cover of episode 07/11 TOP NEWS | 静安引进各类品牌首店/我国首艘大型海道测量船下水/安倍晋三被枪击

07/11 TOP NEWS | 静安引进各类品牌首店/我国首艘大型海道测量船下水/安倍晋三被枪击

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NEWS ON 07/081.JING’ AN ATTRACTS INTERNATIONAL LABELS静安引进各类品牌首店2.DEEP-SEA MAPPING SHIP TAKES TO THE WATER我国首艘远海大型海道测量船今天下水3.FORMER JAPAN PM ABE ASSASSINATED DURING STUMP SPEECH IN NARA安倍晋三被枪击**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.JING’ AN ATTRACTS INTERNATIONAL LABELS静安引进各类品牌首店New stores featuring 42 global brands covering jewelry, beauty products and apparel have opened in Jing’ an District in the past six months. Zhang Yue tells us how the district has been working to attract overseas brands.上半年,静安引进全球品牌首店42家,涵盖珠宝、美容产品和服装等品牌。该区如何致力于吸引海外品牌入驻, 张乐为我们带来详细报道。German fashion brand Jil Sander has placed fresh flowers and art installations in its store on West Nanjing Road in an effort to stand out from the crowd. The flowers and store layout will change with the seasons.德国时尚品牌吉尔桑德在其位于南京西路的商店里布置了鲜花和艺术陈设以吸引顾客。鲜花和商店的布置将随着季节的变化而变化。程程 吉尔桑德亚太市场负责人Customers can purchase seasonal apparel【服装】** from our store, and experience nature by purchasing flowers that match with the clothes.顾客不仅能购买当季的服装,还能体验到最自然的回馈,可以把和时装有联系的花束带回家。Italian fashion group OTB owns the Jil Sander, Maison Margiela, Amiri and Marni labels. The company set up stores for each one a few years ago in Shanghai. The group decided to expand these into flagship stores【旗舰店】 in Jing’ an. 意大利奢侈品集团OTB旗下拥有Jil Sander、Maison Margiela、Amiri和Marni等品牌。这批设计师品牌,前几年曾在申城"小试牛刀",市场的反馈给了他们极大的信心。即使经历疫情,品牌依然决定增加投资,把"小柜台"变成全球旗舰店,并落子静安。翟雅戈 OTB集团亚太区总裁West Nanjing Road today is one of the most important streets in the world, commercial and luxury street, which is second to nobody. This is why we put all our time, efforts and energy, dedication to the best possible job. 我们认为南京西路在全球是一条很重要的时尚商业街,我们品牌入驻一定会产生特殊的化学反应。这就是为什么我们愿意花费时间和精力,入驻商业街。Jing’ an is also home to California-based Blue Bottle Coffee’s 102nd cafe, which is in a two-story, vintage-looking building along Suzhou Creek. It’s the company’s first cafe on the Chinese mainland. In addition to the brand’s signature coffee, customers are able to order snacks and pastries designed for the local market.总部位于加州的蓝瓶咖啡品牌,将其全球第102家门店也是中国内地的首店,选择开在静安区苏州河畔的一幢两层高的老建筑内,还"量身定制"了具有特殊上海味道的咖啡周边产品——小吃和糕点。沈虹 静安区商务委主任We are trying to improve the economy by attracting more brands to set up their stores here in the district, so that more foreign investors will have be more confidence to invest in Jing’ an, and the city of Shanghai. 我们也想通过首发经济的效应提升经济发展,让更多的外资企业、品牌企业增强在上海、在静安投资的信心。The commission said the district is going to further improve the business environment along Suzhou Creek and the area of Daning. The district said fashion shows and performances will be organized to improve the development of both domestic and international brands.商务委表示,静安区将进一步改善苏州河沿岸和大宁地区的商业环境。该区表示,将组织时装秀和表演,助力国内和国际品牌的发展。2.DEEP-SEA MAPPING SHIP TAKES TO THE WATER****我国首艘远海大型海道测量船今天下水The country’s first deep-sea charting ship was introduced today. The next generation surveying vessel was built by China State Shipbuilding Corporation. Sun Siqi has the story.今天(7月8日),我国首艘具备深远海测量能力的专业海道测量船“海巡08”在中国船舶集团公司江南造船成功下水。记者孙思奇为我们带来详细报道。The 123-meter, 7,500-ton Haixun 08 is capable of traveling 33,000 kilometers on a full tank of fuel and can remain at sea for 60 days without having to resupply. The vessel’s sonar system creates high-definition maps of landscape between 5 and 11,000 meters underwater.“海巡08”总长123.6米、排水量达7500吨,续航力达33000公里(约18000海里),自持力达60天。该船的声学探测系统成功实现水下5米至11000米全水深探测。杨宇超 中国船舶集团有限公司江南造船"海巡08"副总工艺师The greatest engineering challenge is to fit the sonar system【声纳系统】 into a very small and thin bow. There’s only 0.7 meters of space. This is an extremely compact space that we have to build. 最大的难点其实就是空间狭小问题,它很薄,装声学设备这块只有0.7米高。对我们船厂施工来说,它的施工空间已经被压缩到极致了。蒋见宇 交通运输部东海航海保障中心副主任、总工程师The vessel measures depth, underwater landscape, ocean current environment and other chemical factors in the sea. It’s a milestone moment in the country’s nautical charting history. 从事深远海测量的大型测量船能够测量水深、海底地貌、海洋环境以及海洋的化学因素,“海巡08”的建成算是在中国航海史上迈了标志性的一步。Haixun 08 will be able to chart the country’s entire marine environment down to the seabed, and will be used in deep-sea searches.“海巡08”轮主要用于我国管辖海域,将进一步提高我国海道测量实力及应急扫测和搜寻能力,推动海道测量实现由近海迈向远海的升级。3.FORMER JAPAN PM ABE ASSASSINATED DURING STUMP SPEECH IN NARA****安倍晋三被枪击Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated【暗杀】 this morning while delivering a stump speech in the western Japanese city of Nara. Lei Shuran has the story.日本前首相安倍晋三今天(7月8日)上午在日本西部城市奈良发表演讲时被暗杀。记者雷舒然为我们带来详细报道。Local police and firefighters said that the 67-year-old Abe fell to the ground and was seen bleeding after he was shot from behind at 11:30 am local time. He was rushed to Nara Medical University Hospital. The Nara City Fire Department confirmed that the former Japanese PM was in** cardio-pulmonary arrest【心肺骤停】** before being taken to hospital. Police arrested a 41-year-old suspected gunman Tetsuya Yamagami, a resident of Nara, at the scene. Yamagami worked for Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force for three years until around 2005. He was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and local police retrieved what appeared to be a handmade gun from the vicinity of where the former prime minister was shot. The hospital confirmed Abe’s death at around 5 pm. Abe suffered major damage to his heart in addition to two neck wounds that damaged an artery【动脉】, causing extensive bleeding. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida called the shooting despicable【卑鄙的】 and barbaric【野蛮的】. He and his Cabinet ministers hastily returned to Tokyo from campaign events around the country after the shooting.据当地警察和消防员称,当地时间上午11点30分(北京时间10点半左右),67岁的安倍晋三在遭受枪击后倒在血泊中。事发后,安倍被紧急送往奈良县立医科大学医院。当地消防部门称,安倍转运时已失去意识,处于心肺功能停止状态。警方在现场逮捕了41岁的枪手嫌疑人山上彻也,现居奈良市。他曾在日本海上自卫队工作了三年,直到2005年左右离队。他因涉嫌谋杀未遂而被捕,警方在现场找到了一把疑似手工制作的枪。当地时间傍晚5点左右,安倍晋三在医院不治身亡。据悉,安倍主要死因是心脏大血管破裂。日本首相岸田文雄称这次枪击事件是卑鄙和野蛮的。事件发生后,岸田文雄取消了当天的活动行程,从山形县乘坐直升机返回东京。他同时指示所有日本内阁大臣紧急返回东京。岸田文雄 日本首相This despicable, barbaric act took place when the country is staging an election, and is totally unacceptable.这是选举期间发生的卑劣暴行,绝对不能原谅。Japan will hold Senate elections on July 10th. The Japanese government said there are no plans to postpone or reschedule the election.本月10号,日本就将举行参议院选举。日本总务省表示目前没有推迟或改期计划。#热词加油站 apparel/əˈpærəl/【服装】flagship store【旗舰店】 sonar system【声纳系统】 assassinate/əˈsæsɪneɪt/【暗杀】cardio-pulmonary arrest【心肺骤停】artery/ˈɑːtəri/【动脉】despicable/dɪˈspɪkəb(ə)l/【卑鄙的】 barbaric/bɑːˈbærɪk/【野蛮的】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~