cover of episode 07/22 TOP OF THE DAY 郑州暴雨 “胡辣汤”挺住/三孩政策/2021上半年上海GDP报告

07/22 TOP OF THE DAY 郑州暴雨 “胡辣汤”挺住/三孩政策/2021上半年上海GDP报告

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NEWS ON 7/22 *1. HENAN RAINSTORM BREAKS LOCAL RECORDS 河南持续暴雨!救援行动我们在路上 *2. CHINA RELEASES DOCUMENT ON THREE-CHILD POLICY SUPPORT MEASURES “三孩”来了!配套政策看这里 *3. SHANGHAI’S GDP EXCEEDS 2 TRLN YUAN IN THE 1STHALF-YEAR UP! 2021年上半年上海GDP报告出炉* -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. HENAN RAINSTORM BREAKS LOCAL RECORDS 河南持续暴雨!救援行动我们在路上 The death toll has climbed to 25 in Henan Province as record-breaking torrential【倾泻的】rain continues to fall, while 7 others are missing. Precipitation during a one-hour period in the provincial capital of Zhengzhou amounted to an entire month’s worth of rain. President Xi Jinping today demanded authorities at all levels give top priority to ensuring people’s safety and property, while strictly implementing【实施】flood prevention and disaster relief measures. Here’s Sun Siqi with details on rescue work. 河南等地持续遭遇突破历史纪录极值的强降雨天气,目前河南省死亡人数已上升至25人,另有7人失踪。(7.21日数据)河南省省会郑州目前一小时的降雨量累计已达到正常情况下一个月的降雨量。今天,习近平主席要求各级政府要将保障人民群众的生命财产安全放在第一位,同时严格执行防洪救灾措施。 Streets in downtown Zhengzhou were flooded as cars were stuck in deep water. More than 80 bus routes were suspended, while the routes of over 100 other were changed to avoid flooded streets. A section of Metro Line 5 was flooded yesterday evening after water breached a retaining wall. Video footage showed passengers standing on seats as water rose to chest level, compressing the space for air in the carriage. 郑州市中心街道被洪水淹没,多辆汽车被洪水围困。郑州市超过80条公交路线已停运,同时100多条线路绕行以避免经过积水过深的街道。昨天晚上,地铁5号线的一段路段被洪水冲塌了一堵挡水墙。车厢内水漫至腰部乃至胸部,空气越来越稀薄,乘客们都站上座位,等待救援。 INTERVIEW: The subway passengers 地铁乘客 We’re in the carriage and as you can see we’re waist deep in water. But the water level is even higher outside. 外面的水已经到这个位置了,车厢内水已经过腰了。车厢外面看到没,车厢外面水更高。 The water was really strong, and it has gone higher than our shoulders. About a dozen of us were holding onto the railing. 水冲劲太大了,我们身边的人趴在隧道旁边的那个栏杆上。我们大概估计得有十几个人吧,一起在那趴着,因为当时水已经漫到我们肩膀了。 Rescuers arrived around 8:30pm, evacuated trapped passengers through the roof of the carriage and used ropes to help people move along the edge of the tunnel to safety. 救援人员在晚上8:30分左右抵达了现场,从车顶破洞,将其余被困人员救出。救援人员在地铁隧道护栏边架起安全绳索,护送被困乘客一一从隧道内有序撤离至站台安全地带。  More than 500 people were rescued. Subway workers said the flooded section of the tunnel is at a low point between two stations.Elsewhere, water and electricity supplies were cut off in multiple residential compounds. Power was cut off after the compounds’ power distribution rooms were flooded, which increased the risk of electrocution. 500多名乘客获救。据郑州地铁工作人员介绍,事故发生的隧道段,两个站台之间的隧道,呈两头高中间低的走势。此外,郑州市多个小区发布停水停电通知。大雨已导致部分小区配电房雨水灌入,为避免发生人员触电伤亡事件,河南电力已将部分供电设备进行停电。 The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University lost electricity last night, putting ICU patients in immediate danger after backup power ran out. Close to 3,000 medical workers distributed oxygen cylinders to each bed. About 600 patients in critical condition were transferred. A team of emergency repair workers arrived late last night to restore power in the hospital. 郑州大学第一附属医院院区停电,备用电池耗尽后,重症监护室的病人危在旦夕。近3000名医护人员坚守岗位,对于需要供氧的病人,一对一使用气囊,人工供氧。约600名危重患者转院。昨日深夜,一组紧急维修人员抵达医院恢复了供电。 INTERVIEW: Dou Xiaoxiang, Emergency Repair Team Captain 窦孝祥国网郑州供电公司*"雷锋号"电力抢修队副队长 We got a recovery truck. It got rid of road blocks ahead of us, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to get here. We got our system working. We’re now feeding power to the ICUs 我们前面通过市政联系了一个清障车,在前面帮我们清理路障,然后我们的车才得以推进到这里。到了这里之后,我们马上完成相关线路连接工作,现在为这座楼的ICU已经供上电了。 Other areas in Henan were hit by heavy rain and mudslides. At least four people died in Gongyi City to the west of Zhengzhou. Soldiers in Kaifeng were sent to repair a breached levee this morning. About 100,000 people were evacuated. 河南其他地区也遭遇了强降雨和泥石流的袭击。位于郑州西部的巩义市至少有4人死亡。今天上午,驻扎在开封地区的空降兵某旅在接到抗洪抢险命令后,迅速前往决口处进行支援。目前,已转移避险约10万人。 Both hourly and daily precipitation shattered Zhengzhou’s records yesterday. 10 other cities in 河南 recorded heavy rain between Saturday and this morning. Now Chen Xuan brings us what meteorologists say. 昨天,每小时和每天的降雨量都打破了郑州的气象记录。从周六至今天早晨,河南其他10个城市也遭受了暴雨的袭击。 Forecasters say Typhoon In-fa and small storm systems have pulled in an excessive amount of water vapor to central China, and warn of more torrential rain in central and more in Henan later tonight. 气象预报员表示,台风“烟花”和小型风暴系统给中国中部地区带来了过多的水汽,并警告称,今晚晚些时候河南中部至北部地区将有更多暴雨。 Several conditions have to be met at the same time. You need steady atmospheric circulation and abundant water vapor. The vapor condenses after it gets lifted over Taihang and Funiu Mountains. At the same time, a series of smaller storm systems keep churning vapor towards Zhengzhou. Together, they created the extreme weather condition that is breaking records. The rain will continue for the next three days in Henan. Stay safe from geological disasters induced by the storm and keep away from mountainous areas. 首先是有一个稳定的大气环流形势;二是有一个充足的水汽条件,特别是在太行山和伏牛山的第一影响之下,也是出现了明显的符合抬升作用,第四则是列车效应,那么有非常多的中小尺度的对流系统在源源不断地如列车一般向郑州地区输送,导致郑州出现了历史同期罕见的强降雨。未来的天气趋势显示,今后三天在河南地区还会出现降雨天气,还要谨防雨水的不利影响,而在郑州地区明天到后天则会雨势减弱为小雨或中雨天气,请大家远离山区的危险地带,注意安全。 Across the country, the Ministry of Transportation said 29 segments on 26 highways that pass through Henan Province were closed. 303 flights departing from Zhengzhou were canceled. Some regular and high-speed routes that go through the city had segments or equipment damaged by flood. 交通部门表示,在全国范围内,途经河南省的26条高速公路中的29段已被关闭,从郑州起飞的303架航班被取消,部分通过河南的常规和高速路线的部分路段或设备已被洪水损坏。 At Beijing West Railway Station, people were stranded after a few trains between Beijing and Zhengzhou were suspended. Food and beverages were given to the travelers. Regular train routes between Xi’an, Shaanxi Province and more cities, some of the major cities like Beijing and Shanghai were suspended after equipment was damaged on the Henan portion of the railway.This affected close to 200,000 travelers. 北京西站部分开往郑州的列车停运,造成部分旅客滞留。食物和饮料已分发给了被滞留的旅客。同时西安,陕西和北京等主要城市之间的定期列车线路因河南段的设备损坏后暂时停运,这影响了将近20万名旅客。 INTERVIEW: Zhao Jie, Party Secretary, Xi’an North Division, China Railway Xi’an Group 赵杰西安局集团有限公司西安站西安北客运车间党总支书记* More than 200 trains departing from our station were canceled, that is about 60 percent of the total. 我们西安北站旅客列车大概有两百多列停止运行和折返,影响的列车情况基本上占我们日常发送旅客和列车开行的60%左右。 Here at Shanghai’s Hongqiao Railway Station, 65 trains had been canceled since yesterday, affecting more than 15,000 passengers. More than half of them received a refund. 在上海虹桥火车站,从昨天开始,65次列车被取消,影响了超过1.5万名乘客。其中超过一半的人获得了退款。 INTERVIEW: Zhang Jianlin, Manager on Duty, Hongqiao Railway Station 张建霖铁路虹桥站值班站长3731 We’ve processed refunds for more than 9,000 tickets, but we still have 5,000 to go. We’ll send out notices on the 12306 website and the station’s Weibo account the minute train service resume. 截止至目前已经退掉了9000多张,有5000左右的张数还在办理退票的过程当中。那么如果说具备了开行条件,我们12306官网和车站的官方微博会第一时间对外公布。 Meanwhile at Shanghai’s airports, all of today’s flights to Zhengzhou were canceled or delayed. Some passengers bound for others parts of the country in the northwest switched to air travel after their trains were canceled. 在上海机场,今天所有飞往郑州的航班都被取消或延误。在火车被取消后,一些前往西北其他地区的乘客改乘飞机。 2. CHINA RELEASES DOCUMENT ON THREE-CHILD POLICY SUPPORT MEASURES “三孩”来了!配套政策看这里 China has released a policy document to encourage couples to have more children. It includes tax deductions plus improving services linked to child-rearing and elderly care. Officials detailed the coming changes. Zhang Yue tells us more. 中国发布了一项政策文件,鼓励夫妇生育更多的孩子。它包括税收减免,以及改善与育儿和养老相关的服务。 The National Health Commission said China’s total fertility【生育能力】rate fluctuated in the past 10 years, even thought the two-child policy introduced in 2015 has had a positive impact on increasing births. The commission said the fertility rate has declined every year since 2018, adding it was still low in the first half of this year. 国家卫生健康委员会表示,尽管2015年推出的二孩政策对增加人口出生率产生了积极的影响,但过去10年中,中国的总生育率仍处于波动之中。 INTERVIEW: Yu Xuejun, Vice Minister, National Health Commission 于学军****国家卫生健康委副主任 In the near future, China will continue facing pressure to balance the population. The three-child policy and its support measures are expected to prevent the fertility rate from declining further. 未来一段时期,我国将持续面临人口长期均衡发展的压力。实施三孩生育政策及配套支持措施,目的就是防止出生人口进一步下滑。  Taking care of pre-schoolers is often a concern for parents. The Ministry of Education said the gross three-year preschool education enrollment【登记】rate is expected to exceed 90 percent by 2025 with accessibility to non-profit and affordable services. 照顾学龄前儿童通常是父母关心的问题。教育部表示,到2025年,学前教育三年总入学率预计将超过90%,同时将提供非营利性和父母负担得起的服务。 INTERVIEW: Lyu Yugang, Director, Basic Education Dept, Ministry of Education 吕玉刚****教育部基础教育司司长 By the end of May, a total of 102,000 primary and junior high schools in China had launched after school services, benefiting 65 million students who could not be picked up when school hours ended. All compulsory【义务的】 education institutions in the country will provide after-school services starting this fall semester. Efforts will be made to ensure all students in need have access to such services. 截至今年5月底,全国共有10.2万所义务教育学校开展了课后服务,有6500万学生参加了课后服务,确保今年秋季开学以后,实现学校全覆盖。我们的课后服务是自愿选择,只要你愿意留在学校参加课后服务,我们学校应该提供这样的条件和支持。 Lyu said after school services will be provided every school day for no less than two hours, depending on the local daily work hours. Also, officials said how many children an individual has will also no longer be used as a reference when he or she registers for a household account, enrolls in school, or applies for a job. China will also revise the law on population and family planning to legalize【使合法化】the three-child policy. 吕玉刚表示,学校每天将会提供不少于两小时的课后服务,具体视乎当地每日工作时间而定。此外,官员们表示,个人有多少个孩子也将不再被用作登记家庭账户、入学或申请工作的参考。中国还将修改人口与计划生育法,使三孩政策合法化。 3. SHANGHAI’S GDP EXCEEDS 2 TRLN YUAN IN THE 1STHALF-YEAR UP! 2021****年上半年上海GDP报告出炉 Shanghai’s gross domestic product reached 2.01 trillion yuan in the first half of 2021, with all economic sectors on the rise. Lei Shuran has more. 在2021年的上半年,上海的国内生产总值达到了2.01万亿元,各行各业的数据都在上涨。 In the first 6 months of the year, Shanghai’s GDP increased by 12.7 percent over the same period last year. Other major economic indicators【指标】 showed continued improvements across the board, with added industrial value increasing by 20 percent and sending the sector’s total value to over 1.8 trillion yuan. 32 out of 35 industrial sectors achieved growth in the first half, according to figures released today by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Statistics. 今年上半年,上海国内生产总值比去年同期增长了12.7%。其他主要经济指标全面向好,工业增加值增长20%,超过1.8万亿元。根据上海市统计局今天发布的数据,在35个工业行业中,有32个在上半年实现了增长。 The city’s consumption continues to increase as well, with wholesale and retail trade sales exceeding 900 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.3 percent. 全市消费持续增长,批发零售总额突破9000亿元,同比增长30.3%。 INTERVIEW: Zhuang Longde, Deputy Director, Shanghai Survey Team of NBS 庄龙德,国家统计局上海调查总队副总队长 The supply of major foods such as fresh vegetables and pork is sufficient【足够的】, and the prices of foods have been steadily declining. In the first half of this year, food prices fell by 0.2 percent year-on-year, compared to a 9.3 percent rise in the first half of last year. It is expected that CPI prices will remain stable overall in the second half. At present, the domestic supply of live pigs has basically recovered, and the price of pork is generally declining. In terms of industrial consumer goods, the rise in international bulk commodity prices will have a certain impact on the price of some industrial consumer goods, but the supply of industrial consumer goods is generally sufficient, and there is no basis for sharp price increases. 从老百姓关心的食品价格看,鲜菜、猪肉等主要食品供应充足,食品类价格稳中有降。上半年,我市食品类价格同比下降0.2%,而去年上半年上涨9.3%。从后期走势看,预计下半年CPI价格将总体保持平稳。目前国内生猪供给已基本恢复,猪肉价格总体趋于下降。从工业消费品看,国际大宗商品价格的上涨会对部分工业消费品价格产品一定影响,但工业消费品市场供应总体比较重组,价格不存在大幅上涨的基础。 The city’s total import and export of goods in the first half was about 1.88 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19 percent. The growth rate of imports was higher than that of exports. The amount of committed foreign direct investment in the city was 12.4 billion US dollars, with wholly foreign-owned enterprises accounting for most of that. The number of newly-added foreign-owned enterprises came to 2,004. 今年上半年,全市货物进出口总额约1.88万亿元,同比增长19%,其中进口增速高于出口。全市外商直接投资实际到位金额124亿美元,其中外资企业占大部分。新增外资企业2004家。 INTERVIEW: Tang Huihao, Deputy Director, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Statistics 汤汇浩,市统计局副局长 As of the end of June, multi-national enterprises have set up a total of 802 regional headquarters and 493 foreign-funded RD centers in Shanghai. Foreign capital’s confidence in Shanghai has been further strengthened due to the fact that pandemic situation has been effectively controlled in China, and various policies on foreign investment in Shanghai have been implemented. In the second half of this year, Shanghai will continue to attract foreign investment just as it did in the first half. 截至6月底,跨国公司累计在沪设立地区总部达到802家,外资研发中心 493家。当前国内疫情得到有效控制,上海外商投资的各项政策得以落实,进一步增强了外资对上海经济发展的信心。下半年上海吸引外资将延续上半年的走势,稳中向好。 Shanghai’s general public budget【预算】revenue exceeded 470 billion yuan in the first half, a sharp increase of 20.2 percent compared to the same period of last year. 上半年,全市地方一般公共预算收入超过4700亿元,同比大幅上涨20.2%。 #热词加油站 torrential【倾泻的】 fertility【生育能力】 enrollment【登记】 compulsory【义务的】 legalize【使合法化】 indicator【指标】 sufficient【足够的】 budget【预算】 implement【实施】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~