NEWS ON 07/15 1.METRO FARES CAN NOW BE PAID WITH DIGITAL RMB 数字钱包首次进地铁** 2*个月内市民可“1分钱”乘车* 2.SALVAGE SHIP READY FOR FIRST MISSION 沉船打捞进展:奋力轮今抵沪交付 3.PALESTINIANS GATHER TO PROTEST BIDEN’S VISIT 巴勒斯坦:拜登"闪现"中东行第二站 民众批评其"公关作秀"** -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.METRO FARES CAN NOW BE PAID WITH DIGITAL RMB 数字钱包首次进地铁 2个月内市民可“1分钱”乘车** Shanghai Shentong Metro Group and Bank of Communications announced that as of today subway passengers can use the Metro Daduhui app to pay fares using digital RMB. Lei Shuran has the story. 今天(7/15),交通银行携手申通地铁集团宣布,市民即日起在沪搭乘地铁时,可通过METRO大都会APP,使用数字人民币进行支付。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 Passengers were using digital RMB this afternoon at Wuzhong Road Station on Metro Line 15. Those who want to pay with the country’s digital currency need to change the payment method in the Metro Daduhui app. 下午,在15号线的吴中路站里,相关金融机构与地铁运营方一起,启动了乘坐地铁使用数字人民币的业务功能。市民乘坐地铁前,只需打开METRO大都会APP,并将默认支付方式,更改为数字人民币后,就能实现一码通行。 Xu Hao, Deputy Director of Operation Management Department, Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co., LTD 徐浩上海申通地铁集团有限公司运营管理部副部长 People do not need to scan the venue code if they use the digital RMB payment method to take the subway. The system automatically matches them to the venue 【场所】code. 这次如果是采用数字人民币通道,一样可以免扫场所码,后台自动去匹配场所。 The Bank of Communications said it was offering 10,000 discounts per day for the next 2 months. Available on a first-come, first-served basis, individuals will receive either a 4-yuan discount off their fare when paying with digital RMB, or pay 1 cent on a fare less than 4 yuan. The deputy president of the Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch said digital RMB payments would soon be rolled out in other areas. 记者了解到,交通银行在即日起的2个月内,每天都会推出1万个优惠名额,乘客通过交通银行的数字人民币结算,就有机会享受一次当天车票减免4元的优惠,结算金额不超过4元的,只需支付1分钱。交通银行上海市分行副行长李利表示数字人民币的覆盖面还将进一步扩大,在出行场景上实现全覆盖。 2.SALVAGE SHIP READY FOR FIRST MISSION 沉船打捞进展:奋力轮今抵沪交付 The ‘Fen Li’ salvage【打捞】 vessel was completed today at Hengsha Island in Chongming District. The vessel will be used to retrieve the largest sunken wooden ship in the country’s history. The ship dates back to the Qing Dynasty and was found in the Yangtze River estuary【河口】. Zhang Yue has the story. 全新的古船整体打捞专用工程船"奋力"轮已在今天(7/15)抵达崇明区横沙岛码头,完成交付。该工程船将用于打捞我国水下考古历史发现的体量最大的木质沉船“长江口二号”。“长江口二号”古船在长江口被发现,其历史可以追溯到清朝同治年间。记者张乐带来详细报道。 Fen Li was delivered one month ahead of schedule. Construction started in March in Nantong, Jiangsu Province. It measures 130 meters in length and 34 meters width. A 56-meter-long and 20-meter-wide pool was built in the middle of Fen Li. This is expected to make it easier and safer to lift the sunken ship out of the water, and transport back to shore. "奋力"轮3月10在南通开工建造,虽遭遇疫情,却仍比预定日期提前近一个月完工交付。作为全球首条古船整体打捞专用工程船,奋力轮长130米、宽34米,船中部开口并自带一个长56米、宽20米的月池。这种设计可以直接将古船从海底提升至“奋力”轮中部的月池之中,将其运输上岸,极大提高了作业效率,保证了文物在施工过程中的安全。 Zhai Yang, Researcher 翟杨上海市文物保护研究中心副主任研究馆员 Bringing a wooden ship directly to the vessel from the water is crucial to protecting cultural relics【文物】, but it also increases our efficiency. 提升出水,直接进船坞,减少了施工程序,对文物安全性是很重要的。 The wooden ship was likely built in the 1860s or 1870s. It is the country’s biggest and most intact ancient sunken vessel. It’s 8 to 10 meters under water. The remains of the ship are about 38 meters long, with 31 cabins based on current findings. Porcelain and other items have been found by scuba divers around the ship on the riverbed. 长江口二号古船确认年代为清代同治时期(公元1862-1875年),“长江口二号”古船是我国水下考古发现的体量最大、保存最为完整、船载文物数量巨大的木质沉船。所在水域水深8-10米,残长约38.5米,已探明有31个舱室。经过水下考古调查勘探,水下考古工作者发现了景德镇窑瓷器等精美文物。 We hope to find evidence to explain why the ship sank, how it became buried, as well as why the rudder and anchor were found on the same side. 我们希望到陆地田野发掘之后,能找到更多证据来解释沉船沉没原因和它后期埋藏过程,如何造成舵和锚出现在一端的情况。 Researchers said if everything goes smoothly, the wooden ship will be salvaged within a month. 研究人员表示,如果一切进行顺利,负责打捞古船的"大力"号和负责迁移古船的"奋力"轮双双准备就绪,将于8月中下旬携手,让长江口二号古船尽早"破浪而出"。 3.PALESTINIANS GATHER TO PROTEST BIDEN’S VISIT 巴勒斯坦:拜登**"闪现"中东行第二站 民众批评其"公关作秀" Thousands of Palestinians staged demonstrations【抗议】 in the West Bank and Gaza yesterday against U.S. President Joe Biden’s biased stance on the Israeli-Palestinian issue as he visits Israel and the Palestinian territories. Stephen Rancourt has more. 昨天(7/14)下午,数千名巴勒斯坦人在约旦河西岸城市和加沙地带举行示威活动,反对拜登在访问以色列和巴勒斯坦领土期间,许下"空头支票",单方面偏袒以色列。Stephen Rancourt带来更多详细报道。 Biden had a 65-minute meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud in the city of Bethlehem in the West Bank. During the meeting, Biden announced that the United States has pledged an additional 100 million dollars to support Palestinian hospitals. Thousands of Palestinians demonstrated in several cities yesterday afternoon, criticizing Biden’s administration is completely biased toward Israel and ignores the Palestinian issue. 拜登在约旦河西岸的伯利恒市与巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯举行了65分钟的会晤。会谈期间,拜登承诺美国将为巴勒斯坦医院提供1亿美元资助。昨日(7/14)下午,数千名巴勒斯坦人在多个城市举行示威,批评拜登政府许下"空头支票",完全偏颇以色列,而忽视巴勒斯坦的问题。 Protester 抗议者 Biden’s visit did nothing to help our country, except to give some money as a sign of support, without offering any political solutions. 抗议者拜登的到访对巴勒斯坦没有任何帮助,只是给点钱以表支持,而拿不出任何政治解决方案。 Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid signed a joint declaration【联合协议】 in Jerusalem yesterday, vowing to stop Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Lapid asked Biden in the meeting how long the U.S. will continue talks with Iran, the Israeli leader told Biden the Iranians are playing for time and the U.S. should put a deadline on the talks. However, Biden stressed that diplomacy **【外交】is the best path to ensuring that Iran never gets a nuclear weapon. 昨日(7/14),拜登和以色列总理拉皮德在耶路撒冷签署了一份联合协议,警告说要采取一切必要措施,阻止德黑兰获得核武器。会谈期间,拉皮德询问拜登美国将与伊朗继续谈判多久,并告知拜登,在伊核问题上,应为恢复履行伊核协议谈判设定最后期限。然而对此诉求,拜登强调外交是实现伊朗无核武器目标的最佳方式,并希望说服伊朗恢复履行伊核协议。 Joe Biden, President of the United States 乔·拜登 美国总统 For the leadership of Iran, what we are willing to accept in order to get back into the JCPOA. We’re waiting for their response. But we are not going to wait forever. 我们已经向伊朗领导层表明了,我们为重返伊核协议所能接受的条件,我们正在等待他们的回应,我不确定何时能得到回应,但我们不会永远等下去。 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi responded yesterday that the Islamic Republic will have a "harsh and regrettable response" to any "mistake" committed by Washington or its allies. 伊朗总统莱希昨日(7/14)回应称,伊朗不接受(中东)地区的任何不安全和危机,(华盛顿政府或其盟友)在该地区犯下的任何“错误”都将得到“果断和令人遗憾的回应”。 #热词加油站 *Venue [ˈv*ɛ**njuː]【场所】 *Salvage [ˈsalv*ɪdʒ****]【打捞】 *Estuary [ˈɛstj*ʊ****(ə)ri****]【河口】 *Cultural relics [ˈr*ɛlɪk]【文物】 *Demonstrations [dɛ*mənˈstreɪʃ(ə)n****]****【抗议】 Joint declaration [dɛkləˈreɪʃ****(ə)n**]【联合协议】 *diplomacy [dɪˈ*pləʊməsi****]****【外交】** 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~