cover of episode 07/07 TOP OF THE DAY象棋AI有颗中国“芯”/ 藏乐响彻上音歌剧院/美国拒签中国留学生

07/07 TOP OF THE DAY象棋AI有颗中国“芯”/ 藏乐响彻上音歌剧院/美国拒签中国留学生

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NEWSON 7/6 1.AI ROBOT DEFEATS CHINESE CHESS GRAND MASTER 小原出道力克特级大师!象棋AI有颗中国 2.TIBETANS PRESENT MUSIC FROM THE CLOUDS 上音歌剧院迎来青藏高原的天籁之音 3. CHINA SLAMS U.S. OVER REJECTION OF CHINESE STUDENTS' VISAS 别开历史的倒车!中方就赴美留学签证问题向美方提出严正交涉 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.         AI ROBOT DEFEATS CHINESE CHESS GRAND MASTER The AI robot "Xiaoyuan" defeated a Chinese chess grand master today at Shanghai Jiao Tong University after one of the country’s top players conceded. Lei Shuran has more. 今天下午,由上海交通大学与上海燧原科技有限公司共同研发的中国象棋AI“小原”终于“出道”了!在交大校园内举行的一场特殊对弈上,国际级运动健将、象棋特级大师孙勇征与“小原”进行人机对抗实战,并以孙大师投子认输宣告了“小原”的强劲实力。 Hopes for a stirring and dramatic match didn’t materialize【实现】as grand master Sun Yongzheng resigned【屈从】in the first game after only several minutes. 原以为棋局会十分胶着,殊不知孙勇征在第一局开局后的几分钟便提前认输。 INTERVIEW: Sun Yongzheng, World-Class Athlete, Chinese Chess Grand Master 孙勇征,国际级运动健将、象棋特级大师 Humans have blind spots. Once the AI finds your weaknesses, it will win. I felt there was little hope to beat a robot, so I chose to admit defeat in advance.人嘛,总归有盲点,被它抓住了漏洞,最后它就得了子。感觉对着机器,机会很渺茫,我就选择了提前认输。 Xiaoyuan has played many top Chinese chess masters in the country and has a 97 percent win rate. Its developer said they have improved Xiaoyuan’s AI after collaborating with several partners. 目前燧原象棋小原已与中国象棋界多位顶级中国象棋大师对弈,并取得了斐然成绩,其中“小原”的对弈胜盘率可以达到97%以上,实战表现优越,对于解决象棋优化博弈等棋类游戏问题有着重要作用。上海燧原科技有限公司表示,燧原象棋“小原”可以利用现有的数十万高水平棋手竞赛历史数据进行监督学习,同时充分发挥燧原科技云燧的强大算力进行自弈学习,大大加速了这类训练任务里的复杂神经网络模型学习效率与收敛过程,比用传统CPU加速快了100倍。 INTERVIEW: Zhao Lidong, Co-Founder and CEO of Enflame 赵立东,上海燧原科技联合创始人兼CEO** It has a domestically developed chip, operating system and algorithm【算法】. This was our original vision for Xiaoyuan.国产的芯片、国产的平台、国产的算法开发,还是一个国粹的中国象棋。来做这件事情,这是一个初心。 INTERVIEW: Shan Xiali, President of Shanghai Chess Academy 单霞丽,上海棋院院长 We provided 300,000 to 400,000 chess manuals for the robot. It can be a training partner, or help promote the game on campuses and in communities.我们提供了三四十万量级(的棋谱),应对高水平可以作为陪练。对于一些推广普及进学校进社区,它可以起到很好的辅助作用。 In the future, Xiaoyuan’s calculation speed can be applied in other fields scientific experiment calculation, industrial control and social management. 人机对弈是一个展示机会。未来,燧原芯片还可以应用于科学实验计算、工业控制和社会管理。这是对中国人工智能发展和进步水平的展示。 2.** TIBETANS PRESENT MUSIC FROM THE CLOUDS A group of Tibetan musicians from Qinghai Province held a concert at ShangYinOpera House using instruments mostly unknown outside the remote plateau. Reporter Sun Siqi went backstage to learn about the instruments dating back more than 2,000 years, and what can be done to promote the music from the clouds. 7月3日晚,果洛州民族歌舞团与上海音乐学院交响乐团、音教系女声合唱团同台,在上音歌剧院共同完成“手牵手·心连心——《从黄河到长江》主题音乐会”。乐团表演时,除了钢琴外,组合里还有很多大家没见过甚至没听过的乐器。记者孙思琦在后台了解到,其中不少乐器动辄两千多年历史,被列为非遗乐器。 Hear the ethereal music from Tibetan vocalists and musicians ... The eagle bone flute and ox horn fiddle have been heard among herders for thousands of years in the grasslands more than 4,000 meters above sea level at Golog Prefecture in Qinghai Province, about 2,600 kilometers from Shanghai. 聆听着来自藏族歌手及乐手的天籁之音…… 从东海之滨到雪域高原,上海与青海横跨2600公里。远在海拔4000多米的草原上,鹰骨笛和牛角琴的琴声已经流传千年了。 INTERVIEW: The instrument is more than 2,700 years old, that is even earlier than Gesar’s time. We play it at holidays. You play it in the fall, when animals are breeding, and the cows, horses and sheep come and listen.这种乐器已有2700多年的历史,比格萨尔更为悠久。我们不只在节日庆典拉琴,每逢秋天,我一人放牧时,我也会对着牛羊马拉琴。 There’re very few who can play it now. Master Shide is one of them. It is an intangible【无形的】cultural heritage. The fiddle is made with local horsetail, lamb skin and ox horn. 遗憾的是,如今会拉玛曲牛角琴的人,只剩两三个,异常稀少。牛角做鼓身,羊皮做鼓面,马尾做琴弦,果洛州当地最常见的三种牲畜的元素,都在这件非遗乐器里得到体现。 The dragon head fiddle is a more commonplace【常见的】instrument among locals in Golog. 在果洛当地,牛角琴是一种十分常见的乐器。 INTERVIEW: Almost everybody knows how to play it where I’m from. We gather at holidays. We sing and play.在我的家乡,几乎每一个人都知道如何演奏这种乐器。每逢佳节,我们会聚集在一起弹琴唱歌。 The band members all hail from Golog. Tang Shengsheng of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music went to the prefecture last year as part of the conservatory’s support program and helped them compose songs combining their instruments with piano. 乐团成员皆来自果洛。上海音乐学院教师汤声声是上海音乐学院文化支援果洛藏族自治州项目的成员之一。去年,她亲临果洛,将民族乐器与钢琴相结合,帮助乐团谱曲。 INTERVIEW: We found a massive number of local instruments and styles with great potential. Nature inspires Tibetan musicians, and their music has great tempo and rhythm. It’s been an absolute pleasure working with them. I’d like to help young people outside delve into【探索】the treasure box that is our folk music, and know that there isn’t just the erhu and pipa. 我们发现当地的乐器和音乐风格拥有巨大潜力。大自然是藏族乐手的灵感来源。他们的音乐具有很强的节奏型。我非常高兴能和他们一起工作。我很乐意帮助国外的年轻人深入探索我们的民族音乐,让他们知道中国的民族乐器不仅仅有二胡和琵琶。 What belongs to our folk music is essentially part of the world’s music, and can go international. And modern musicians should work to discover it, create and re-create music with it. 中国的民族音乐本质上是世界音乐的一部分,并且可以“走出去”。现代音乐家应该努力去发掘它,从而进行音乐的创造与再创造。 The Tibetan musicians say they feel emboldened by the trip and hope to go international one day. The band will tour to Xining in Qinghai this month and to Beijing in September. 西藏乐手表示,通过此次音乐之旅,他们备受鼓舞。他们希望能够走出高原,走向世界。该乐团计划本月在青海西宁进行公演,9月在北京进行公演。 3.** CHINA SLAMS U.S. OVER REJECTION OF CHINESE STUDENTS' VISAS** Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said China has expressed grave concern and lodged stern representations with the United States...over the rejection of visa applications from Chinese students who had obtained offers to study in the U.S. Zhao made the remarks in response to media reports that over 500 Chinese students who plan to pursue postgraduate studies in STEM majors in the U.S. were denied a visa today. 近日,500多名中国留学生联名致信中国驻美国大使馆,反映他们赴美留学签证申请被美方拒绝。对此,外交部发言人赵立坚7月6日表示,近日部分中国留学生在申请赴美签证时,被美方以违反特朗普政府时期签署的第10043号总统令为由拒绝,中方对此表示严重关切,已向美方提出严正交涉。 INTERVIEW: Zhao Lijian, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 赵立坚,中国外交部发言人 The visa restrictions based on a presidential order signed during former President Trump’s tenure severely damaged the lawful rights and interests of Chinese students and the normal cultural exchange between the two countries. The U.S. needs to correct its mistakes, stop the baseless suppression of international students, and create a good environment for communication and cooperation between the two nations.美方有关签证限制措施延续了特朗普政府时期的遗毒。这也与美方自我标榜的开放自由等理念完全背道而驰,与开展国际人才交流的时代潮流背道而驰,与中美两国人民开展友好交流的共同愿望背道而驰,是开历史倒车。中方敦促美方纠正错误,重新审议有关中国留学生赴美留学签证申请,停止利用各种借口对中国留学生无端限制和打压,保护他们的正当合法权益,为中美人文交流与教育合作营造良好氛围。 #热词加油站 materialize【实现】 resign【屈从】 algorithm【算法】 intangible【无形的】 commonplace【常见的】 delve into【探索】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~