NEWS ON 0**7/21 1. CHINESE - MADE NEV EXPORTS MORE THAN DOUBLE IN H1 上汽首个“全球车”今日发往欧洲中国企业走出去步伐加快融入全球市场** 2. SH LAWMAKERS ADOPT RESOLUTIONS ON EMPLOYMENT,ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 市人大通过有关就业、环境保护的决定 3.BIDEN ANNOUNCES NEW PLAN TO FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE 美国:超1亿人受极端天气影响****拜登宣布应对气候变化新举措 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. CHINESE - MADE NEV EXPORTS MORE THAN DOUBLE IN H1 上汽首个“全球车”今日发往欧洲****中国企业走出去步伐加快融入全球市场 The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said domestic automakers exported more than 200,000 new energy vehicles in the first six months of this year, doubling the amount from the same period last year. Of them, Shanghai-based SAIC Motor sold over 45,000 cars in Europe. Zhang Yue has the story. 中国汽车工业协会表示,今年上半年,国内汽车制造商出口了20多万辆新能源汽车,相较去年同期翻了一番。其中,总部位于上海的上汽集团在欧洲销售了超过4.5万辆汽车。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。 The first 1,000 MG Mulan models were ready for shipping at the Port of Haitong International Automotive【汽车的】 Terminal. 在国内最大的汽车进出口码头,海通码头,首批1000辆名爵MG木兰正待装船。 MG Mulan is SAIC’s first electric model developed for overseas markets. 名爵MG木兰是上汽集团旗下首批自主品牌"全球车"。 Zhao Aimin,**** Party Secretary & Vice Manager , SAIC 赵爱民上汽国际党委书记、副总经理 We have been customizing vehicles for global markets, especially Europe since we started the project in 2020. The size of the car, whether it is easy to park, and a simple interior design are important elements for other markets. 从2020年开始设计立项,我们就针对全球消费者需求尤其是欧洲消费者设计相关车型。车的大小适中,停车方便,内饰简约等是针对海外市场的重要元素。 We also organized overseas design teams to work on ideas for the cars. Making a car to meet the needs of the global market is essential to expand. 我们把老外的(设计研发)团队组织起来,对产品进行打磨,国际经营的可持续性发展核心的一点就是要打造全球车型。 Data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers showed the export market of Chinese vehicles has outperformed【胜过】 imports in the past five years. 据汽车进出口行业数据显示,近5年,中国汽车出口增速已逐渐超越汽车进口。 With more new energy cars developed, a steady increase in exported vehicles is expected. 未来伴随新能源汽车领域,汽车出口将继续保持高速增长。 INTERVIEW: Xi Jialin , Executive Marketing Director Haitong Int**’l Automotive Terminal 奚佳霖海通码头市场营销部执行总监 Despite the impact caused by the lockdown, a 20% increase in handling capacity can still be seen in the first 6 months this year at our terminal. Exports have also increased more than 50%. 我们今年码头虽然上半年有疫情影响,但是在前6个月码头吞吐量仍有20%的增幅。外贸出口增幅超过50%。 Domestic automakers such as SAIC Motor have exported nearly 100,000 vehicles between January and June this year, a 130% increase year on year.国内汽车制造商譬如上汽实现了今年1-6月份出口近10万辆,同比增长超过了130%。 These MG Mulan models are expected to be in showrooms in Europe during the fourth quarter. SAIC said it expects to sell approximately 800,000 vehicles in overseas markets this year. 作为中国汽车出海先锋,首批名爵MG全球车将有1000辆左右的规模出海,预计四季度欧洲发售。而上汽全年海外总销量有望冲刺80万辆。 *2.SH LAWMAKERS ADOPT RESOLUTIONS ON EMPLOYMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION* 市人大通过有关就业、环境保护的决定 The standing committee of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress adopted two resolutions today. One promotes employment and prohibits discrimination in the job market. The other is about environmental protection. Zhang Hong tells us more. 今天(7/21)召开的市十五届人大常委会第42次会议,表决通过了《关于进一步做好当前促进就业工作的决定》明确,在招用人员时,任何用人单位不得以曾患传染性疾病为由,拒绝录用以及《关于修改上海市环境保护条例的决定》以推动环境保护。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 The first resolution features 12 articles on stabilizing the economy, promoting employment and improving social well-being while following pandemic control protocols. 《关于进一步做好当前促进就业工作的决定》总共12条。在常态化疫情防控的大背景下,《决定》围绕高效统筹疫情防控和稳经济、促就业、惠民生 各项工作,作出一系列相关规定。 One of the 12 articles stipulates that companies must not turn someone down or fire someone if they were once infected with a contagious【感染性的】** disease. 12条规定中有一条明确指出,任何用人单位不得因劳动者患传染性疾病而解除其劳动合同。 *Zhang Tingting,*Deputy Director Legislative Affairs,SH Municipal People’s Congress 张婷婷市人大法工委副主任 The regulations are in line with the country’s laws on employment and pandemic prevention and control. They offer more detailed guidance to implement the law in the city. 这两条规定其实也是我们国家《就业促进法》和《传染病防治法》现有规定。这两条规定是在我们地方性法规层面的贯彻实施和具体细化落定。 This resolution also specifies that municipal and district governments should provide further supportive measures, if necessary, after current pandemic subsidies and rent exemption policies expire. 该决议还明确,在有关缓缴社会保险费、住房公积金,以及减费让利、就业补贴、贷款担保贴费、房屋租金减免等 各类援企稳岗纾困政策期限届满后,市、区政府及有关部门应当根据国家政策要求和实际情况,采取相应的扶持措施。 The other resolution revises the city’s environmental protection provisions. Four articles were added to deal with light pollution. 《关于修改上海市环境保护条例的决定》围绕"光污染"现象,专门增设了4项条款。 Yan Rui , Director Legislative Affairs , SH Municipal People’s Congress 阎锐市人大法工委主任 Public security and traffic bureau departments should use surveillance cameras with dimmer【昏暗的】*lights or no light to avoid interfering with drivers and pedestrians. 公安交通等部门,在监控设施的建设当中,应当推广运用微光、无光技术。防止对车辆驾驶员和行人造成眩光干扰。 Landscape lighting should not be installed in such a way that it would shine into apartment windows. 禁止设置直接射向住宅居室窗户的投光激光等景观照明。 The new provision takes effect on August 1st. 新版条例将于今年8月1日起正式施行。 2. BIDEN ANNOUNCES NEW PLAN TO FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE 美国:超*1*亿人受极端天气影响拜登宣布应对气候变化新举措 President Joe Biden announced yesterday that he will be delivering new executive actions to address climate change. Zhang Hong has the story. 昨天(7/20),美国总统拜登表示,他将通过宣布更多行政令来应对气候变化。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。* A rare confluence of storm surge and unprecedented rainfall combined on the east coast of the United States, causing dangerous flash flooding in Charleston, South Carolina. 美国东海岸的一场热带风暴,让南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿市的街头变成了泽国。 While in the southwest wildfires in Texas have spread over 25 square kilometers. At the same time 100 million Americans across the entire country are living in areas where extreme heat warnings have been issued. 而在西部的得克萨斯州,山火蔓延超过了25平方公里。与此同时,美国本土有1亿人正在经历极端高温。 **Joellen L . Russell,Professor University of Arizona 拉塞尔亚利桑那大学教授 We’ve got wildfires and drought and massive heat waves. 100 million people undergoing extreme heat today just in the U.S. 美国遭遇到了山火、干旱以及极端高温。美国本土有1亿人正在经历极端高温。 Biden yesterday announced the Federal Emergency Management Agency will provide 2.3 billion dollars in funding to help states build cooling centers to deal with excessive heat and to mitigate【**使减轻】 the other impacts of climate change. 拜登昨天(7/20)宣布,联邦紧急事务管理署将提供23亿美元资金,优先帮助受极端天气侵袭的社区,建设冷却中心,以应对热浪以及气候变化的其他影响。 He also announced measures will be taken to promote the development of the offshore wind power industry. However, the president stopped short of declaring a national emergency on climate. 他还宣布,政府将采取措施,推动海上风电产业发展。不过当天,拜登并未宣布全国进入气候紧急状态。 Reporter 记者 Mr. President, you talked a lot about climate being an emergency today. Why not just declare it an emergency? 总统先生,您今天说目前气候问题很棘手,为什么不宣布进入紧急状态呢? Biden 拜登 Because I’m running the traps on the totality of the authority I have. I will make that decision soon. 因为我受制于整个政治体系,我会很快做出决定。 Reporter 记者 And what would be the ramifications of doing it? Do you think you’d be able to do more? 这样的后果是什么?您还有什么能做的吗? Biden 拜登 Well I think I can do more, unless the Congress acts in the meantime, I can do more because not enough is being done now. 我当然会做更多,除非国会同时采取行动,因为现在还远远不够。 The Biden administration’s bills targeting energy and climate change have failed to pass in Congress, preventing the Biden administration from advancing any form of climate policy. 拜登政府针对能源和气候变化的法案再度在国会受挫,这一僵局将阻碍拜登政府 推进任何形式的气候政策。 #热词加油站 Automotive【汽车的】 outperform【胜过】 contagious【感染性的】 dim【微弱的】 mitigate【使减轻】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~