cover of episode 07/20 TOP OF THE DAY 朱婷成首位女旗手/遥感三十号10组卫星发射/熊猫生双胞胎崽崽

07/20 TOP OF THE DAY 朱婷成首位女旗手/遥感三十号10组卫星发射/熊猫生双胞胎崽崽

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NEWS ON 07/20 *1.        CHINA’S 1ST FEMALE FLAG-BEARER AT SUMMER OLYMPICS 女排队长朱婷!中国首位夏季奥运女旗手 *2.        NEW REMOTE-SENSING SATELLITE GROUP LAUNCHED 中国成功发射遥感三十号10*组卫星* 3.        *TWO PAIRS OF PANDA TWINS BORN ON SAME DAY 好事成双!四川大熊猫基地喜迎两对双胞胎宝宝 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.        *CHINA’S 1ST FEMALE FLAG-BEARER AT SUMMER OLYMPICS 女排队长朱婷!中国首位夏季奥运女旗手 The Chinese Olympic Committee announced late yesterday that women’s volleyball team skipper【队长】and*tae-kwon-dou【跆拳道】athlete will be the country’s flag-bearers【旗手】at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games. Song Wenjing has more.  中国奥委会昨天(17日)晚上宣布,将由女排运动员朱婷、跆拳道运动员赵帅担任东京奥运会开幕式中国体育代表团旗手。 Both athletes were gold medalists in the Rio Olympics five years ago, Zhu with the Chinese women’s volleyball team and Zhao in the 58-kilogram category of men’s taekwondo. The Chinese Olympic Committee said the flag-bearers were selected following widespread*consultation【商议】and prudent【谨慎的】consideration. 朱婷和赵帅均为2016年里约奥运会冠军,朱婷是女排冠军,赵帅是跆拳道男子58公斤级冠军。中国体育代表团经多方征求意见、慎重考虑,最终确定了旗手人选。 Zhu Ting, Captain Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team 朱婷,中国女排队长 I really appreciate the trust from the Chinese delegation. It’s a huge honor and responsibility for me to be named as the flag-bearer. I feel greatly motivated by it. I will set my mind at ease, and devote every effort to the games. It’s always our goal to see our national flag raised and hear our national anthem played.  感谢代表团对女排、对我的肯定与信任。担任旗手是一份荣誉,也是一份责任,让我更有动力去做好每一天,走好每一步。大赛将至,保持平常心,全力以赴。我们的目标还是升国旗奏国歌。 The 26-year-old captain of the women’s volleyball team helped China claim the Olympic gold medal in Rio five years ago. Having made her national debut【首秀】aged 18 in 2013, Zhu’s performances at the Rio Olympics propelled her into a global volleyball star and one of the country’s most popular athletes. Zhao Shuai made history by winning China’s first Olympic gold in men’s taekwondo when he triumphed in the 58 kilogram category at the Rio Olympics. As flag-bearer at the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta, Indonesia, he will be the first athlete to be a flag-bearer in two important international events.  26岁的朱婷是中国女排队长,她曾率队夺得2016年里约奥运会冠军。2013年,18岁的朱婷第一次入选国家队。2016年,她在里约奥运会在一战成名,成为了国际排坛的巨星和中国最受欢迎的运动员。在里约奥运会中,赵帅在跆拳道男子58公斤级决赛中夺得金牌,实现我国男子跆拳道奥运金牌零的突破。2018年雅加达亚运会,赵帅就担任中国代表团旗手。他是中国体育代表团历史上首位连续两届大赛都担任旗手的运动员。 *2.        NEW REMOTE-SENSING SATELLITE GROUP LAUNCHED 中国成功发射遥感三十号10组卫星 A new remote-sensingsatellite*【遥感卫星】group was sent into orbit this morning from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province.  7月19日上午,遥感三十号10组卫星在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射升空。 The 10th group of the Yaogan-30 family, the satellites were launched【发射】aboard a Long March Two C-carrier rocket at 8:19am. The satellites will carry out electro-magnetic【电磁】environment detection in a multi-satellite network. The Tianqi-15, a satellite of the Tianqi constellation, was also aboard the rocket. It will be used for Internet of Things data collection. The Long March Two-C rocket has sent all 10 groups of the Yaogan-30 satellites into preset orbits with high precision in the four years since the launch of the first group in 2017. The 100 percent success rate demonstrates the rocket’s high reliability. 7月19日8时19分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征二号丙运载火箭,成功将遥感三十号10组卫星发射升空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道,发射任务获得圆满成功。遥感三十号10组卫星之后将采用多星组网模式开展电磁环境探测及相关技术验证。这次任务还搭载发射了天启星座15星,用于物联网数据采集。据悉,从2017年9月起,长征二号丙运载火箭已将全部十组遥感三十号卫星,高精度送入预定轨道,发射成功率100%,充分彰显了"金牌火箭"的高可靠性。 **3.        **TWO PAIRS OF PANDA TWINS BORN ON SAME DAY 好事成双!四川大熊猫基地喜迎两对双胞胎宝宝 Two giant pandas at the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan Province each gave birth to twins on Saturday. All four babies, and their mother’s are reported to be in good health.  中国大熊猫保护研究中心传来喜讯,大熊猫"珍珍"和"苏珊"在大熊猫中心卧龙神树坪基地,分别生下了一对双胞胎,母子平安。 One giant panda, named "Zhen Zhen", gave birth to a cub【幼仔】at 6:44 pm and a second cub 35 minutes later. Zhen Zhen was born at the San Diego zoo in the United States in 2007 and returned to Sichuan in 2010. In 2015, she gave birth to a pair of twins in the city of Ya’an. The second giant panda, named "Su Shan," gave birth at 6:52 pm, her second cub arrived 42 minutes later. Su Shan was born in 2011. She gave birth to a cub in 2016. In both cases, the firstborn of each set of twins are staying with their mothers and the younger cubs are being taken care of by the Conservation and Research Center staff. 7日18点44分,海归大熊猫"珍珍"产下第一仔,幼仔叫声、活力、体温正常,35分钟后,第二仔呱呱坠地。珍珍2007年出生于美国圣地亚哥动物园,2010年回到中国大熊猫保护研究中心,2015年曾在雅安碧峰峡产下一对双胞胎。18点52分,大熊猫苏珊也产下一仔,42分钟后第二仔出生。"苏珊"出生于2011年8月,2016年,"苏珊"也曾在雅安碧峰峡产下一只熊猫宝宝。按照中国大熊猫繁育的惯例,如果生了双胞胎,将由大熊猫妈妈和人工先分别照料抚育第一仔和第二仔,并择机交换养育。 #热词加油站 skipper【队长】 tae-kwon-dou【跆拳道】 flag-bearer【旗手】 consultation【商议】 prudent【谨慎的】 debut【首秀】 remote-sensing satellite【遥感卫星】 launch【发射】 electro-magnetic【电磁的】 cub【幼仔】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~