cover of episode 07/15 TOP NEWS | 持续高温急诊患者增加/虹桥机场大部分航班正常起降/全球多国高通胀

07/15 TOP NEWS | 持续高温急诊患者增加/虹桥机场大部分航班正常起降/全球多国高通胀

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NEWS ON 07/14 1.MORE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT PATIENTS UNDER SIZZLING WEATHER 持续高温使医院急诊患者增加 2.MOST FLIGHTS ON SCHEDULE AT HONGQIAO AIRPORT 虹桥机场大部分航班均正常起降 3.INFLATION PUTTING PRESSURE ON A NUMB·ER OF COUNTRIES 全球多国面临着高通胀的压力 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.MORE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT PATIENTS UNDER SIZZLING WEATHER 持续高温使医院急诊患者增加 Shanghai again issued a red warning for high temperatures today, daytime highs hit 40.6 degrees Celsius early this afternoon, ranking the third highest in the city’s history. The intense heat has led to an increase in visits to hospital emergency wards. Song Wenjing has the story. 14日,上海再次发布高温红色预警,当日下午的最高气温达到40.6摄氏度,并未超越40.9℃的历史最高值,历史并列第三。持续的高温导致医院急诊患者增加。记者宋雯婧带来更多详细报道。 At around 9 o’clock in the morning, 6 ambulances arrived at the emergency department of the Hongqiao branch of Huashan Hospital in the span of just a few minutes. The patients were all in severe conditions. 当日上午9点多,华山医院虹桥院区急诊处,短短几分钟内接连有6辆救护车抵达,急救等级皆为二级重症。 Ge Zhouqin, Emergency Pre-Examination Nurse, Hongqiao District, Huashan Hospital 葛周勤****华山医院虹桥院区急诊预检护士 Some of them are suffering from dizziness头晕】and heart palpitations心悸. Patients have been sent to various departments, and could be related to the heat. 有头晕心慌的,内科、外科、神经外科都有的,可能和天气太热有关系的。 The hospital says the average number of emergency cases has increased by 20 percent since the heatwave began. More than 30 ambulances pulled into the hospital in one day, most of patients were over the age of 70. 院方表示,这波高温以来,日均急诊量增加了两成,高峰时,一天有30多辆救护车,送来的患者以70岁以上老人为主。 Mr. Yang, Emergency Patient 杨先生****急诊患者 I feel very dizzy and want to vomit. 我头晕,天旋地转,要吐了的感觉。 Mr. Yang fainted on his way to work. Fortunately, he was sent to hospital in time. He was diagnosed with symptoms of a stroke. 这位杨先生,上班途中突然头晕倒地,所幸送医及时,被诊断为先兆脑卒中。 I couldn’t control myself while I was riding a bike. I think it’s because of the hot weather. 我骑车子就有点失控了,跟高温天有关系的。 Doctors said the high temperature can cause blood pressure to fluctuate【波动】. People with vascular conditions should monitor their blood pressure and blood sugar, and continue to take their medication as indicated by their physician. Doctors remind people that whether it’s daytime or night, high temperatures can cause dizziness, headache, and can even be fatal**【致命的】** in certain situations. 医生表示,天气炎热会使血压产生波动,本身有血管基础病的应医生表示,天气炎热会使血压产生波动,本身有血管基础病的应做好血压、血糖监测,谨遵医嘱、不要擅自停药。医生介绍,无论白天还是黑夜,酷暑高温都会诱发体温调节功能紊乱,轻则头晕、头疼、乏力,重则引发"热射病",病死率高达60%以上。 2.MOST FLIGHTS ON SCHEDULE AT HONGQIAO AIRPORT 虹桥机场大部分航班均正常起降 Domestic air traffic is on its way to recover as many cities began lifting travel restrictions last month. Hongqiao Airport said inbound and outbound traffic went smoothly today, other several flights from the south were cancelled due to pandemic restrictions. Zhang Yue has more. 自6月以来,各航空公司正逐步有序恢复国内航线。今天(7/14)上午,记者在上海虹桥机场T2航站楼看到,除了几架出发地为南方城市的航班,受疫情影响被取消,大部分出发和到达航班均正常起降,客流平稳,记者张乐带来更多报道。 People were waiting to check-in at around 10am in terminal two at Hongqiao Airport. Many of them are families heading out for a summer trip. 上午十点,虹桥机场T2航站楼内的出发层值机柜台前,排队的旅客并不少。大部分都是一家人一起暑期旅行。 Ms. Zhu, Passenger 竺女士****旅客 My child is on summer vacation, and we are going to Chengdu. Our residential compound is in low-risk area, so it is easier for us to travel. 小孩放假了,我们打算去四川成都玩,我们这个小区是低风险小区。 Most flights were arriving and departing on time, while some from Guangzhou, and Haikou were cancelled due to last minute travel restrictions. 机场大屏显示,大部分航班正常起降。受疫情影响,部分提前取消的航班以广州、海口等出发地居多。 Ms. Zhang, Passenger 张女士****旅客 I returned to Shanghai from Chongqing to study. The flight was on time, but it is a bit more expensive than usual. 我从重庆读书回来,航班非常准时,买得到(机票),就是价格会比平时再贵一点。 Aside from the cancelled flights out of Guangzhou and Haikou, all other inbound and outbound flights at Hongqiao Airport were on schedule. 除部分来自广州和海口的航班被提前取消,虹桥机场大部分出发和到达航班均正常起降,按照计划执行。 3.INFLATION PUTTING PRESSURE ON A NUMBER OF COUNTRIES 全球多国面临着高通胀的压力 U.S. stocks fell on Wednesday as a hotter-than-expected U.S. inflation【通胀】 report unnerved investors. Nine of the 11 primary SP 500 sectors ended in red. The squeeze is being felt outside of the United States, as a wider economic crisis is having an effect on a number of countries around the world. Lei Shuran has more. 美国通胀率高于预期,市场担忧情绪加剧,导致本周三(7/13)美股暴跌。标准普尔500指数(SP 500)的 11 个主要板块中有9个以红色(下跌)收盘。蝴蝶效应下,全球多国都面临着汇率、利率和高通胀的多重压力。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 The Bank of Canada on Wednesday raised its benchmark interest rate by a full percentage point, surprising markets with its biggest rake hike since 1998 in a bid to tame soaring inflation. 加拿大央行昨天宣布大幅加息100个基点,将基准利率上调至2.5%。这超出了此前普遍预期的75个基点的幅度,成为自1998年8月以来加拿大央行最大幅度的单次加息。 Tiff Machleman, Bank of Canada Governor 麦克勒姆****加拿大央行行长 Increase of this magnitude【幅度】in one meeting is very unusual. It reflects very unusual economic circumstances. Inflation is nearly 8%, a level not seen in nearly forty years. 加息1%的幅度十分不寻常,这反映了当下不同寻常的经济状况,通胀率接近8%为40年来未见的高水平。 The bank governor said Canada’s economy is running too hot and the central bank needs to choke off the excess demand and bring prices back to normal levels. In Asia, the Japanese government is concerned about the yen’s recent slide, and plans monitor the currency market while working closely with the Bank of Japan. The yen declined to 138 per U.S. dollar this morning. In Europe, Germany’s Federal Statistical Office has stated that the country’s annual consumer price inflation stood at by 7.6% in June, slightly below the half-century high of 7.9% that it registered the previous month. Price jumps for energy and now also for food, are fueling inflation in Europe’s largest economy. 麦克勒姆强调,目前加拿大经济过热,工人和许多商品服务均陷于短缺状态,央行希望通过减少需求,来平抑物价,使通胀回落至2%。日本政府对近期日元贬值感到担忧,今天早盘,日元对美元汇率一度跌至138日元兑换1美元,创下1998年9月以来新低,因此政府计划在与日本央行合作的同时密切关注外汇市场。欧洲多国同样饱受通胀高企之苦。德国联邦统计局表示,德国6月通胀率为7.6%,比前一个月微降0.3个百分点,仍处于较高水平。当下的能源价格和食品价格上涨,正在为欧洲最大经济体的通货膨胀推波助澜。 Fratzscher, Director of the German Institute for Economic Research 弗拉茨舍****德国经济研究所所长 We will have to deal with higher prices for energy and food in the coming years. This means that all measures must be based on whether they permanently【永久性地】 increase people’s incomes, and the only mechanism for this is permanently higher wages and permanently higher social benefits for the people who are unemployed or on a *pension 【退休金】. 未来几年,我们将一直应对能源和食品价格的不断上涨,这意味着,所有的措施都必须建立在是否能永久增加人们的收入的基础上,而实现这一目标的唯一应对的办法就是永久性地不断提高工资,为失业者或退休人员永久性地提供更高的工资和社会福利。 In Latin America, Panamanians have been taking to the streets to show their general dissatisfaction with the government for more than a week over fuel prices that have nearly doubled. In Argentina, the country’s main farm associations launched a 24-hour grain and livestock trading halt on Wednesday in protest of the government’s imposition of high tax rates, currency controls and a scarcity of diesel that has hit farmers during the harvest season. 在拉美,同样因为生活成本上升,巴拿马民众的街头抗议已经持续超过一周,以显示他们对油价几乎翻了一番的不满。阿根廷主要农业协会周三发起24小时谷物和牲畜罢市活动,以抗议高税率、货币管制和柴油稀缺,这些措施在丰收的季节对农民来说是很严重的打击。 #热词加油站 *Dizziness [ˈdɪzɪnəs] 【头晕】 Heart palpitations [palpɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n]心悸* *Fluctuate [flʌktʃʊeɪt]***【波动】 Fatal [ˈfeɪt(ə)l]*【致命的】** Inflation [ɪnˈfleɪʃ(ə)n]****【通胀】 Magnitude [ˈmaɡnɪtjuːd]****【幅度】 Permanently [ˈpəːm(ə)nəntli]****【永久性地】 Pension [ˈpɛnʃ(ə)n]****【退休金】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~