NEWS ON 7/14 **1. **MAN UNITED WITH HIS SON ABDUCTED 24 YEARS AGO 孩子找到了!电影《失孤》被拐儿童原型终迎圆满结局 **2. **VIRTUAL IDOLS WITH REAL FANS **“公主殿下”*生快!虚拟歌姬洛天依生日会,粉丝现场应援 3. *FM DEPLORES JAPAN’s INTERFERENCE IN CHINA’S INTERNAL AFFIARS 中国必须也必然统一!外交部霸气回应日本《防卫白皮书》 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. MAN UNITED WITH HIS SON ABDUCTED 24 YEARS AGO 孩子找到了!电影《失孤》被拐儿童原型终迎圆满结局 A man has been re-united with his abducted【拐卖】son after a 24-year search, where he traveled more than 400,000 kilometers across the country on a motor-bike. Police arrested two*suspects【嫌疑人】in the case that inspired the 2015 film "Lost and Love" starring Andy Lau. Now Chen Xuan has the story. 2015年曾引起广泛关注的电影《失孤》中的被拐儿童原型郭新振已被找到,犯罪嫌疑人已被警方抓获,离散多年的家庭终于团聚。 51-year-old Guo Gangtang has been searching for his son since he was 27. Here’s a look as they are reunited at long last. In 1997, Guo’s then two-year-old son Guo Xinzhen was abducted by a woman in Liaocheng Shandong Province. Since then the father has ridden a motorbike across the country with a flag showing his son’s photo and physical traits seeking clues to his son’s whereabouts【下落】. As his search continued he learned about other lost children and informed police officers. They said this information helped them intify more than 100 missing children who had been separated from their family for years. "Lost and Love" starring Andy Lau, who played Guo, recorded a message for the family. 1997年,山东聊城郭刚堂(男,现年51岁)夫妇时年2岁半的儿子郭新振,在家门口玩耍时被一陌生女子抱走,下落不明。事情发生后,郭刚堂在摩托车上插上印有儿子照片及相貌特征的旗子,翻越中国骑行了40多万公里,四处打听儿子的下落。在这期间,他了解到许多走失孩子的信息,并积极联系公安机关,帮助100多名走失儿童回到了父母的怀抱。电影《失孤》的主演刘德华在听说这一事情后也为郭刚堂一家送上了视频祝福。 INTERVIEW Andy Lau, Actor 刘德华,演员,电影《失孤》主演 I’d like to say to Mr. Guo that I admire your persistence【坚持】. I’d like to pay tribute to the decades-long work from the police. I’d like to call on everyone to support anti-child trafficking【贩卖】efforts, and I hope more broken families will be reunited. 首先我透过这个镜头要跟郭大哥说,我佩服你的坚持,也还要向公安机关多年的努力致敬。在此呼吁所有的朋友跟我一起支持反拐工作,盼望更多的离散家庭实现团圆。 Police in Liaocheng opened a case file days after Guo Xinzhen went missing. His parents’ DNA was entered in the national child abduction tracking system. In January, the Public Security Bureau launched its "Reunion" campaign against child trafficking, sparking officers to re-examine older cases. Officers made a breakthrough*【突破】**in June, when they believed they had found Guo Xinzhen. A DNA test confirmed his identity. They also identified and located two suspects: 56-year-old Mr. Hu from Henan Province who is in jail in Shanxi for another case, and his then girlfriend, Ms. Tang, who is from Shandong and now 45 years old. 1997年接警后,聊城公安机关成立专案组,并将郭刚堂夫妇DNA信息录入“打拐DNA系统”,但一直没有发现郭新振的下落。今年1月,公安机关展开了查找被拐失踪儿童的专项行动——团圆行动,全力侦破拐卖儿童积案。6月,公安部将该案列为挂牌督办案件,运用最新比对查找手段,成功在河南发现疑似郭新振的线索。根据公安部工作指令,河南刑侦部门立即采集一名本地居民的血样,检验DNA信息并录入“打拐DNA系统”,成功与山东聊城郭刚堂夫妇比中,确认该河南居民即郭刚堂夫妇失踪24年的孩子郭新振。随即,山东聊城公安机关也抓获了当年拐卖郭新振的2名犯罪嫌疑人,呼某(现年56岁,因其他案件在山西入狱)和唐某(现年45岁,案件发生时为呼某女朋友)。 INTERVIEW LI Min, Director of Criminal Investigation Shandong Province Dept. of Public Security 李民,山东省公安厅,刑侦局局长 Hu and Tang were dating in September 1997. They decided to abduct a child while they were traveling in Shandong. On September 21st, 1997, Tang went out and abducted Guo Xinzhen, who was playing near his home. She took him to Hu, who was waiting at an intercity bus station. They then took a bus to Henan and sold Guo. The case is still being investigated. 9月21日,两人窜至山东聊城,呼某在汽车站附近等候,唐某外出寻找作案目标,将在家门口独自玩耍的郭新振抱走,随后与呼某一起乘长途车返回河南,由呼某将郭新振贩卖。目前,案件正在进一步侦办中。 Since the Public Security Bureau launched "Reunion", more than 2,600 missing children were identified. 147 old cases were cracked, 372 suspects were taken into custody【拘留】, and more than 1,200 families were reunited. The Public Security Bureau said more than 3,000 free blood sampling sites have been established across the country. Close to 10,000 people have given samples【样本】. The bureau added that this has thus far led to 306 families being reunited. Under the country’s criminal law, individuals who abduct and traffic a child or a woman face a prison term of 5 to 10 years and a fine. Longer prison terms apply when an individual traffics more than 3 children, heads an abduction ring, and cases involve coercion【胁迫】and violence. Individuals found guilty of buying a trafficked person can be sentenced to a maximum of three years in jail. 据介绍,公安部部署开展“团圆”行动以来,在破积案、抓嫌犯、查找失踪被拐儿童等工作取得显著成效。截至目前,已找回历年失踪被拐儿童2609名;侦破拐卖儿童积案147起,抓获拐卖犯罪嫌疑人372名,各地已组织认亲1200余场。同时,全国已建立起3000多个“团圆”行动免费采血点地址,已有近万人主动到公安机关接受免费采血,目前已帮助306个家庭实现了团圆。根据《中华人民共和国刑法》,拐卖妇女、儿童的,处5年以上10年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。情节特别严重的,如拐卖妇女、儿童3人以上的,拐卖妇女、儿童集团的首要分子的,以出卖为目的,使用暴力、胁迫或者麻醉方法绑架妇女、儿童的,将从重处罚,另外收买被拐卖儿童将面临最高三年有期徒刑的处罚。 **2. **VIRTUAL IDOLS WITH REAL FANS “公主殿下”生快!虚拟歌姬洛天依生日会,粉丝现场应援 Hundreds of fans waved glow sticks and yelled the name of the girl on stage – virtual【虚拟的】singer at a concert celebrating her 9th birthday at Mercedes-Benz Arena in Pudong yesterday. Virtual idols like have a growing and surprisingly loyal fanbase. Sun Siqi has more. 7月12日晚,虚拟歌手洛天依的九周年生日会在上海梅赛德斯奔驰文化中心音乐俱乐部举行。现场有上百名粉丝挥舞着手中的荧光棒,高呼洛天依的名字为她庆生。近年来,像洛天依这样的虚拟偶像引领起了一股新的潮流,正受到越来越多粉丝的追捧。 Music, lights and cheers... It was just like any other concert, except that the singer everyone was there to see perform, Luo Tianyi, isn’t human. She’s a virtual singer made from holographic 3D images and a synthesized【合成的】voice. Nearly 200 fans came to enjoy the show. 音乐、灯光、潮水般的欢呼声…这俨然是音乐会的现场。唯一不同的是这场生日会的主角洛天依并不是真人,而是以雅马哈的VOCALOID3语音合成引擎为基础,制作的VOCALOID中文声库和全息3D虚拟形象。这场生日会也吸引到了近200名粉丝来到现场为洛天依应援。 INTERVIEW I have been her fan for nine years. Her voice brings me power and encourages me to move forward. 我喜欢她已经九年了,我喜欢她,因为她的歌声能带给我很多力量,能鼓舞我向前。 I like Tianyi because she is lovely and has a sweet voice. I usually buy Tianyi’s albums and watch her concerts. 我喜欢天依因为她的歌声很甜美,长得也很可爱。平时会购买周边和正版专辑支持她,来线下演唱会应援。 I like Tianyi as a virtual singer. I admire her great courage to overcome all the difficulties and become a popular superstar. I was touched to see so many fans celebrating her birthday today. 我特别喜欢这样一个虚拟歌姬代表中国,她非常正能量,非常有勇气。尽管这些年的发展坎坷,但天依没有任何萎靡之势,一鼓作气发展到如今这个程度。看到这么多粉丝来到生日会,很感动。 Another 5 million fans also watched a livestream of the concert. It is not the first time that Luo has appeared on the stage. She was invited to perform with real singers on CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala. She also performed with renowned pianist Lang Lang in 2019. Luo was created in 2012 as a 15-year-old entertainer and singer by Japanese company Bplats in collaboration with Shanghai He’nian Information Technology Company, and has gone on to become one of China’s most popular virtual idols with around 5 million followers on her Weibo account. 除了现场的粉丝,还有500多万名粉丝观看了音乐会的直播。事实上,这并不是洛天依第一次上台,此前她就受邀登上了春节联欢晚会与知名歌手同台献唱,2019年她还与著名钢琴家朗朗联袂演出。2012年,上海天矢禾念娱乐有限公司与日本雅马哈公司联合推出了15岁虚拟歌手洛天依的形象设计。随后,洛天依迅速走红,微博粉丝数高达500万,成为了中国最受欢迎的虚拟偶像之一。 INTERVIEW Cao Pu, General Manater TH Stars 曹璞,总经理 上海天矢禾念娱乐有限公司 Virtual singer Luo Tianyi is different from other ordinary stars. The songs she sang were allcomposed【编写】by users. This made her attractive to tens of millions of fans. In the future, we will introduce more ways for fans to communicate with each other and compose better works for her. 因为洛天依是个虚拟歌手,和普通艺人不一样,最大的不同在于有很多创作者为她写歌。她能唱出你为她写的歌,所以粉丝粘性很高,粉丝量是千万级的。未来我们会为音乐创作者提供聚集的平台,让他们为洛天依创作出更好的作品。 Apart from entertainment, Luo has also served as a brand ambassador【大师】for Pizza Hut and cosmetics manufacturer Pechoin. Other female virtual idols include Bilibili creation Yousa and Tencent’s Xing Tong. And Shanghai Media Group’s virtual animated host, Shen Xiaoya, made her debut【首秀】last November, the first virtual host used in livestream news coverage on the Chinese mainland. From concerts and fashion shows to livestreaming and commercial activities, virtual idols generated 3.5 billion yuan (540 million US Dollars) in total revenue last year. The market is expected to be worth 6 billion yuan (930 million US Dollars) this year. 除歌手的身份外,洛天依还担任了必胜客和百雀羚的品牌大使。类似的虚拟少女偶像还有B站的泠鸢、腾讯的星瞳以及上海广播电视台的虚拟主播申䒕雅。去年11月,申䒕雅完成了她的新闻直播首秀,也在中国内地开创先例。从演唱会、时尚秀到直播及商业活动,虚拟偶像产业在去年一整年共创造了35亿人民币的营收,今年这一数字预计将达到60亿。 **3. FM DEPLORES JAPAN’s INTERFERENCE IN CHINA’S INTERNAL AFFIARS 中国必须也必然统一!外交部霸气回应日本《防卫白皮书》 Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said China never allows any country to interfere with the Taiwan issue in any way, after Japan released a defense white paper today, making irresponsible remarks about China’s legitimate maritime operations. Song Wenjing has more. 近日,日本发布《防卫白皮书》,首次在报告中提到台湾周边局势稳定的重要性。对此,外交部发言人赵立坚在外交部例行记者会上表示,日方对中方正当的海洋活动说三道四,这是极其错误和不负责任的,中方绝不允许任何国家以任何方式插手台湾问题。 At the press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that the Japanese side has repeatedly made an issue of China, grossly【粗暴地】interfered in China’s internal affairs, unwarrantedly【无理地】accused China of national defense construction and military activities, and hyped【渲染】the so-called "China threat". 外交部发言人赵立坚表示,这段时间,日方接二连三拿中国说事,粗暴干涉中国内政,无理指责中方正常的国防建设和军事活动,对中方正当的海洋活动说三道四,渲染所谓“中国威胁”。 Zhao Lijian, Spokesperson Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affiars 赵立坚, **中国外交部发言人 Taiwan is part of China’s territory, and the Taiwan issue is purely an internal affair of China. We will never allow any country to interfere with the Taiwan issue in any way. The Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands are an inalienable【不可分割的】part of China’s territory. China’s patrol and law enforcement activities in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands are the exercise of its inherent【固有的】rights and are legitimate and legal. Could Japan first solve its own problem of discharging nuclear wastewater into the ocean? 台湾是中国领土,台湾问题纯属中国内政。中方绝不允许何国家以任何方式插手台湾问题。钓鱼岛其附属岛屿是中国领土不可分割的一部分。中方在钓鱼岛海域开展巡航执法活动,是行使本国固有权利,正当合法。日方把太平洋的自由开放调门唱得老高,能不能先解决自身试图在太平洋搞核污染水自由排放的问题呢? South Korea also protested Japan’s renewed territorial claims through its defense white paper to the disputed islets lying halfway between the two countries, called Dokdo by South Korea and Takeshima by Japan. The South Korean foreign ministry noted that Dokdo is clearly an integral part of the South Korean territory in terms of history, geography and international law, calling for Japan to immediately retract【撤回】its claim to the islets. 此外,日方在新版防卫白皮书中主张拥有韩国与日本争议领土独岛(日本称竹岛)的主权。对此,韩国外交部表示严正抗议,明确指出无论从历史、地理还是从国际法规定来看,独岛都是韩国固有领土,要求日方立即撤回不当主张。 #热词加油站: abduct【拐卖】 suspect【嫌疑人】 whereabouts【下落】 persistence【坚持】 traffic【贩卖】 breakthrough【突破】 custody【拘留】 sample 【样本】 coercion【胁迫】 virtual【虚拟的】 synthesized【合成的】 composed【编写】 ambassador【大师】 debut【首秀】 grossly【粗暴地】 unwarrantedly【无理地】 hype【渲染】 inalienable【不可分割的】 inherent【固有的】 retract【撤回】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~