几天,神舟十四号航天员乘组在轨状态良好,正在加紧整理从天舟三号转移出来的物资,并进行了手控交会对接备份方案的训练。 2.JIADING VILLAGES DEVELOP NEW TOURISM ROUTES 嘉定打造农旅“深度游”新模式 “最偏僻”村庄焕发活力 Jiading district says it is going to further develop countryside tourism and modern agriculture to attract more visitors. Zhang Yue has more. 以乡村振兴示范村创建为契机,嘉定区政府和地产集团合作,在全市率先试点集体土地作价入股与社会资本合作的新模式,打造出了乡悦华亭的田园综合深度游项目,以此进一步发展农旅项目和现代农业以吸引更多游客。记者张乐带来更多报道。 Zhou Jianyu, a villager who was born in in Huating county’s Lianhua Village in Jiading District now has a new identity, he’s a service consultant for a tourism project. The project was launched by the village and a local real estate company back in 2017, with a goal of improving the village’s scenic spots and upgrading tourism facilities. 周健宇是土生土长的华亭镇联华村村民,现在他有了一个新身份:乡悦华亭农旅项目的生活服务顾问。游客来了,他会把各种深度游路线安排得妥妥贴贴。该项目是由华亭镇与当地一家地产集团进行合作并在2017年推出的乡悦华亭农旅项目,目的为改善华亭镇景区并升级旅游设施。 Zhou Jianyu, Life Service Consultant of Huangyue Huating Agricultural Tourism Project 周健宇乡悦华亭农旅项目生活服务顾问** As a local, I am more like a tour guide. I have witnessed the huge *transformation **【转变】*of our village, from its overall appearance and living conditions of our farmers, to their incomes. 我作为本村的原住民,现在身份等于类似像一个导游一样,整个新农村面貌,不管是我们居住环境也好,或者我们村民的收益也好,都是翻天覆地的变化。 Huating town in northern Jiading has been slow to develop due to its location. However, what was one a large farming area has been reborn as a countryside tourist destination. The county has an 800,000-sqaure-meter park, it’s a massive greenspace, complete with fish ponds, and a variety of plants and flowers. Children are can pick their own fruits and vegetables, while yoga sessions and a spa are also on offer here. 位于上海嘉定最北面的华亭镇,因为地理位置偏僻,以前除了传统农业,其他难有发展。而如今,以乡村振兴示范村创建为契机,华亭镇由此"逆袭",打造出了乡悦华亭的田园综合深度游项目。华亭镇原本有个比较破败的三A级景区公园,占地1200多亩,如今池塘、鲜花、绿地环绕,成了城里人最向往的"诗和远方"。同时,利用原有的农业资源,现在这里既有适合孩子们的采摘、田间课堂和各项体育训练,还有国医国药馆体验、瑜伽健身、水疗SPA等项目。 Ms. Li, Tourist 游客李小姐* Some of the services here are new to me, there’s a lot more to do. Unlike a typical trip to the countryside, there is so much more to see and do. 都是以往的农家乐没有的,它在农家乐的基础上做了一些升级,一整个深度的旅游。 Villagers have relocated from dwellings spread out haphazardly【随意地】* across the village, to five residential areas. The rezoning provides them with better access to urbanized infrastructure, while the spare land that has been freed up can be used for the project to increase the farmers’ incomes. The district plans to explore more ways to improve local rural economy. 原本的自然村居民居住零散,规划5个集中居住区后,村民享受到城市化的综合配套,而腾出来的土地则统一调整为集体经营性建设用地,村民们的收入也有所增加。目前嘉定区还在积极探索政企合作的乡村振兴模式,创新体制机制,以华亭镇为样板,走出一条新时代乡村振兴道路。 3.E.U. IMPOSES MORE SANCTIONS ON RUSSIA 欧盟对俄新制裁乌克兰粮食出口运输协议今日签署* The European Union yesterday imposed more sanctions on Russia over the Ukraine conflict, including a ban on gold imports and the tightening of export controls on high-technology goods. 昨日(7/21)欧盟理事会通过欧盟委员会对俄罗斯制裁一揽子新措施的提案,禁止俄黄金进口到欧盟,并扩大受管制物品和技术清单,以防止俄用于军事和国防。 The EU also extended the exemption of transactions for agricultural products and the transfer of oil to third countries. The Russian Foreign Ministry responded that the sanctions were futile, but the disastrous consequences for the global economy and security are becoming increasingly clear. Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said yesterday that a key agreement that would allow the resumption of Ukrainian grain shipments on the Black Sea will be signed in Istanbul today. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Ukrainian and Russian *delegations **【代表团】*will oversee the signing. 但与此同时,欧盟放松了对第三方国家从俄罗斯进口农产品和石油的"禁令"。俄罗斯外交部对此回应称,欧盟对俄施压政策"徒劳无益",但对全球经济和安全的灾难性后果"越来越明显"。同一天,土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安宣布,乌克兰粮食出口运输协议签署仪式,将于当地时间今天(7/22)下午在伊斯坦布尔举行,土耳其总统埃尔多安、联合国秘书长古特雷斯、以及俄乌代表将出席并监督签署工作。 **#热词加油站 Laboratory [ləˈbɒrəˌt(ə)ri]【实验室】** Functionality [fʌŋkʃəˈnaləti]【功能】* Transformation [ˌtransfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n]【转变】* Evaluations [ɪˌvaljʊˈeɪʃ(ə)n]【评估】* Haphazardly [hapˈhazədli]****【随意地】 Delegations [dɛlɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n] 【代表团】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~