cover of episode 07/14 TOP NEWS 丨 对外贸易持续增长 /生鲜电商单量激增 /美国罗布小学枪案监控曝光

07/14 TOP NEWS 丨 对外贸易持续增长 /生鲜电商单量激增 /美国罗布小学枪案监控曝光

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NEWS ON 07/13 1.CHINA POSTS STEADY GROWTH IN FIRST HALF FOREIGN TRADE 中国上半年对外贸易持续增长 2.DEMAND CLIMBS FOR FOOD DELIVERIES 持续高温 生鲜电商平台单量激增 3.VIDEO SHOWS POLICE RESPONSE TO UVALDE SCHOOL SHOOTING 美国:再惹众怒 罗布小学枪案监控视频显示"警察被吓退" -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHINA POSTS STEADY GROWTH IN FIRST HALF FOREIGN TRADE 中国上半年对外贸易持续增长 China’s foreign trade in goods continued to report solid growth in the first half of the year, according to data released by the customs administration today. Sun Siqi has the details. 中国海关总署今天(7/13)发布的数据显示,今年上半年,我国外贸进出口稳步增长。记者孙思奇带来更多详细报道。 China’s foreign trade grew more than 9.4 percent year-on-year to nearly 19.8 trillion yuan in the first half. Exports for the six months were up 13.2 percent year-on-year, while imports rose 4.8 percent. 今年上半年,我国外贸进出口总值19.8万亿元,同比增长9.4%。其中,出口增长 13.2%,进口增长 4.8%。 Li Kuiwen, spokesperson of the General Administration of Customs and director of the Department of Statistics and Analysis at the General Administration of Customs 李魁文 海关总署新闻发言人、统计分析司司长 China’s foreign trade performance in the first half was highly resilient【有韧性的】. We saw a stable start to the first quarter. Then after the slowdown in April, foreign trade growth picked up significantly in May and June. That should lead into stable foreign trade growth for the whole year. 总的来看,上半年我国外贸进出口展现出较强的韧性,一季度平稳开局,5、6月份迅速扭转了4月份增速下滑的趋势,为全年外贸保稳提质打下了坚实的基础。 Foreign trade in the Yangtze River Delta region grew 9.3 percent year-on-year to 7.1 trillion yuan in the first half, and last month hitting 1.39 trillion yuan, a rise of 14.9 percent from a year ago. The administration said that has contributed to nearly 40 percent of the whole country’s foreign trade growth. The easing COVID-19 pandemic situation and the taking effect of policies stabilizing economic growth have helped foreign trade companies resume work and production since May. In particular, the rapid recovery of imports and exports in the Yangtze River Delta led to a marked rebound 【回升】 in the overall growth of China’s foreign trade. 今年上半年,长三角地区三省一市合计进出口7.14万亿元,同比增长9.3%。其中,6月份进出口1.39万亿元,同比增长14.9%,对全国外贸增长的贡献率接近4成。5月份以来,随着国内疫情防控形势总体向好,各项稳增长政策效应逐渐显现,外贸企业复工复产有序推进,特别是长三角等地区进出口快速恢复,带动全国外贸整体增速明显回升。 China’s trade with major partners including ASEAN nations, the EU, the US and Japan all reported growth in the first half, according to the administration, with ASEAN continuing as China’s largest trading partner. 海关统计显示,今年上半年我国对东盟、欧盟、美国与日本分别进出口均有增长,其中东盟继续成为我国第一大贸易伙伴。 2.DEMAND CLIMBS FOR FOOD DELIVERIES 持续高温 生鲜电商平台单量激增 Relentless【残酷无情的】 heat and rising COVID-19 infections have boosted demand for deliveries and companies said they are working extra hard to handle the surge. Zhang Yue has more. 当前,疫情防控正处于关键时期,在持续高温下,市民对于配送的需求激增。对此,平台正想方设法,缓解运力紧张,提升配送时效。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。 Online grocery supplier Dingdong Maicai said orders jumped 30% this week at one of its branches in Xujiahui, adding average spending per order has increased 20%. 线上生鲜零售叮咚买菜表示,本周,徐家汇附近一个站点的单量环比上周增长三成以上,客单价增幅也在两成左右。 Li Chunlong, Ding Dong Shopping Xu Hui Regional Supervisor 李春龙 叮咚买菜徐汇区域主管 We will offer *incentives 【奖励措施】to encourage those who want to work extra hours. We are also hiring more employees. Some of our employees returned to their hometown at the beginning of June, and some will be back around mid-July. 我们采取了内部激励政策。同时,我们站也从其它周边站点调配了人员来补充。6月初确实有一部分员工回老家了,预计在7月中旬我们这批返乡的老员工都能回来。 Fan Wenzheng, Dingdong Grocery Delivery Man 范文正 叮咚买菜配送员 I got up at 6 this morning, and I work until midnight. But I will earn more this month, more than 10,000 yuan for sure. 我(早上)6点多钟就来了,晚上跑到几点 12点左右吧,我感觉这个月挺不错的,应该1万多2元块钱是没问题的。 Meituan Maicai, another online grocery delivery platform, said its dispatch branch in Songjiang District had a 30% increase in orders this week. It added that they didn’t have enough delivery personnel as some had left the city to return to their hometowns. The company has been bringing in staff from other cities. 另一家线上生鲜零售及配送平台美团买菜表示,本周其松江一站点的订单量增加了30%。平台表示配送人员出现了比较紧张的现象,因为部分老员工返乡尚未回沪。该平台一直在抽调其他城市的员工进行补充。 Huang Yuandong, Meituan Grocery Sorter 黄远东 美团买菜分拣员 I arrived in Shanghai from Guangzhou last night, and I started work at 9 this morning. I am planning to stay here for 15 days. 昨天晚上(从广州到的上海),今天9点上班的,(停留时间)这个目前暂定是15个工作日左右。 The company has arranged for 100 employees in Guangzhou and Wuhan to come to Shanghai. 平台已经安排了来自广州和武汉的将近100名美团买菜的员工抵达上海。 3.VIDEO SHOWS POLICE RESPONSE TO UVALDE SCHOOL SHOOTING 美国:再惹众怒 罗布小学枪案监控视频显示"警察被吓退" Video of police and federal agents as they were responding to the mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas in May was posted online yesterday. Zhang Hong has the story. 昨天(7/12),美国媒体又公布了一段监控视频,显示警方处理德克萨斯州乌瓦尔德市一所小学的大规模枪击事件时,在进入教学楼后,被枪手的射击吓得后退。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 The video, posted on the Austin American-Statesman’s website, shows the 18-year-old gunman, Salvador Ramos, crash his pickup truck and enter Robb Elementary School carrying a semi-automatic rifle. The sound of AR-15 gunfire is then heard for more than two minutes. Police officers are seen arriving minutes later. They take cover at the end of a hallway leading to two classrooms targeted by the shooter. Another 77 minutes go by before they stormed into the classrooms to subdue him. The video footage has received renewed attention as anger and calls for *accountability **【责任】*grow in Uvalde over the incomplete account about the slow police response to the mass shooting. 得州《奥斯汀-美国政治家报》在网站上发布的视频显示,18岁的枪手萨尔瓦多·拉莫斯(Salvador Ramos)在附近撞毁了他的皮卡车后,带着半自动步枪进入罗布小学。随后,AR-15的枪声响起,并持续了两分钟多。几分钟后警察赶到,但他们并没有与他对抗,而是止步于走廊,并在那里不断徘徊。在听到第一声枪响后,警员们立刻沿走廊撤退。根据视频,直到录像播放到77分钟后,警察才终于闯入了被拉莫斯无辜杀害的学生和教师所在的教室。由于乌瓦尔德的警方的职责疏忽对大规模枪击事件反应迟缓,使愤怒和要求问责的呼声越来越高,令这段视频再次引起了关注。 Local Residents 本地居民 I’ve seen this on the news, where these guys (the police), all these officers, they’ve got their shield, they’ve got their weapons, they’ve got all their protective gear on, standing there. Standing there. 我在新闻上看到过,这些人(警察),所有的警察,他们拿着盾牌,他们拿着武器,他们穿着所有的防护装备,站在那里。站在那里。 He’s lying to himself and we need to see that he holds them accountable. 他在欺骗自己,我们需要看到他让他们承担责任。 Director of the Texas Department of Public, Safety Steve McCraw said Uvalde school police Chief Pete Arredondo was responsible for the flawed response to the shooting. Arredondo submitted his resignation from the City Council earlier this month. Council members formally accepted that resignation at a meeting yesterday, and set a special election to fill the post in November. 得州公共安全部门主任史蒂文·麦克劳(Steven McCraw)表示,乌瓦尔德学校警察局长皮特·阿雷东多应为枪击事件应对不力负责。阿雷东多不得不出面正视这一个问题,在最近宣布辞去了市议会的职务。在昨天(7/12)的会议上,市议会正式接受了他的辞呈,并决定在11月进行特别选举以填补这一职位。 #热词加油站 *Resilient [rɪˈ*z*ɪ*lɪənt]【有韧性的】* Rebound [rɪˈbaʊnd]****【回升】 Relentless [rɪˈlɛntləs]****【残酷无情的】 Incentives [ɪnˈsɛntɪv****]****【奖励措施】 *Accountability [əˌkaʊntəˈbɪlɪti***] ****【责任】** 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~