NEWS ON 07/1****8 1.WENTIAN LAB MODULE BEING PREPPED FOR LAUNCH 问天实验舱即将发射 2.GREEK EXHIBITION OPENS AT SHANGHAI MUSEUM 上博恢复开放后首个国际艺术展“海洋文明与希腊艺术”特展今开幕 3.RECORD TEMPERATURES IN U.K. WILDFIRES CONTINUE IN EUROPE 欧洲多国迎高温“烤”验 或刷新高温纪录 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.WENTIAN LAB MODULE BEING PREPPED FOR LAUNCH 问天实验舱即将发射 A Long March-5B Y3 rocket has been transported to the launchpad at the launchsite in Hainan Province today. It will send the Wentian lab module【模块】 to the country’s space station in the coming days. Song Wenjing has more. 今日(7/18),问天实验舱与长征五号B遥三运载火箭组合体已垂直转运至海南发射区,计划近日择机发射。记者宋雯婧带来更多详细报道。 The Wentian lab module measures 17.9 meters in length and weighs more than 23 tons. Pre-launch checks and tests will be done over the next few days at the launch site. 问天实验舱长17.9米,重量超过 23 吨。后续将按计划开展发射前的各项功能检查和联合测试等工作。 M****ao W**anbiao, Deputy Director** Xichang Spacecraft Launch Center 毛万标 西昌卫星发射中心副主任 We need to make sure the Wentian space station lab module and the carrier rocket are in good condition. Second, we will switch the carrier rocket from test mode to fuel filling mode. The last thing, which is the most crucial part, is to refuel and launch. 首先,我们需要确保问天实验舱各系统,以及我们运载火箭地面系统处于一个良好的状态。其次,我们要帮运载火箭,从以前的测试状态转移到加注状态。最后,也是最关键的内容,那就是加注发射。 Cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-3 separated from the space station yesterday after completing its mission. It’s in good condition and will re-enter the atmosphere in the future. The lab module will dock【对接】 at the same port where Tianzhou-3 connected to the station.Another lab module known as Mengtian is expected to be launched in October. The space station will be complete once it is attached. 昨日(7.17),天舟三号货运飞船完成全部既定任务,撤离空间站组合体。目前天舟三号状况良好,后续将在地面控制下择机再入大气层。天舟三号撤离前停靠的,是对接舱前向的对接口,这也是后续问天实验舱发射以后要对接的对接口。此外,梦天实验舱已完成正样热试验,将于10月发射。很快,备受世界瞩目的“天宫”空间站“完整体”就可以展现在眼前了。 2.GREEK EXHIBITION OPENS AT SHANGHAI MUSEUM 上博恢复开放后首个国际艺术展“海洋文明与希腊艺术”特展今开幕 An exhibition titled "The Sea in Greek Art from Antiquity until Today" opened at Shanghai Museum. Its part of celebrations for the 50th anniversary of China-Greece diplomatic relations. Sun Siqi has more. 今年是中希建交五十周年,作为"中国希腊文化和旅游年"活动框架中的重要活动,"塔拉萨:海洋文明与希腊艺术"特展,今天在上海博物馆开幕。记者孙思奇为您带来更多报道。 Originally, 12 ancient artifacts【文物】 were scheduled to be showcased at the exhibition, but five of them were not sent due to a combination of Shanghai’s pandemic restrictions and Greece’s rules on relics. But exhibition organizers found a workaround using projection technology. The pieces being projected include "Youth Riding a Dolphin" and "The Statuette of Poseidon", the Greek god of the sea. 展览原本将呈现12件古希腊文物,但考虑到文物安全,12件希腊古代文物按当地法律不能采取疫情期间这种特殊的运输方式,所以很遗憾无法如约来到上海。为此,其中 5件文物通过全息投影技术呈现,包括雅典卫城博物馆所藏青铜雕像《骑海豚的青年》、雅典国家考古博物馆所藏青铜雕像《波塞冬像》等。 Vasileios K****oniakos T**he Consul GeneralofGreeceinShanghai** 希腊驻沪总领事孔尼舸 I think this is the fact that the restrictions because of the pandemic. We have very strict rules in Greece regarding the ancient relics【文物】, so they can only travel accompanied. So since this was not possible, we had to work around this problem, and we figured out that the 3D holographic of high definition would a good solution. 希腊国家文物有非常严格的海外展出要求,必须要有人员押运。而且这些展品来自不同地区,因此在疫情之下,人员交流变得非常困难。但用了3D影像技术,我觉得是非常好的解决方案。 Contemporary exhibits include the oil painting "Siren-Odysseus". Inspired by a vase from The British Museum, the painting combines Greek history with mythology. 此外,展览还带来了34组当代希腊艺术作品。这件油画作品《塞壬奥德修斯》灵感来自大英博物馆馆藏的古希腊陶瓶上的瓶绘。这幅作品表现了希腊文化与历史的相互影响。 ZhengLingyun SHM****useum 上海博物馆展览部 郑灵云 This painting is another illustration【说明】 of Greek literature. It originated from "Odyssey", one of Homer’s epic poems. 这幅画是希腊现当代艺术家对古希腊文学的致敬和重新诠释。故事取材于《荷马史诗》奥德赛中非常有名的故事。 A number of photographs, videos, and porcelain are also on display. "The Sea in Greek Art from Antiquity Until Today" is the first international exhibition being featured at Shanghai Museum since it reopened on July 1st. It’ll run until October 9th. 此外,摄影、视频、陶瓷等不同媒介作品,也在展览中精彩呈现。“海洋文明与希腊艺术”特展也是上海博物馆自7月1日恢复开放后的首个国际合作展览。该展览将持续至10月9日。 3.RECORD TEMPERATURES IN U.K. WILDFIRES CONTINUE IN EUROPE 欧洲多国迎高温“烤”验 或刷新高温纪录 Britain issued its first-ever Red Extreme Heat Warning recently. According to the U.K. Met Office, the country’s weather service, the red warning will last until at least tomorrow. Stephen Rancourt has more. 英国气象部门15日发布了有史以来第一个极端高温红色预警。“红色极端高温国家恶劣天气警告”将从周一持续至周二(7/18-7/19)。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多详细报道。 People flocked to the British coastal town of Bournemouth yesterday to enjoy the sunshine, as the country braced【防备】 for the hottest day on record. The beach was packed with sunbathers, and people played the water ahead of today’s predicted record high temperatures.The UK government warned that a red extreme heat warning is defined as a national emergency. At this level, illness and death may occur among the fit and healthy, and not just in high-risk groups. 昨日(7.17),英国迎来了有史以来最热的一天,大量游客涌向英国海滨城市伯恩茅斯享受阳光。海滩上挤满了享受日光浴,玩水嬉戏的人群。英国政府警告称,极端高温红色预警将使国家进入紧急状态。不仅高危人群,即使是身体十分健康的人,也可能引发相应的疾病甚至死亡。 DominicRaab D**eputy Prime Minister 拉布 英国副首相 People want to be outside in the sun in mid-days when that’s happening, but also enjoy the cooler periods. 我知道很多人中午想在室外晒晒太阳,但还是等气温低一点再去吧。 On the continent, firefighters battled wildfires as many regions of Europe are experiencing and extremely intense heat wave.Spain, has has been hit with over 250 wildfires so far this summer, which have burned over 90,000 hectares of land, already surpassing【超过】 fire losses reported in 2021.Eighteen helicopters and planes yesterday battled a wildfire in Malaga, a region in southern Spain that is popular with tourists from Britain and northern European countries. 欧洲大部分地区眼下都被高温炙烤,消防员正在扑灭高温引发的森林大火。今年夏天到目前为止,西班牙已发生250 多起野火,烧毁了 9 万多公顷的土地,目前已经超过 2021 年的火灾损失。16日,在西班牙南部,深受英国和北欧国家游客欢迎的旅游城市马拉加,200 名消防员在 18 架飞机的协助下扑灭了一场野火。 L****ocal Resident 当地居民 So all of our valuables are packed up and in the van, ready to evacuate【撤离】** at a moment’s notice. 我所有的贵重物品都装在货车里。随时准备着一接到通知就撤离。 One of the worst hit countries in Europe in Portugal, last Friday the country suffered it’s first fatality of this year’s fire season, a pilot of firefighting aircraft was killed in a crash while on an operation in the northeast of the country.And in France, two huge blazes, which have been consuming pine forests in southwestern parts of the country for six days, have forced the evacuation of over 16,000 people. 葡萄牙是欧洲受灾最严重的国家之一。周五,一架消防飞机的飞行员在东北部行动时坠毁,当时他死于葡萄牙。这是今年迄今为止葡萄牙首例火灾死亡病例。在法国,两处大火吞噬了西南部的松树林,烧了整整六天,迫使 16000 多人撤离。 #热词加油站 module [ˈmɒdjuːl]【模块】 dock [dɒk]****【对接】 artifacts [ˈɑːtɪˌfækts]****【文物】 relics [ˈrɛlɪks]****【文物】 illustration [ˌɪləˈstreɪʃn] ****【说明】 braced [breɪst] ****【防备】 surpassing [səˈpɑːsɪŋt] ****【超过】 evacuate [ɪˈvækjueɪt] ****【撤离】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~