cover of episode 07/20 TOP NEWS | 上半年1.68亿人次出入境/工业生产稳步恢复/中国游客巴士在越南侧翻

07/20 TOP NEWS | 上半年1.68亿人次出入境/工业生产稳步恢复/中国游客巴士在越南侧翻

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NEWS ON 07/19 1.BORDER ENTRIES, EXITS REACH 168 MILLION IN HI 国家移民管理局:2023年上半年1.*68亿人次出入境 2. CHINA’S VALUE-ADDED INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT UP 3.8% Y-O-Y IN H1 工信部:上半年全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长3.8% 3.4 CHINESE NATIONALS KILLED IN VIETNAM TOUR BUS ACCIDENT 越南旅游巴士侧翻,4名中国游客不幸丧生 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------  1. BORDER ENTRIES, EXITS REACH 168 MILLION IN HI 国家移民管理局:2023年上半年1*.68亿人次出入境 The National Immigration Administration said today that immigration agents across China inspected 168 million border entries-and-exits in the first half of this year, up nearly 170 percent year-on-year, and about 50% compared to the same period in 2019. The administration has resumed【恢复】 pre-pandemic policies for border entry-and-exit control, and restored passenger transport services at 61 land border ports in a bid to facilitate business and trade, while helping to stabilize supply chains. In the first six months, 16,000 cases involving obstruction【妨碍】 of border agents were handled by the authorities. The cases led to 32,000 individuals being arrested. 7月19日,国家移民管理局通报,今年上半年,全国移民管理机构共查验出入境人员1.68亿人次,同比增长近170%,是2019年同期的五成左右。管理局已恢复疫情前的出入境边检政策,有序恢复了61个陆地边境口岸客运服务,以促进商贸活动,稳定供应链。今年上半年,相关部门共侦办妨害国(边)境管理犯罪案件1.6万起、抓获违法犯罪嫌疑人3.2万人。 2. CHINA’S VALUE-ADDED INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT UP 3.8% Y-O-Y IN H1 工信部:上半年全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长3.8% The recovery of China’s industrial sector continues to progress following a series of favorable government policies encouraging increased production. New figures were cited today at a news conference by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Lei Shuran has the details. 在政府出台一系列鼓励增产的利好政策后,中国工业部门保持恢复发展势头。7月19日,工业和信息化部在新闻发布会上公布了最新数据。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 Officials reminded a news conference today that value-added industrial output grew 3.8 percent year-on-year in the first six months, citing data from the National Bureau of Statistics. The figure is a gauge标准】 of activity in manufacturing, mining, and utilities, and in June alone, it rose 4.4 percent compared to the same period last year. Officials then responded to a variety of questions on additional issues, including new energy vehicles and their power systems, which have become a highlight of China’s industrial development during the past two years. 在今天(07/19)的新闻发布会上,工信部发言人援引国家统计局的数据介绍道,上半年全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长3.8%。该数据是衡量制造业、采矿业和公用事业活动的指标,仅6月份就比去年同期增长了4.4%。发言人随后回答了其他社会关切的热点问题,其中包括新能源汽车及其动力系统,这在过去两年里已成为中国工业发展的亮点。 Tao Qing, MIIT Spokesperson 陶青工信部新闻发言人运行监测协调局局长 “实施电力装备绿色低碳创新发展行动,积极培育氢能、新型储能等新兴产业。研究制定新能源汽车动力蓄电池回收利用管理办法,不断完善回收利用体系。” “We are taking actions in low-carbon innovation and development for electric power equipment, and actively cultivating new industries such as hydrogen energy and new energy storage. We are also studying and formulating measures for the recycling of NEV batteries, so as to continuously improve the recycling system.” In the first half of the year, the MIIT said it had instructed 188 app creators to remove violations from their software, and intercepted and blocked more than 9 billion spam messages, 1.42 billion fraudulent phone calls, and 1.51 billion fraudulent text messages. 发言人还表示,今年上半年工信部已指导188家应用程序开发者清除软件中的违规内容,拦截和屏蔽了垃圾信息超过90亿次,拦截涉诈电话14.2亿次和涉诈短信15.1亿条。 Zhao Zhiguo,**** MIIT Spokesperson 赵志国工信部新闻发言人总工程师 “下一步,工信部将细化标准规范,抓住应用商店、智能终端等关键环节,加强移动互联网应用全生命周期管理,技管结合,重点整治用户反映突出的欺骗误导下载、强制自动续费等痛点问题。推广"骚扰电话拒接"服务,强化电信网络诈骗一体化技防手段。” “As a next step, the MIIT will refine standards and focus on key issues such as app stores and smart terminals, strengthen management of the whole life cycle of online applications using a combination of technology and management, and focus on resolution of pain points such as deceptive and misleading downloads, mandatory automatic renewals and other issues that are frequently complained about by users. We will promote a ‘nuisance phone call rejection’ service and strengthen the integrated technical means of defense against telecommunication network fraud【欺诈】.” The officials also said that China will further accelerate the high-quality development of computing power, in order to promote the country’s digital economy and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. 工信部还表示,中国将进一步加快推动算力高质量发展,以推动国家的数字经济和传统产业的转型升级。 3.4 CHINESE NATIONALS KILLED IN VIETNAM TOUR BUS ACCIDENT 越南旅游巴士侧翻,4名中国游客不幸丧生 The Chinese Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City confirmed that a coach carrying 21 Chinese tourists rolled over in Vietnam’s central Khanh-Hoa province yesterday. Four people died. Upon receiving word of the accident, the consulate immediately, coordinated with the foreign affairs and local public security departments to carry-out rescue activities, and contacted the nearest Chinese companies to assist in the rescue and treatment efforts at the scene of the accident. The injured people were transferred to hospitals. Local police said they are investigatingthe cause of the accident. 中国驻胡志明市总领事馆在昨天(7/18)证实,一辆载有21名中国游客的旅游客车在越南中部庆和省发生侧翻事故,已造成4人死亡。总领馆方面接报后,立即启动应急机制,协调庆和省外事及公安等部门全力开展救援,并联系附近中资企业人员前往事发地及医院协助救援、救治,伤者已被立即送往当地医院进行治疗。当地警方表示正在对事故原因展开调查。 #热词加油站 resume/rɪˈzjuːm/****【恢复】 obstructio/əbˈstrʌkʃn/****【妨碍】 gauge/ɡeɪdʒ/标准fraud/frɔːd/****【欺诈】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~