cover of episode 07/09 TOP OF THE DAY AI改变未来/商务部再回应新疆棉事件/离群公象安全返乡

07/09 TOP OF THE DAY AI改变未来/商务部再回应新疆棉事件/离群公象安全返乡

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NEWS ON 7/9 **1. **TECH GIANTS SAY AI WILL RESHAPE SOCIETY 畅想未来!看人工智能如何引领科技变革 **2. **CHINA URGES COUNTRIES TO STOP UNREASONABLE CRACKDOWN ON CHINESE COMPANIES 力挺新疆棉!商务部敦促个别国家纠正无理打压企业的错误做法 **3. **LONE ELEPHANT SENT BACK TO HOME IN YUNAN 安全返乡!离群小公象被送回西双版纳自然保护区 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1. TECH GIANTS SAY AI WILL RESHAPE SOCIETY The World Artificial Intelligence Conference 20-21 opened today with heads of domestic tech companies offering their vision for future AI applications. Many believe the technology will re-shape【重塑】 human society. Sun Siqi takes a look. 2021世界人工智能大会今天(8日)在上海世博中心开幕,国内各大科技巨头的掌门人分享了对于人工智能发展前景的看法。很多人表示,人工智能将重塑人类社会。 A virtual Zhurong Rover met guests at the conference. It also interacted【互动】 with Baidu Founder Li Yanhong, who said AI will be the key driving force for human development over the next 40 years in areas such as transportation. 全球首个火星车数字人“祝融号”与现场观众进行了面对面的聊天,随后,被“祝融号”提到的百度创始人李彦宏在发言中提出,人工智能将会是影响未来40年人类发展的变革力量。 INTERVIEW: Li Yanhong, Founder & CEO Baidu 李彦宏,百度创始人、董事长兼首席执行官 My vision for autonomous【自动的】 vehicles is not so much a car, but more like a robot on wheels. It will understand and carry out your commands. Let’s say apples are in season at a suburban farm, you could tell it to go over and bring some back. In the next two to three years, we plan to launch【推出】 our shared auto-pilot vehicle services in 30 cities across the country.  自动驾驶汽车的突破可以让汽车不再像汽车,而更像一个机器人。它跑得比人快,能够听得懂人话,说得跟专业主持人一样。假如郊区农场的苹果熟了,你可以让汽车机器人去帮你把它取回来,而不必自己舟车劳顿。未来2到3年,我们计划将共享无人车服务全面开放至国内的30个城市。 Tencent CEO Pony Ma said people need to know more about AI. 腾讯公司首席执行官马化腾则鼓励人们要更多地了解人工智能。 INTERVIEW: Pony Ma, CEO Tencent 马化腾,腾讯公司董事会主席兼首席执行官 We need to make AI understandable, controllable, usable and reliable【可靠的】. We need to put it to good use.  我们追求科技向善,就要推动AI向善,让AI技术实现可知、可控、可用、可靠。我们善用AI的智慧必须胜过日益强大的AI技术。 Huawei’s rotating chairperson Hu Houkun used Shanghai’s 12345 help hotline to illustrate how AI can help a city manage itself with greater efficiency. 华为轮值董事长胡厚崑则以上海的12345市民服务热线结合人工智能技术为例,点赞上海的城市温度。 INTERVIEW: Hu Houkun, Rotating Chairperson Huawei 胡厚崑,华为轮值董事长 The hotline can now read your emotion, understand your words and, if necessary, send out maintenance teams. The backstage server can even predict events, like water pipes possibly breaking when a cold front hits.  “12345”用到了自动派单、语义识别,甚至还有情绪的感知。它甚至可以主动预测一些城市时间的发生,比如说寒潮来了以后哪些地方的水管有可能爆裂。 Today’s World AI Conference Forum released an index report on the country’s level of innovation in AI sector. China ranked second in this year’s report, coming just after the United States, and ranked among top 10 in policy support, innovative resources and industrial environment. 2021世界人工智能大会人工智能治理论坛上发布的《2020全球人工智能创新指数报告》显示,中国的人工智能创新指数已经上升至全球第二位,仅次于美国。从具体指标上来看,中国在基础支撑、创新资源与环境、科技研发、产业与应用等方面均表现良好,四个一级指标均排名前十。 INTERVIEW: Zhao Zhiyun, Director Institution of Scientific & Technical Info. of China 赵志耘中国科学技术信息研究所党委书记、所长* China’s ranking went up from third place last year. The number of new patents【专利】, research articles and computational power in this sector have really jumped into the world’s leading tier. We also lead in market size and the number of companies in this field.  中国的排名比去年上升1名,这些年来我们形成的基础环境,特别是我们形成了很多的人工智能基础研究论文、专利,这些都是很超前的,包括现在人工智能产业赖以发展的算力、我们的市场的规模、企业数量也是比较靠前的。 Also at the conference, the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission and a few research institutes released a city work plan that looks to increase the use of AI in health care, education and elderly care. 在2021世界人工智能大会人工智能治理论坛上还发布了《上海国家新一代人工智能创新发展试验区社会实验工作方案》,助推医疗诊断辅助决策支持、老年智能服务应用系统等场景开展应用实验。 2. *CHINA URGES COUNTRIES TO STOP UNREASONABLE CRACKDOWN ON CHINESE COMPANIES Ministry of Commerce spokes-person Gao Feng said today that certain countries need to immediately correct un-reasonable crackdowns【打压】 on Chinese companies, and noted that China has stressed on many occasions that forced labor allegations【指控】 in Xinjiang are totally against facts. 在商务部举行的例行新闻发布会上,商务部发言人高峰表示,中方敦促个别国家立即纠正无理打压企业的错误做法,并且中方多次强调,所谓新疆“强迫劳动”问题完全违背事实。 Gao’s remarks came in-response to reports mentioning that the president of the parent company of Muji, a lifestyle retailer, stated that no human rights violations have been found and the company will continue to use cotton from Xinjiang. Gao also said China provides active support to foreign firms doing trade and investment in Xinjiang. He added that representatives of international industry bodies and foreign firms in China will visit Xinjiang in the near future. 此前无印良品母公司负责人表示,将继续使用新疆棉,根据调查,没有发现棉花农场存在侵犯人权的情况。对此高峰回应表示,中方愿意继续为外国企业与新疆开展贸易投资提供积极支持,同时有关国际行业机构和外国企业在华代表将于近期去新疆实地考察,到新疆的棉田、纱厂等去走一走、看一看。 3. *LONE ELEPHANT SENT BACK TO HOME IN YUNAN A male Asian elephant in China that split-off from his herd for 32 days was tranquilized【麻醉】 and returned to the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve in Yunnan. 目前,离群小公象已被安全“遣返”回乡至云南西双版纳国家级自然保护区。 The young male had previously been part of the herd that has been wandering through the south-western province of Yunnan for more than a year. The lone elephant was captured in Yuxi city after it was seen getting close to a highway and a major rail route. The local government said it’s healthy and did not suffer any injuries during the transfer. The remaining 14 elephants are currently lingering【游荡】 in south-western forests of Yuxi. 在此之前,这头小公象已经脱离象群独自活动了32天。7月5日,因发现小公象距离高速及城际铁路仅2、300米,现场指挥部决定经麻醉后,将其送回原栖息地,并且当地政府表示小象在转移过程中都很健康。此前,野象群已经在云南西南部逛吃逛喝了一年多,剩余14头象目前仍在玉溪市大开门社区西南林地内活动。 #热词加油站 re-shape【重塑】 interact【互动】 autonomous【自动的】 launch【推出】 reliable【可靠的】 patent【专利】 crackdown【打压】 allegation【指控】 tranquilize【麻醉】 linger【游荡】 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放*“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~