cover of episode 07/13 TOP NEWS 丨 宝山、金山南北转型发展 / 上海中考收官 / 韦伯太空望远镜

07/13 TOP NEWS 丨 宝山、金山南北转型发展 / 上海中考收官 / 韦伯太空望远镜

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NEWS ON 07/12 1.BAOSHAN,** JINSHAN SET TO RESTRUCTURE ECONOMIES** 上海加快推进宝山、金山南北转型 2.HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAM ENDS IN SHANGHAI 2022上海中考收官各类志愿填报将在考试后、出分前进行 3. NASA RELEASES FIRST IMAGE FROM JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCPOE 韦伯太空望远镜:发来首封"宇宙来信"****!白宫**"按耐不住"提前公布 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.BAOSHAN,**** JINSHAN SET TO RESTRUCTURE ECONOMIES** 上海加快推进宝山、金山南北转型 The Shanghai government introduced a plan to restructure the economies of Baoshan and Jinshan. The two districts are focused on heavy industry, which currently contribute more than 50 percent of the city’s petro-chemical output and almost 100 percent of its steel out-put. Zhang Hong tells us more about the plan. 为支持宝山、金山两区转型发展,上个月,上海印发了《关于加快推进南北转型发展的实施意见》。宝山、金山两区是上海传统的制造业大区,它们贡献了全市50%以上的石化产能以及近100%的钢铁产能。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 According to the plan, Baoshan is expected to become a leading district in low-carbon development, as well as a science and innovation center. Officials envision Jinshan as a demonstration zone for agriculture, local manufacturing and integration with other cities in the Yangtze Delta.  根据发展定位,宝山区将要构筑上海科创中心主阵地,打造现代化、创新型、生态化国际大都市主城区和全市绿色低碳转型样板区;金山则要建成打响"上海制造"品牌的重要承载区、实施乡村振兴战略的先行区、长三角高质量一体化发展的桥头堡。 吴清 We want an industrial cluster covering special metals, biomedicine and intelligent robots in Baoshan. A trading center for steel and other** bulk commodities****【大宗商品】** will also be built in Baoshan. As for Jinshan, major growth will be in the sectors of carbon fiber composite【强碳纤维复合材料】, medical equipment RD, drone【无人机】 manufacturing and applications.  宝山要在高性能钢材等特殊金属材料、生物医药研发制造、智能机器人本体制造等领域打造新兴产业集群,打造以钢铁交易平台为代表的各类大宗商品交易平台;金山要做大做强碳纤维复合材料等先进材料、医疗器械研发、无人机制造和场景应用等新兴产业。 The two districts have already made plans.  目前,宝山、金山两区分别制定了相关行动方案。 高奕奕 宝山区区长 We will focus on collaboration with renowned universities like Shanghai University, Fudan University and Tongji University to set up sci-tech parks. They will help to apply scientific results in emerging industries. 宝山区要深化与上海大学、复旦大学、同济大学等著名高校的合作,建设一批高水平的大学科技园区,打造新兴产业转化的载体,培育科技成果转化的功能。 李泽龙 金山区区长 We’ll work with Sinopec Shanghai and Shanghai Chemical Industry Park to upgrade the chemical industry. We plan to transform from traditional oil refining to high-end manufacturing【高端制造业】. We hope to achieve an industry output of over 200 billion yuan by 2025 through this restructuring.  金山区要联手上海石化与上海化工区,推动传统炼油业向高端制造业转型。我们希望通过转型升级,金山区的产值到2025年能够突破两千亿。 By 2025, the two districts are expected to have higher annual GDP growth than the city’s average and take up over 20 percent of the industrial output growth of large companies. 预计到2025年,宝山、金山两区的GDP年增长率将高于全市平均水平,新增规上工业总产值占全市增量比重达到20%以上。 2.HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAM ENDS IN SHANGHAI 2022****上海中考收官各类志愿填报将在考试后、出分前进行** The two-day high school entrance examination ended in Shanghai today. About 110,000 local students sat the exams. Many will now prepare for enrollment interviews to improve their chances at getting into their preferred school. Sun Siqi has the story. 2022年上海中考今天(7/12)下午收官。全市近11万考生参加考试。不少考生表示在稍作休息后,将积极准备学校综合考察,争取在自主招生、名额分配中脱颖而出,考入自己心仪的学校。记者孙思奇带来更多详细报道。 At around 3:40 pm, students were seen walking out of an examination site at Shanghai Min Li民立High School in Jing’an. They had just finished their math exam, the last one for most students. Some students, however, still had to retake the history exam after failing it on their first attempt.  下午3点40分,数学考试收卷,考生们陆续走出静安区民立中学考点。除了少部分尚未取得历史科目统测成绩的考生仍需参加最后一门历史科目考试之外,大部分考生至此都中考结束。 考生 I finished all the exams. So I will play sports and hang out with my classmates. I don’t have to write test papers. 考完了嘛,后面可以happy、happy了,比如打个球什么的,和同学浪一浪,回去把卷子抛一抛哈哈哈。 The city changed its enrollment rules this year. Many students still need to prepare for high school admission interviews, which were previously scheduled before the entrance exam. 今年是本市高中阶段学校采用新的招生录取办法的第一年。今年自主招生录取、名额分配、综合评价录取和统一招生录取的志愿全部调整到考后填报,不少考生计划稍作休息后积极准备。 考生 I will prepare for various subjects and improve my all-around ability for the admission interviews.  名额分配的时候,包括一些综合能力、学科知识,都会去准备。 家长 We have been studying how to fill out the high school application form in a proper way for our children. This year’s middle school graduates have had a tough time. They are the best in our eyes whatever the outcome. 我们还在研究填志愿的方法,怎么样最适合小朋友,我和他爸爸两个人在家里已经研究很久了。这一届初三的小朋友真不容易。无论怎么样他们都是最棒的。 The high school entrance examination was held at 206 sites with more than 4,500 test rooms across the city. 本次上海中考,全市共设206个常规考点、4500余个标准化考场。 3. NASA RELEASES FIRST IMAGE FROM JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCPOE 韦伯太空望远镜:发来首封"宇宙来信"****!白宫"按耐不住"**提前公布 NASA chief Bill Nelson presented one of the first images from the James Webb Space Tele-scope to U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House yesterday. NASA says it’s the deepest and sharpest infrared image of the distant universe to date. Stephen Rancourt has more. 昨天(7/11),美国总统拜登和美国航天局局长,共同在白宫发布了“詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜”拍摄的首张全彩色图像。美国航天局称,这是迄今为止,人类获得的最遥远、最清晰的宇宙红外图像。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多详细报道。 The image, dubbed "Webb’s First **Deep Field ****【深空影像】", was taken by the space observatory’s Near-Infrared Camera ****【近红外相机】, it shows thousands of galaxies in sharp detail. The deep field image is a composite of several different wavelengths, when combined it shows a galaxy cluster【星系团】 as it appeared 4.6 billion years ago. 这张图像被命名为“韦伯的首次深空",它们是由韦伯太空望远镜的近红外相机拍摄,展示了成千上万个星系的清晰细节。该深空图像由几个不同的波长合成,经过组合处理,展示了一个距离地球46亿光年的星系团。 比尔·**尼尔森 美国航天局局长 You’re seeing galaxies that are shining around other galaxies whose light has been bent and you’re seeing just a small little portion of the universe. 你们看到的星系正在其他星系周围发光,它们的光线已经弯曲,而你看到的只是宇宙的一小部分。 Webb’s 6.5-meter gold-coated primary mirror consists of 18 individual hexagonal segments【六边形镜片】, the equipment on board is protected by a five-layered sunshield the size of a tennis court. The 10-billion-dollar project is the world’s largest and most powerful space observatory ever built. Operating at the Earth-sun Lagrange point 2, a point nearly 1.5 million kilometers away from Earth, Webb’s infrared sensors can see the cosmos as it was 13 billion years ago as it takes time for light to travel through space. The telescope was launched into space by an Ariane 5 rocket from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, in December last year. 韦伯太空望远镜的镀金主镜直径6.5米,由18片巨大的六边形镜片构成,并配有5层可展开的遮阳板,这款遮阳板的面积大小相当于一个网球场。韦伯太空望远镜造价100亿美元,是美国航天局建造的最大、功能最强的太空望远镜。韦伯太空望远镜目前进入围绕日地系统第二拉格朗日点的运行轨道,距离地球约150万公里,它的红外传感器可以看到130亿光年之外的宇宙,由于光速在宇宙中是恒定的,因此这些光进入望远镜的传感器时已经在宇宙中“行走”了130亿年。去年12月,韦伯太空望远镜从法属圭亚那库鲁航天中心发射升空。 #热词加油站 drone /drəʊn/ 【无人机】 bulk commodity 【大宗商品】 carbon fiber composite【强碳纤维复合材料】 high-end manufacturing【高端制造业】 deep field 【深空影像】 Near-Infrared Camera 【近红外相机】 galaxy cluster【星系团】 hexagonal segments【六边形镜片】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~