cover of episode 07/07 TOP NEWS 丨 上海吸引企业进驻五个新城 /上海市域铁路开工 /英国大臣辞职

07/07 TOP NEWS 丨 上海吸引企业进驻五个新城 /上海市域铁路开工 /英国大臣辞职

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NEWS ON 07/06 1.GOVERNMENT WORKS TO ATTRACT COMPANIES TO 5 NEW TOWNS *提升能级彰显特色,上海吸引企业进驻五个新城 *2.CONSTRUCTION STARTS ON COMMAND CENTER FOR INTRACITY RAIL S YSTEM 上海市域铁路“超级大脑”开工* 3.KEY U.K. MINISTERS RESIGN IN PROTEST OF PM’ S LEADERSHIP 为抗议首相约翰逊,英国两名重量级阁员同日辞职* -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.*GOVERNMENT WORKS TO ATTRACT COMPANIES TO 5 NEW TOWNS 提升能级彰显特色,上海吸引企业进驻五个新城 The Shanghai government issued a plan to attract companies to locate in one of five new towns in Jiading, Qingpu, Songjiang, Fengxian and Nanhui. The companies are expected to boost提高 RD capabilities and public services in these areas. Zhang Hong tells us more. 上海市政府发布计划,预计吸引各大企业进驻“嘉定、青浦、松江、奉贤和南汇”五个新城。入驻的企业将不断提高自身领域的研发能力,优化公共服务。记者张泓为您带来更多报道。 In Fengxian New Town, Shanghai Electric will set up a renewable energy subsidiary, which it expects will contribute to the new town’s development in terms of eco-friendly planning and zero-carbon industrial parks.  上海电气将在奉贤组建新能源公司,将在绿色新城规划、零碳产业园区、智能基础设施协同等方面,助力奉贤新城建设。 金孝龙 上海电气副总裁 There will be an "International Digital Sea" Industrial Park in Fengxian New Town that offers services for the renewable energy sector. And there will also be a wind power station in the area. This matches our business strategy.  我们未来会在奉贤新城规划一个“数字江海”产业园,为可再生能源领域提供服务。同时还会规划一座海上风电站。这些方面跟新能源发展公司的业务是高度吻合的。 In Jiading New Town, construction has started on Shanghai Measurement Center for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles. It is the first of its kind in China. 在嘉定新城,“上海市氢燃料电池汽车产业计量中心”重大功能项目已开始动工。这在国内尚属首例。 申亚飞 上海市氢燃料电池汽车产业计量中心总工程师 We will be able to offer measurement services for RD work in the entire hydrogen*【 fuel cell vehicle industrial chain. 我们能够为氢燃料电池汽车整个产业链上的、所有的技术研发阶段的工作,提供计量技术服务。 Also in Jiading, construction has begun on Eastmoney Fintech Research Institute. It will focus on finding new applications for digital technologies in financial services. This is expected to boost the growth of advanced manufacturing companies.In Songjiang New Town, the South Branch of Shanghai General Hospital is being expanded. 同样在嘉定,“东方财富金融科技研究院” 重大功能项目也已开工建设。该项目将专注开发“数字技术”在金融服务领域的新应用,有利于先进制造业公司的发展。在松江新城,市一南院正在实施二期扩建工程。 刘军 上海市第一人民医院副院长 A national-level ophthalmology center, plus urology, hematology and gastroenterology departments will all be located in Songjiang. We also want to make bio-pharmaceutical breakthroughs as we’re close to companies in the G60 Sci-tech Corridor.  我们国家的眼科中心、泌尿外科、血液科、消化科等国家临床重点专科都将落户松江,未来会在松江进一步发展壮大。我们希望能依托G60科创走廊,在生物医药的产学研方面取得突破。 A Shanghai Development and Reform Commission official said both city and district level governments will introduce incentives激励 to attract high-quality businesses to the new towns. 上海市发改委的一位工作人员表示,市政府和各个区政府都将出台激励政策,吸引高质量企业入驻各大新城。 2.CONSTRUCTION STARTS ON COMMAND CENTER FOR INTRACITY RAIL S YSTEM 上海市域铁路“超级大脑”开工** Construction began today on a commuter train control and operation center as more than 1,000 kilometers of new intra-city railway are planned in Shanghai by 2035. Once complete, the length of the rail transit system will match the city’s Metro network. Sun Siqi fills us in on the details. 今天(7.6),上海市域铁路调度、运营和技能培训中心工程正式动工。在2035年,上海将建设总里程超过1000公里的市域铁路网络。一旦建成,上海市轨道交通系统将与城市地铁网络相匹配。记者孙思奇为您带来更多报道。 The center is next to Hongqiao Airport at the intersection of Shenkun Road and West Tianshan Road. The design has been inspired by a ring of clouds. This will be the brain of Shanghai’s future rail transit train system, which will include the Rail Transit Link Airport Express connecting Hongqiao and Pudong airports. The project also features a railroad between Jiading and Minhang and another in Nanhui. Construction is scheduled for completion in 2024, which is when the Airport Express will open.  项目位于申昆路、天山西路西北侧地块内,毗邻虹桥机场。建筑以"超能云环"为设计意向,呈环形样貌。该项目未来将承担起线网调度、信息交换、应急指挥功能,成为上海轨道交通系统的大脑,还将包括连接虹桥和浦东机场的轨道交通机场联络线。同时,嘉闵线、南汇支线等市域铁路也在推进建设中。整个项目计划于2024年与机场联络线同步开通运营。 上海申铁投资有限公司工会主席 吴俊 The commuter trains travel faster than the subway. They go up to 160 kilometers an hour. The stations are farther apart, and the trains will run at higher capacity and efficiency.  首先市域铁路的速度比较快,达到了时速160公里。同时它的站间距比较长,运能也更加高效。 This is part of several projects that commenced**【开始 across the city today. In Qingpu New Town, a 4-kilometer stretch of Waiqingsong Highway is being altered.  这是今天(7.6)在全市范围内开工的一部分项目。在青浦新城,外青松公路功能提升改造工程也正式开工,总长度约4公里。 周敏 青浦新城发展(集团)有限公司副总工程师 Once complete, cars and trucks will be in different lanes. Those who live in Qingpu New Town will travel in the center, trucks will be re-directed to other main roads in Qingpu New Town, and those just passing through will use the underpass.  这个项目可以实现客货运分离的需求。过境车辆全从地道走,再把货运通过交通枢纽的功能牵引到其它干道上,在上部道路实现“居民优先”的态势。 The stretch is near where Qingpu New Town Station will be built. 未来的外青松公路将靠近即将建成的青浦新城站。 3.KEY U.K. MINISTERS RESIGN IN PROTEST OF PM’ S LEADERSHIP 为抗议首相约翰逊,英国两名重量级阁员同日辞职** Three British cabinet ministers, including Health Secretary Sa’jid Javid and Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Su’nak, resigned辞职 in protest over Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s leadership on Tuesday. Sun Siqi has more. 包括英国卫生大臣贾维德和财政大臣苏纳克在内的三名英国内阁大臣于周二辞职,以抗议首相鲍里斯·约翰逊的领导。记者孙思奇为您带来更多报道。 Javid said he had lost confidence in Johnson’s ability to govern in the national interest following a series of scandals, saying he could no longer continue in good conscience, while Sunak criticized the government’s lack of competence**【能力.  英国卫生大臣贾维德表示,在一系列丑闻之后,他对约翰逊政府的执政能力失去信心。他本人也对约翰逊失去了信心,称约翰逊不能再问心无愧地继续执政。而财政大臣苏纳克则批评约翰逊政府能力不足。 记者VS贾维德 英国前卫生大臣  - How do you feel about your resignation?

  • Good evening. I’m just going to go and spend some time with my family. Thank you for coming. Thank you. 您对辞职有何感想? 晚上好。我现在正准备去和家人共度时光。感谢您的采访。 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a swift cabinet reshuffle改组 Tuesday following the shock resignations. Steve Barclay, previously chief of staff at Downing Street, has been appointed as the new health secretary, while Nadhim Zahawi, previously secretary of state for education, has replaced Sunak as the new Chancellor.Months of scandals have dogged困扰 Johnson and his government, casting doubt on the Conservatives’ future in the next general election in 2024. Johnson issued a formal apology on Tuesday for his handling of allegations of sexual misconduct by a senior member of his government after days of pressure. The P.M. has faced pressure to explain what he knew about previous misconduct行为不端 allegations against lawmaker Chris Pincher, who resigned as deputy chief whip amid complaints that he groped触摸 two men at a private club. 在令人震惊的辞职风波后,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊于周二迅速进行了内阁改组。前唐宁街幕僚长史蒂夫·巴克利(SteveBarclay)已被任命为新的卫生大臣,而前教育国务秘书纳迪姆·扎哈维(NadhimZahawi)已取代苏纳克(Sunak)出任新的财政大臣。几个月的丑闻困扰着约翰逊和他的政府,人们已对保守党在未来2024年的大选产生了怀疑。周二,约翰逊就“处理一名政府高级官员的性行为不端指控”发表了正式道歉。官员克里斯·平彻(Chris Pincher)因在一家私人俱乐部触摸了两名男子而辞去保守党副党鞭的职位。首相鲍里斯·约翰逊正面临舆论压力,被要求针对“克里斯·平彻(Chris Pincher)的不当行为举报”一事进行官方表态。 约翰逊 英国首相 About three years ago there was a complaint made against Chris Pincher in the Foreign Office. The complaint was cleared up, he apologized. It was raised with me orally, I was briefed on what had happened and if I had my time again I would think back on it and recognize that he wasn’t going to learn any lessons, he wasn’t going to change. 大约三年前,平彻还在外交部的时候被投诉过。但当时投诉解决了,平彻也道歉了,我被口头告知发生了什么事情。如果时光能倒流,我会重新审视这个事情,并意识到,如果平彻没有得到任何教训的话,那么他也不会有任何行为上的改变。 U.K. opposition Labour leader Keir Starmer said he would welcome a snap election, and that he believed the country needed a change of government. 英国反对党工党领袖斯塔默(Keir Starmer))说,他支持英国大选提前举行。他认为英国需要更换政府。 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to resign on Thursday, British media outlets including the BBC have reported.  据英国广播公司报道,英国首相约翰逊将于7日辞去保守党党首职务,但会留任首相至今年秋季。

#热词加油站  boost /buːst/【提高】 hydrogen/ˈhaɪdrədʒən/【氢】 incentives/ɪnˈsɛntɪvz/【激励】 commenced/kəˈmenst/【开始】 resigned/rɪˈzaɪnd/【辞职】 competence/ˈkɒmpɪtəns/【能力】 reshuffle/ˈriːʃʌfl/【改组】 dogged/ˈdɒɡɪd/【困扰】 misconduct/ˌmɪsˈkɒndʌkt/【行为不端】 groped/ɡrəʊpt/【触摸】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~