NEWS ON 07/11 1.WUHAN CONFIRMS CHOLERA CASE 武汉大学出现霍乱病例 2.SHANGHAI RANKS 3RDIN INT’L SHIPPING CENTER INDEX 上海蝉联国际航运中心第三名 3.JAPAN’S RULING COALITION RETAINS MAJORITY IN UPPER HOUSE ELECTION 日本:参议院选举结果揭晓 执政联盟保持优势地位 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.WUHAN CONFIRMS CHOLERA CASE 武汉大学出现霍乱病例 Health authorities in Wuhan today confirmed that a person at Wuhan University in Hubei Province had cholera【霍乱】. Authorities said the patient was treated and will fully recover. No additional cases have been found. Cholera is an** acute diarrheal infection****【急性腹泻疾病】** caused by ingesting contaminated food or water contaminated【污染】 with the bacterium vibrio cholera. It takes about five days for a person to show symptoms after being infected. Cholera is treatable【可治愈的】, but can be life threatening in severe cases without prompt medical attention. China had 5 cholera cases last year with no deaths, according to the CDC. 武汉市卫健部门今天(7月11日)通报,武汉大学出现一例感染性腹泻病例,以呕吐腹泻为主,伴低热。经复核,该病例的血清学凝集试验为O139阳性,诊断为霍乱。患者经有效诊治,病情已得到控制,症状已消失。目前未发现新增病例。霍乱是因摄入的食物或水受到霍乱弧菌污染而引起的一种急性腹泻性传染病,感染后潜伏期约为5天。霍乱可以治愈,但是如果患者没有及时进行治疗也会危害生命。根据CDC的数据,中国去年有5例霍乱病例,没有死亡病例。 2.SHANGHAI RANKS 3RDIN INT’L SHIPPING CENTER INDEX 上海蝉联国际航运中心第三名 Shanghai ranked third in an international shipping center index report for the third year in a row, with the gap narrowing on its rivals. The report was released during a National Maritime Day ceremony today. Here’s Sun Siqi with the details. 在今天(7/11)举行的第18个中国航海日上海主题活动上,"2022新华波罗的海国际航运中心发展指数报告"发布,上海蝉联国际航运中心第三名,与新加坡、伦敦的差距进一步缩小。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。 Shanghai ranked third after Singapore and London. Hong Kong, Dubai, Rotterdam, Hamburg, New York/New Jersey, Athens/Piraeus in Greece and Ningbo/Zhoushan ranked 4th to 10th. The Xinhua-Baltic International Shipping Center Development Index assesses 3 primary indicators【主要指标】 -- port infrastructure, shipping services and general environment, along with 16 secondary indicators. Shanghai scored 82.79 this year, 12 points behind Singapore and 0.25 points behind London. 2022年国际航运中心城市排名前十,依次是新加坡、伦敦、上海、香港、迪拜、鹿特丹、汉堡、纽约-新泽西、雅典-比雷埃夫斯,以及宁波舟山。“新华波罗的海国际航运中心发展指数报告”评估了3个一级指标,包括港口条件、航运服务和综合环境,以及16个二级指标。上海得分为82.79,较前两名新加坡、伦敦差距为12.09和0.25。 Liang Zhiyong, VP/China Economic Information Service, Xinhua 梁智勇 新华社中国经济信息社副总裁、党委常委、董事 It’s an impressive score for the Port of Shanghai, given the Russia-Ukraine conflict, pandemic resurgence, soaring commodity prices and supply chain challenges. Shanghai has become more open and introduced ways to reduce carbon emissions.今年大家知道俄乌冲突、疫情反复、大宗商品价格上扬,供应链阻断,多重因素的叠加下,咱们上海港依然能够取得骄人的成绩是非常不容易的。包括我们这个在RCEP的这个背景下,我们的开放程度更加高,然后我们在低碳方面,也有在全球很多创新的做法。 The report maintains that as the pandemic impact persists, which causes greater fluctuations【波动】 in the global shipping market, the shift toward digital solutions becomes increasingly important. This includes smart port infrastructure, driverless trucks and online approvals. In this aspects, Shanghai’s port leads the world. 报告认为,新冠肺炎疫情的影响仍在持续,国际航运市场的波动性进一步加剧,港航加速数字化成为大势所趋,而从无人重卡、智慧港口到无纸化放货,上海一直是探索数字化转型的先驱。 Sun Ying, China Representative/Baltic Exchange 孙颖 波罗的海交易所中国区代表 Shanghai has maintained steady growth in the ranking in the past 9 years. Its total handling volume, overall shipping service system and external environment have contributed to the improvement. A successful shipping center provides everything an international shipping company can need, and that’s an essential part of being a successful global metropolis【国际都市】.我们可以看到上海在过去9年中的排名稳中有升,上海港的集装箱吞吐量、较为健全的航运服务体系和综合外部环境都为此做出了巨大的贡献。一个成功的航运中心提供了国际船东可能需要的一切,而一个成功的航运中心,最终也一定是一个成功的国际都市。 Handling volume at the Port of Shanghai had reached 126,000 units per day as of the end of June, about 95 percent of the volume at the same time last year. 数据显示,6月底,上海港集装箱日均吞吐量达到12.6万标箱,已恢复至去年同期的95%以上。 3.JAPAN’S RULING COALITION RETAINS MAJORITY IN UPPER HOUSE ELECTION 日本:参议院选举结果揭晓 执政联盟保持优势地位 Japan’s ruling bloc of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito scored a sweeping victory in yesterday’s House of Councilors election, with the LDP alone securing a majority of contested seats. Lei Shuran has the story. 此次选举中,日本自民党和公明党组成的执政联盟大获全胜,自民党获得了多数议席。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 Parties open to revising the** constitution****【宪法】** maintained their two-thirds majority in the upper house. Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida yesterday pledged to continue working on the amendment to the constitution of Japan. 修宪势力此次一举获得参议院超三分之二多数议席。对此,岸田文雄昨天(10日)第一时间表示,修宪是紧迫的课题,将尽快加强讨论,提出更加具体的议案。 Fumio Kishida, Japanese Prime Minister 岸田文雄 日本首相 I will inheriting Abe’s legacy, especially issues surrounding abduction and the constitutional amendments to which he put so much of his effort into.我会继承安倍的"遗产",尤其是他倾注了大量心血的修宪问题。 The leader of the New Komeito party said the party is not opposed to constitutional amendments, but only if they are understood by the public. According to the rules, parliament can initiate a constitutional amendment only if it receives more than half support in a referendum. Some residents in Tokyo expressed their concerns over Japan’s economy and security. 公明党党首表示,公明党不反对修宪,但前提是要得到国民的理解。按照规定,只有在全民公投中获半数以上支持,议会才能启动修宪。然而在物价飞涨、工资缩水的当下,相比修宪,民众显然更关心经济问题。 Japanese Resident 日本民众 We have to think deeper about ways to improve the economy. They cannot just issue various subsidies, this will not work.我们必须好好想想怎么改善经济,他们总不能一直发放援助,这不是长久之策。 The yen continued to fall against the US dollar, bottoming out at around 137.5 yen today, a new low since September 1998. 日元兑美元汇率今天(11日)一度下跌至1美元兑137至137.5日元区间,创1998年9月以来新低。 #热词加油站 cholera [ˈkɒlərə]【霍乱】 acute diarrheal infection【急性腹泻疾病】 contaminate [kənˈtæmɪneɪt]【污染】 treatable [ˈtriːtəbl]【可治愈的】 primary indicator【主要指标】 fluctuation [ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃn]【波动】 global metropolis【国际都市】 constitution [ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃn]【宪法】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~