cover of episode 07/23 TOP OF THE DAY 全国驰援河南/上海备战台风“烟花”/外交部再回应新冠溯源

07/23 TOP OF THE DAY 全国驰援河南/上海备战台风“烟花”/外交部再回应新冠溯源

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NEWS ON 7/23 **1. **RESCUE WORK CONTINUES IN HENAN PROVINCE 风里雨里,我们一起!全国多地增援河南防汛一线 **2. **CITY PREPARES FOR IN-FA 风云际会,“烟花”将至。魔都严阵以待! **3. **FM CALLS FOR COOPERATION ON VIRUS PRIGIN TRACING 外交部再谈新冠溯源:美方不给出合理解释,质疑就不会结束 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- **1.**RESCUE WORK CONTINUES IN HENAN PROVINCE 风里雨里,我们一起!全国多地增援河南防汛一线 Rescue teams from across the country have been dispatched to help trapped residents in the city of Zhengzhou. Sun Siqi has more. 来自全国各地的救援队纷纷奔赴郑州,展开救援行动。 A team of volunteers from Luoyang, Henan Province immediately devoted themselves to the rescue work yesterday upon their arrival at a hospital in Zhengzhou, in which over 1,100 patients and some of their family members were stranded【滞留】. 一支来自河南洛阳的志愿队伍在抵达郑州一家医院后,立即投入到救援工作中。据了解,在该医院中,共有1100多名病人和部分家属滞留。  INTERVIEW: Citizen 受困者家属 My wife has been trapped for more than two days. The first floor of the hospital is flooded. I’m very worried about her. I want to see her immediately. 她(我妻子)已经困在那里两天一夜了,医院一楼已经进水了。(我)非常担心她。我想尽快见到她。 The hospital is only 4 kilometers from the temporary【临时的】 shelter. But it took rescuers an hour to reach the site as the entire area is seriously flooded. As normal access to the hospital is completely cut off, rescuers have been bringing in a steady stream of supplies. 医院距离临时避难所只有4公里。但由于暴雨淹没了周边地区,救援人员花了一个小时才到达现场。通往医院的正常道路已被完全阻断,救援队一直在向医院输送物资。 INTERVIEW: Rescue team members 救援队队员 -How long since you had some water? 记者:多久没喝水了? -I forgot. 救援队队员:忘记了。 -Where are you from? 记者:你是从哪里来的? -I’m from Tongbai County of Nanyang, Henan Province. He’s from Xiaogan, Hubei Province. When disaster struck, help came from all sides. 救援队队员:南阳桐柏,他是孝感的。一方有难,八方支援。 Rescue teams are coming in from as far away as Guangdong Province are also hard at work, a team arriving from Foshan has saved 136 trapped residents. A fire brigade from Nantong, Jiangsu Province dispatched 10 fire engines and 66 fire fighters yesterday, equipped with inflatable rafts and other necessary gear. 来自广东的救援力量也已投入行动,抢险仍在紧张进行。一支从佛山赶来的救援队已经救出136名被困居民。江苏南通派出了一支由10辆消防车和66名消防队员组成的消防队,队内配备有充气筏和其他必要装备。 Another 7 fire brigades【消防队】 from cities including Nanjing and Changzhou, together with logistics【后勤】 and medical teams have also been sent to the region to assist in rescue operations. 南京、常州等市也派遣7支消防队、后勤队及医疗队到达河南协助救援行动。 **2.CITY PREPARES FOR IN-FA 风云际会,“烟花”将至。魔都严阵以待! Flood prevention, water authority and public security departments have made full preparations for Typhoon In-fa, which may bring heavy rain and gale force winds to Shanghai. Lei Shuran has more. 为了应对台风“烟花”可能带来的恶劣影响,上海防汛、排水、堤防等部门皆严阵以待,确保防台工作切实到位。 Employees of Huangpu District’s water authority were inspecting flood prevention walls along the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek. They were ordered to report potential risks. 黄浦堤防工作人员正在巡查区域内的黄浦江和苏州河防汛墙,一旦发现潜在危险,将立刻上报。 INTERVIEW: Lu Zhixiang, Shanghai Water Authority 陆志翔,上海市堤防泵闸建设运行中心堤防科副科长 We must patrol【巡逻】 frequently these days. We have added three to four inspections every day. When the typhoon arrives, the patrol work must be continuous. 像这两天必须增加(巡查)频次。可能是三次四次,到了台风来临的时候要求不间断地巡查。 In the afternoon, Longhua port started pumping work to reduce water levels of inner rivers. As of 10am today, the city stopped diverting water from sluices around the city, and planned to prepare 300 million cubic meters of space. More than 2,000 rescue teams and 88 pump vehicles have been prepared. 下午,龙华港泵闸打开泵机进行排水工作,尽可能降低内河水位。应对台风"烟花",7月22日10点起,上海停止全市水闸引水,计划在台风来临前,腾出内河调蓄库容3亿立方米。目前,全市2000多支抢险队伍、88台移动泵车严阵以待。 INTERVIEW: Sha Zhiyi, Shanghai Flood Prevention Department 沙治银, **上海市防汛指挥部办公室督察专员 We may exhaust the rainwater pumping station in advance to reduce puddles on the road and underpass. 根据降雨的情况,我们可能会采取(雨水泵站)预抽空的措施,这样把整个管网的库容也要腾出来,来减少道路和下立交的积水。 In Jinshan District, emergency venues and necessary goods for evacuating people have been prepared. Jinshan City Beach will be closed temporarily starting from Saturday. 金山区设置避灾安置场所,并做好防汛物资准备工作。为确保游客出行安全,本周六开始,金山城市沙滩景区将暂时闭园。 In Chongming, the flood prevention office opened a water gate and reduced the water level, to deal with the potential torrential rain. 为防御台风“烟花”,崇明区防汛办开启水闸,对全区内河水位进行预排预降。 The city’s traffic authorities said they have made full preparations at 608 underpasses around the city. Once puddles exceed 25 centimeters, that road will be closed to avoid flooding. Traffic police can use a real-time supervision app to report dangerous information, and send it to flood prevention, public security and water authority departments. 上海交管部门针对沪全市608个下立交落实防汛保障工作。一旦路面积水超过25cm,道路将立即封闭,防止“淹车伤人”。交警可以通过实时监测应用程序及时上报信息,此监测信息将同步发送给市防汛、公安及水务等部门,提高协同作战效率。 INTERVIEW: Zhang Yi, Shanghai Road Transportation Development Center 张毅,市道路运输事业发展中心公路管理科副科长 If the puddles aren’t cleared for a long time, it will influence traffic. Under such circumstances, we can ask water authority officials to send some pump vehicles to drain water from the underpass. 积水如果长时间得不到排除,将会对交通产生影响。这个时候我们就可以请市排水部门派出相关的一些移动泵车,对下立交进行专门排水,尽早开放交通。 Bus drivers have also made emergency plans. Electric buses can transmit real-time data to the command center. If the command center finds a bus’ battery output decreases, it means the bus may be wading into water. Then the command center can send instructions to the driver to stop and evacuate【疏散】 the bus. 应对台风“烟花”,公交行业也修订完善了应急处理预案。新能源公交车可向指挥平台回传实时数据,如指挥平台发现公车可能因涉水而电瓶电阻减小,将指挥车辆停运并疏散乘客。 3.FM CALLS FOR COOPERATION ON VIRUS PRIGIN TRACING 外交部再谈新冠溯源:美方不给出合理解释,质疑就不会结束 After two labs in Italy released articles this week saying that blood samples in the country dating back to October 2019 showed antibodies typically found after a coronavirus infection, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said this showed the complexity of source tracing work for coronavirus. Sun Siqi has more. 本周一,意大利两家实验室研究人员发表论文称,在对2019年采集的血液样本进行检测后发现,样本中存在通常会在新冠病毒感染后所观察到的抗体。中国外交部发言人赵立坚表示,这也再次说明新冠病毒溯源问题的复杂性。 Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said for a period of time, there have been more and more reports in the international community on indications of coronavirus in multiple places around the world in the second half of 2019. This demonstrates that source tracing for the novel coronavirus is a complex scientific problem, and that cooperation【合作】 from the world’s scientists based on a global perspective is needed. 赵立坚强调,一段时间以来,国际社会上出现了越来越多的,关于2019年下半年全球多点多地出现新冠病例的报道。这也再次说明,新冠病毒溯源是一个复杂的科学问题,应基于全球视野,由全球科学家合作开展。 Zhao also demanded the US show transparency【透明】 and conduct a thorough investigation【调查】 into its Fort Detrick lab in Maryland over the origins of COVID-19. 他还表示美方应展现透明,切实采取措施彻底调查德特里克堡生物实验室,彻底调查疫情源头。 INTERVIEW: Zhao Lijian, Spokesperson, Chinese Foreign Ministry 赵立坚,中国外交部发言人 The June issue of "Vanity Fair" reported that US State Department staffers were warned against investigating the origin of coronavirus because it would open a can of worms. As a matter of fact, the US has remained silent in face of the international community’s concern over its Fort Detrick lab and more than 200 of its biological labs overseas. 今年6月《名利场》披露美国政府内部警告不要对新冠病毒的起源进行内部调查,否则可能打开装满蛆虫的罐子。事实上,对于国际社会针对美德特里克堡生物实验室以及美海外200多个生物实验室的严重关切,美方始终三缄其口。美方不给出合理解释,质疑就不会结束。 Zhao also said that the doubt will not end if the US does not provide a reasonable explanation as to why US government staffers stopped investigating the virus’ origins. 赵立坚强调,若美方不就其新冠溯源问题给出合理解释,质疑就不会结束。 #热词加油站 strand【滞留】 temporary【临时的】 fire brigade【消防队】 logistics【后勤】 patrol【巡逻】 evacuate【疏散】 cooperation【合作】 transparency【透明】 investigation【调查】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”