NEWS ON 07/19 1.CHINA REACHES 5 BLN DOSES IN CORONAVIRUS VACCINE CAPACITY 宝宝们也能打新冠疫苗!我国新冠疫苗年产能达50亿剂 2.HERBAL POWER TO THE RESCUE FOR SUMMER HEAT 冬病夏治,法国洋中医给你把把脉 *3.2020 TOKYO OLYMPICS IS UNDER PREPARATION 直面新冠疫情挑战,东京奥运大幕即将拉开! -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. CHINA REACHES 5 BLN DOSES IN CORONAVIRUS VACCINE CAPACITY宝宝们也能打新冠疫苗!我国新冠疫苗年产能达50亿剂* China officially granted emergency use approval for the inactivated coronavirus vaccinedeveloped by Sinopharm for people aged 3 to 17. The company said that the vaccine【疫苗】 has completed clinical trials for phases one and two in Henan Province and which no serious adverse reactions were reported. 国药集团中国生物北京生物制品研究所新冠病毒灭活疫苗获批在3-17岁人群中紧急使用。目前,国药集团中国生物新冠疫苗3-17岁年龄组已经在河南完成I/II期临床试验,接种后安全性良好,未见严重不良反应。 An immune【免疫】 bridge study was initiated in the UAE in June, aiming to monitor the immune response to the vaccine in 900 children of different nationalities. 今年6月,该疫苗的免疫桥接临床试验在阿联酋启动,评估900名3-17岁不同国籍的健康人群疫苗接种后的免疫原性和安全性。 Meanwhile, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology says as of July, China’s annual production capacity for coronavirus vaccines is on track to reach 5 billion doses. 工信部16日表示,截至目前,我国新冠疫苗年产能已达到50亿剂。 **2.**HERBAL POWER TO THE RESCUE FOR SUMMER HEAT 冬病夏治,法国洋中医给你把把脉 TCM hospitals are preparing summer treatments for chronic【慢性的,长期的】 illnesses that worsen in winter as "sanfu" has begun. This 30-day period is known to bring the year’s hottest weather, so reporter Sun Siqi tagged along with a French student studying TCM to experience hands-on learning. 随着“三伏天”的开始,中医医院正在为那些在冬季会加剧的慢性病准备着夏季治疗。在这30天内,一年中最热的天气即将到来,因此记者Sun Siqi跟随一名学西中医的法国学生一起前去体验学习。 **Sun Siqi, **ICS reporter *孙思奇,ICS记者* Bonjour, Thomas. 你好,Thomas。 **Thomas Marie, **second-year student, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine **Thomas Marie, **上海中医药大学,二年级生 Bonjour. 你好。 **Sun Siqi, ICS reporter *孙思奇,ICS记者* Are you ready for the lesson on summer treatment for winter illness? 你准备好开始“冬病夏治”的课程了吗? Thomas Marie,**second-year student, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine **Thomas Marie, 上海中医药大学,二年级生 Yes, of course, let’s get on to it. 是的,当然了。让我们开始吧。 Sun Siqi,ICS reporter *孙思奇,ICS记者* Alright. 好的。 Step one, the pulse and tongue diagnosis. I arrived with phlegm and chronic pharyngitis, or a throat infection. Thomas Marie, a second-year undergrad at Shanghai University of TCM, puts what he learned to use. 第一步,脉诊和舌诊。我感觉自己有痰,可能是慢性咽炎,或是喉咙感染。上海中医药大学二年级学生Thomas Marie,在我这个病例上学以致用了。 Thomas Marie,**second-year student, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine **Thomas Marie, 上海中医药大学,二年级生 On your tongue, we can see that it’s slightly red, you have red dots on your tongue, which is usually too much fire in the body. But what’s most important is the coating – the coating of your tongue reveals there’s actually some kind of dampness. If the coating was more yellow, it would have a tendency to be damp heat. But here, white means it turns more towards damp cold. 我们可以看到你的舌头有点发红,上面有红点,这通常是因为体内有太多火气。但是最重要的是舌苔——它反映了你体内湿气的情况。如果舌苔黄,则可能湿热。但在这里舌苔发白意味着可能是寒湿。 The pulse, or mai, is read based on its strength and shape as the pulse passes through. A slippery【滑的】 pulse indicates dampness, a wiry one signals stress. Another 26 pulse characteristics have been recorded in TCM texts. 脉搏,或者脉,把脉是要观察脉搏的形象与动态。滑脉表示有湿气,细脉表示有压力。包括这两种在内,中医文献主要记载有28种脉象。 Sun Siqi,ICS reporter *孙思奇,ICS记者* Today, the diagnosis is that it is both weak and slippery, what does that mean? 今天的诊断结果是脉搏又弱又滑,这意味着什么? Thomas Marie,**second-year student, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine **Thomas Marie, 上海中医药大学,二年级生 It goes along with what your tongue is showing. The slippery pulse indicates dampness in the body. The weak is like diminution of either qi or blood. And the fact is that the dampness tends to block the qi, so that’s why your pulse becomes weak and slippery at the same time. 它与你的舌头所显示的状况是一致的。滑脉表明体内有湿气。弱脉像是气血不足。实际上湿气会导致阳气阻滞,所以这就是为什么你的脉搏同时又弱又滑。 Based on his diagnosis, a paste with herbs including perilla【紫苏】, cinnamon【桂皮】 and tatarian aster【紫菀】 is prescribed. The deeply fragrant paste is placed on the dazhui and feishu nerve points, then heated up. The summer treatment department is packed with regular patients who come for winter illness remedies. 根据他的诊断,他开了一种含有紫苏、桂皮和紫菀等药材的药膏。这种药膏挺香的,可以敷在大椎、肺俞穴上,然后加热。夏季治疗部门挤满了前来治疗冬季疾病的常客。 Zhu Qiaoyun,Patient 患者 I’ve had asthma since I was small. Every time I catch a cold, I feel like I can’t breathe. The first summer I came, there was improvement. This is the fourth summer I’ve done it now. 我从小就有哮喘,每次感冒就会觉得好像喘不过气一样。在我来的第一个夏天,情况就有所改善了。现在这是我来的第四个夏天了。 Wang Zhenwei,deputy director, Respiratory department, Yueyang Hospital 王振伟, 岳阳中西医结合医院, 呼吸科,副主任医师 In the respiratory department, patients with chronic coughs, bronchitis and obstructive pulmonary disease benefit from the summer treatment. People with recurring frost bite, arthritis and other conditions that worsen when it is wet and cold can also improve. In any case, a doctor will have to diagnose which organ your damp cold is trapped in. 在呼吸科,慢性咳嗽、支气管炎和阻塞性肺病患者受益于夏季治疗。受反复性冻伤、关节炎和其在他湿冷天气下病情恶化的顽疾患者,病情也可以得到改善。不论如何,医生一定要诊断出是哪个器官出现寒湿现象。 Thomas Marie,**second-year student, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine **Thomas Marie, 上海中医药大学,二年级生 So here’s the paste treatment. You could also have moxibustion treatment. The moxibustion treatment would be all along the du meridian【经脉】 and the other meridian just next to it. 这是膏药疗法。你也可以尝试艾灸疗法。艾灸疗法会沿着督脉和其他邻近的经脉来进行。 Sun Siqi,ICS reporter *孙思奇,ICS记者* Is it the idea that you’re using summer’s heat to drive out the coldness and dampness that can get worse in winter? 其中的原理是不是利用夏季的热气来驱散冬季可能会恶化的寒气和湿气? Thomas Marie,**second-year student, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine **Thomas Marie, 上海中医药大学,二年级生 The main point is that summer is the point where yang is at its peak. So it’s the best moment to improve the yang of your body because you know your yang wouldn’t be specially attacked and get down. 关键在于夏季是阳气最盛的时期。因为你知道的,此时你的阳气不会受损而减弱,所以这是增强你身体中阳气的最佳时机。 Sun Siqi,**ICS reporter *孙思奇,ICS记者* It was a really relaxing 20 minutes, and the idea is that you do the treatment every other day during the 30-day period with the year’s worst heat. 这是非常放松的20分钟。通常医生会推荐,在一年中最热的30天里,每隔一天做一次治疗。 To make the most of summer treatments, stay clear of icy drinks, stay away from overly air-conditioned rooms, and avoid taking cold showers and exercise regularly. 为了充分发挥夏季治疗的效果,要远离冰镇饮料、远离空调过强的房间,还要避免洗冷水澡,并定期锻炼。 **3.**2020 TOKYO OLYMPICS IS UNDER PREPARATION 直面新冠疫情挑战,东京奥运大幕即将拉开! Preparations are underway as the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are set to open next week. Mobile broadcast vans from China were seen on the streets of Tokyo, attracting a lot of attentions. 2020东京奥运会将于下周开幕,筹备工作正在进行之中。来自中国的移动广播车也出现在了东京街头,引起了广泛的关注。 The China Media Group and Shanghai Media Group mobile broadcast vans are in Tokyo, ready to report on the Olympics Games. The vans attracted a lot of attention and went viral online. 中央广播电视台和上海广播电视台的移动转播车现在正在东京,准备报道奥运会。这些转播车引起了广泛关注,其影响在网络上被疯转。 INTERVIEW: Japanese Citizen 日本市民 I came all the way from Osaka to take photos of the Olympic Rings. I am looking forward to the Olympics and I really love to watch the China women’s volleyball team. 我是特意从大阪一路赶来拍摄奥运五环的纪念照的。我很期待奥运会,而且我真的很爱看中国女排的比赛。 INTERVIEW: Japanese Citizen 日本市民 I bought a handball ticket, but I can’t go to watch the game now. It’s a shame. I wasn’t able to be a volunteer either. I have no choice but to stay at home and watch the live broadcast. 我买到了一张手球比赛的票,但我现在去不成了。真是太可惜了。我也没有当成志愿者。所以我别无选择,只能呆在家里看直播。 The Tokyo Olympic games are facing great challenges as over 1,000 new coronavirus cases have been reported per day for the past 3 days. 东京都已连续3天日增确诊超过1000例,这使得东京奥运会面临巨大的挑战。 In Shizuoka Prefecture, eight staff at a hotel hosting Brazil’s Olympic judo team tested positive for coronavirus. Local officials said the nucleic acid test was conducted before the arrival of the athletes and the staff haven’t been in contact with them. 在日本静冈县,一家负责接待巴西奥运柔道队的酒店里的八名工作人员被检测出了新冠阳性。当地官员称,核酸检测是在运动员抵达之前进行的,而工作人员并没有与他们接触。 The Japanese government and Tokyo Olympics Committee have decided to allow athletes who are close contacts of a confirmed patient to compete, as long as they have a negative nucleic acid test result within 6 hours of competing. 日本政府和东京奥组委已经决定,只要运动员在参赛前6小时内的核酸检测结果为阴性,即使先前与新冠确诊患者有过密切接触,也可以参加比赛。 In South Korea, swimming star Park Tae-Hwan will not be attending the games as he has reportedly tested positive for coronavirus. The 31-year-old swimmer won the first gold medal for South Korea for swimming at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. 韩国的游泳名将朴泰桓确认不会参加奥运会。据报道,他的新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性。这位31岁的游泳运动员曾在2008年北京奥运会上为韩国赢得了首枚游泳项目的金牌。 **#**热词加油站 immune【免疫】 vaccine【疫苗】 chronic【慢性的,长期的】 slippery【滑的】 meridian【子午线,经线,经脉】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~