cover of episode 07/12 TOP NEWS | 未来一周酷热仍将持续/京沪航班遇晴空颠簸/王毅将出席东盟外长会

07/12 TOP NEWS | 未来一周酷热仍将持续/京沪航班遇晴空颠簸/王毅将出席东盟外长会

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NEWS ON 0**7/11 *1.SCORCHING HEAT TO CONTINUE FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK 未来一周酷热仍将持续 2.AIR CHINA SAYS 2 INJURED DURINGTURBULENCE ON SHANGHAI-BEIJING FLIGHT* 国航上海至北京航班途中遇晴空颠簸两人受伤 3.SENIOR CHINESE DIPLOMAT WANG YITO ATTEND ASEAN-PLUS FM MEETINGS** 王毅出席中国-东盟国家外长会 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.SCORCHING HEAT TO CONTINUE FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK 未来一周酷热仍将持续 Sanfu, the hottest days of summer on the Chinese lunar calendar has arrived. An orange alert for high temperatures was issued by the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau this morning. Daytime highs surpassed超过 37 degrees in many parts of downtown. The weather officials say scorching heat will hang around for the rest of the week. Zhang Yue brings us more. 中国农历夏季最热的三伏天已经到来。今天(07/11)上午,上海气象局发布高温橙色预警,市区多地白天最高气温超过37度。气象专家预计,未来三天依旧热力不减。记者张乐带来更多报道。 Cooling sprays喷雾 were set up at the entrance of Shanghai Natural History Museum, to cool down the people waiting to enter the museum. At Wujiang Road pedestrian street, people were covered up to stay out of the sun. Hats, sleeves and face covers were the order of the day. 上海自然博物馆入口处安装了降温喷雾,为等待入馆的游客降温。吴江路步行街上,行人们为了防晒把自己裹得严严实实,帽子、长袖、面罩成了标配。 Resident 市民 “进三伏天了,前两天还可以忍受,现在就无法忍受。” “I could handle the heat in the past two days, but today it just too hot.” Temperatures peaked at 37 degrees of higher in many part of the city this afternoon. The Xujiahui meteorological station registered 37.5 degrees. The weather office said temperatures will drop slightly during the weekend, as the subtropical high pressure system  moves away from the east coast. 今天(07/11)下午,上海多区气温飙上37度,徐家汇站最高气温冲上37.5度。气象局专家预计,未来三天依旧热力不减,到周末副热带高压东撤后,高温才有望缓解。 Wu Rui, Chief Service Officer Shanghai Meterological Bureau 邬锐 上海市气象局首席服务官 “今天正式‘出梅入伏’,今年这两个日子连在一起,也是比较凑巧的。上海今天部分地区的最高气温可能要冲击38℃,未来3天最高气温也将在37度左右。” “Today is the end of this year's plum rain season and the start of Sanfu. High temperatures in some parts of the city is very likely to reach 38 degrees. Daytime highs will also be around 37 degrees for the next 3 days.” In other parts of the country, Hangzhou and Chongqing registered temperatures of 39 degrees, while southern Hebei hit 40. Up north in the capital Beijing got a bit of a break, only coming in at 34 degrees, down from yesterday's high of 38.5. 在全国其他地区,杭州和重庆的气温达到39度,河北南部达到40度。首都北京的气温略有下降,仅为34度,低于昨天(07/10)的最高气温38.5度。 Du Jia, Chief Weather Forecaster Beijing Meterological Bureau 杜佳 北京市气象台首席预报员 “今天夜间到明天白天会有一次比较明显的降水过程,降水前期会伴有比较明显的强对流,会有雷暴,局地的短时降雨比较大,伴有7级左右的雷暴大风和小冰雹。” “Rain is expected later tonight to tomorrow, with possible thundershowers due to strong convective weather. Quick showers will also be seen in some parts of the city, with a level-seven gale and possible hail.” The country's weather officials estimate that due to the effect of El Nino, there will be more high temperature days this year than in the past years in some parts of the country. The World Meteorological Organization said last month was the hottest June ever, adding that average global temperatures will keep increasing throughout July. 气象专家预测,由于厄尔尼诺现象的影响,今年中国部分地区的高温天数将超过往年。世界气象组织表示,上个月是有史以来最热的6月,且全球平均气温将在7月持续升高。 2.AIR CHINA SAYS 2 INJURED DURING****TURBULENCE ON SHANGHAI-BEIJING FLIGHT 国航上海至北京航班途中遇晴空颠簸两人受伤 Air China said today that one passenger and a flight attendant were injured on flight CA1524 from Shanghai to Beijing yesterday after running into** turbulence****【(空气或水的)湍流】. 中国国际航空公司今天(07/11)表示,昨天从上海飞往北京的CA1524航班突遇气流颠簸,在此过程中一名旅客和一名乘务员受伤。 The statement was issued to counter claims made by numerous internet users that there were more injuries. Air China confirmed only one passenger and one crew member were injured and that when the Airbus 330 plane landed safely at 5:18 pm, they were taken to hospital. Air China expressed its concern and condolences. It vowed to continue to prioritize safety and provide excellent service. 此前众多网民发帖称该航班遭遇了严重的湍流,造成了多人受伤。该声明旨在对此做出澄清。中国国际航空公司证实,只有一名乘客和一名机组人员受伤,并且这架空客A330客机于下午5点18分安全落地后,航空公司立即安排专人陪同受伤旅客和乘务员前往医院治疗。中国国际航空公司对此表示关切和慰问,承诺将继续把安全放在首位,提供优质服务。 3.SENIOR CHINESE DIPLOMAT WANG YITO ATTEND ASEAN-PLUS FM MEETINGS** 王毅出席中国-东盟国家外长会 The top diplomats of the Association Southeast Asian Nations began a week of talks in Jakarta today. Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi opened the plenary session in the capital. Lei Shuran has more. 印尼外交部长蕾特诺·马尔苏迪11日在印度尼西亚首都雅加达宣布第56届东盟外长会开幕,来自东盟国家的外交部长及政府官员共同出席,开始为期一周的会谈。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。 Early this morning, Marsudi welcomed Southeast Asia's top diplomats and foreign ministers. The annual meeting comes as doubts mount over the credibility and unity of the bloc in dealing with the region's challenges.   今天(07/11)清晨,马尔苏迪迎接了东南亚各国外长。此次年会的召开,正值人们对东盟应对地区挑战的可信度和团结性产生怀疑之际。 **Retno Marsudi ** Indonesian Foreign Minister 蕾特诺 印尼外长 “The maintenance of peace and stability in the region is our priority. It is our foundation to turn the region into an epicenter中心 of growth.” “维护地区和平与稳定是东盟的首要关切,这是将地区转变为增长中心的基础。” Foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin announced today that Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, will attend the ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia from July 13 to 14.   外交部发言人汪文斌11日宣布,中共中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅将出席7月13日至14日在印度尼西亚雅加达举行的中国-东盟外长会。 Wang Wenbin, Spokesman Ministry of Foreign Affairs **汪文斌 **中国外交部发言人 “东亚合作系列外长会,是增进互信、促进合作的平台,中方期待通过此次会议更多凝聚共识,为9月东亚合作领导人会议做好政治和成果准备,促进地区和平稳定繁荣。” “ASEAN is a great platform to drive East Asian cooperation and enhance mutual trust. China looks forward to building more consensus through the meetings to make political preparations for the leaders' meetings on East Asia Cooperation to be held this September, aiming to promote regional peace, stability, and prosperity.” Wang will also attend three other Foreign Ministers' meetings while in Jakarta, the ASEAN Plus Three, the East Asia Summit, and the ASEAN Regional Forum. 在雅加达期间,王毅还将出席其他三场外长会议,即东盟与中日韩外长会、东亚峰会外长会和东盟地区论坛外长会。 #热词加油站 surpass/sərˈpæs/【超过】 spray/spreɪ/【喷雾】 turbulence/ˈtɜːrbjələns/【(空气或水的)湍流】 epicenter/ˈepɪsentər/【中心】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~