cover of episode 07/18 TOP NEWS | 台风“泰利”来袭/中国女排首获世联赛亚军/中美气候特使在京会谈

07/18 TOP NEWS | 台风“泰利”来袭/中国女排首获世联赛亚军/中美气候特使在京会谈

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NEWS ON 0**7/17 *1.CHINA MAINTAINS ORANGE WARNINGIN THE SOUTH FOR TYPHOON TALIM* 台风“泰利”来袭:中央气象台持续发布台风橙色预警 2.CHINA FINISHES SECOND IN FIVB WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL NATIONS LEAGUE 中国女排首次获世联赛亚军 3.CHINESE AND AMERICAN CLIMATE ENVOYS HOLD TALKS IN BEIJING 中美气候特使在北京举行会谈 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.CHINA MAINTAINS ORANGE WARNINGIN THE SOUTH FOR TYPHOON TALIM* 台风“泰利”来袭:中央气象台持续发布台风橙色预警 Typhoon Talim, the fourth of this year, is expected to make landfall in coastal areas between Guangdong and Hainan tonight, and will bring strong winds and heavy rain to coastal regions in southern China. Zhang Hong has the story. 今年第4号台风“泰利”预计今晚(07/17)在广东到海南一带沿海登陆,并逐渐逼近我国东南沿海,带来强风暴雨。记者张泓带来详细报道。 The National Meteorological Center is maintaining its orange warning, the second-highest level, for Typhoon Talim, while the China Meteorological Administration decided to to raise its emergency response for typhoons to Level III. 针对台风“泰利”,中央气象台今早(07/17)继续发布台风橙色预警,同时发布暴雨黄色预警;中国气象局将台风应急响应提升至三级。 At 4 p.m. today, Typhoon Talim was centered over the South China Sea about 150 kilometers southeast of Zhanjiang City in Guangdong Province. It is forecast to move west-northwest at about 20 to 25 kilometers per hour towards the Leizhou peninsula【半岛】 in southwest Guangdong. The storm will make landfall tonight. 今天(07/17)下午4点,台风“泰利”的中心位于广东湛江东偏南方向约125公里的海面上。预计,“泰利”将以每小时15到20公里的速度向西偏北方向移动,并于今晚在广东西南部的雷州半岛一带沿海登陆。 As the typhoon nears, all departments in Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan have taken an emergency response posture and made preparations to mitigate【减轻】 potential damages. 随着台风的临近,广东、广西和海南等地各部门已进入应急响应状态,做好应对准备以减轻可能造成的损失。 Shenzhen has also closed seaside parks, tourist destinations, and beaches, halted【停止】 all offshore and high-altitude operations, and transferred personnel working on offshore construction projects to safe areas. 深圳也已关闭海滨公园、旅游景点和海滩,停止所有海上和高空作业,并将海上施工项目人员转移到安全区域。 Huang Ziying Shenzhen Flood Control, Drought Relief HQ 黄子英 深圳市防汛防旱防风指挥部办公室工作人员 “三防办组织了全市4.1万三防责任人,按照临灾排险八个‘再查一遍’的要求,开展对重点防护对象、水库、河道这些进行排查检查。(全市)11个滨海景区和滨海浴场全部关闭,总计有1651艘渔船已经全部回港避风。” "We have arranged for 41,000 people to carry out inspections and checks on key reservoirs and rivers. The city's 11 coastal scenic spots, and swimming areas in Shenzhen have been closed. 1,651 fishing boats have returned to harbor to avoid the storm." Shanghai was mostly sunny during the day today, with a high of just over 33 degrees. The local weather office said similar conditions are expected for two more days, with a good chance of a return to showers later in the week. 上海今天(07/17)白天大部分时间阳光明媚,最高气温略高于33度。当地气象局表示,预计类似天气还将持续两天,本周晚些时候很有可能再次出现阵雨。 2.CHINA FINISHES SECOND IN FIVB WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL NATIONS LEAGUE 中国女排首次获世联赛亚军 Team China finished second at FIVB Women's Volleyball Nations League competition after losing to Turkey 3-1 on Sunday. This was the best showing for the Chineseteamat this event. Tang Xiaofanhasus more. 在周日(07/16)的2023世界女排联赛的冠亚争夺战中,中国队1比3不敌土耳其队,获得亚军。尽管未能夺冠稍显遗憾,但中国女排已经创造了征战这一赛事的历史最好成绩。记者唐晓帆带来更多报道。 Turkey won the final match 25-22, 22-25, 25-19, and 25-16, with Melissa Vargas scoring 26 points for Turkey. Li Yingying scored 21 points for the Chinese team. 决赛中,土耳其队以25-22、22-25、25-19、25-16获胜,梅丽莎•瓦尔加斯为土耳其队拿下26分,李盈莹为中国队拿下21分。 This was the first time that China entered the Volleyball Nations League final. They won the spot after defeating Brazil 3-1 in the quarterfinals, and Poland 3-0 in the semifinals【半决赛】. 这是中国队首次晋级世界女排联赛决赛。女排姑娘们在四分之一决赛中以3比1击败巴西队,半决赛中以3比0击败波兰队,晋级决赛。 Cai Bin, Head Coach China Women's National Volleyball Team 蔡斌 中国女排主教练 “我觉得我们还是一步一个脚印去做,因为一支队伍要成熟,可能会有起伏,这些都正常。我们还要努力,在世界联赛15场球整个过程当中有好有坏,每一场的胜利,或者没有打好,对于我们来讲都是宝贵的财富。” "I think we should work step by step to achieve success. It's normal for a team to experience ups and downs before maturing. We still need to work harder. We had both good and poor performances during the 15 matches. It doesn't matter if we won or lost the game, they were valuable treasures for us." The Chinese women's volleyball squad's next task is to prepare for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022, followed by the qualification matches for the Paris 2024 Olympics. 接下来,中国女排将备战2022年第19届杭州亚运会和2024年巴黎奥运会资格赛。 3.**CHINESE AND AMERICAN CLIMATE ENVOYS HOLD TALKS IN BEIJING 中美气候特使在北京举行会谈 The United States' climate envoy John Kerry arrived at the Beijing Hotel in the Chinese capital today for talks with his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua. 美国总统气候问题特使约翰•克里今天(07/17)抵达北京饭店,与中国气候变化事务特使解振华举行会谈。 Talks between Xie and Kerry lasted about four hours. Mao Ning, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said today that climate change is a common challenge faced by all mankind. China will implement the spirit of the Bali meeting between the two heads of state, and have an in-depth exchange of views with the US side on climate change issues to join hands in addressing the challenges to enhance the well-being of present and future generations. Kerry's visit also comes at a time when heat waves are sweeping the Northern Hemisphere, which scientists have associated with climate change. The US State Department said that Kerry aims to engage with China on addressing the climate crisis. 会谈持续了4个多小时。中国外交部发言人毛宁今天(07/17)表示,气候变化是全人类面临的共同挑战。中方将落实中美两国元首巴厘岛会晤精神,同美方就气候变化的相关议题深入交换意见,携手应对挑战,增进当代和子孙后代的福祉。克里此访正值热浪席卷北半球之际,科学家认为这与气候变化有关。美国国务院表示,克里希望与中国共同应对气候危机。 #热词加油站 peninsula /pəˈnɪnsələ/【半岛】 mitigate/ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/【减轻】 halt/hɔːlt/【停止】 semifinals/ˌsemɪ'faɪnəl/【半决赛】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~