cover of episode 07/19 TOP NEWS | 习近平会见菲律宾前总统/中国花游队获首金/国产动画点燃“唐诗热”

07/19 TOP NEWS | 习近平会见菲律宾前总统/中国花游队获首金/国产动画点燃“唐诗热”

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NEWS ON 0**7/18 *1.XI MEETS FORMER PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT 习近平会见菲律宾前总统杜特尔特 2.CHINA WINS TEAM ACROBATIC TITLEAT SWIMMING WORLDS* 福冈游泳世锦赛:中国花游队收获首金 3.ANIMATED MOVIE BREATHES NEW LIFE INTO TANG DYNASTY POETS 国产动画电影《长安三万里》点燃中国唐诗热”** ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.XI MEETS FORMER PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT 习近平会见菲律宾前总统杜特尔特 President Xi Jinping met former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte yesterday at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Xi said that while being president of the Philippines, Duterte made a strategic choice of improving relations with China, with an attitude of being responsible to the people and history. China-Philippines relations were able to return to the right track and prosper, a demonstration of the important contributions Duterte made to friendly exchanges between the two countries. Noting that China and the Philippines are both developing countries in Asia, Xi said China always attaches importance to relations between the two and is willing to work with the Philippines to promote long-term development. Xi also expressed hope that Duterte will continue to play an important role in the friendly cooperation between the two countries. 国家主席习近平昨天(07/17)在北京钓鱼台国宾馆会见菲律宾前总统杜特尔特。习近平指出,杜特尔特担任菲律宾总统期间,本着对人民负责、对历史负责的态度,毅然作出改善对华关系的战略选择,中菲关系得以重回正轨并蓬勃发展,为两国友好交往作出重要贡献。中菲同为亚洲发展中国家,中方始终重视中菲关系,愿同菲方一道,推动中菲关系行稳致远。希望杜特尔特继续为两国友好合作发挥重要作用。 Senior diplomat外交官 Wang Yi also met with John Kerry in Beijing today. Wang said China stands ready to strengthen communication with the United States to jointly tackle climate change, urging the United States to adopt a China policy that is reasonable, prag'matic and positive. He also said the United States should continue to follow the one-China principle, deal with the Taiwan question properly and practice mutual respect, peaceful co-existence and win-win co-operation with China. 中央外办主任王毅今天(07/18)在北京与美国总统气候问题特使约翰·克里举行会谈。王毅表示中方愿同美方加强对话沟通,共同应对气候变化。希望美方奉行理性、务实、积极的对华政策,继续坚持一个中国原则,妥善处理台湾问题,同中方共同践行相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢的相处之道。 Kerry said the Biden administration attaches importance to stabilizing ties with China, and hopes to work with it to further improve relations. He said the US always follows the one-China policy. 克里表示,拜登政府重视稳定美中关系,希望同中方共同努力,推动两国关系进一步改善。美方始终坚持一个中国政策。 2.CHINA WINS TEAM ACROBATIC TITLE****AT SWIMMING WORLDS 福冈游泳世锦赛:中国花游队收获首金 China won the inaugural team acrobatic title in artistic swimming at the World Aquatics Championships last night in Fukuoka, Japan. Consisting of one man and seven women, China won with 238 points for the gold medal, followed by the United States and Japan. 昨晚(07/18),在日本福冈举行的世界游泳锦标赛上,中国花游队收获首金。中国队由1男7女组成,最终以238分夺得金牌,美国队和日本队分获银牌、铜牌。 The inclusion of a man one each team in the acrobatic competition has long been a topic of discussion. The Fukuoka World Championships has become a milestone and proved a success with men competing after the International Olympic Committee announced last year that Paris 2024 will mark the first time in history that men can compete in the team artistic swimming event. In the men's 10-meter synchronized diving, Yang Hao and Lian Junjie won gold for China, while Chen Yiwen and Chang Yani won the women's 3-meter synchronized diving. China swept all 13 gold medals in last year's Budapest worlds, and is on track to repeat that result this year. 在花样游泳项目中,每支队伍派一名男子参赛一直是人们热议的话题。国际奥委会去年宣布,2024年巴黎奥运会,男子将首次被允许参加花游团体比赛。因此,本次男子的成功参赛使本届世锦赛具有了特殊的意义。在跳水男子双人10米台决赛中,中国组合杨昊和练俊杰为中国队夺得金牌,陈艺文和昌雅妮则在女子双人3米板决赛中夺冠。在去年的布达佩斯世锦赛上,中国队包揽了全部13枚金牌,今年有望再创佳绩。 3.ANIMATED MOVIE BREATHES NEW LIFE INTO TANG DYNASTY POETS 国产动画电影《长安三万里》点燃中国唐诗热 A domestic animated movie called "Chang'an" has generated a surge of interest in Chinese poetry and discussions about the poets of the Tang Dynasty depicted描绘 in the movie. Lei Shuran has more. 国产动画电影《长安》激发了人们对中国传统诗词的兴趣,以及对电影中描绘的唐朝诗人的讨论。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 A movie theater in downtown Shanghai was packed over the weekend. Many of the people there said they came for the animated film "Chang'an." 周末(07/16),上海市中心的一家电影院座无虚席。许多观众表示他们是冲着动画电影《长安》来的。 A****udience 观众 “首先是因为动漫嘛,而且我比较喜欢蛮有诗意的电影,主要它的绘画和它表现的渲染力我很喜欢。” “I chose this movie because I'm an anime fan and like to watch movies with a poetic ambiance氛围. The artistic technique and the emotions conveyed in this movie are very appealing to me as well.” The film begins with the recollections of a Chinese poet named Gao Shi, featuring some of the most renowned poets and artists of the Tang Dynasty including Du Fu and Wang Wei. It showcases the busy streets of ancient Chang'an, the vibrant and prosperous city of Yangzhou, as well as the harsh and snowy borderlands of Northwestern China. 影片以对著名诗人高适的回忆开始,同时介绍了包括杜甫和王维在内的著名唐代诗人和艺术家,并展现了古长安的繁华街道、扬州的热闹繁华以及中国西北边陲的严寒雪域。 A****udience 观众 “真的非常震撼,而且那个画面,大鹏一日同风起,我感觉那段画面是相当炸裂。” “It's amazing. When the scene showcases Li Bai's line from his poem, "If once together with the wind the roc could rise," I can feel that the scene is so impressive.” Some people said that watching the 168-minute movie is just like taking a Chinese lesson in school. For children, they are excited when some of the most iconic figures in their textbooks are brought to life in the movie. Many children recited the poetry along with the characters. 有些观众表示,观看这部168分钟的电影就像在学校上了一堂语文课。对孩子们来说,当课本上的经典人物栩栩如生地出现在电影中时,他们非常激动。许多孩子跟随影片中的人物一起背诵诗歌。 Kid 小朋友 “两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。通过观看影片,我更能理解诗人所营造的情感。” "From both sides of the gorge峡谷 come incessant howling of gibbons and monkeys, my skiff cleaves the white water, leaving behind thousands of mountain peaks." I can better understand the emotion created by the poet by watching the film.” Yu Zhou Producer of Chang'an 于洲 电影《长安三万里》监制 “大多数观众虽然从小背唐诗、知道这些诗人们的名字,但他们的故事并不了解。我们也想通过这部作品,能够让更多观众,特别是年轻人、小朋友,更加激发他们对于中国优秀传统文化的兴趣。” “For most of the audience, although the names of the poets are familiar because they've been reciting these poems since childhood, they don't know much about their stories. We hope that more audiences, especially children, will develop a deeper curiosity about Chinese traditional culture.” The movie exceeded 700 million yuan at the box office as of Monday. 截至周一(07/17),该片票房已突破7亿元。 #热词加油站 diplomat/ˈdɪpləmæt/【外交官】 depict/dɪˈpɪkt/【描绘】 ambiance/ˈæmbiəns/【氛围】 gorge/ɡɔːrdʒ/【峡谷】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~