cover of episode 07/14 TOP NEWS | 猕猴大脑三维“地图”/崇明东滩重启开放/王毅出席中国东盟外长会

07/14 TOP NEWS | 猕猴大脑三维“地图”/崇明东滩重启开放/王毅出席中国东盟外长会

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NEWS ON 0**7/13 1.SCIENTISTS GENERATE CELLULARMAP OF MACAQUE BRAIN 登顶刊Cell:中国科学家领衔发布猕猴大脑皮层细胞三维“地图” 2.DONGTAN BIRD RESERVE READY TO FLY AFTER RENOVATIONS 可冲!崇明东滩重启开放** 3.WANG YI: CHINA AND ASEAN ARE ON RIGHT PATH OF COMMON DEVELOPMENT 王毅谈中国东盟全方位互利合作成果 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.*SCIENTISTS GENERATE CELLULARMAP OF MACAQUE BRAIN 登顶刊Cell:中国科学家领衔发布猕猴大脑皮层细胞三维“地图” Chinese researchers led a group of scientists from around the globe and yesterday published a paper with a*spatial【空间的distribution map of a macaque monkey’scerebral大脑的 cortex皮层 in the biology journal“Cell”. Sun Siqi tells us how this finding is critical to understanding the human brain. 7月12日,一支由中国科学家领衔的国际科研联合团队在国际知名生物学术期刊Cell(《细胞》)上发表了一篇关于猕猴大脑皮层空间分布图谱的论文。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道,介绍这一发现对于了解人类大脑的重要性。 Observe this complicated spatial map of a crab-eating macaque’s cerebral cortex. The scientists conducted RNA sequencing on 143 cortical regions of the primate, and obtained an atlas of 264 cell types in the brain and then mapped their distribution across the entire cortex. 请观察这张复杂的猕猴大脑皮层空间分布图谱。科学家对该猕猴大脑的的143个皮层区域进行了RNA测序,将猕猴大脑皮层中的单细胞分成264种类型,然后将其在大脑皮层上的分布情况绘制成图谱。 These cell types have distinct functions that scientists didn’t understand until this study. 这些细胞类型具有不同的功能,在此项研究前,科学家们对这些细胞类型的功能尚缺乏一定了解。 Li Chengyu, ResearcherofInstitute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences 李澄宇****中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心研究组组长、研究员 “猴脑大概是人的拳头这么大,这么大一个组织,(我们需要)去把它每个细胞,它是谁,它在什么位置搞清楚。” “The macaque brain is the size of a human fist. We had to study every single cell in it, where they are and the genetic identity of each one.” The analysis of the entire brain was done at single-cell resolution, a highly challenging task due to their heterogeneity and large brain size. During the process, a chip developed in China proved to be quintessential. 对猕猴大脑进行单细胞分析是一项极具挑战的任务,因为大脑体积庞大且脑细胞具有异质性且。一款由中国自主研发的芯片在单细胞分析过程中发挥了至关重要的作用。 Shen Zhiming, Deputy ResearcherofInstitute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences 沈志明****中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心平台主任、副研究员 “它的精度非常高,可以到0.5微米。(猴脑切片)贴上去之后(芯片可)捕获RNA捕获之后测序,测序完了就能获得基因的整体空间分布图。” “This chip reads down to 0.5 micrometers. Stick a thin slice of brain tissue on to the chip, and it captures the RNA and completes the sequencing. Once that's done, you get a map for the genetic distribution of this one slice.” With this technology the team collected millions of genetic sequences from 161 slices across the left hemisphere of 3 macaque brains. 利用这项技术,团队从来自3只猕猴的161片左脑半球切片中收集了数百万个基因序列。 Li Chengyu, ResearcherofInstitute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences 李澄宇****中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心研究组组长、研究员 “深入挖掘这些数据集,我们发现了比较兴奋性的神经元和抑制性神经元,以及非神经元在空间上有非常强的特异性分布。” “We will now examine the data. What we've discovered is that excitatory and inhibitory neurons and non-neuronal cells, respectively, are very closely distributed.” Scientists hope this research will help them reveal functions of the brain at cellular levels, and go on to discover important target molecules and cellular mechanisms that can lead to the development of important brain disease medications for humans. 科学家希望这项研究能够帮助从细胞层面上揭示大脑的功能,并进一步发现脑疾病机制与靶点研发,从而推动重要脑疾病药物的研发。 2.DONGTAN BIRD RESERVE READY TO FLY AFTER RENOVATIONS 暑假可冲!崇明东滩****重启开放 Dongtan Bird Reserve on Chongming Island has reopened to the public after being closed 10 months forrenovations【翻新. Zhang Yue has more. 经过为期10个月的翻新,崇明岛东滩鸟类保护区已重新向公众开放。记者张乐带来详细报道。 The birdsanctuary动物保护区】 is on the eastern coast of Chongming and covers an area of more than 240 square kilometers, about 7.8% of Shanghai's total wetland area. The place is an important habitat for migratory birds on the East Asia-Australia route. 东滩鸟类保护区位于崇明岛东岸,占地面积超过240平方公里,约占上海湿地总面积的7.8%,是一些候鸟东亚——澳大利亚迁徙路线上的重要驿站。 Visitor 游客 “这里有很多鸟叫,就让人感到很放松,平常写作业的压力全部都能释放出来。” “I feel so relaxed listening to birds chirping. It helps me relieve school pressure.” The reserve’s education base was updated during the closure and now features four exhibition zones. One zone showcases the importance of tidal flats as they are a major source of food for birds. The base calls for people to better protect the environment. Another exhibition zone shows more than 250 varieties of bird specimens and bottom-dwelling fish commonly found on the island. 封闭期间,该保护区对教育基地进行了升级改造,目前共设四个展区。其中一个展区展示了潮间带作为鸟类主要食物来源的重要性。该基地呼吁人们加强环境保护。另一个展区展示了岛上常见的250多种鸟类标本和底栖鱼类。 Visitor 游客 “了解一下 看看蛮好,这种动物我们(平时)又看不到的。” “It's so fun to see something we rarely see in daily life.“ Chongming is the biggestalluvial冲积的 island in China. Nearly one million birds comprising 300 species pass through the reserve every year. 崇明岛是中国最大的冲积岛。每年有300多种近100万只候鸟途径保护区进行迁徙。 Yuan Saijun, Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve 袁赛军上海市崇明东滩自然保护区管理事务中心宣传教育科副科长 “夏季一般是一些繁殖鸟在东滩,比如说像一些须浮鸥,像芦苇荡里的震旦鸦雀、东方大苇莺,是比较常见的鸟。” “Many birds such as whiskered terns, reed parrotbills, and reed warblers are common here during the summer.” Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve is open Tuesday to Sunday. Visitors are required to make an appointment on the the reserve’s Wechat account. 崇明东滩自然保护区每周二至周日对游客开放。游客需提前在保护区的微信公众号上进行预约。 3.WANG YI: CHINA AND ASEAN ARE ON RIGHT PATH OF COMMON DEVELOPMENT 王毅谈中国东盟全方位互利合作成果 Alsotoday,Wang Yi said thatChina and ASEAN are on the right path of forging long-term good-neighborliness while achieving common development and prosperity. Lei Shuran has more. 7月13日,中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅表示,中国和东盟成功走出了一条长期睦邻友好、共同发展繁荣的正确道路。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 Wang made the remarks while attending the ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, introducing the achievements in the expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. 王毅在出席中国—东盟(10+1)外长会时发表讲话,介绍了中国东盟全方位拓展互利合作成果。 He noted that China has reached important consensus with Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia on jointly building a community with a shared future. 他指出,中国已与印度尼西亚、泰国、马来西亚、缅甸、老挝和柬埔寨就共同建设命运共同体达成重要共识。 He also spoke on the completion of joint construction landmark projects of the Belt and Road initiative. Citing the launch of cross-border passenger services between China and ASEAN on the China-Laos Railway, and the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor which has opened a channel for trans-regional cooperation. Wang said these projects are bringing tangible benefits to more than 2 billion people. 他还谈到了一个个“一带一路”标志性工程的相继建成。中老铁路开通中国东盟间首列快速跨境旅客列车,国际陆海贸易新通道打通了跨区域合作黄金大通道。王毅表示,这些标志性工程为超过20亿民众带来了实实在在的利益。 He also saidthat both sides have made efforts to promote regional economic integration, and that trade volume between China and ASEAN, which are each other's largest trading partner, is expected to exceed 1 trillion U.S. dollars this year.  他还表示,中国东盟双方携手促进区域经济一体化,双方互为最大的贸易伙伴,今年双方贸易额有望突破1万亿美元。 Wang Yi, DirectorOffice of the CPC Foreign Affairs Commission** 王毅   中央外办主任    “双方正在积极推进自贸区3.0版谈判,推动RCEP(《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》)全面生效,共同做自由贸易和市场开放的坚定倡导者。” “China and ASEAN are jointly negotiating version 3.0 of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and implementing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, with both sides firmly advocating for free trade and open markets.” Wang also mentioned that China and ASEAN have worked together to consolidate a foundation of peace and stability. China actively participates in, and firmly supports the ASEAN-centered regional cooperation architecture, as well as its continued development in an open and inclusive manner without interference. 王毅还提到,中方与东盟一起携手夯实和平稳定根基。中方积极参与并坚定支持以东盟为中心的区域合作架构,支持这一架构秉持开放包容理念,排除干扰发展下去。 Wang stressed that China welcomes the completion of the second reading of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea text, and stands ready to continue to play a constructive role in its completion. 王毅强调,中方欢迎“南海行为准则”案文二读成功完成,愿为早日达成“准则”继续发挥建设性作用。 #热词加油站 spatial /ˈspeɪʃ(ə)l/【空间的 cerebral**/səˈriːbrəl/****【大脑的 cortex/kɔːteks/****【皮层 renovation/ˌrenəˈveɪʃ(ə)n/【翻新 sanctuary/ˈsæŋktʃuəri/动物保护区alluvial/əˈluːviəl/【冲积的 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~