NEWS ON 07/20 1.HIGHWAY ALONG YANGTZE RIVER SCHEDULED TO OPEN THIS YEAR 上海沿江通道浦西段主线结构贯通 预计今年年内通车 2.UNLIMITED RIDES ON 36 BUS ROUTES**IN LIN-GANG 临港新片区“一票通乘”今起试运行 3.REPORT: AUKUS NUCLEAR-POWERED SUBMARINE DEAL CREATES SERIOUS RISK 《美英澳核潜艇合作的核扩散风险》研究报告:美英澳核潜艇合作将带来严重风险** -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.HIGHWAY ALONG YANGTZE RIVER SCHEDULED TO OPEN THIS YEAR 上海沿江通道浦西段主线结构贯通 预计今年年内通车 An important stretch of highway that starts in Baoshan and travels along the Yangtze River toward Pudong was completed today, 40 days ahead of schedule. The Puxi section of-it will be ready by the end of this year. Sun Siqi has more. 一条西起宝山富长路,东至牡丹江路的沿江通道浦西接线段于今天(7/20)全面贯通,比原计划提前了40天。今年年内有望通车。记者孙思奇为您带来更多详细报道。 The section of highway G1503 starts at Fuchang Road in Baoshan, goes eastbound【东行】 toward the bank of the Yangtze River and turns south toward Pudong. The main structure for the 7.8-kilometer Puxi section was completed this morning. Construction began in the first half of 2020. Work stopped on the highway in April and May during the lockdown, and now the extreme heat is posing another challenge. G1503郊环线以宝山富长路为起点,东至东至牡丹江路的沿江通道,南可抵达浦东。全长7.8公里的浦西段高速主线于今天(7/20)上午完工。沿江通道浦西接线段从2020年上半年启动建设,今年4至5月受疫情影响,该工程一度停工,而现在的高温酷暑又给施工带来了挑战。 Wang Yongjie, Project M****anager S**hanghai Construction Group 王泳捷上海建工集团沿江通道第一标段项目常务经理** We’ve re-arranged the schedule so the guys can start early in the morning, take a break between 9 am and 4 pm, and resume after 4 until night. 我们会合理安排工人作息时间。现在正在挑战高温,我们就避开上午9点钟到下午4点钟这段时间,基本上做两头。 Y**in Fuqiu, Deputy**** GM** S**hanghai Chengtou Highway Group 尹富秋上海城投公路集团第三事业部副总经理** This increases overall efficiency on the entire highway, and it’s an essential piece of infrastructure【基础设施】 for transportation in the Yangtze Delta Region. 这个项目可以提升整个高速的通行效率 ,为长三角一体化的国家战略提供了强有力的基础设施保证。 The Pudong section is also progressing and is expected to open in 2024. Once finished, it will complete the 208-kilometer G1503 highway, also known as the Suburban Ring Road. 沿江通道浦东接线段也在全面推进,预计2024年竣工。沿江通道建成后,将与同三国道、东南郊环、浦东郊环等一起,完成郊环线的"○"字型闭环,形成全长约208公里申城最长的环状高速公路。 2.UNLIMITED RIDES ON 36 BUS ROUTESIN LINGANG 临港新片区“一票通乘”今起试运行 Lin-gang New Area in Pudong today introduced unlimited rides on 36 bus routes once a passenger has paid a single fare. Zhang Hong tells us more. 今天(7/20),浦东临港新区推出了 36 条公交线路"一票通乘"服务。乘客只要在优惠政策指定范围以内的公交线路刷码乘车一次,当天就可以继续无限次地免费刷码,乘坐指定范围内的公交线路。记者张泓为您带来更多详细报道。 Ms. Xu became one of the first passengers to take a second ride for free today. 今日,市民徐女士成为首批享受到 "一票通乘"福利的乘客之一。 Miss.Xu, Passenger 乘客 徐女士 I took a bus at 7 to run some errands. After more than two hours, I got on this bus and it didn’t cost me any money. It’s beneficial. 今天我记得很清楚,七点乘坐公交来办点事情,事情办好已经过2个小时了,我再上车刷码,一分钱都没出,免费的。老百姓很受用。 The unlimited rides apply to 36 routes within Lingang. Once a passenger pays bus fare with a public transportation code or health code, he or she will be able to take unlimited rides that day on the 36 routes. Some passengers switched to paying through the Suishenban app after hearing about the new policy. 临港新片区"一票通乘"优惠政策,目前已经覆盖了36条公共交通线路。乘客只要在优惠政策指定范围以内的公交线路刷码乘车一次,当天就可以继续无限次地免费刷码,乘坐指定范围内的公交线路。得知优惠消息,不少原本用惯了公交卡的乘客,也在"随申办"上开通了公共交通服务,用起了电子支付。 M**r.Gu, Passenger** 乘客 顾先生 I need to take the bus four or five times a day. This will save me several dozen yuan a month. 我每天要坐四五次公交车,这样一天下来要省好几块钱,累计下来一个月要节省好几十块钱,积少成多。 Huang Hui Lin-gang P**ublic Transportation 黄辉 临港公交营运业务部负责人 We have several reminders. First, unlimited rides are only available the day you pay bus fare. Second, passengers should use the same account when taking another bus. Third, it only applies to the 36 designated bus routes. 需要注意的是,这个政策仅在当天的24小时内适用;第二是扫码乘车需要使用同一个APP和账号。第三是只能在符合优惠范围条件的线路上使用。 The unlimited rides are available on a trial basis, but officials expect an official launch next month. "一票通乘"服务试目前正在试运行,预计从8月1日起正式上线。 3.REPORT: AUKUS NUCLEAR-POWERED SUBMARINE DEAL CREATES SERIOUS RISK 《美英澳核潜艇合作的核扩散风险》研究报告:美英澳核潜艇合作将带来严重风险 The China Arms Control and Disarmament Association and China Institute of Nuclear Industry Strategy released a research report today saying the Australia, UK, US deal on nuclear-powered sub-marines risks violating【违反】 the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Lei Shuran has more. 中国军控与裁军协会、中核战略规划研究总院于今天联合发布研究报告,指出美英澳三国高调启动的核潜艇合作,相关举动违反《不扩散核武器条约》。记者雷舒然为您带来更多详细报道。 The report emphasized that the AUKUS nuclear-powered submarine collaboration creates a bad precedent【先例】 for the transfer of weapons grade nuclear materials from nuclear armed states to non-nuclear armed states.In September 2021, the United States, United Kingdom and Australia issued a joint statement announcing they would create an enhanced trilateral【三边】 security partnership, known as AUKUS, to strengthen security and defense collaborations. Under the framework, Australia will build at least eight nuclear-powered submarines with the help of the United States and the United Kingdom. The White House said the US would help Australia identify pathways【路径】 for Australia to build, obtain or buy the nuclear submarine capability, but there would be no nuclear weapon provision. 该报告强调,美英澳核潜艇合作会为核武器国家首次大规模向无核武器国家转让成吨的武器级核材料创造不良先例。2021 年 9 月,美英澳发表联合声明,宣布将建立三边安全伙伴关系,以加强安全和军事合作。作为该框架下的首个合作项目,美英将协助澳大利亚建造至少8艘核潜艇。白宫表示,美国将帮助澳大利亚获得建造、拥有或购买核潜艇的途径,但不会直接提供核武器。 Zhao Xuelin, Engineer of China Institute of Nuclear Industry Strategy 赵学林 中核战略规划研究总院 工程师 Eight nuclear-powered submarines need at least 1.6 to 2 tons of weapons grade uranium. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s calculation standard, 25 kilograms of highly concentrated uranium can produce a nuclear weapon. So you can figure out that 1.6 to 2 tons of uranium can produce as many as 64 to 80 nuclear weapons. 澳大利亚未来8艘核潜艇总共将需要1.6到2吨的武器级高浓铀。而根据国际原子能机构重要量的概念,25千克武器级高浓铀就可以制造出1枚核武器。大家可以算一算,1.6到2吨可以制造出多达64到80枚核武器。 The report also stated that the collaboration risks violating the objectives of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. 该报告声明,美英澳三国高调启动的核潜艇合作将违反《不扩散核武器条约》。 Zhang Yan, President of The China Arms Control and Disarmament Association 张炎 中国军控与裁军协会会长 Such behavior absolutely belongs to nuclear proliferation【激增】** and seriously violates the aims and goals of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. 这是赤裸裸的核扩散行为,严重违反《不扩散核武器条约》的宗旨和目标。 Zhang also noted that as the Tenth NPT Review Conference is about to be held soon, he asked the US, the UK and Australia to seriously respond to the concerns of the international community, and faithfully fulfill their nonproliferation obligations. 中国军控与裁军协会会长张炎还指出,在即将召开的《不扩散核武器条约》第十次审议大会上,美、英、澳应该认真回应国际社会关切,立即停止相关合作,切实履行防止核武器扩散义务,以维护国际核不扩散体系的完整性、权威性和有效性。 #热词加油站 eastbound /ˈiːstbaʊnd/【东行】 infrastructure/ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/【基础设施】 violating/ˈvaɪəleɪtɪŋ/【违反】 precedent/ˈpresɪdənt/ 【先例】 trilateral/ˌtraɪˈlætərəl/【三边】 pathways/ˈpɑːθweɪz/ 【路径】 proliferation/prəˌlɪfəˈreɪʃn/ 【激增】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~