cover of episode 07/08 TOP OF THE DAY纪念全民族抗战爆发84周年/2021世界人工智能大会/3v3篮球赛

07/08 TOP OF THE DAY纪念全民族抗战爆发84周年/2021世界人工智能大会/3v3篮球赛

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NEWSON 7/8 *1.         BELLS RING TO HONOR WAR MARTYRS 警钟长鸣!纪念全民族抗战爆发84周年! *2.         SNEAK PEAK AT SOME OF THE NEW PRODUCTS AT WAIC AI科技新体验** 2021年世界人工智能大会即将拉开帷幕! *3.         BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT GATHERS YOUNG PLAYERS MAGIC 3上海市青少年三对三超级篮球赛开幕* -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------** 1.BELLS RING TO HONOR WAR MARTYRS The country today commemorated【纪念】the 84th anniversary of the July 7th Incident, which marked the beginning of the War of Resistance by the Chinese People Against Japanese Aggression. At the Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders, a peace assembly【集会】was held to mourn【哀悼】the over 300,000 victims killed in one of the most barbaric episodes of World War II. Song Wenjing has more. 国殇难忘,警钟长鸣。今天早上八点半,侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆举行撞响和平大钟仪式,代表了对30万死难者的追思和对和平的祈愿。 12 attendees struck the bell 13 times. Students, veterans【退伍军人】 and family members of the fallen were among those in attendance. Li Zhenming, the son of a survivor of the massacre, has been a volunteer at the Memorial Hall since 2018, when his father died at the age of 93. He called on everyone to remember the past and cherish peace. 南京大屠杀幸存者后代、学生代表和观众代表等12人,撞响大钟13声,寓意牢记国耻、珍爱和平。“紫金草学雷锋志愿服务队”成员李真铭在参加撞钟仪式后,心情久久不能平复。他的父亲李高山不仅是南京大屠杀幸存者,也是曾参加南京保卫战的抗战老兵。2018年,93岁的父亲离世后,他成为了侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆“紫金草学雷锋志愿服务队”的成员,传承历史记忆,传递和平之声。 INTERVIEW: Li Zhenming, the son of a survivor of the massacre 李真铭,南京大屠杀幸存者李高山之子 We have to remember this history and always believe that our lives will become better and better under the leadership of the CPC. Our dream will surely be achieved. 我们要铭记这段历史,要警钟长鸣。我也坚信在党的领导下,我们的日子一定会过得越来越好,我们的中国梦也一定能够实现。 The Nanjing Massacre took place when Japanese soldiers captured【攻占】 the city on December 13th, 1937. Over six weeks, the Japanese army killed at least 300,000 Chinese civilians and unarmed soldiers. Apart from Nanjing, the September 18th Historical Museum in Shenyang, Liaoning Province held a memorial event to mark the outbreak of the war. Poem readings and stories about the war years were particularly poignant【令人沉痛的】. 1937年12月13日,侵华日军攻占南京,进行了长达六个多星期的南京大屠杀,30余万中国平民和手无寸铁的士兵惨遭杀戮。除了南京,辽宁省沈阳市的九一八历史博物馆也举行了纪念活动,其中诗歌朗诵和关于战争年代的故事尤其令人心酸。 INTERVIEW: Sun Di, Deputy Director of Social Education Department of the September 18th Historical Museum 孙迪,沈阳九一八历史博物馆社教部副主任 We hope people will always remember this part of our history, especially young people. It’s important to pay tribute to the victims of the war. 激发大家的爱国情怀,让大家铭记历史,勿忘国耻,尤其是对青少年这一块,我觉得从小就培养他们的爱国主义情怀,将这种爱国的民族气节,根植于每一名少年的心中。 In February 2014, the National People’s Congress designated December 13th as the National Memorial Day. 为了悼念南京大屠杀死难者和所有在日本帝国主义侵华战争期间惨遭日本侵略者杀戮的死难者,2014年2月25日,第十二届全国人大常委会第七次会议决定,将12月13日设立为南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日。 **2.**SNEAK PEAK AT SOME OF THE NEW PRODUCTS AT WAIC The 20-21 World Artificial Intelligence Conference opens tomorrow. An early-bird exhibition opened today featuring over 10 new products. Zhang Hong tells us more. 2021世界人工智能大会将于明天(8日)正式拉开帷幕,展览今天(7日)在上海世博展览馆提前亮相。10余款全球首发、中国首发、首秀的新品,和观众见面。 An AI enabled humanoid robot by UBTech made its global debut【首次亮相】 at the exhibition. With six technologies including navigation, facial recognition, and deep learning, the robot is observant while its operating and is also a master of chess. A system by Yogo Robot is designed for robots working in buildings. It allows the robot to switch between its four functions: delivering packages, security, cleaning, and disinfection【消毒杀菌】. 展会上,这款全球首发的大型仿人服务机器人吸引了不少观众的目光。通过视觉导航、人脸识别、深度学习等六项人工智能技术,它可以做到耳听八方、眼观六路,快速行走毫不费力,下起象棋也能秒杀对方。而这款首次亮相的楼宇服务机器人系统,可以通过模块更换,自动变身成为不同类型的机器人,实现快递、安防、消杀、环卫四种不同功能。 INTERVIEW: Cai Xiaowei, the Co-founder of Yogo Robot 蔡晓玮,上海有个机器人有限公司联合创始人 The system will order the robots to carry out different tasks according to the time and requirements of people in the building.在整个楼宇体系下,它会按照楼宇不同的需求时间,提供不同的功能。 This year, more companies are showcasing products with a comprehensive use of AI technologies. For example, a new system allowing smart home appliances to work together. 在人工智能的应用方面,不同于以往的单个、局部展示,更多的企业把重点聚焦在了人工智能集成性、系统性的应用展示。借助人工智能,家电设备也能实现从单机智能,到不同家用设备间的协同工作。 INTERVIEW: Qiu Bu, Senior Vice President of A.O. Smith Corporation and President of A. O. Smith China Water Heater Co. Ltd.邱步, A.O.史密斯集团高级副总裁兼中国公司总裁We do have home appliances that can be connected to Wifi or to a phone. But this system is expected to provide consumers with a brand-new experience. The home appliances are all connected with each other. 它超越了传统家电的意义,比如上面带了Wi-Fi模块,或跟手机能连。它更多希望给消费者感受不到的体验,就是家里的主要设备其实都在互相通讯、互相交流。 A business leader said compared with the first World Artificial Intelligence Conference held in 2018, he found that products showcased this year have more application scenarios. 不少业内人士表示,在第一届人工智能大会上,不少企业带来的,只是概念性产品。到了今年,企业带来的产品,应用场景越来越丰富,功能越来越齐全。 INTERVIEW: Min Tan, CBO of UBTech 谭旻,优必选科技首席品牌官 The biggest change in the past three years is that various industries are blooming. This year, we saw new-generation technologies that can be applied in many scenarios.三年下来,最大的变化是各行各业的应用百花齐放。在这一届的人工智能大会上,我们看到领先于全世界的、场景应用的技术迭代都呈现出来了。 The World Artificial Intelligence Conference will open tomorrow. More than 1,000 speakers, including scientists, academics and business leaders will share opinions on topics such as AI in epidemics, averting【避免】a digital gap and AI with carbon neutrality. 2021年世界人工智能大会将于明日(8日)召开。大会演讲及参与圆桌嘉宾超过千位,其中包括顶尖科学家、国内外院士、知名企业家等。他们将深入探讨“可信AI”、“消弭数字鸿沟”、“AI与碳达峰碳中和”等热点议题。 **3.**BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT GATHERS YOUNG PLAYERS The 2021 Magic Three 3-on-3 Shanghai Basketball Youth Tournament tipped off last night featuring players from Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta. Chinese Basketball Association President and former NBA star Yao Ming attended the opening ceremony and cheered on the players. Zhang Yue tells us more. 7月6日,第三届MAGIC 3上海市青少年三对三超级篮球赛在渔阳正式拉开帷幕。开幕式上,前NBA球员、中国篮协主席姚明致贺辞。 More than 18,000 players signed up for this year’s event, with the majority from Shanghai. The tournament was organized by the Shanghai Administration of Sports and the Shanghai Education Administration and first held in 2019. 为进一步推进篮球运动发展,上海市体育局、上海市教育委员会自2019年起共同主办“MAGIC 3上海市青少年三对三超级篮球赛”。今年,共有18000名选手报名参赛,其中大多数为上海选手。 INTERVIEW: Ma Jintao, Basketball Boy, Student of Shanghai Pudong Foreign Affairs Service School 马锦涛,篮球少年,上海浦东外事服务学校学生 3-on-3 basketball is more exciting, but less formal than normal games. Those of all skill levels can join us. 三对三篮球赛更刺激,但不像常规比赛那么正式。拥有各种技能水平的人都可以加入我们。 Yao Ming said the event is a great opportunity to encourage more youngsters to play the sport, as 3-on-3 basketball will be an Olympic event for the first time this year. 姚明表示,三人篮球项目今年首次进入奥运会,三对三超级篮球赛是一个鼓励更多年轻人加入篮球运动的好机会。 INTERVIEW: Yao Ming, President of the Chinese Basketball Association 姚明,中国篮协主席 I believe the event will be a bridge to link the heart of young basketball players with Chinese national team members. I wish them the best as they pursue their dreams.我相信这个比赛将作为纽带,连接我们青少年选手,包括我们奥运选手的心。我也祝愿他们在各自的舞台上去追逐他们的梦想。 The tournament features three divisions -- the public group, elite group and Yangtze River Delta group. Five cities in Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangsu will host the Yangtze River Delta region group matches. Shanghai will host the finals on August 21st. 本次篮球赛分为大众组、精英组和长三角公开赛三个部分。大众组将分为分区赛、大区赛、总决赛三个阶段。精英组分为预选赛和总决赛两个阶段,长三角公开赛预选赛将在浙江、江苏、安徽的5个城市举行,并于8月21日在上海举办长三角公开赛决赛。 #热词加油站 commemorate【纪念】 assembly【集会】 mourn【哀悼】 veteran【退伍军人】 capture【攻占】 poignant【令人沉痛的】 debut【首次亮相】 disinfection【消毒杀菌】 avert【避免】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~