cover of episode 07/12 TOP OF THE DAY 上海天文馆/上海迪士尼门票涨价/AI助力“探星计划”

07/12 TOP OF THE DAY 上海天文馆/上海迪士尼门票涨价/AI助力“探星计划”

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NEWS ON 7/12 **1. **STARGAZERS TAKE INTERSTELLA TRIP AT SH ASTRONOMY MUSEUM “追星人”的盛会——上海天文馆来了 *2. SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT WILL RAISE TICKET PRICES 全面涨价!上海迪士尼乐园门票调价* *3. NATIONAL OBSERVATORIES LAUNCH PROGRAM TO DISCOVER STARS AI向宇宙下手了!国家天文台联手腾讯一起找星星 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.STARGAZERS TAKE INTERSTELLA TRIP AT SH ASTRONOMY MUSEUM “追星人”的盛会——上海天文馆来了 Shanghai Astronomy Museum is now open on a trial basis. Stargazers can explore the galaxy and learn the key concepts that lay the foundation for modern astronomy. Reporter Sun Siqi travels at light-speed for a tour of the venue in Lingang. 上海天文馆正面向社会公众进行开馆前的压力测试。天文爱好者们可以在这里尽情探索宇宙,了解现代天文学的核心概念。ICS记者孙思奇也以“光速”前往位于临港的上海天文馆,进行了提前探营。 It’s out of this world! That’s right, aspiring【有抱负的】 young astronomers may just find a slice of heaven here. The first exhibit is the Foucault Pendulum, an 1851 experiment that demonstrated the rotation【转动】of Earth. Then move on to learn about gravity on different planets, and the stars closest to Earth. 这简直是太棒了!没错,这里是年轻“追星人”梦寐以求的地方。刚步入天文馆大厅,映入眼帘的便是傅科摆。这是法国物理学家傅科在1851年所做的一次摆动实验。它证明了我们所在的地球沿着逆时针方向转动,且自西向东自转。接着,我们可以看到不同行星上的重力差异,以及离地球最近的恒星。 (recorded)This is how much an apple normally weighs on Earth, and as you can see on Mercury, it weighs almost nothing, and on Jupiter, it is heavier than a brick. 这是一个苹果在地球上的重量。如果把这个苹果放到水星上,它的自重几乎可以忽略不计;而如果把它放到木星上,它甚至比一块砖还要重。 (recorded)A relatively to-scale model of the stars’ relative positions to the Sun -- our closest neighbor: Proxima Centauri, which is 4.2 light-years away from the Sun, and these are all the stars that are visible to the naked eye. 这是一个展示了恒星与太阳相对位置的等比模型。可以看到,离我们最近的恒星是比邻星,它与太阳之间有4.2光年的距离。其余的这些恒星也都是肉眼可见的。 The museum also covers basic astronomy concepts like blue and red shift, the habitable【适合居住的】zone for planets in any star system. This leads one to begin pondering【沉思】the massive scale of the universe with 13.8 billion years of history. 天文馆内也介绍了一些蓝移与红移、恒星系统中行星的可居住带等基本概念。这不禁让人开始沉思有着138亿年历史的浩瀚宇宙。 Going beyond the solar system, you have the Kuiper Belt, you have the Oort Cloud, and then you have the Milky Way Galaxy, and then you have a whole neighborhood of neighboring galaxies that is called the Local Group, which is 10 million light years in diameter【直径】. Before you leave that, you have not even left the block as far as the universe is concerned. 在太阳系外侧,依次为柯伊伯带、奥尔特云、银河系以及一整个本星系群。其中,本星系群是包括地球所处之银河系在内的一群星系,它的直径为1000万光年。而这还不是宇宙的全部。 If you were to scale down the history of the universe into one year, the Sun was not created until August, the Earth-Moon System was shaped around September, and life explosion happened on Earth around December. 如果将宇宙那138亿年的历史压缩为1年,那么太阳是在8月诞生的,地月系大约是在9月形成的,而地球的起源——宇宙大爆炸——大约发生在12月。 Construction of the museum took four years. The spiral structure, reminiscent【使回忆起】 of the Guggenheim Museum in New York, proved to be a great challenge for engineers. 上海天文馆的建设历时四年,其螺旋状的结构对建筑师来说巨大的挑战。这种造型也让人不禁想起纽约的古根海姆博物馆。 INTERVIEW: Li Yaming, Chief Engineer, Institute of Shanghai Architectural Design & Research Company *李亚明,上海建筑设计研究院总工程师* The shape of the internal space is highly irregular, we used concrete, steel, aluminum alloys and complicated mechanical support structures to turn it into reality. 天文馆的内部空间十分不规则。我们利用混凝土、钢铁、铝合金和复杂的机械支撑结构实现了这种设计。 On top of the spiral is a life-size model of Tianhe, the core module of China’s space station, get a few photos doing what astronauts do in the same places as in space. Also discover iron and stony meteorites and their crystal structure under the microscope, and experience the distortion of gravity ... The museum attracted a fair number of parents even during the trial opening. 抬头望天,螺旋结构的顶部是天和号核心舱1:1仿真模型,你可以近距离感受宇航员的太空生活。显微镜下,你可以观察石铁陨石的晶体结构。你还可以体验重力的扭曲…即便还在压力测试期,上海天文馆还是吸引了许多家长携子女一起前来参观。 INTERVIEW: Visitor游客* My daughter already knows Jupiter, Mars and Neptune. I’d also like to show her videos of rockets launching. 我的女儿已经认识水星、火星和海王星了。我带她来看火箭发射的视频。 INTERVIEW: Visitor游客* My daughter is interested in natural science. Depending on her interest, we may want to encourage her studies in science. 我的女儿对自然科学非常感兴趣。因此,我们也希望能够鼓励她往自己的兴趣发展。  Eventually, stop by the "Interstellar" corridor to pass through a projection of stardust, where particles are blown over as you walk past. With that, museum designers try to convey what astronomers reveal with their science: that each of us is made of elements from this universe, and finally return into the cosmos like a flicker of dust. All trial period tickets have been booked. The museum officially opens on July 18th with tickets costing 30 yuan each. 最终,我们止步于“星际穿越”。穿过这条长廊时,身影在磁场中随之起舞,可以看到,上海天文馆的设计师试图以各种形式向我们转达天文学家探索到的科学真理:我们每一个人都是由宇宙中的元素构成的,并最终像闪烁的尘埃一样回归宇宙。目前,压力测试期间的门票皆已售空。上海天文馆将与于7月18日正式向公众开放,门票30元/人。 *2.SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT WILL RAISE TICKET PRICES 全面涨价!上海迪士尼乐园门票调价* Shanghai Disney Resort announced today that it’s increasing ticket prices beginning on January 9th, 2022. 7月9日,上海迪士尼度假区发布消息称,自2022年1月9日起,上海迪士尼度假区将调整上海迪士尼乐园的门票价格。 The price for "Regular" admission will increase to 435 yuan. "Peak" price will climb to 659 yuan. "Regular Plus" and "Peak Plus" tickets, covering selected weekdays, weekends and holidays, will cost 46 yuan and 70 yuan more. 其中,“常规日”门票价格上调至435元人民币;“高峰日”门票价格上调至659元人民币。涵盖部分平日、部分周末和部分中国法定节假日的“特别常规日”和“特别高峰日”门票价格分别上涨了46元人民币和70元人民币。 The prices for the many different annual【一年的】 passes will remain unchanged. Children aged 3 to 11, seniors aged 65 and above, plus those with disabilities will continue to receive a 25% discount. 许多年卡的价格将保持不变。其中,3周岁至11周岁的儿童、65周岁及以上的老年人以及残障游客购买门票时将继续享受约七五折的优惠。 **3. NATIONAL OBSERVATORIES LAUNCH PROGRAM TO DISCOVER STARS AI向宇宙下手了!**国家天文台联手腾讯一起找星星 The National Astronomical Observatories announced a project with tech giant Tencent to find a pulsar, or rapidly rotating neutron star, with the help of artificial intelligence at the World AI Conference yesterday. Sun Siqi tells us why such discoveries are important.  在世界人工智能大会腾讯论坛上,国家天文台与腾讯联合启动“探星计划”,致力于利用AI技术找到脉冲星线索,辅助快速射电暴和近密双星系统中脉冲星搜索。  The program dubbed【把…称为】 "Stellar Exploration Plan" will use Tencent’s YouTu Lab and the computational power of Tencent Cloud. The combination of cloud and AI technologies can help process the massive troves of data received by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, or FAST, which is also the world’s largest single-dish and most sensitive radio telescope. Visual AI analysis would then provide clues to locating pulsars. “探星计划”将基于优图实验室计算机视觉技术、腾讯云领先的计算及存储能力,帮助中国天眼FAST(500米口径球面射电望远镜)处理每天接收到的庞大数据。FAST是世界上最大的单口径射电望远镜,也是目前世界上灵敏度最高的望远镜。 INTERVIEW: Li Di, Researcher of the Radio Division of NAOC, Chief Scientist of FAST *李菂,中国科学院国家天文台研究员、FAST首席科学家* We need cutting edge computers and algorithms to comb through our data and process everything. 我们产生大量的数据,所以需要用比较前沿的、先进的,也就是高效率的计算方法、人工智能的方法和深度学习的方法。 INTERVIEW: **Huang Feiyue, ****Deputy General Manager of **YouTu Lab 黄飞跃,腾讯优图实验室副总经理 Our AI model does a preliminary screening of the images and greatly increases the efficiency and accuracy of finding a new pulsar.用我们的AI模型能够进行一个初筛,把这个搜寻的效率大大的提高,另外一方面我们大幅的提升了寻找脉冲星的一个准确率。 The FAST telescope captures about 30 million photos a week. It would take an astronomer a year to scan these photos, but with AI, it will take as little as three days. The observatory【天文台】 said it has found five new pulsars in space during the first month of its collaboration with Tencent. Discovering these neutron stars is essential to astrophysics【天体物理学】 research, and helping scientists detect gravitational waves. FAST在1周内产生的数据大约相当于3000万张信号图,如果以人工肉眼处理,按照1张/秒速度,需要用一年的时间才能处理。如果通过AI预筛选,只需要3天时间就可以完成。中国科学院国家天文台表示,在与腾讯合作的第一个月里,天文台在太空中发现了五颗新的脉冲星。这对天体物理学研究至关重要,并有助于科学家探测引力波。 #热词加油站 aspiring【有抱负的】 rotation【转动】 habitable【适合居住的】 pondering【沉思】 diameter【直径】 reminiscent【使回忆起】 annual【一年的】 dubbed【把…称为】 observatory【天文台】 astrophysics【天体物理学】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~