cover of episode 07/20 TOP NEWS | 浦东机场货运满血恢复/熊爪咖啡“种子店”来了/羽生结弦宣布退役

07/20 TOP NEWS | 浦东机场货运满血恢复/熊爪咖啡“种子店”来了/羽生结弦宣布退役

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NEWS ON 07/19 1.CARGO VOLUME REBOUNDS AT PUDONG INT’L AIRPORT 浦东机场货运“满血恢复”回暖态势仍在持续) 2.CAFE WITH VISUALLY IMPAIRED BARISTAS OPENS IN LUJIAZUI **“常有爱!上海这对盲人兄弟当上了咖啡师 全新熊爪咖啡“种子店”来了 3.TWO-TIME OLYMPIC CHAMPION YUZURU HANYU RETIRES 告别竞技赛场 两届冬奥会男子单人滑冠军羽生结弦宣布退役 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CARGO VOLUME REBOUNDS AT PUDONG INT’L AIRPORT 浦东机场货运“满血恢复”回暖态势仍在持续 An average of 200 *cargo (货物)flights have taken off each day from Pudong International Airport so far this month. In June, more than 170 billion yuan in imports and exports passed through the airport, a 6.4% increase from the same period last year. Zhang Hong tells us more. 迈入7月,航空货运延续回暖态势,浦东国际机场日均货运航班达201架次。在上个月(6月),浦东机场海关监管进出口货物总值突破1700亿元,同比增长6.4%。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 These electronic devices arrived today at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. Customs clearance was completed within 8 hours due to a fast-track process. Less than 50% of goods remained at the airport’s freight depot. 一批自海外进口的电子设备,今天(7/19)运抵上海浦东机场,经由重点企业"绿色通道",从落地到海关放行,并提离浦东机场,前后不超过8小时。目前,浦东机场货站货物堆存已降至50%以下。 Di Zhanpeng, Head of the Control and Inspection of Pudong Airport Customs 邸战鹏 浦东机场海关物控查检一处查验一科科长 After a cargo flight arrives, goods will pass customs if there is no order to examine them. If we get the order, we’ll assign personnel there as soon as possible. Checks will be completed within 24 hours. 航班落地的第一时间,如果货物没有查验(指令),就可以直接放行了。如果有查验,我们可以安排第一时间安排加急查验,就是说基本上24个小时里面就可以完成(查验)了。 Outbound goods can also pass customs faster once they’ve been checked by a digital monitor. 出口商品正通过海关电子化检控判别设备,实现"秒"放。 Head of Business Logistics 跨境电商物流负责人 Our client in Japan can receive the products they bought online within two days of ordering.我们可以做到两天内,日本的客户就可以收到自己在各大平台订购的一个商品。 Customs also offered one-on-one consultation for companies with bio-medicine and semiconductor chips. 除了开设专窗,对于生物医药、半导体芯片等特殊加急货物,机场海关还实行 "一企一策"。 Gu Hongmei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Pudong Airport Customs 顾红梅 浦东机场海关党委书记、关长 The cargo volume at Pudong International Airport has picked up this month. Daily customs declarations reached an average of about 50,000, which is half of Shanghai Customs’ total. The figure is also an indication of the *resilience 【坚韧/韧性】and potential of Shanghai’s economy. We plan to roll out more measures to ensure a stable supply chain. 当前我们浦东机场的口岸,我们整个的外贸的数字,应该说是转红翻正。我们日均报关单量大概达到5万票左右,占到整个上海关区的一半。这个数据也是表明了我们上海的经济正在展现出强劲的韧劲和发展的潜力,同时我们还要推出更多稳链补链的亮点措施。 Last month, Pudong International Airport Customs handled about 260,000 tons of inbound and outbound goods, climbing almost 140% compared to April. And so far this month, cargo flights have increased 2.6 percent compared to the same period in June. 整个6月,浦东机场海关监管进出境货物25.94万吨,均较4月增长了近140%。到目前为止,本月(7月)的日均货运航班比6月同期进一步增加了2.6%。 2.CAFE WITH VISUALLY IMPAIRED BARISTAS OPENS IN LUJIAZUI **“常有爱!上海这对盲人兄弟当上了咖啡师 全新熊爪咖啡“种子店”来了 Cafe Hinichijou, popularly known as Bear Paw Cafe, has opened its first branch run by a *visually impaired 【视障的】 barista. Reporter Tang Xiaofan drops-by the cafe at Times Square in Lujiazui. Hinichijou咖啡店,也就是大家熟知的熊爪咖啡的首家“种子店”落地,由盲人担任咖啡师和店长。记者唐晓帆带你打卡这家坐落于浦东华润时代广场的咖啡店。 Visually impaired barista Yin Tianbao had never thought of making a cup of coffee himself, yet alone owning a cafe. 先天失明的殷天保从未考虑过亲手做一杯咖啡,如今却进驻了“种子店”并担任店长。 Yin Tianbao, Blind Barista at Bear Claw Coffee 殷天保 熊爪咖啡盲人咖啡师 I want to try something that the visually impaired have never tried. It’s a path that none had ever chosen. 我是想走一条从来没有人走过的路,其实这条路也没人去走。 The 23-year-old started training to be a barista last November. His twin brother Tianyou, who is also visually impaired, joined him after quitting his job as a telephone receptionist. After practicing latte art for two months, they were finally able to draw a heart in the latte foam. 2021年11月,23岁先天失明的殷天保来到熊爪咖啡总部,开始自己的咖啡师培训之旅。6月底,殷天保的双胞胎弟弟,同样先天失明的殷天佑在辞去电话接待员的工作后,也来到熊爪咖啡总部,成为了这家店的二号员工。在经历了无数次拉花练习后,他们已经能顺利地在咖啡上拉出一颗可爱的“千层心”。 Yin Tianbao, Cafe Owner 殷天保 店主 A latte is tricky because I never know if I did it right or not. I don’t know what pattern I have made. During training, I usually failed 9 times until I made one successfully. My colleagues always cheer me on and make me believe in myself. 难就难在我不知道什么是正确,我也不知道我拉花出来是什么图案,就按照这一套去练就可以了,十杯里面可能只有一杯是可以的,他们就跟我说没事,你相信你自己是可以。 After months of preparation, the twin brothers welcomed their first customers on July 16th in their cafe "Seed of Inspiration". They gave out 300 cups of coffee for free. 在经历了数月的高强度练习后,年轻的“保佑”兄弟于7月16日,以盲人咖啡师担任店长的首家“种子店”正式试营业,一颗代表着灵感的巨型橡果种子在华润时代广场“破洞发芽”。试营业期间,他们为“种子店”迎来的第一批顾客免费赠送了300杯咖啡。 Your Iced Americano is ready. Please stir before you drink it. 冰美式好了,喝的时候搅拌一下,口感会更好。 Customer 顾客 I am used to drinking coffee. But it’s the first time I’ve had one made by a visually impaired barista. It’s special. I will continue to support them. 平时我一直喝咖啡的,但今天第一次喝到盲人做的咖啡,感觉真的不一样,我一定会支持的。 The idea of having a cafe run by visually impaired individuals started last April, with more than 100 people involved in the project. Designed as an acorn, the cafe *symbolizes **【象征】*the resilience of the disabled. 由视障人士经营咖啡馆的想法始于去年4月,有100多人参与了这个项目。 咖啡馆设计成一棵橡树种子,象征着残障人士的坚韧。 The cafe is blind-friendly. The edges of the counter where they make the coffee are designed to help baristas navigate the cafe. The coffeemaker is semi-automatic and specially designed with different-shaped buttons. Each one has a different function. All the baristas need to do is to press a button to make a cup of coffee. 熊爪咖啡作为盲人就业的全新尝试,店里的咖啡机是为视障人士量身定制。操作台的边缘用木材、不锈钢、橡胶等材质分段包裹——不同材质对应了收银区、清洁区、出杯区等不同的操作空间。和普通咖啡机最大的不同,店里的半自动咖啡机设备设计了不同形状的按钮,按钮上的不同图形代表的是不同的需求按键,例如“正方形”按钮就代表两份浓缩,“圆形”是四倍浓缩,“心形”则代表热水。 Tian Tian, Co-founder of Bear Claw Cafe 天天 熊爪咖啡联合创始人 At first, our employees had their eyes covered to design the layout of the cafe. Then, we talked with Tianbao to add his ideas to the design. The twin brothers are owners and 10-percent shareholders in the cafe. We are helping them to start their own business. 我们是自己先蒙着眼睛在总部搭出一个店,做了两个月左右再请天保来以他的视角设计这家店。这家店天保和天佑在里面持有10%的股份,他们自己就是老板 我们也在帮他们创业。 The cafe is also equipped with a speech recognition system to help baristas check online orders. 除了熊爪咖啡为这间盲人咖啡馆积极护航保驾,为了方便盲人咖啡师便捷运营门店,该店还配备了智能语音识别系统,天保天佑可以通过“听”来掌握线上线下用户下单的支付情况。 Now I receive order S4075. It’s 22 yuan. I want to know what the order is. I click and learn it’s a cup of Iced Americano. Then I confirm the order. 比如我现在听到S4075展开一件商品,金额是22元,我要知道是什么,所以我点开,知道是冰美式,然后点接单确认。 Mao Fang, Vice President of Meituan 毛方 美团副总裁 We decided to develop this system after we discovered some stores run by visually impaired folks on Meituan App. The system was put into use last year in nearly 7,000 stores that hire employees with disabilities in Beijing and Shanghai. We want to help them operate the store independently. 我们发现线上有部分商户是视障人士开的店铺,于是这个系统从去年开始在北京和上海各大残障人士开的餐饮和生活服务类店铺推广。提高他们的效率咖啡本身就是视觉挑战非常大的品类,我们想帮助他们更好地独立经营。 According to the China Disabled Persons’ Federation, there are 85 million people with disabilities in the country, among which 8.8 million are employed. Bear Paw Cafe has 9 outlets in Shanghai and more than 70 percent of its employees are disabled. 据中国残联统计的数据显示,中国各类残疾人总数已达8500万,其中全国城乡持证残疾人就业人数为881.6万人。从永康路的第一家店,到如今试营业的种子店,熊爪咖啡馆在上海共有9间分店,其中超过70%的员工是残障人士。 3.TWO-TIME OLYMPIC CHAMPION YUZURU HANYU RETIRES 告别竞技赛场 两届冬奥会男子单人滑冠军羽生结弦宣布退役 Japan’s two-time Olympic figure skating champion Yuzu-ru Han-yu announced his decision to retire from competition at a press conference today. Lei Shuran has the story. 两届冬奥会花样滑冰冠军得主日本选手羽生结弦在今天(7/19)北京时间下午4点的新闻发布会上,正式宣布退役。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 Hanyu, 27, made the announcement at a televised news conference in Tokyo. 27岁的羽生结弦在东京举行记者会正式宣布告别竞技赛场。 Yuzuru Hanyu, Japanese Figure Skater 羽生结弦 日本花样滑冰运动员 Although I’m not *mature **【成熟的】 *enough, I’ve decided to continue my career as a professional exhibition skater. 虽然我还不是很成熟,我决定成为一名职业花滑表演选手,以这一身份继续从事花滑运动。 Hanyu began skating as a child in Sendai, he won his first Olympic gold at the Sochi games in 2014. Hanyu then became the first man in 66 years to defend his title at the 2018 Pyeongchang Games. At the Beijing games last winter, he failed in an attempt to be the first to land a *quadruple axel **【阿克塞尔四周跳】*in competition and finished fourth. 出身于日本宫城县仙台市,羽生结弦从小就在仙台开启了花滑的生涯。2014年,19岁的羽生结弦初出茅庐,就获得了索契冬奥会花样滑冰男子单人滑冠军,成为夺得该项目冬奥会冠军的亚洲第一人。四年后的平昌冬奥会,羽生结弦又卫冕成功,成为66年来第一位蝉联冬奥会男单冠军的花滑选手。在今年的北京冬奥会上,冒着受伤的巨大风险,羽生结弦再次挑战"阿克塞尔四周跳",可惜圈数不足并且落冰时摔倒,这个动作没有得到国际滑冰联合会的承认。羽生结弦也遗憾与自己的第三枚奥运奖牌擦肩而过。 Yuzuru Hanyu, Japanese Figure Skater 羽生结弦 日本花样滑冰运动员 I am going to be better and I will work hard in my performances in a way that will makes you think it is worth seeing, including striving to achieve the quadruple axel. 我还会继续包括"阿克塞尔四周跳"在内的挑战,会为达到更高水平而努力。 Hanyu has little left to prove. He has been the world’s most watched skater for a decade and a standard for excellence in the sport. 羽生结弦在滑冰事业的伟大成就众人皆知,十年来,他一直是全世界最受关注的花滑运动员,为该项体育项目设立了卓越的行业标准。 **#热词加油站 *Cargo  [ˈ*ː**ɡ*əʊ*]*【货物】* Resilience [rɪˈ*z*ɪ*l**ɪə*ns*]**【坚韧/韧性】 *Visually Impaired [ɪm*ˈpɛːd] 【视障的】 *Symbolize [ˈs*ɪmbəlʌɪz]【象征】 Mature [məˈtʃʊə****]【成熟的】 Quadruple Axel 【阿克塞尔四周跳】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放精品大咖访谈 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~