NEWS ON 07/10 1. YELLEN:DECOUPLING FROM CHINA WOULD BE“A BIG MISTAKE”FOR US 耶伦结束访华之行重申美国不寻求与中国“脱钩” 2. LINGANG TO FURTHER IMPROVESHIPPING SERVICES 上海临港:全国首个国际航运服务平台上线,16个航运项目签约 3. AN UNDERWATER TIME CAPSULE FROM THE QING DYNASTY 来自清朝的水下时间胶囊,“长江口二号”古船出水文物首次公开展出 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.YELLEN: DECOUPLING FROM CHINA WOULD BE“A BIG MISTAKE”FOR US 耶伦结束访华之行重申美国不寻求与中国“脱钩” The Ministry of Finance said today it hopes the United States government will take concrete actions to respond to its major economic concerns, including lifting tariffs and relaxing export controls. The remarks were made after US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's visit to China, which ended yesterday. 美国财政部部长珍妮特·耶伦昨天(07/09)结束访华后,中国财政部今天(07/10)发表讲话,希望美方切实采取行动,回应中方在两国经济关系中的重大关切,包括取消对华加征关税和放宽对华出口管制。 Talking about common challenges, the ministry said the "decoupling" of the world's two largest economies would be disastrous【灾难性的】 for both since they have formed numerous common interests after decades of trade. China believes its development is an opportunity rather than a challenge and a benefit rather than a risk to the United States. 在谈到面临的共同挑战时,中国财政部表示,世界前两大经济体“脱钩”对两国都是灾难性的,因为经过几十年的贸易往来,双方已经形成许多共同利益。中方表明,中国的发展对美国是机遇而不是挑战,是增益而不是风险。 2.LINGANG TO FURTHER IMPROVESHIPPING SERVICES 上海临港:全国首个国际航运服务平台上线,16个航运项目签约 More than 16 projects with a combined investment of more than 6 billion yuan were signed between Lingang Special Area and shipping service companies. The projects cover a variety of areas including remote services and smart logistics. Zhang Yue has more. 今天(07/10)上海自贸试验区临港新片区与一批高能级航运服务企业签约。16个航运服务项目总投资额达60多亿元,涉及远程服务、智能物流等多个领域。记者张乐带来更多报道。 COSCO Shipping Technology Company said it has released online services for supply chain management. The company said the services are going to help shipping companies. 中远海运科技股份有限公司表示已推出供应链管理在线服务,为航运公司提供帮助。 Lin Yiwen, Deputy General Manager COSCO Shipping Technology Company 林亦雯 中远海运科技股份有限公司副总经理 “第二批(产品)计划于9月底推出,比如对于备品、备件的健康状况,包括怎么远程辅助维修。通过数字化方式,把原来仅仅做供应这一端的定位,延伸到整个对船舶增值服务。” “The services will launch at the end of September, including how to help ship operators repair their ship remotely, and the status of spare parts on the ship. We can now offer much more than just supply chain services.” Bimco is the world's largest direct-membership organization for ship-owners, ship brokers, and agents. One of its executives said the company plans to invest more than 1 billion yuan on a smart logistics【物流】center in Lingang. Bimco是全球最大的船东、船舶经纪人和代理直接会员组织。该公司一位高管表示,公司计划在临港投资超10亿元人民币,建设智能物流旗舰仓。 Zhuang Wei, Regional Manager Bimco Asia 庄炜 BIMCO波罗的海国际航运公会亚太区总经理 “我们希望临港能够成为领头羊,并在未来取得一些真正的突破。我们将在临港进行一些压力测试,这个过程肯定会(是)跟整个数字化的过程密切衔接在一起。” “We hope to become the leader in the industry, and make some real breakthroughs in the future. We are going to run some pressure tests here in Lingang in which the process will be closely tied to digitalization.” During the first Dishui Lake International Shipping Innovation Conference, which was held over the weekend, Lingang released an international shipping services organization. 在上周末举行的首届滴水湖高能级航运服务业创新大会上,临港新片区发布了全国首个国际航运综合服务平台“航运通”。 3.AN UNDERWATER TIME CAPSULE FROM THE QING DYNASTY 来自清朝的水下时间胶囊,“长江口二号”古船出水文物首次公开展出 Tomorrow is China Maritime Day, to mark the occasion, the Shanghai History Museum has put together a new exhibition featuring the findings on the Yangtze River Estuary No.2 shipwreck and the salvage【打捞】 technologies used to raise it from the bottom of the sea. The ship is the largest and best-preserved wooden shipwreck discovered in China to date. Reporter Zhang Hong takes a look. 为纪念明天(07/11)的“中国航海日”,上海历史博物馆举办了一场新展览,展示“长江口二号”古船的发现和打捞过程中运用的技术。“长江口二号”是迄今为止中国发现的最大、保存最完好的木制沉船。记者张泓带您一探究竟。 Known as Yangtze River Estuary No.2, the century-and-a-half-old ship was lifted from the bottom of the Yangtze River last November. Archaeologists are carrying out research and preservation work on the ship at the old Shanghai Shipyard in Yangpu District. Elements of what they’ve discovered are now on display at the Shanghai History Museum. “长江口二号”这艘有150年历史的古船于去年11月从长江中打捞而出,现保存于杨浦滨江的上海船厂船坞。考古学家在那里开展研究、保护工作。部分出水文物正在上海历史博物馆展出。 Zhang Hong, Reporter 张****泓 记者 “考古学家认为这艘船可能是一艘清朝时期航行在华东地区的商船。他们在沉船周围发现了相当多的景德镇瓷器。在这个‘水槽’里,你可以拿着盘子‘舀’出一些船上曾装载的货物。” “Archaeologists believe that the ship was a merchant vessel that sailed the waters of Eastern China during the Qing Dynasty. They found quite a lot of Jingdezhen pottery around the wreck site. Here at this ‘sink’, you can take a plate and ‘scoop up’ some goods that the ship was carrying.” 95 objects from the ship, including structural components and pottery, are shown to the public for the first time. 包括船体构件及瓷器在内的95件出水自古船的展品均为首次公开展出。 One of the findings archaeologists made while working on the ship was a vase filled with little cups, so they made this little challengeherefor visitors. The idea is to arrange the cups in order to get as many into the vase as possible. 考古学家在船上发现了一个装满小杯子的花瓶,所以他们在这里为观众设置了这个小挑战。观众要将杯子摆放整齐,尽可能把更多杯子装入花瓶。 Zhai Yang, Deputy Director SH Cultural Heritage Conservation & Research Center 翟杨****上海市文物保护研究中心副主任 “嫁妆瓶里放着50件团龙纹的小碗,小碗因为是被尘封在嫁妆瓶里面,所以还保持了150年之前刚刚出炉的那种新鲜度。更重要的是,我们是在碗和碗之间防碰撞的稻壳里面做了DNA的检测。我们发现这些碗是在江西地区装载的然后从上海出海。” “Inside this dowry vase, there are 50 small bowls with dragon patterns. As the little bowls were sealed inside the vase, they appear as new as they were 150 years ago. More importantly, we did a DNA test on the crop husk inside the vase, which was for protecting the bowls from breaking. We found that these bowls were packed in Jiangxi and they were headed overseas from Shanghai.” Zhai Yang, Deputy Director SH Cultural Heritage Conservation & Research Center 翟杨****上海市文物保护研究中心副主任 “为应对长江口这个最大浑浊带恶劣的水域,我们在国内率先开展了智能化水下考古工作,这是我们用的其中一个无人艇。这个无人艇上面搭载了合成孔径声呐,可以对泥面以下的影像做三维探测。这也是我们首次展示智能水下考古技术和装备。” “Because of the harsh currents of the estuarine turbidity zone, we used smart technologies in the underwater archaeological work. This is one of the unmanned vessels we used. It is equipped with sonar, which is able to capture three-dimensional images of an object under the mud. This is the first time that we’ve displayed some of our newest underwater archaeology technology and equipment.” Zhou Qunhua, Curator Shanghai History Museum 周群华****上海市历史博物馆馆长 “上海位于这个中国南北海岸线的中点,也是长江的龙头,所以这座城市的命运跟中国的航运业有紧密的关系。‘长江口二号’是海上丝绸之路、上海海洋考古学和城市命运的一个重要见证物。一般观众在考古展中,看的都是文物本身和文物背后的故事,这是我们传统的概念。这个展览三分之二的体量用来介绍科技。因为这是暑假,我们需要将中国的考古事业让更多观众、尤其是年轻人了解,让学生对考古有兴趣。” “Shanghai is at the midpoint of China's north-south coastline and where the estuary of the Yangtze River is located. The city has always been closely related to China's shipping industry. The ‘Yangtze River Estuary No. 2’ is an important monument of the Maritime**【海上的】**Silk Road, Shanghai's maritime archaeology development and the story of the city. At an archaeological exhibition, visitors are usually presented with artifacts and the stories behind them, which is the traditional way an exhibition is curated. Here, two-thirds of the exhibition venue is dedicated to introducing archaeological technologies. Because students are on summer vacation now, we wanted to introduce some of the advances that have been made in Chinese archaeology to a wider audience, and especially the young people, to get them interested in archaeology.” #热词加油站 disastrous/dɪˈzæstrəs/【灾难性的】 logistics/ləˈdʒɪstɪks/【物流】 salvage/ˈsælvɪdʒ/【打捞】 maritime/ˈmærɪtaɪm/【海上的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~